Virginia Math SOLs: Science vs. Common Core

By Rick Nelson

Parents depend on schools to prepare their children with the skills needed in the global economy. In Virginia public schools, K-12 instruction is governed by the Standards of Learning (SOLs). Between 1995 and 2015, our math SOLs were based on “best practices” identified by scientists who study how the brain learns mathematics.  Listening to cognitive experts worked.  In national testing, Virginia’s math test scores rose to rank in the top 10% of the nation.

But in 2016, at key points, Virginia’s science-based SOLs were replaced with Common Core math standards.  According to cognitive scientists, the Common Core asks students to learn math in ways that have proven to be ineffective.

During 2023, math SOLs will again be revised by the Virginia Board of Education. Citizens will be invited to submit public comments.  Should we once again align our SOLs with the Common Core?

 Facts On K-12 Standards

Virginia adopts standards for subjects including English, Mathematics, Science, and History.  By law, SOLs in each subject are reviewed and re-adopted every seven years.  Since 2002 in all states, K-12 reading and math instruction has been governed by state-approved standards, and students are tested on those standards.

I was a Virginia K-12 educator both before and after the adoption of the SOLs.  Standards are only one part of instruction, but I found they played an important role.  Virginia’s SOLs and their accompanying “Curriculum Frameworks” specify what to teach, and often how to teach, each subject.  Local school divisions may use a state-supplied framework or their own but the result is the same: good standards provide guidance helpful for beginning teachers.  Poorly written standards require teachers to use ineffective strategies in classrooms.

For 20 years prior to 2016, Virginia was one of the few states with math standards that followed recommendations informed by cognitive science.  By the end of those two decades, on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), Virginia’s 8th graders ranked 5th in math among the 50 states. Most states had adopted “Common Core” or similar standards that were not science-based, and nearly all that did scored lower on the NAEP than Virginia.

Yet in 2016, Virginia changed its math SOLs to be nearly identical at key points to the Common Core standards.  How did this happen?

 A History of Standards

Historically, to learn mathematics students had no choice but to memorize facts and procedures.  But in the 1980’s, as calculators became inexpensive, theorists in math education proposed that memorizing facts (such as times tables) was no longer necessary.

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), an organization including education professors, in 1989 proposed “standards” calling for “decreased attention” to “memorizing rules and algorithms” and “rote practice.”  By 2003, over 40 states adopted standards modeled on the NCTM’s.

Virginia chose a different direction.  In the early 1990’s, cognitive scientists made an unexpected discovery: that the human brain is very good at reasoning with information that is quickly recallable from memory, but the brain is exceptionally limited when applying knowledge that has not been well-memorized. 1

University of Virginia cognitive scientist Daniel Willingham explains that math is about more than fact memorization. but as a foundation, because of the brain’s structure, for all the basic arithmetic facts (such as 8 + 7 and 42/6), answers must be “not calculated but simply retrieved from memory.”

Another scientific finding was:  To achieve quick recall in the limited time available for math in classrooms, flashcards and similar “retrieval practice” are essential.

And for 20 years, Virginia officials listened to science — until the SOL revision of 2016.

 The 2016 Changes

From 1995 to 2015, the Virginia SOLs called for students to “recall” from memory all the basic math facts.  But in 2010, the new Common Core standards set the goal as “demonstrating fluency with addition and subtraction.”

In 2016, Virginia’s SOLs were changed to say students should “demonstrate fluency for addition and subtraction.”

Similar to the Common Core?

Both 2016 Virginia and 2010 Common Core defined “demonstrating fluency” as calculating math facts. Science finds basic facts should be “not calculated but simply retrieved.” 1  The 2016 changes made our SOLs the opposite of what science recommends.

The 1995 to 2009 SOLs called for using “flashcards” to learn facts.  The 2016 SOL revision dropped flashcards, calling instead for complex calculations science says the developing brain of children in Grades 1-4 simply cannot manage.

In line with the Common Core, instead of teaching students the “standard algorithms” of arithmetic, the 2016 SOL Framework requires 2nd graders to “invent” their multi-digit addition and subtraction procedures.

