Virginia Needs More Brave Teachers Like Christel Coman

The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) closed out comments on its proposed new guidelines for evaluating teachers on its Regulatory Town Hall two weeks ago. Jim Sherlock critiqued the standards on

Bacon’s Rebellion, but nary a peep was heard anywhere else in the media.

If accepted in the current form, teachers will be evaluated on their willingness to incorporate left-wing dogma about racial and gender identity into their classrooms. One of the “performance indicators” will require teachers to “eradicate discrimination and bias” while addressing “classroom  power imbalances (based on race, ethnicity, gender, identity, ability and/or socioeconomic status) that perpetuate fear and anxiety of difference.”

Thanks to the media blackout on the imposition of Cultural Marxism in Virginia schools, the Regulatory Town Hall received only one comment, submitted by Christel Coman. But it’s a doozy. I replicate her comment in full. — JAB

Today is Mother’s Day — which gives me a perfect vantage point from which to reflect on the children and grandchildren in our family. It also brings to mind a 5th grader in my school who gave me a gift the other day — one of those multi-colored “rubber-band” rings. My reflections and that simple gesture — that silly little multi-colored “rubber-band” ring — said it all. For you see, that student walked with classmates of all persuasions and they liked each — some perhaps loved each other in the sense that good, lasting friendships have built-in. So you see….

NO — I will not be bullied by this push to assert that group membership defines the essence of humanity.

NO — I will not play into this identity politics and narrative that asserts a belief that one race made, makes, and continues to make everything horrible for another race. NO –I will not teach one child to hate another because their skin color is different.  NO — I will not each any child that they are not capable of achieving the best that God has bestowed upon them — individually and not as part of a group — because “someone else” won’t allow this because of some implicit privilege. NO — I will not teach any child to hate our country — the best that this world can ever imagine — warts and all. The Declaration of Independence does not need to be rewritten, it needs to be re-read. NO — I will not teach any child that the greatest country on earth is a 400- year-old system of racist oppression and that institutionalized racism has, as the Virginia Commission on African American History Education proclaimed, “…seeped into systems that impact every individual and every aspect of American life, including our classrooms.” Rather, I WILL teach them that America is exceptional because of its continuous pursuit of liberty and justice for all to keep that promise of a more perfect union.

So, I guess by now you want to hurl the word “racist” at me. Go ahead, I have my “big-girl pants” on — and I am not afraid. Courage, like anything else, has to be practiced every day – one brick at a time. I am not a racist, never have been, never will be. I believe that every SINGLE person has the ability, the right, the opportunity to be the very best that THEY can be — not because they belong to a group or not belong to a group — but because they are who they are. I am neither a victim nor privileged, but it is not acceptable to blame the world’s woes on me because I am White. It wouldn’t be acceptable if it were reversed. My life — accomplishments and failures, warts and all — has been shaped by the family lessons learned and MY decisions, MY efforts, MY hard work. Will outcomes turn out the same for everyone? NO — the strength of our culture and humanity is that we are all different. So, when someone tries to guilt you with the term “equity” and how could you not believe in that — you better understand what is really being said. Could I have become a rocket scientist or an astronaut? NO — but not because “some group” prevented it, but because I didn’t have the skill set in myself to be it. What is key, though, is that I had the equal opportunity to pursue it.

Now you want to add a component to an evaluation tool to judge my ability to be a teacher on whether or not I can be “successfully indoctrinated” by these attempts to rewrite our history and to make sure that I am “culturally responsive.” It’s insulting enough for the AAHE Commission to imply — implicitly (there’s that word again) — that because 52% of Virginia’s students are young people of color while 82% of Virginia’s educators are White that they are being educated by people who do not “…understand what it takes to adequately teach African American history,” and as such “…demonstrates a need for more robust professional development to equip the Commonwealth’s largely White educator workforce to engage in culturally responsive pedagogy that facilitates deeper learning opportunities and a sense of belonging for their students.” NO — you will NOT hurl group guilt, class guilt, racial guilt — whatever you want to define it as — onto me.

