Virginia Bill Would Redefine Revenge Porn to Include Non-Porn, Making It Easier to Prosecute Politicians’ Critics

Susanna Gibson

by Hans Bader

Virginia’s revenge-porn law may soon be expanded to punish people for posting embarrassing, revealing images of public figures, such as politicians, if Virginia’s legislature approves HB 926. Doing so would violate the First Amendment, and invite lawsuits by civil-liberties groups like the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression or the Institute for Justice.

In 2023, the media and blogs covered the fact that a Democratic legislative candidate performed live sex acts on the pornographic web site Chaturbate. That information was leaked to the media, including The Washington Post. Blogs posted images of the candidate showing that she was undressed, but not showing her private parts or anything pornographic. The candidate, Susanna Gibson, lost a close race for the Virginia House of Delegates, but not before arguing that the leak of her porn to the general public was a “sex crime” for which people should be prosecuted under Virginia’s revenge porn statute. “Daniel P. Watkins, a lawyer for Gibson, said disseminating the videos constitutes a violation of the state’s revenge porn law, which makes it a Class 1 misdemeanor to ‘maliciously’ distribute nude or sexual images of another person with ‘intent to coerce, harass, or intimidate.’” But no prosecution was ever brought, perhaps because doing so would violate the First Amendment, and because it might be hard to prove the leak was done with the “intent to coerce, harass, or intimidate,” as opposed to educating voters about a candidate’s past.

Now, Delegate Irene Shin (D-Herndon) wants to rewrite the revenge porn statute so broadly that prosecutors will be able to prosecute not just the leaker, but also bloggers or journalists who posted publicly available images of Gibson showing that she was in a state of undress during her performances at Chaturbate.

Shin would remove the law’s requirement that there be an “intent to coerce, harass, or intimidate,” and the requirement that the posting of images or video be done “maliciously,” so that people like bloggers can be prosecuted even if they have no bad motive. Her bill would also expand the law to cover not just those who leaked or posted sexually graphic videos or images, but also those who posted images that contain no private parts at all, but that showed to viewers that Gibson was in a state of undress. Her bill would seemingly apply to two similar blog posts that discussed the First Amendment problems with applying Virginia’s revenge-porn law to Gibson’s political detractors, and the fact that Gibson may have violated Virginia’s broad prostitution laws by collecting tips from viewers for performing specific sex acts. Each of those blog posts contained a different image of Gibson when she was not wearing any clothes, but that did not show any of her private parts, or any other indecent material.

Shin’s bill, HB 926, would eliminate the words crossed out below from the revenge porn law, and add to it the words in italics:

A. or

Any person who, with the intent to coerce, harass, or intimidate, maliciously disseminates or sells any videographic or still image created by any means whatsoever that depicts another person who is (i) totally nude, or; (ii) in a state of undress so as to expose the genitals, pubic area, buttocks, or female breast,; or (iii) in a state of undress so as not to expose the genitals, pubic area, buttocks, or female breast but such videographic or still image is sexual or sensual in nature where such person knows or has reason to know that he is not licensed or authorized to disseminate or sell such videographic or still image is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor 4 felony. For purposes of this subsection, “another person” includes a person whose image was used in creating, adapting, or modifying a videographic or still image with the intent to depict an actual person and who is recognizable as an actual person by the person’s face, likeness, or other distinguishing characteristic.

Many see a political motive behind Shin’s bill. New York criminal defense lawyer Scott Greenfield describes Shin’s legislation as a “bill introduced to protect candidate Susanna Gibson from exposure of her public sex video by eliminating mens rea, etc., from revenge porn law. Flagrant 1st A[mendment] violation to conceal actions of candidate for public office from voter disapproval.”

To remind voters about Gibson’s live-streaming porn, the State Republican Party sent mailers to voters in Gibson’s district that were not sexually explicit, but did contain images taken when Gibson was apparently in a state of undress. The Democratic president of the State Senate argued that this was illegal “revenge porn,” but experts disputed that, pointing out that the images were not “sexually explicit” enough to violate the revenge porn statute, according to Vice. Shin’s bill would arguably prohibit those mailers.

Doing so would violate the First Amendment. Disclosure of Gibson’s pornographic performances is protected by the First Amendment. That’s because there is a strong public interest in reporting on such activity by politicians, as a California Superior Court judge ruled in Hill v. Heslep, which imposed anti-SLAPP sanctions against ex-Congresswoman Katie Hill for filing a lawsuit over the release of photos of her engaging in allegedly inappropriate sexual conduct.

Gibson undoubtedly views the release of such images of her as an invasion of privacy. But as a politician, she is a public figure, and her qualifications and alleged misconduct are matters of public concern. The First Amendment protects speech on subjects of public concern (like images or video of a political candidate) from both prosecutions and lawsuits when the speech is not intentionally or recklessly false, as Supreme Court decisions like Garrison v. Louisiana and Snyder v. Phelps illustrate. The Supreme Court ruled in Time v. Hill that the First Amendment bars lawsuits for invasion of privacy when the speech is a matter of public concern. Photographs are, of course, protected by the First Amendment, as federal court rulings like Fields v. City of Philadelphia make clear.

