Virginia Missing Children: 400

Each year, more than a half million children go missing in the United States. In Virginia, 2,500 children have been reported missing (presumably this year) and 400 are actively missing, according to a press release touting a National Child ID partnership to be announced today by Attorney General Jason Miyares and Virginia Tech football coaching legend Frank Beamer.

One quarter of all human trafficking cases include a child, and minority populations are three times more likely to go missing or be abducted, says the press release.

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29 responses to “Virginia Missing Children: 400”

  1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    More information will help spread the word. 400 is the the same as 1.

  2. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    More information will help spread the word. 400 is the the same as 1.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    It’s 400 despite the “right” of the parents to decide what is best for their child in school, right?

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      It’s 400 despite the endless love and attention provided by school employees who hope to operate in lieu of parents, right?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        In some cases, probably yes. For some kids, school is the only sane constant in their lives and they lose that when they run away.

        Conservatives are dumbasses when it comes to this issue, because in their mind every family should be Ozzie & Harriet … and the real world is not that way and we have to recognize it and deal
        with it and that means some teachers, some other adults who are not the parents and social services and the courts. Some parents should NOT be in charge of their kids NOR should they be the ones to decide. And it’s NOT just one parent families either!

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Libtwits are the dumbasses assuming that a teacher with a class of 30 who spends 5 minutes a day with a kid is better able to guide that child than the child’s parents. Where have I seen this before? Oh yeah, the Hitler Youth. Replace the parents with the state and let the bureaucrats in Gub’mint take control.

          If parents are not effectively in charge of their children then family services should be called and the children taken away from the parents with due process. That’s a sad situation that happens every day. What should NOT happen is the implicit authorization of every teacher, school counselor and administrator to assume parental responsibility without any discussion with the parents or involvement of the courts.

        2. DJRippert Avatar

          Libtwits are the dumbasses assuming that a teacher with a class of 30 who spends 5 minutes a day with a kid is better able to guide that child than the child’s parents. Where have I seen this before? Oh yeah, the Hitler Youth. Replace the parents with the state and let the bureaucrats in Gub’mint take control.

          If parents are not effectively in charge of their children then family services should be called and the children taken away from the parents with due process. That’s a sad situation that happens every day. What should NOT happen is the implicit authorization of every teacher, school counselor and administrator to assume parental responsibility without any discussion with the parents or involvement of the courts.

        3. DJRippert Avatar

          Libtwits are the dumbasses assuming that a teacher with a class of 30 who spends 5 minutes a day with a kid is better able to guide that child than the child’s parents. Where have I seen this before? Oh yeah, the Hitler Youth. Replace the parents with the state and let the bureaucrats in Gub’mint take control.

          If parents are not effectively in charge of their children then family services should be called and the children taken away from the parents with due process. That’s a sad situation that happens every day. What should NOT happen is the implicit authorization of every teacher, school counselor and administrator to assume parental responsibility without any discussion with the parents or involvement of the courts.

        4. DJRippert Avatar

          Libtwits are the dumbasses assuming that a teacher with a class of 30 who spends 5 minutes a day with a kid is better able to guide that child than the child’s parents. Where have I seen this before? Oh yeah, the Hitler Youth. Replace the parents with the state and let the bureaucrats in Gub’mint take control.

          If parents are not effectively in charge of their children then family services should be called and the children taken away from the parents with due process. That’s a sad situation that happens every day. What should NOT happen is the implicit authorization of every teacher, school counselor and administrator to assume parental responsibility without any discussion with the parents or involvement of the courts.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Hitler right? Ya’ll have totally radicalized these days.

            Tell me who decides to call family services – who starts that process?

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Seriously, Larry? You are an idiot political hack. AOC will go stage her fake picture and that’s the whole story? You are impossible to have any constructive conversation with. Please spread your idiocy on a Dem site where you can all virtue signal and convince yourselves how wonderful your compassion is, while doing nothing to help.
            Here are the facts – about 2 million have come in the last year because SlowJoe and his fellow Marxists (Obamaites) are intentionally breaking the law. These people are being trafficked. The border is wide open. Women are being sexually abused and sold into sex slavery and the drug cartels control the border. They are making money hand over fist. And for you virtue signaling soulless idiots, it’s about Donald Trump. You are disgusting.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            See DJ, you’re starting to sound like Walter!

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Check Martha’s Vineyard for trafficked Venezuelan children.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Oh it was way better when Trump was separating them at the border… cheaper too…

    2. There are none there. It took less than 2 days for the good burgers of the “sanctuary” island to call out the national guard to haul all the immigrants off to the stockade on a military base. The irony is that the kids will get better care there than on the “sanctuary” Vineyard of the fat cats that regrettably (cue crocodile tears) had no resources to care for them.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I’ll bet if your relatives dropped in unannounced, you’d not do as well.