To imply that the color of one’s skin determines the level of human understanding and connection that people can make with each other is unacceptable. I want you to hear that loud and clear — it is not acceptable. Should only Jewish educators teach Jewish children? Should only Germans teach Germans? But don’t kid yourself into thinking that separating and dividing us on the premise of being against racism is not the implicit agenda. Remember Amanda Gorman? The up-and-coming poet at the presidential inauguration? The poet who wants to be identified with an oppressed group? This is the same poet who attended a private school in Santa Monica with a tuition averaging $42,000/year; and don’t forget her Harvard University education. Just recently, her poetry was to be translated into Dutch. The translator initially selected was chosen based on linguistic ability and skill, not to mention that the “woke crowd” was thrilled with the translator’s preference for the pronouns “they/them.” But, that translator was CANCELLED because of the color of their skin. You guessed it — they were White, and as such could not possibly be able to understand the poem’s sentiments. Is that where we are going?

You want to judge my teaching ability on whether or not I can “deliver” this new “think,” this new narrative of history. Think again. I have no objection to reviewing curriculum content. But do it through more than one lens. Have the courageous conversations. If you want to talk about slavery, then present the complete picture not a targeted view. Slavery was not — and has never been — just an American horror. Those wanting to “educate” me — and then “quantify” my teaching ability should thoroughly educate themselves on all the components and players that comprised the slavery issues — not the least of which is that it was not only Whites who owned slaves.

I will not contribute to a world — to a future for OUR children — in which division and hate, applied victimhood and fault decide their path. To paraphrase Douglas Murray, a British author and political commentator, we each only really have two choices: To speak the truth and like ourselves OR to continue to speak falsehoods and learn to hate ourselves.  As H. Jackson Brown so eloquently stated, “Live so that when your children think of fairness, caring, and integrity, they think of you.”  So, you know which choice I made.

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30 responses to “Virginia Needs More Brave Teachers Like Christel Coman”

  1. tmtfairfax Avatar

    And yet Fairfax County hired Kevin Davis as Police Chief even though he was successfully sued twice for violence against African Americans.

    1. JAMES Avatar

      Does he work for the Fairfax County School Board?

  2. Walter Hadlock Avatar
    Walter Hadlock

    In would have been helpful for the writer to have at least identified where she teaches. Even a county would help.

    1. tmtfairfax Avatar

      So they can go after her job?

    2. A Google search reveals that she teaches in Campbell County.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        and she is President of the teacher “union”, right?

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        Cambell County is Right Wing Central!

        2020 election – Donald J. Trump 71.07%

        ” Campbell County supervisors have passed a resolution rejecting Gov. Ralph Northam’s recent executive order, declaring the county a “First Amendment sanctuary” and directing the county to express opposition to the governor’s new safety guidelines that limit the size of gatherings, among other restrictions.

        Northam’s executive order, issued last month, caps indoor and outdoor gatherings to no more than 25 people in an effort to suppress the spread of COVID-19 as cases climb locally and nationally. It also directs restaurants and bars to stop on-site alcohol sales at 10 p.m. and close by midnight.

        The county’s new resolution, approved unanimously Tuesday evening by the Campbell County Board of Supervisors, parallels the Second Amendment sanctuary resolution passed by the board more than a year ago and calls for the rejection of Northam’s mandates, which the board deems “unconstitutional.”

        The proposed resolution states the governor’s mandate is in violation of the Constitution of Virginia and seeks to oppose enforcement of the executive order. Specifically, it states no county funds will be used to restrict “the First Amendment,” and requests the sheriff’s office “not assist any state law enforcement officer, state health agent or federal agent” attempting to enforce the order.”

        So, no real surprise from Christel Coman.

        My bet is that she is running for office.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          I hope she runs for office. We could use a pair of decent US Senators.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Maybe. Pretty sure she’d crash and burn outside of rural Va.

            Even with the schools issues, people in NoVa are not likely to go for her.

            If Conservatives really want to win State offices in Va, they’re going to have to “stretch” beyond their base – without losing their base. Not saying it can’t be done – it can – but not easy.

          2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Your observation is a good one Mr. Larry. I can think of somebody he did that trick not once but twice. Lawrence Douglas Wilder. I think conservatives can patch together an unlikely coalition of voters.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            I’d like to see Conservatives do more than “patch together” on a wish and a hope but they’re going to have to pay attention to the interests of those outside their base.

