by Kerry Dougherty 

By pro-Hamas standards, the protests at the University of Virginia were anemic.

Estimates placed the size of the “crowds” that began gathering on Grounds – as they say in Charlottesville – last week ranged from about 12 to perhaps as many as 50.

The Hamas fan club was clustered near the chapel and engaged in mostly peaceful demonstrations. According to news reports the demonstrators respected the orders of Gov. Glenn Youngkin, who warned last week that Virginia would not tolerate tents or “encampments” on any campuses.

When the weather turned wet on Friday, these delicate revolutionaries defied no-tent orders and began unpacking their nylon shelters, pointing to an old UVA guideline that seemed to exempt recreational tents from the no-tent rule.

As if this were an outdoor club on a nature retreat.


According to The Washington Post, the Hamas cheerleaders in the tents were warned Saturday morning to pack up or face the consequences.

At the encampment site Saturday morning, the head of the university police department Tim Longo approached demonstrators with a bullhorn to tell them to take down their tents. “You are free to stay on the site, but the tents must come down,” he said, according to a video posted on X by an editor at the student newspaper, the Cavalier Daily.

They refused.

The state police arrived with pepper spray and suddenly the peaceful protest turned violent as the protesters clashed with law enforcement.

There was, of course, a simple way to avoid the confrontation: to dismantle the unlawful tent city. But the protesters wanted the optics. And they got them.

According to news reports around 25 protesters were arrested. The police did not yet release a count on how many of those were unaffiliated with the university. At other pro-Hamas demonstrations large numbers of outsiders wound up in zip ties. Count on it here, too. These weird demonstrations – in support of a culture that calls for the destruction of Israel, death to all Jews and treats women and gays like animals – are not organic, they’re orchestrated and funded.

And has anyone else noticed the remarkable similarities between the 2017 Unite the Right protest in Charlottesville (“Jews will not replace us!”) and the pro-Hamas protests? Same sentiments. Different headgear.

Naturally, far-left faculty members howled that the police had roughed up the students. In response, University President Jim Ryan issued a letter, calling the protests upsetting, frightening and sad.

A small group today made a choice to willingly break the rules after being given many opportunities to comply, and they then refused to leave the site voluntarily.  I sincerely wish it were otherwise, but this repeated and intentional refusal to comply with reasonable rules intended to secure the safety, operations, and rights of the entire university community left us with no other choice than to uphold the neutral application and enforcement of those rules.  

I recognize and respect that some will disagree with our decisions.  This entire episode was upsetting, frightening, and sad. It was also an aberration.

Brian Coy, a spokesman for the university, was more direct in the aftermath, according to The Richmond Times-Dispatch:

Anyone who has been involved in this encampment or any other demonstration has been advised of our policy,” said Coy, pointing out that shortly after the encampment began, tents were raised but then disassembled by the protesters. “They put (them) up then took them down because they were made aware that (tents) were outside of our policy. They then made the decision to violate that policy.”

No doubt there will be seething outrage from newspaper editorialists and academics: How dare a university refuse to allow demonstrators to defy orders to abandon an unlawful gathering!

Calling in the state troopers armed with pepper spray and zip ties was unimaginable brutality, they will say.


On Saturday Virginia demonstrated that it really is not New York or California.

As the saying goes, play stupid games, win stupid prizes. In Virginia, anyway.

UPDATE: Students who participated in the illegal assembly on Saturday have received letters from the University that there will be academic repercussions for their actions. They will have to appear before the University Judiciary Committee for hearings.

Excellent. And good job to the outside agitators who convinced the students to defy the authorities.

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited. 

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38 responses to “Virginia Is Not California. Or New York.”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “The state police arrived with pepper spray and suddenly the peaceful protest turned violent as the state police attacked the protesters.

    Fixed it for you, Kerry.

    Btw, which fantasy world were you in where you saw “pro-Hamas” demonstrations…?

    1. Irene Leech Avatar
      Irene Leech

      It’s sad that folks are conflating what protesters are actually saying. They are not supportive of Hamas. However, they oppose Israel’s bombing residential areas and fear genocide of Palestinians. They aren’t even anti-Israel. They are anti-war.

