Virginia Not Ready to Criminalize Parents Who Reject Child’s Transgender Identity. Not Yet.

Delegate Elizabeth Guzman. Social workers know best!

by James A. Bacon

Delegate Elizabeth Guzman, D-Prince William, stirred the hornet’s nest when she told WJLA last week that she would reintroduce a bill to expand the definition of child abuse to include inflicting “physical or mental injury” on children due to their gender identity or sexual orientation. Republicans criticized the criminalization of parental rights. The story went viral nationally before other local media had a chance to touch it.

The bill is so crazy (see Kerry Dougherty’s post below) that many Democrats have made a point of distancing themselves as well. But not all.

It’s worth noting that the original bill introduced in 2020 had two co-patrons: Del. Ibraheem Samirah, D-Herndon, and Senator Joe Morrissey, D-Richmond.

Also, while House Minority Leader Don L. Scott Jr., D-Portsmouth, declared that Guzman had assured him that she would not reintroduce a bill, he proceeded to defend her, according to The Washington Post. “She said her comments were taken out of context and that she does not want to criminalize any parents.”

How were her comments taken out of context? The original WJLA report said that Guzman, a social worker by profession, wanted parents to face criminal charges “if they do not affirm their child’s sexual orientation and gender identity.” Some Republican commentators took the use of the word “affirm” to refer to parents denying gender-affirming medical treatments.

In truth, the word “affirm” does not appear in the bill. However, that’s not to say that critics don’t have ample cause for concern. Here is what the 2020 bill said (my bold):

“Abused or neglected child” means any child less than 18 years of age … whose parent or other person responsible for his care creates or inflicts … a physical or mental injury on the basis of the child’s gender identity or sexual orientation.

The question then becomes defining what constitutes a “mental injury.”

According to the Post, WJLA followed up with additional quotes from the Guzman interview:

“Are you saying non-affirming parents are committing abuse against their children if they don’t affirm their gender identity or sexual orientation?” asked reporter Nick Minock.

“No,” Guzman said, “I’m not saying that.”

But it does not matter what Guzman says her intent is. What matters is how the language of the bill can be interpreted. More precisely, how would a future Democratic gubernatorial administration interpret the language? How would “progressive” school districts interpret it? How would “progressive” advocacy groups and lawyers filing lawsuits interpret it?

Many transgender activists contend that failure to affirm a child’s transgender identity can cause mental anguish and increase the risk of suicide. It defies credulity to think that these same activists would decline to argue that parents who refuse to accept a child’s transgender identity are inflicting a mental injury upon the child.

Fortunately, moderate Democrats, such as U.S. Representative Abigail Spanberger, who is running for re-election, are treating the bill as radioactive, there is zero chance in the current political environment that it will pass.

On the other hand, the totalitarian impulse to assert the power of the state over the power of parents is not likely to go away. I see the Guzman flap as a trial balloon. She tested the idea. It didn’t fly. The time is not right. But we’ve all seen how ideas that were unthinkable five years ago are mainstream today. Virginians need to be eternally vigilant against activists who think they know better than parents how to raise their own children.

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12 responses to “Virginia Not Ready to Criminalize Parents Who Reject Child’s Transgender Identity. Not Yet.”

  1. Crosswalks to Nowhere Avatar
    Crosswalks to Nowhere

    Happy Monday, it’s time for your daily Trans kid article. Bacon’s Rebellion, where we talk more about trans kids than trans people.

    1. Bacon’s Rebellion: Where Statues Have More Advocates Than Trans Kids

  2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “…the definition of child abuse to include inflicting “physical or mental injury” on children due to their gender identity or sexual orientation. Republicans criticized upon the criminalization of parental rights.”

    Yeah, parents have the God-given right to inflict physical and mental injury on their children for any reason they please!! How dare she…?!

    1. It is already illegal (a Class 4 felony) to willfully cause physical harm to a child for any reason. Why is this new law needed?

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        I think the issue lies with “mental injury”…

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” In truth, the word “affirm” does not appear in the bill.”

    “Are you saying non-affirming parents are committing abuse against their children if they don’t affirm their gender identity or sexual orientation?” asked reporter Nick Minock.

    “No,” Guzman said, “I’m not saying that.”

    But it does not matter what Guzman says her intent is.”

    This is how Conservatives work issues these days.

    It’s a lie to say the word “affirm” was used and then use that to demonize …..

    and the justification is: ” But it does not matter what Guzman says her intent is.”

    ” On the other hand, the totalitarian impulse to assert the power of the state over the power of parents is not likely to go away. ”

    This is why BR is not VPAP “news”.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      I suspect Guzman said what she said in her first interview and then after the blowup has been backing and filling. This is just like the “hate crime” nonsense. Child abuse or neglect is a crime no matter what the motive, but pandering to favored subgroups is the political move these days, so let’s create special recognition for them in the child abuse statute and then, next, the hate crime statute.

    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      I have to agree with Jim. “Mental anguish” is a pretty vague term, which can be interpreted in many ways. And advocates for transgender children have contended that these kids undergo mental stress when their parents do not accept their feelings of gender dysphoria. A school counselor or social worker (like Guzman) could consider this “mental anguish”.

      I hope that Jim extends his definition of “totalitarian impulse to assert the power of the state over the power of parents” to any attempts, such as the ones in Texas, Florida, and Alabama to label the use of puberty blockers as child abuse. That also is the state “asserting power over the power of parents” to do what they feel is right for their child.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I don’t have a problem at all with an ensuing discussion and debate over what “mental anguish” is and is not.

        What I object to is claiming that words like “affirm” were used and then what-a-boutism to the point of saying “totalitarianism” is next.

        This is not legitimate Conservatism on the merits in my book.

      2. killerhertz Avatar

        Giving your children puberty blockers is not much different from genital mutilation. In fact, I’d prefer the latter as a more cost efficient option of reducing the future liberal voter population and gene pool.

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    I will repeat (for this Kerry article part deux – click bait much?) that Sherlock stated unequivocally that he would call CPS in if any child asked for him to keep their sexual orientation from their (non-affirming?) parents. But no JAB or Kerry article pulling the “parents rights” fire alarm then… can’t fathom why…

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      sounds like JAB is right there with Kerry.

      Don’t expect consistency or arguments on the merits. …just go straight to “totalitarian impulse”(s). It plays so well with the wackadoodles.

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