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Virginia Community Schools Redefined – Hubs for Government and Not-for-Profit Services in Inner Cities – Part 1 – the Current Framework

by James C. Sherlock

I believe a major approach to address both education and health care in Virginia’s inner cities is available if we will define it right and use it right.

Community schools.

One issue. Virginia’s official version of community schools, the Virginia Community School Framework, (the Framework) is fatally flawed.

The approach successful elsewhere brings government professional healthcare and social services and not-for-profit healthcare assets simultaneously to the schools and to the surrounding communities at a location centered around existing schools.

That model is a government and private not-for-profit services hub centered around schools in communities that need a lot of both. Lots of other goals fall into place and efficiencies are realized for both the community and the service providers if that is the approach.

That is not what Virginia has done in its 2019 Framework.

The rest of government and the not-for-profit sector are ignored and Virginia public schools are designed there to be increasingly responsible for things that they are not competent to do.

To see why, we only need to review the lists of persons who made up both the Advisory Committee and the Additional Contributors. Full of Ed.Ds and Ph.D’s in education, there was not a single person on either list with a job or career outside the field of education.

They did what they knew how to do and what they came to the table to do. They:

To do so they ignored the rest of government and the regional not-for-profit health systems and expanded school roles and missions into fields in which the schools, and the team devising the framework, had no professional expertise.

The result was myopic and counterproductive.

The Framework has asked schools to do

One example: While properly targeting for community schools the most dysfunctional and dangerous inner city neighborhoods, the Framework encourages teachers, presumably including the annual crop of newly minted 22-year-old female teachers, to add home visits to their list of duties.

It offers “four branches of support” … “for schools to reference while planning supports and interventions,” the first two are:

I submit that neither of those at the level of the individual student is or can be made the responsibility of a struggling school. They simultaneously present mission, capability, and licensing issues. Issues for which other providers are far more appropriate.

To get very specific, the definition of the practice of school psychology in Code of Virginia § 54.1-3600 does not include:

Diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders

That is left to clinical psychologists.

The Framework needs to be fixed — replaced, really.

Virginia’s Framework, written to help the lowest-performing schools deal with educational chaos, offers instead to make the problem worse. Two signature propositions offered in the Framework:

  1. schools not only can but should be responsible for dealing with mental health issues among their student populations; and
  2. community volunteers in fragile communities can be foundational, rather than supplemental, assets to solving issues.

Both ideas were wrong when written before COVID, and both were exposed by COVID as magical thinking.

The educational establishment, always undeterred, wants to double down.

There are bills before the General Assembly for more in-school assets.

What are schools asked to do already? Schools are expected to provide, among other services:

To keep order, they must be skilled simultaneously at motivation and, when necessary, discipline. Discipline, school lawyers advise, must be constrained within very narrow windows of allowable responses to student transgressions.

Then each school must report on all of that daily.

I submit that in aggregate we already ask schools to do too much.

The Education establishment. Showing that Schools of Education and their graduate school products can mess up nearly anything, the authors of the Framework took an outstanding idea — community schools — and made it unable to be successful as they described it.

The universe of those people who wrote the Framework was limited to the education establishment. They would certainly not put it this way, but what I see in the Framework is an attempt to preserve:

Indeed the Framework gets right to their point:

It is designed to complement and strengthen current school- improvement initiatives. School leadership teams looking to adopt VCSF (Virginia Community School Framework) can easily layer these elements into existing action plans and tiered systems of support (such as Virginia’s Tiered Systems of Supports, VTSS)

The Framework is written as if the rest of government and our regional not-for-profit health systems did not exist. Every place we expect to see it, it is not there.

They recommend:

Comprehensive school plans that are the result of collaboration between school staff, community stakeholders, families, and students.

There is even a section titled: Virginia Community School Framework (VCSF) Alignment with Statewide Initiatives. Unfortunately, to the authors that meant education initiatives.

The rest of government and not-for-profit health systems. Non-profit health systems have an obligation to provide health services in the communities they serve.

On the government side, I find no mention in the Framework of the:

I have to believe that ignoring the rest of government was intentional. That had to be a ground rule.

No group with that much experience can be wholly ignorant of such assets.

Bottom line. This article is the first of a series that will recommend community schools for poor inner cities on a model under which:

Unfortunately, the 2019 Framework was a typical product of the Northam VDOE.

The current Superintendent of Public Instruction, in coordination with other appropriate state agencies, local divisions of each and school practitioners, should be able to craft a better model that achieves the absolutely necessary objectives of community schools efficiently and effectively.

Done right, community schools are badly needed.

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