      Folks are assuming outsiders are leading them without evidence.

      They question the source of funding and claim outsiders without evidence.

      Only numbers of students arrested are broken out – as if all others are outsiders and not faculty, staff, and community members.

      This perpetuates the politicization of the issue and spreads misinformation.

      Instead of accepting conclusions of others in other places, listen to and read what the students involved are actually communicating. Avoid using numbers that perpetuate untruth.

    2. Irene Leech Avatar
      Irene Leech

      It’s sad that folks are conflating what protesters are actually saying. They are not supportive of Hamas. However, they oppose Israel’s bombing residential areas and fear genocide of Palestinians. They aren’t even anti-Israel. They are anti-war.

      Folks are assuming outsiders are leading them without evidence.

      They question the source of funding and claim outsiders without evidence.

      Only numbers of students arrested are broken out – as if all others are outsiders and not faculty, staff, and community members.

      This perpetuates the politicization of the issue and spreads misinformation.

      Instead of accepting conclusions of others in other places, listen to and read what the students involved are actually communicating. Avoid using numbers that perpetuate untruth.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        “It’s sad that folks are conflating what protesters are actually saying. They are not supportive of Hamas. However, they oppose Israel’s bombing residential areas and fear genocide of Palestinians. They aren’t even anti-Israel. They are anti-war.”

        If it was as you say genocide, I don’t think we’d be going on 8 months of conflict. It’s pretty easy to commit genocide, especially in an area the size of Gaza.

        It’s hard to take people serious who claim they don’t support a group, while parroting their talking points and using a body count that doesn’t differentiate between civilians and militants.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        gaslighting on steroids is a polite way of referring to the folks who conflate the issues.

        It’s like no matter how big a lie, it’s justified.

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    It seems like a simple concept – you demonstrate, you picket, you chant … but you don’t pitch tents or otherwise try to establish semi-permanent “encampments”.

    The University waived the rule Friday night due to rain.

    Come Saturday, it was time to take down the tents and resume standard picketing.

    The protesters / militants / terrorist sympathizers (depending on your view) refused to pack up the tents.

    They were warned repeatedly and they should have known the consequences for refusal to comply with legally issued orders.

    The police came, the protesters / militants / terrorist sympathizers pushed back against the police, the police used pepper spray and 25 people were arrested.

    Hopefully, the protesters / militants / terrorist sympathizers will respect the “no tent” rule if they resume marching and chanting.

    Kerry is right …

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      I couldn’t care less about setting up tents as long as the folks encamped there were not harassing anybody, blocking access to class, etc. And as long as they were using proper sanitary facilities. 🙂 Reportedly, the UVA rules a week ago made an allowance for camping out, but that provision disappeared from the rules document before the unlawful assembly was declared. The protesters wanted the visual of being dragged off by cops and they got what they wanted.

      At Columbia the school was tolerating the tents so the pro-Hamas demonstrators took over a building to provoke the desired viral videos.

      And yes, Eric, these are clearly pro-Hamas demonstrations. In fact, they are anti-Israel, really, when the demands move into seeking divestment, an end to aid, etc. The goal of Iran/Hamas/Hezbollah is nothing short of the destruction of Israel. It is not about a cease fire because a reasonable one is on the table, and Hamas is the group refusing.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        I saw that too Mr. H. The UVA rulebook made an exemption for recreational tents. Quietly and swiftly amended Saturday morning and then the gotcha game is on. I thought UVA was run by really smart people who have degrees and degrees of smartness to back it up. Ryan has egg on his face. He deserves it too. How could you forget to dot the “i” and cross the “t” before doing something that was going to put the school on the front page of national news?

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “And yes, Eric, these are clearly pro-Hamas demonstrations. In fact, they are anti-Israel, really, when the demands move into seeking divestment, an end to aid, etc. The goal of Iran/Hamas/Hezbollah is nothing short of the destruction of Israel.”