Guess how well that works.

In the 2023 SOL revisions, the 2016 changes can be revisited, and it comes at a good time.  In 2022, the General Assembly unanimously passed the Virginia Literacy Act calling for reading instruction to be science-based.

Jillian Balow, Virginia’s Superintendent for Public Instruction, has taken steps to open the standards-setting process to more citizen input. In March of 2023, a draft of the 2023 math revisions is scheduled to be released for public comment.

My hope would be that citizens evaluate those standards by asking these questions.  Will the 2023 SOLs call for:

  1. Quick recall, not calculation, of all basic math facts?
  2. Using flashcards and practice to help in learning?
  3. Teaching students all the standard algorithms?
  4. Teacher explanation, rather than student “invention,” of math?
  5. Help for teachers in implementing the science of learning?

If each answer is YES, a foundation will be in place for SOLs that work.

As parents, when we take our children to doctors, we don’t ask:  Are they Baptist or Buddhist? Red or blue?  We seek treatment based on science.

From officials who decide education standards, children also deserve science-based best practices.  Shall we ask state leaders to restore Virginia’s science-based SOLs?

Both the Board of Education ( and the State Superintendent (superintendent@doe.virginiagov) are anxious to hear your views.  If we are to ensure Virginia’s students learn using the best science-based practices, the time to contact them is now.

Eric (Rick) Nelson served 28 years with the Fairfax County Public Schools teaching math-intensive chemistry and physics. For over 10 years, he was an elected President of the Fairfax Co. Federation of Teachers/AFT/AFL-CIO.  Currently Rick works with college educators to publicize cognitive research on how students learn in math, sciences, and engineering.  For references on the science of learning cited in this commentary, visit .

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20 responses to “Virginia Math SOLs: Science vs. Common Core”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    I’d be curious to know the author’s views on NAEP and PISA standards.

    1. -- rick nelson Avatar
      — rick nelson

      The author believes the NAEP LTT is a more consistent measure of math achievement than the “main NAEP,” and that the OECD PIAAC is a better measure of key workforce skills than OECD PISA, which measures low-level “public literacy” in math. For those test results, see page 2 at the link at the bottom of the article bio.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Okay. Thanks. I’m ignorant on both of these. Can you talk about them a bit and explain how they are different from the basic versions and why better? Are there links to them that I can follow to learn more?

        So I’m googling and finding some stuff.

        Do you know or is there a reference that shows what each state uses to teach math?

        Is there any correlation between what is used on a per state basis and the NAEP academic performance results?

        Massachusetts often shows up at the top. Do they use Common Core?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          got there, deep into the weeds… no mention of common core and relationship to SOLs.

          So.. you’re no fan of common core.

          What’s the better, right way?

          What states or countries use it?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Let me reword.

        Other countries performance on math in the PISA testing compared to the US…

        What do other countries teach for math that apparently leads them to better results than what the US does?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Well, for one, it’s in the plural form.

          I suspect the primary fault of PISA is that it shows our math skills are at roughly the same level worldwide as or medical system.

  2. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    Great article. In the late 90’s I was amazed at how many of my elementary students did not know the multiplication facts, something so needed for understanding mathematics concepts. 25 years later, I wonder if it is worse.

  3. DJRippert Avatar

    And some people wonder why parents want school vouchers. Apparently, denying science is prevalent in our state’s education system.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I’d be fine with vouchers as long as the schools had to report their academic performance, the same way public schools do.

      Then we’d KNOW if they are, in fact, better!

      Right now, all we really have is a claim that they are.

      If I ask you to tell me in SOL or NAEP terms how much better the private school are, what would be your answer?

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        I agree completely. Charter schools are public schools so I assume they would report. Any government payment to any school should report in the same way as the public schools.

        The only way I know to accurately compare private and public high schools is through their average SAT scores.

        Flint Hill (private) has 110 higher points than West Potomac (public).

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          The other problem seems to be in comparing . NOT the kids who do well in public schools – the ones that do have good SOLs but the ones that do not. If we prioritized the ones that did not do well
          in the public schools for vouchers AND we required full academic performance reporting – we’d KNOW without question that Charter/Private/Choice schools COULD educate these failing kids BETTER.