            On things like public education, it’s going to take more that heaping blame on others.. they need to have an optimistic view of the future – something that people will trust and support.

            Might be interesting to see if the concept of “vouchers” will fly in NoVa and similar.

          4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Your team is going down this time Mr. Larry. They are lousy soft ball players. No stopping it.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            I vote for the best guy, believe me. But Conservatives cannot be culture war types. There are a few left. I listen to them and their vision for the future. If they litigate the past and harp on culture war stuff – they’re out.

            I’m thinking I’m not alone on that – especially for places like NoVa.

            McAuliffe is going to be tough to beat , well funded, starting early and unless he got caught raping a goat or something, going to sail and carry down-ballot with him.

            Youngkin will have to work to win over anyone not in the base – and in doing so will piss off some of the hard right base – count on it.

        2. JAMES Avatar

          The whole county should be jailed, don’t you think?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            No. Of course not! But we should know who they are! And they are CLEARLY not a nest of left wing liberals!

    3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Campbell County Virginia south of Lynchburg.

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    A brave stand in the wind. I salute Ms. Coman. If you said such a thing in Loudoun or Fairfax County you would be on paid administrative leave pending a review by some artificial board of equity.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Well, she didn’t use the word Marxism, so James threw ii in gratuitously.

  5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “I am neither a victim nor privileged, but it is not acceptable to blame the world’s woes on me because I am White.”

    So… “I’m not a victim but I am fine playing one on my public soap box…”

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      All three of you Usual Suspect jerks are sputtering to try to deal with or deflect that powerful statement. It needs much wider distribution now…

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        lectures and insults – the language of Conservatism… and the irony of calling others “jerks”… geeze…

        1. JAMES Avatar

          Shoe fits.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            only “fits” for those who can’t deal with realities… just call names instead.

            Conservative types have no optimistic view of the future. It’s all crap to them.

            Not so good at governance.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Yes. Both feet.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      “Not my fault because I’m white so stop talking about it”!

      This is coming from a teacher, the head of the education association who KNOWs that not all kids show up with the same abilities and more than a few need some “help” to overcome their disabilities.

      Take a child with dyslexia or one with problems with math or a kid with English as a second language.

      Is the purpose of public education NOT to give them extra resources to help them achieve their potential?

      How we look at this and see it as a “white” thing is beyond me. It’s not a “white” thing. It’s not a “Blame” thing. It’s the essential purpose of public education over private education where parents wealth determines how much “help” their kid gets.

      The additional irony is parents of kids with autism or other special needs. Where would they be without public education and yet, some oppose equity for other kids, as long as their own gets extra.

      None other than Jefferson himself knew that public education was integral to Democracy and what separated the US from places like England where the gentry was educated and wealthy and others were indentured servants or slaves.

      The problem is that we tie neighborhoods to schools and the school often reflects the demographics of the neighborhood and resources are not the same at the different schools.

      We hear a LOT about how bad Richmond Schools are – and they ARE – but has anyone noticed that nearby Henrico has the same problem with some of their schools?

      One might ask in both cases – are the parents of the kids that are failing, themselves poorly educated and if so how did that happen? Their parents were poorly educated also? So, generations of these parents were poorly educated? How did that happen that parents and their parents got poor educations?

      And that happened in Richmond (and Henrico) school all along with multiple administrations and continues to this day?

      Campbell County is different. It does not have the demographic stratification because of it’s rural demographics and all kids from all neighborhoods, rich or poor likely attend the same schools. There are fewer or even no – “neighborhood” schools. They are “county” schools serving the county.

      1. WayneS Avatar

        Once again, you assigned someone you do not know a position and then criticized them for it.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Nope. Was addressing the spoken words – not the person. You get confused on this or can’t distinguish between comments on concepts versus comments on specific people.

          1. WayneS Avatar

            When did the person whose spoken words you you were [allegedly] addressing say: “Not my fault because I’m white so stop talking about it”!, or even present it as a “concept”?

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Was paraphrasing a mindset that has been expressed in general.

            Got issues again? Need to be personal?


    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      The problem isn’t being blamed for being white,…

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