        Really, Haner? You want to take the position that the actual goal of any move to use financial leverage on an entity is actually a move to eliminate that entity completely? You might want to think about that one for a bit before confirming…

        Also, any criticism of Israel is actually a pro-terrorist statement? That is absolute fantasy stuff…. You might as well go full-Walter at this point and just call all protestors “terrorists”.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          The current students at UVa are free to protest, march, and chant. However, they do not own the University of Virginia and they are not empowered to demand much of anything.

          They seem as determined to get media publicity through pitching tents and creating encampments as they are determined to protest Israel.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            but are they “pro-Hamas”?

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            … having nothing whatsoever to do with Haner’s characterizations or my response to him…

        2. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          I said the goal of Iran and its proxies was destruction of Israel. Hardly something they hide. And the most important criticism of Israel’s tactics is coming from its own people, those with their asses on the line.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Iran is not at UVa protesting.

          2. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Eric, that is hilarious!

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            How so, Marty?

        3. LarrytheG Avatar

          “Pro-Hamas” is really a contemptuous lie and it does reflect the character of those who are saying it, IMO.

      3. DJRippert Avatar

        The anti-encampment rule makes sense to me. I could have saved a lot of money by moving out of my UHeights apartment, living in a tent and showering in Mem gym as an undergraduate!

        I saw enough of encampments during the BLM / Antifa days around CHAZ to convince me that snuffing out new encampments is the right idea.

      4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “It is not about a cease fire because a reasonable one is on the table, and Hamas is the group refusing.”

        Or not…

        “Israel’s war on Gaza live: Israel hits Rafah after Hamas accepts truce deal”

  3. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    The mask law was used to destroy the Klan because the Klansters could not hide behind anonymity.
    Enforce the mask law. Arrest the violators. Very simple way to “fix” this.
    UVA – which requires compliance with all laws under its policies – won’t enforce the mask law because the Commonwealth’s Attorney won’t. So what?!? Quit hiding behind the CA’s skirt!

  4. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    “One thing I want to stress is Virginia is not New York; you have a very different governor, you have a very different AG and we’re not gonna tolerate that.” – Attorney General Jason Miyares…

    Yeah, tolerating different Governors or AGs is a prime political directive.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      If we didn’t tolerate bad governance, those two wouldn’t have their jobs.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Oh yeah – Kathy Hochul and Lettitia James are two geniuses.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Comparatively speaking to Youngkin and Miyares, yes.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      Unfortunately for both you and Kerry … the police weren’t called to remove the protesters / Hamas supporters / militants by either Glenn Youngkin or Jason Miyares.

      They were called by solidly left leaning Jim Ryan, President of the University of Virginia.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        I suffer no misfortune especially that of sentence construction. Miyares may have been guilty of a spoonerism.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Photo-Speed is now fully up and functional in SCHOOL ZONES.

    Great! Kids at school will not be killed by automobiles. Bullets? Meh.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      How many bullets were fired during the police dispersal of the UVa protesters / Hamas supporters / militants?

      I believe the correct answer is “zero”.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Heather Heyer

        1. WayneS Avatar

          Who shot her?

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Nothing takes a non-violent protest to the next level faster than fire hoses, nightsticks, and K9s.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      I’ve watched many videos of the police response to the UVa protesters / Hamas supporters / militants.

      I have yet to see a single fire hose, nightstick or K-9.

      Perhaps you can link to a video where such police measures at UVa are documented.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I must’ve been thinking about civil rights.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Speaking of Youngkin, I’m soooo damned proud of him for not shooting a puppy in the face to further his career in the GOP.


  8. beachguy Avatar

    Arresting the non-compliant protesters was the proper course of action. In addition, any subsequent attempts to set up more tents should be promptly terminated. These protesters are simply fishing for optics, and stopping them in their tracks is a not the optic they desire. Bottom line: No tent no drama.

  9. John Fisher Avatar
    John Fisher

    “Virginia is not California or New York” – yet. Based on what Youngkin vetoed this year we are only one election from it.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      California has citizen-initiated referenda. If we had that, we’d not have to worry near as much about the GA nor the Gov. Even pure ADVISORY referenda would have impact.

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