Gibson does not have a right to prevent non-consensual use of images of her in political campaigns, news coverage, or political commentary. Public figures don’t have a right to prevent others from viewing newsworthy photos of them, even sexually revealing photos, as the First Circuit Court of Appeals made clear in rejecting a copyright claim over the media’s use of nude or nearly nude photos of Miss Universe Puerto Rico. It found that such non-consensual use of her images was fair use, in Nunez v. Caribbean International News Corp., 235 F.3d 18 (1st Cir. 2020)

Hans Bader practices law in Washington, D.C. This column is republished with permission from Liberty Unyielding.




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58 responses to “Virginia Bill Would Redefine Revenge Porn to Include Non-Porn, Making It Easier to Prosecute Politicians’ Critics”

  1. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Anybody surprised? The 1st Amendment is dead. Protest a stolen election? Insurrectionist! Rudy sued into bankruptcy for defamation and $148 million in damages? Alex Jones cases?
    At some point, Lefties and Trump haters have to realize where all the lawfare is leading. It is a disgrace that lawyers remain silent while Trump lawyers get disbarred. This is not going to end well. Wake up.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      You are exactly right. Just this morning Kevin O’Leary was talking about how ALL real estate developers estimate their assets on the high end knowing that the banks will argue them down.

      It’s how business is done.

      But did Alvin Bragg and Letitia James go after ALL real estate developers? No. Did they go after ANY other real estate developers? Not that I know of.

      They only went after Trump.

      And you are completely right that misusing the law to try to take down political enemies is very dangerous for society.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      Ah yes.. that nasty old rule of law that Trump will “fix”, eh?

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Larry – get over your TDS.
        You do not “save democracy” by destroying it.
        Due process. Free speech. Right to counsel. Jury of peers. These things matter.
        When they come for you because your usefulness as a useful idiot has been used up, you’ll wonder what happened…

      2. James Kiser Avatar
        James Kiser

        What rule of law?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          The one Conservatives have always said they are for?

    3. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
      Virginia Gentleman

      Stolen election? You have to be kidding me. Nobody with half a brain believes that stuff anymore. Right?

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Do you believe that no cheating occurs at all?
        Is cheating wrong?
        Should cheating be punished?

        1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
          Virginia Gentleman

          Please take those questions to a “conspiracy theorist anonymous meeting” if you are truly interested in answers. You said “protest a stolen election”. There is zero evidence that there was a stolen election, and it doesn’t matter how many times that your twice impeached, genital grabbing, lying, racist, misogynistic blowhard party leader claims otherwise, the facts don’t support it.

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Zero evidence? Heard of GBI Strategies?
            There is a ton of evidence. Aware of the True the Vote ruling in GA recently? 364,000 on the voting rolls improperly, and 67,000 voted…but no evidence.
            Or how about this one –
            In this one, they claim “mistakes” – and they claim the mistakes helped Trump, hurt a Republican rep, and hurt 2 Senate candidates. But if the system is so hard that “mistakes” can occur, can the “mistakes” be manipulated?
            And didn’t RUSSIARUSSIARUSSIA steal the 2016 for the genital grabbing guy? Or the 2000 hanging chads?
            Cheating is wrong. Period. “Mistakes” should be corrected. Period. What is your problem with that? (Other than you know the Dems benefit from cheating)

          2. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            Please stop changing the topic. There is zero evidence of a stolen election. Citing unproven examples of voter irregularities does not equate to a stolen election. But I am sure you know that.

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You say zero evidence. Evidence is cited and you say stop changing the subject. You see, I think if there is evidence, we should be sure to investigate it to make sure that was anomalous. But strangely, Dems and States spend huge amounts of money to avoid a real investigation or a trial. It would seem to me that it would be better to be totally transparent to increase trust, if you really ran an election totally honestly. I’m not the problem. People with common sense are…

          4. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            You presented evidence of voter irregularities – not a stolen election. I think you know the difference – you know with all that common sense you have.

          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No, you don’t know the difference. In a trial, you put forth evidence. Lots and lots and lots of little strands to make a case. You don’t want to examine all the strands because you know there was cheating. Right in front of our eyes. But you do you, go get your Covid shots, approve of all the lawfare, and believe what all the people who have lied to us say.
            Not me.

          6. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            LOL … your party has a very large percentage of supporters who believe, because their Orange God told them so, that there was a stolen election. A stolen election implies some evidence that there was a group of people who conspired to “steal” the election in some way from the man who was found liable of sexual assault and exaggerating his net worth to obtain loans. Two of your datapoints were voter irregularities that added to the total of Trump – so obviously, common sense suggests that this is NOT evidence of a “stolen election”. Actually, there is ZERO confirmed evidence of a stolen election but if you are cool with promoting conspiracy theories without any evidence – you be you. I assume your MAGA hat looks good on you.