  5. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    And we come back to illegitimacy…
    The rate is higher in minority communities because illegitimacy is higher.

    I had not previously made the connection. I knew the success formula indicators, but the abuse makes total sense. Mom has children by different fathers. The man in the house, not tied down by marriage… Would he be more likely to hit on the attractive daughter? Or abuse the son by another man? Do lions get rid of cubs from another male? This is so obviously a huge societal problem and the answer to so much – but because it is so obviously true, all the caring, loving Dems can do is call me “racist” for pointing out a truth that applies to all “races.”

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      So Walter, do you think these parents should be in charge of their kids?

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        What the H3!! do you think? You don’t! The blurb was non-political – a real problem. And you and Nancy waste everyone’s time and do your Orange Man Bad schtick, which is (1) a lie and (2) not in any way helpful.
        So now you’re tying back to there are bad parents out there? Well no fecal matter Sherlock!
        And there are bad politicians. And bad bureaucrats and bad doctors and bad lawyers and bad bosses and bad employees. We live in a fallen world. Bring your stupid objections to parents being in charge up on that thread. The answer there is not to empower the teacher union/groomer blob to groom, which is what has been happening. Meanwhile, the child trafficking is a tragedy, but you and Nancy have to go OMB. You are sub-human. All is politics. For real people, life is not politics.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          simple question Walter. devoid of politics in fact except for the demagoguing going on about the parents being in charge no matter what.

          that’s not real world.

          how do we deal with it?

          child trafficking? Real but how is it connect to this issue? By that time, the parents are out of the picture and last time I heard the actual issue of child traffic – the part not being demagogued with respect to immigration had bipartisan agreement.

          The problem is when you demagogue these issues – you’re really not looking for answers to start with.

          and stop with your childish name-calling will you? Is this the standard method of communication with conservatives these days?

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Then present an answer yourself, without your standard lacking of anything substantive. You are the one who demagogues. In fact, the Leftist playbook is to accuse the other side of doing what they have done.
            Illegitimacy is not a social good. We should discourage it. There used to be such a thing as shame. There used to be societal forces that discouraged it, and tried to deal with it. And they did a decent job – better than all the government “help.”
            That’s not mean – it’s just true.
            And, no, you and all your fellow Lefties who are advocating for things that destroy society do not have the right to rule whether I am a good parent according to your twisted desires. Sorry – you start with the first principle – children are the responsibility of the parents, not the State. Therefore, the State should want children to belong to a stable family. Therefore, people should not have children at a young age or out of wedlock. People will have sex. It again should be discouraged outside of marriage, but it will happen. When people marry, it should be for life. Divorce when there are kids should be hard. No fault divorce was a mistake. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to look at what I am saying and to discern I have a point. It’s just hard truth.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Walter – I did not say that parents have the absolute right no matter what. I responded to that saying it was wrong to say that in the first place.

            I’d discuss some of these issues further with you, like illegitimacy, if I could trust you’d not continue your screaming meamie behavior.

            ” Therefore, people should not have children at a young age or out of wedlock. People will have sex. It again should be discouraged outside of marriage, but it will happen. ”

            yep. but discouragement does not work, not here and not in other countries where marriage is more sacred and kids are born that they cannot even feed.

            That’s the hard truth also.

            And it’s why I like birth control in all forms and free until/unless someone has an idea that works better.

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            And that has been proposed, and guess which party has been opposing it?
            But it shouldn’t be free because nothing is. But the Dems have opposed it Larry, because they want to play politics with abortion and “reproductive rights.”
            Everybody has “reproductive rights.” They should engage in them responsibly…
            It’s not my job to fix other people’s sex habits. It belongs to them. People should be responsible for themselves. That is a good starting point for organizing society. We might want to try it – human beings have agency.

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “Would he be more likely to hit on the attractive daughter? Or abuse the son by another man? Do lions get rid of cubs from another male?”

      Walter, just because you struggle with these issues does not mean the rest of humanity does….

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Troll – just so you know, that is libelous.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Good for the goose…

  6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    How many are homeless trans kids…??

  7. Zach Ritter Avatar
    Zach Ritter

    I’ve been following this for over a year. I often check the and it hasn’t ceased to amaze me how many of the pages, sorted by most recent are children from VA. I’m talking like 90% of the pages are Virginia. I was born there but haven’t been in years, I’ve searched many times for coverage on their local news and the lack of coverage is concerning.

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