          As opposed to it being a claim that then gives vouchers to kids who already do well with SOLs in public schools AND the lower performing kids in public schools are not accepted at the voucher schools.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    What I’ve been told by my teacher friends is that not all kids learn the same way and no teacher worth their salt will continue to teach a kid who is having problems the same way without working to help the kid learn even if another way.

    When a kid is behind – it ought to be noticed by the teacher, the grade level leader and the principal and steps
    taken to rectify.

    I was never convinced that Virginia moved to Common Core to start with. Is that really true?

  5. AlH - Deckplates Avatar
    AlH – Deckplates

    Singapore focused on improving its math SOL a long time ago. Dr Kho Tek Hong was the team leader who developed the standards. Today, Singapore produces the top math students in the world. Their children are no different than our children. However, they have a teacher focus, supported by the school system, and high standards of learning. School Teachers, and the teaching profession are highly respected in Singapore. They did it. Why cannot we do it?

    I had the good fortune to meet Dr. Kho, in January 2000. He was speaking at a symposium of math teachers. The words I remembered the most, were to the effect, “…you have to ‘visualize’ the steps in solving the problem.” He was a quiet and a somewhat modest man who looked ordinary.

    The models we do adopt should come from research professors, like Dr. Kho. Equal Outcomes, and common core just do not work. As my calculus instructor would say, “it is intuitively obvious to the most casual observer.”

    1. LarrytheG Avatar


      Sometimes, we seem more focused on disagreeing about how to teach rather than being focused on looking at the ones that are successful and following them and/or coming up with what we do agree on that takes us to better outcomes.

      We’re ” excusing” our way out of comparisons with countries that do succeed.

      We claim we are different and, in effect, that we can’t replicate that success.

      This is the country that claims to be the best in the history of mankind.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        I’ve been to Singapore many times. Beautiful place. However, they are very strict. The landing card you fill out on entry to Singapore has “drug dealing punishable by death” printed on it. No lethal injections either. Drug dealers are hanged. Happens to this day. It is illegal to import or sell chewing gum. While you don’t get hanged for gum you can be fined or imprisoned. No Dreamers program in Singapore. If you overstay your 90 day visa or you can be sentenced to caning. Well, if you are a male between 18 and 50 anyway. Young men, older men and all women are exempt. Prostitution is legal but selling chewing gum is not.

        Be careful when comparing countries, Larry.

        People say that Singapore is Disneyland run by Nazis. That’s meant as a joke but there is some truth in the statement.

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        I’ve been to Singapore many times. Beautiful place. However, they are very strict. The landing card you fill out on entry to Singapore has “drug dealing punishable by death” printed on it. No lethal injections either. Drug dealers are hanged. Happens to this day. It is illegal to import or sell chewing gum. While you don’t get hanged for gum you can be fined or imprisoned. No Dreamers program in Singapore. If you overstay your 90 day visa or you can be sentenced to caning. Well, if you are a male between 18 and 50 anyway. Young men, older men and all women are exempt. Prostitution is legal but selling chewing gum is not.

        Be careful when comparing countries, Larry.

        People say that Singapore is Disneyland run by Nazis. That’s meant as a joke but there is some truth in the statement.

      3. DJRippert Avatar

        I’ve been to Singapore many times. Beautiful place. However, they are very strict. The landing card you fill out on entry to Singapore has “drug dealing punishable by death” printed on it. No lethal injections either. Drug dealers are hanged. Happens to this day. It is illegal to import or sell chewing gum. While you don’t get hanged for gum you can be fined or imprisoned. No Dreamers program in Singapore. If you overstay your 90 day visa or you can be sentenced to caning. Well, if you are a male between 18 and 50 anyway. Young men, older men and all women are exempt. Prostitution is legal but selling chewing gum is not.

        Be careful when comparing countries, Larry.

        People say that Singapore is Disneyland run by Nazis. That’s meant as a joke but there is some truth in the statement.

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