by Kerry Dougherty

I’m old.

Old enough to remember when there were sane members of Virginia’s Democrat Party.

They’ve apparently died or left the building and the party is under the complete control of woke loons. Like Del. Eileen Filler-Corn, the former Speaker of Virginia’s House of Delegates, who recently pretended not to understand why the Old Dominion needs a law prohibiting transgendered athletes from competing in female sports.

(Frankly, I have no problem with trans-men competing against males. Let ‘em try. Truth is, females are smaller and don’t have the strength of men and no amount of hormones and body hair will give them an unfair competitive advantage over biological males.)

Referring to HB1387, a bill introduced by Del. Karen Greenhalgh of Virginia Beach that would require athletes to compete in sports that comply with their biological gender, Filler-Corn voted against the bill and called it “mean-spirited,” sneering: “We have had transgender youth living in the commonwealth, and there has been no takeover of women’s sports,” she said. “I just don’t understand why this conversation continues.”

Yet, Ms. Filler-Corn, there hasn’t been a complete takeover of women’s sports by men, YET. It’s happening all over the country, however, and Virginia athletes have suffered because of the permissive atmosphere that’s enveloping sports, creating unfair advantages for trans athletes who compete against females. These rules are being made by athletic governing bodies that are terrified to enshrine common sense out of fear of incurring the wrath of militant lefties.

Like Filler-Corn and company.

Anyone else remember Reka Gyorgy? She’s the Virginia Tech swimmer and former Olympian who was bumped from the NCAA finals this year by Lia Thomas.

Ask her why we need this law, Del. Filler-Corn.

Del. Greenhalgh’s bill passed out of an education subcommittee by a 6-4 vote, along party lines. Color me unsurprised. Democrats are in lockstep on “trans rights.” To the detriment of women. No one cares about biological women anymore.

Ultimately, the bill will die in Louise Lucas’ brick-wall Democrat majority Senate, however.

Let’s hope the GOP in the House of Delegates sticks together to pass this bill. That way, Virginia Democrats in both chambers will be on the record with their votes.

Let’s see Democrats campaign later this year on a platform of wanting to ruin women’s sports.

I dare them.

This column ran first in Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited and is republished with permission.

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37 responses to “Virginia Dems Refuse To Support Female Athletes”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “I just don’t understand why this conversation continues.”

    alas… wedgers gotta wedge…

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Collaborate to find an acceptable compromise?

      nope. just drive that wedge….

      1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

        FINA did create a compromise — an open division for male-to-female transgender swimmers who cannot qualify as female. Why not expand this to other sports in other jurisdictions?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I agree, Why don’t Conservatives support his approach rather than the stuff they’re doing? What do the other Sports organizations do? NCAA?

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            It sounds like a good idea to me. I guess standing up a third set of sports teams (male, female and transgender) will cost some money but at least it seems fair.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Because such a compromise would not meet their true objectives when it comes to this issue…. political red meat for their base and sowing division within the Left.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            …….winning over swing voters…

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Certainly the goal…

  2. LesGabriel Avatar

    Most comments miss the entire point of the article, which is whether biologically mature males should be allowed to compete against females. There may be sports (shooting, archery, and others) where gender differences are negligible, but those decisions should be made at the sports authority level.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      re: ” decisions should be made at the sports authority level.”

      or legislative/govt ?

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” woke loons. Like Del. Eileen Filler-Corn”


    Like I said earlier – the blog post itself sets the
    tone for discussion comments.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      “Looney Left” is so old a descriptive it counts has a cliche. Cool your jets.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Is not “loon” an ad hominem attack…?? See Rule #2…

        1. Nope. He cited a cliche, not a specific person.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Was referring to the use in the original piece not Haner’s use (which I agree is not an ad hominem). Notice Kerry has since removed the term….

        2. Nope. He cited a cliche, not a specific person.

        3. LarrytheG Avatar

          crickets from you know who…

      2. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Sorry, that stopped?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          stopped? did you read the blog post? Apparently blog post authors and some commenters
          have different rules than others?

