by Olivia Gans Turner

Recently North Carolina passed a bill to prevent abortions after 12 weeks. This new law may save many lives in North Carolina, but most abortions actually happen earlier, in the first weeks of pregnancy.

Now Virginia Democrats are announcing their intention to make Virginia a destination state for abortions. In the upcoming 2023 elections they must hold the Senate and gain the House of Delegates in order to turn Virginia into a place where unlimited abortions are available and paid for with our taxes.

It is tragic that the Democrats in Virginia are prepared to make Virginia a destination state for abortions-on-demand through all nine months of pregnancy. It is infuriating that they have opposed every rational bill that has come out of the House of Delegates during the past two General Assembly sessions. They have even announced their desire to enshrine a permanent, unrestricted “Right to Abortion” into the Virginia Constitution.

In polling done earlier this year by McLaughlin and Associates, 70 percent of respondents stated that abortion should only be legal under very limited circumstances, including the life of the mother or rape and incest, with reporting. Less than 5 percent of abortions are done in the U.S. for those reasons. Another 60 percent oppose using tax dollars to fund abortions.

Pro-life Republicans are committed to passing reasonable laws on abortion, including the bill to protect unborn babies who can feel pain and a bill to provide medical care to babies who survive an abortion. Radical pro-abortion members of the Virginia Senate, led by Sen Louise Lucas, blocked every rational pro-life bill that came out of the House of Delegates.

Virginia Democrats are way out of step with most Virginians and are only committed to the abortion groups that fund so many of them. Abortion with no limits does not help women and it kills their babies. It is not good medicine or real health care. Tragically, it is big business in Virginia now.

It is up to Virginia voters to stop this dangerous agenda.

Olivia Gans Turner directs American Victims of Abortion (AVA), an outreach project of the National Right to Life Committee. This column was originally posted in The Republican Standard. It is reprinted here with permission.

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13 responses to “Virginia Democrats Have New Tourism Twist”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Capitalism at its best; capitalizing on the cruelty of neighboring lawmakers.

  2. vicnicholls Avatar

    Sick and disgusting. The human in utero is a separate and distinct human, no different than any other person walking on the planet.

    Ever notice that the left wants to indoctrinate kids with hateful, divisive theories, theories that have no basis to work in the real word, wants to push sex on them, but only beats up and murders seniors? The focus and attention is making the young so mentally screwed up, they’re not good for anything. The rates of mental health are skyrocketing. Maybe telling kids all this ideological garbage isn’t a good thing and a number of the old ways pump out kids who can think, reason, and are mentally, emotionally, stable and mature.

  3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    What is the basis for your claim that “Democrats in Virginia are prepared to make Virginia a destination state
    for abortions on demand through all nine months of pregnancy”? Just because they blocked Republican bills in the Senate does not mean that they support unlimited abortion. Furthermore, of the six Republican bills dealing with abortion introduced last session, four were killed in the Republican House of Delegates, including the bill prohibiting abortions after 15 weeks of gestation. It doesn’t seem that the Virginia House Republicans were all that anxious to make abortions more scarce in Virginia.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Ouch! How standard is the Republican Standard?

    2. VaNavVet Avatar

      Agree, why would anyone believe a word of this opinion piece?

    3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Dick: National Platform of the Democratic Party

      “Democrats oppose and will fight to overturn federal and state laws that create barriers to reproductive health and rights.”

      Do Virginia’s current abortion laws, increasingly restrictive in second and third trimesters, create such barriers?

  4. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Has this blog now become the disseminator of articles in The Republican Standard? In line with our claim to a be a ”

    politically non-aligned portal for news, opinions and analysis about state, regional and local public policy,” how about reprinting pieces from blogs with a different point of view? I offer, for example, pieces by David Toscano, a former Democratic floor leader in the General Assembly and the author of a book about Virginia politics and another book about the role of states in the today’s political scene. Here is a recent article from his blog that I offer for consideration:

    Or, do only columns by authors with whom the current editors agree get reprinted?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Bacon is the ultimate arbiter, Dick. The goal and tone are not what they were here a few years back, but the culture war/anti DEI/”Forget, Hell” Confederate themes have built a much bigger audience. If I covered some JLARC or SenFin meeting the readership stats would be very low…Just like those stories bomb in the MSM these days. People want discord, they want their biases affirmed, not challenged.

      Abortion is a huge issue at the state level and deserves real in depth coverage. But this column added nothing new and raised no new issue. It was a political message.

      I’d rather read something now and then from Toscano than another repetitive report on some obscure, boring Rockingham County rezoning fight. Which actually I just don’t read…

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        You are right. The tone is different. If readership stats is the measure, obviously articles on the themes you mention get a lot more comments than ones on JLARC, Senate Finance, or other important, but less sexy, themes.

        As for Joe Fitzgerald, I read his stuff primarily because he is such a good writer and story teller.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          I like Joe. He cares about the Harrisonburg community.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Agreed… just because he covers primarily local issues does not make them any less impactful (especially to his community). Up vote for Joe.

  5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “This new law may save cost many lives in North Carolina…”

    Fixed it for you…

  6. WayneS Avatar

    I don’t think one democrat mentioning the potential for Virginia to become a destination state for abortion-seekers means the entire party is trying to turn abortion into a tourism draw.

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