by Hans Bader

In Virginia’s legislature, rent-control legislation has been introduced by five Democratic delegates and a Democratic state senator. Economists oppose rent control because it makes it more difficult for people to find decent housing in the long run. In a 1992 poll, 93% of those surveyed said rent control reduces the quantity and quality of housing available.

But Democrat-run Loudoun County is now asking the Virginia legislature for the power to impose rent control. DC News Now reported in December that “New policies could soon be introduced in Richmond at the request of Loudoun County. One would place a limit on rent increases.”

This is surprising, because even left-leaning economists mostly think rent control is stupid, as expressed by Swedish economics professor Assar Lindbeck. He said, “Rent control appears to be the most efficient technique presently known to destroy a city — except for bombing.”

In 1989, Vietnam’s socialist leaders reluctantly admitted that their policy of rent control had destroyed the housing stock of Vietnam’s capital city, which had been sturdy enough to survive years of American bombing during the Vietnam War. Vietnam’s foreign minister said, “The Americans couldn’t destroy Hanoi, but we have destroyed our city by very low rents. We realized it was stupid and that we must change policy.”

Yet State Senator Jennifer Boysko, who represents Virginia’s Loudoun County, has introduced SB 1278, a rent-control bill. It would allow cities and counties to adopt rent control ordinances, under which rent increases would be limited to inflation or less. Her legislation states that such ordinances “shall prohibit any increase in the rent by such landlord of more than” the “percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index,” and “may allow rent increases … by an amount not to exceed” that inflation rate. The same bill has been introduced in the Virginia House of Delegates by Democratic socialist Nadarius Clark and four other Democrats, as HB 1532.

Why these Virginia Democrats support rent control is a mystery. It is a bad idea, according to not just conservative media, but also most Democratic-leaning newspapers. The conservative Wall Street Journal says “rent control is among the dumbest policies known to man,” citing how it reduced housing construction and the availability of housing in American cities that adopted it.

Similarly, the liberal newspaper, The Washington Post, explains, “Rent-control laws can be good for some privileged beneficiaries, who are often not the people who really need help. But they are bad for many others.” For example, after San Francisco imposed rent control, “landlords responded by converting their buildings into condos they could sell or business properties they could lease without rent-control restrictions — or by demolishing their old buildings and replacing them with new ones” not subject to rent control. Moreover, “landlords have less incentive to maintain their properties in a rent-controlled environment,” reducing housing quality. “And since rent-stabilization policies often tend to discourage people from moving, they harm worker mobility and the economic dynamism associated with it.” These observations were made by the Democratic-leaning editorial board of The Washington Post, which has not endorsed a Republican for president since 1952.

In some states, cities and counties already have the power to adopt rent control if they wish, even without the state legislature specifically giving them that power. But that is not yet the case in Virginia, which  has a strong “Dillon Rule” that prevents localities from regulating rents, prices, or wages without a delegation of authority from the state legislature. That rule prevents the development of a harmful and confusing patchwork quilt of regulation that varies from city to city and county to county. The Dillon Rule promotes freedom of contract, helps Virginia attract businesses and jobs, and helps explain why Virginia has one of America’s best business climates.

Hans Bader is an attorney residing in Northern Virginia. This column was first published on Liberty Unyielding and is republished with permission

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13 responses to “Virginia Democrats’ Rent Control Bills Would Make Housing Scarcer”

  1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    “Price controls bring scarcity” will be a tough sell to our own “squad” of progressive horsemen, Hans.

    But Ms. Boysko indeed may be the dumbest member of the Senate, and keeps trying to prove it.

    She has me convinced.

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    A quick field trip to New York City by the bill’s sponsors would be enough to dissuade those sponsors from pursuing this bill much further.

  3. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    “But it will be different here.” I bet that would be the response of the affected legislators unless they are merely signaling their virtue and have no interest in pushing the bill.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    I agree it’s a bad idea, actually for anything, including college tuition!

    But there are a lot of complaints these days about the cost of housing exceeding what the prevailing wages pay.

    And trying to force localities to approve “more dense” zoning also has some downsides primarily in doing so, they
    will have to recoup the tax losses (as well as water/sewer hookup fees by charging others more).

    Finally, high costs, generate a lot of commuters that require a lot of roads and someone has to pay for them also.

    1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

      Clearly, there is a housing shortage in the United States. Construction dropped significantly during the Great Recession and has never recovered. Meanwhile, demand has not dropped proportionately. Toss in increases in construction costs, utilities, local property taxes, costs for repairs and we see higher rents.

      As to high costs, we received a notice from our property insurance company that our premium was jumping by almost $500 a year due to increased construction costs and higher home values. What would we do if we were renting this house? Raise the rent.

      There are no easy solutions. But as everyone seems to agree, imposing rent controls is not a solution.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        So the idea behind a free market, I’ve been led to believe, is that if there is a demand for something,
        that producers will provide it and, combined with competition – at the price that the market demands.

        So what is missing from the housing thing?

        And yes rent controls ARE bad, but when housing costs too much, there are other impacts also
        that do cost others, not the least of which is taxpayers who provide entitlements for housing.

  5. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    “Price controls bring scarcity” will be a tough sell to our own “squad” of progressive horsemen, Hans.

    But Ms. Boysko indeed may be the dumbest member of the Senate, and keeps trying to prove it.

    We note that she is the same person who introduced a bill to require locking guns and ammunition in two different safes in one’s home.

    So she has me convinced. She is the dumbest member of the Senate.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Most introduced bills die. Some are dead on arrival, as this one is. Other bills dealing with the rules on evictions will have legs and bear scrutiny. But if we are going to get a story on every doomed bad bill, this will take a while.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          It’s good. I seldom use it, but then I’m pretty comfortable with LIS so I go to the main source.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        About 400 years?

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        Stories on dumb, bad bills highlight the incompetence of some members of the General Assembly. As such, I think they are valuable.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Again, not enough space! 🙂

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