          It got better for a bit but now we see it coming back with Kerry leading the charge. I expect
          others will follow if they think the moderator is okay with it, Sort of like JAB threatening to
          delete Ad Hom comments while he was making one.. 😉

    2. Larry – I agree.. call the Dems what they are: female athlete haters…… no surprise though… the party hates hard working Asian American students as well.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        “haters”? hmmm… Maybe we should approach this issue with an “equity” framework? Equal Outcomes? 😉

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Hmmm… my Korean immigrant daughter-in-law is likely not going to be happy to know her own party “hates” her…. the invectives coming from the Right herein are a bit over the top, don’t you agree, JAB…??

    3. Larry – I agree.. call the Dems what they are: female athlete haters…… no surprise though… the party hates hard working Asian American students as well.

    4. VaNavVet Avatar

      I did recently hear Kerry on the radio attacking trans-women. It was part of her rant about “natural women” and appeared to be just her continuing demeaning of the LGBT+ community.

    5. That’s life. I moderate comments, not columns. If you object to something, tell the editors. In this case, the term was removed since you posted.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        just like to see consistent rules. So you let column writers do what gets commenters comments removed if they respond in kind. You and JAB say it’s wrong in the comments but apparently “ok” in the columns. If I had responded referring to Greenhalgh’as a hate-mongering legislator, the opposite of a “lelft loon”? The irony here is JAB says he wants it to stop… but not in the columns…

  4. Filler-Corn voted against the bill and called it “mean-spirited,”

    Recognition of physical reality is not “mean spirited.”

    Competitions based on documented age and biological sex are not mean spirited. They accept the reality that older youth are more capable than those who are younger, and biological males have athletic advantages over biological females.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      This is the job of government?

      1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

        What would you say if your daughter or granddaughter was forced to compete against a biological male who had physiological advantages over biological females? Look at the difference in results from Lia Thomas when she/he competed as a male versus as a female. But so what, a good female athlete should be happy to lose in the name of wokeness.

        FINA, the international swimming authority, ruled that a trans-female is eligible to compete in women’s competitions only if she “can establish to FINA’s comfortable satisfaction that [she has] not experienced any part of male puberty beyond Tanner Stage 2 (of puberty) or before age 12, whichever is later.” The organization created a new open classification for those trans-females who cannot qualify under the new rule.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          A lot depends on “her” size and whether she has male hormones in her system. I think FINA has
          a good approach, I don’t think it is a simple thing but the folks making it a culture war thing are not interested in reasonable solutions, just wedge politics. They’ve become the scrooges to all things political these days. Don’t work to find paths forward, just sow hate and chaos.

        2. …except your side wants to ban puberty blockers. Did you have a change of heart?

          And despite the caterwauling about trans athletes, there aren’t enough for a new classification. One state had to put the brakes on its own anti-trans legislation when it realized the whole state had just two trans athletes in the school system.

          1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

            What you are missing are individual rights. Each girl who wants to compete in non-coed sports has a right not to be forced to compete against biological males. It’s not a matter of it’s ok for those rights to be diminished in a few instances.

      2. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Please, if a local coach or principal made a decision to exclude on this basis, you’d be leading the charge for government to intervene. Filler-Corn certainly would.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          so you want govt rules for coaches decisions on who plays or not?

      3. Competitive sports already require age and sex. Falsifying is cheating.

        You are asking if government should ensure that decisions are based on physical reality? I can’t believe you are asking that.

        If courts sometime get involved in these matters, it is completely appropriate. Here’s an example.

        “High School Senior Ruled One Day Too Old to Play Basketball”

        “While, in general, being able to act without court interference in every decision that might have an adverse impact on some athlete or school is a good thing, there are times when judicial review would seem necessary to right an obvious wrong. One such case is Steven Adam Sisson v. Virginia High School League Inc. [2010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 132264].”

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          so you do want govt to decide, right?

  5. Thomas Dixon Avatar
    Thomas Dixon

    It doesn’t matter what you call yourself. If you are a male you play male sports and vice versa. It isn’t difficult and I don’t understand why people want to argue this point.

    I can pretend I am anything I want. Most of us did it as children. Most of us grew up. Some of us became mentally ill. The treatment is not to support the delusion. You destroy the system when you do that and you can see it being done now.

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