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Virginia Excels at Welfare to Work

Virginia does do a few things right. One of them is helping welfare recipients get back to work.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has ranked Virginia highest in the nation for job entry rates for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients in 2005 and 2006, Gov. Timothy M. Kaine has announced.”

“Virginia leads the nation in helping people transition away from public assistance and into the workforce because of our innovative programs and the dedication of our staff,” Kaine said yesterday. “We’re training TANF recipients for jobs in fields with growing workforce needs, helping secure job placement and retention, while meeting a crucial need in for the Commonwealth’s health care system.”

One example: Through a program launched in 2007, TANF recipients are trained to become certified nursing assistants, filling the growing need for long-term care and direct-care health professionals. In the last two years, 446 recipients have graduated from the programs, and today, nearly 100 are enrolled.

Now, if we could just make some progress on corporate welfare…

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