          7. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I guess you did not read the Molly Ball March 4, 2021 article in Time about “fortifying” the election. The $410 million spent by Zuckerberg in CTCL that went 95% to “urban” precincts and even directed hiring. Or “2000 Mules”
            You really believe brain dead Biden got 81 million votes?
            How come Biden’s votes all spiked in the dead of night?
            Why did places like Michigan block windows and oversight?
            How about Georgia saying it was closed for the night, kicked out the observers and then started counting again?
            All totally above board (say the election cheaters)
            Again, you say ZERO evidence. I have given you more than zero. But if you acknowledge any of it, you know it will prove the cheating.
            How about the statistical anomalies? 95% turnout in some districts where 60% is high? Or the bellwether counties? How does Trump win 19 of 20 bellwethers…and lose?
            Not a MAGA conspiracy. I have a brain and the ability to think, and make rational conclusions. The fact that you Marxists don’t want to have a true inspection only reinforces the positive belief that you cheated. An honest person couldn’t wait to show the “election deniers” were wrong. You won’t. You don’t. Because you know there was cheating in your favor. Cheating has been going on for a long time. LBJ in 1948 is now acknowledged. So is JFK in 1960. It’s just you Dems have taken to a whole new level.
            Also, you need a refresher course in math and the meaning of zero.

          8. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            Walter — There have been countless court cases and even Republicans close to Trump who deny that the election was stolen. People that are trusted advisors to Trump. There is a court case going on right now that is trying to prove that even Trump knew that there was no stolen election. But yet, here we are. Trump could possibly win an election preying on people who are prone to believe conspiracy theories and refuse to acknowledge what even his closest advisors have told Trump. There was no stolen election. He lost. Biden won. Yes – the brain dead old man who struggles to communicate got over 7 million more votes than Trump. I truly feel sorry for people who just can’t bring themselves to accept that.

          9. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            Walter — There have been countless court cases and even Republicans close to Trump who deny that the election was stolen. People that are trusted advisors to Trump. There is a court case going on right now that is trying to prove that even Trump knew that there was no stolen election. But yet, here we are. Trump could possibly win an election preying on people who are prone to believe conspiracy theories and refuse to acknowledge what even his closest advisors have told Trump. There was no stolen election. He lost. Biden won. Yes – the brain dead old man who struggles to communicate got over 7 million more votes than Trump. I truly feel sorry for people who just can’t bring themselves to accept that.

          10. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            Thanks Larry — that is my point. We can disagree on policy, we can debate until the cows come home, but at some point, facts are important. When 66% of a party believe something that is factually incorrect, I think it is important for all people that know better to speak out – whether or not that helps their candidate or not. There is zero evidence that there was a stolen election. There are some voter anomalies that have tended to go in favor of Trump not Biden. And there is a ton of lies, deceit, and outrageous unsupported claims that is taking advantage of those who are prone to conspiracy theories. It really is a sad state of affairs.

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            I agree. It’s like facts and reality don’t matter. They believe what they want to believe and if it is a conspiracy theory, all the better. I used to think this country was different than other countries that had great numbers of illiterates who believed in myths and the like…. but it turns out, we got our own folks like that also. Just took the internet for them to find each other! When the primary candidate for the GOP for POTUS routinely spews lies and misinformation, tropes, conspiracy theories, etc… and he has a majority of conservatives and GOP, supporting… it truly is a sad state of affairs. The Republican party is no more.

          12. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Actually, the cases have been dismissed procedurally. And the lawfare being conducted would be abhorred by decent people. Funny…Dems protest elections, sabotage, do everything to undermine, special counsel, spy, violate FISA, FBI lies about Hunter’s laptop, violate State laws in the election, but “win,” and no one can complain… Now criminalizing complaining, because they really really believe they won…

          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            Trump judges have said the claims were garbage…

          14. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            So? I guess they can’t be part of the corrupted legal profession? Or from the UniParty Never Trumper wing? Or just concerned about their reputations? Are you now going to defend the infallibility of the Judges who overturned Roe (which was judicial usurpation)?

          15. LarrytheG Avatar

            The vast majority of judges, Trump and otherwise… agreed… the claims were “garbage”.

            Roe is not over.

          16. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            But but but…the Judges ruled! They’re perfect, amirite?
            You are a political hack, period.
            And not surprised you approve of baby-killing, like the good little political hack you are. Propaganda poodle!

          17. LarrytheG Avatar

            A wide variety of judges , diverse and appointed by different POTUS all came to the same conclusion and that is the claims of massive voter fraud was baseless, without evidence, total garbage. Conspiracy theory folks don’t let that dissuade them from facts and realities.

            If abortion is baby killing, that makes the folks who want a 15-week ban total hypocrites eh?

            People of character who believe that – would run for election advocating a total ban and let
            voters decide. Obviously there are many hypocrites these days who are afraid they’d not get
            elected if they actually told the truth, eh?

          18. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            The cases have been dismissed procedurally. Meanwhile, little bits are bubbling up and the press does its best to ignore. Wisconsin violated the law. So did Pa. Ga had 364,000 ineligible voters and 67,000 of them voted. Meanwhile, in the real world, if someone accuses a fiduciary of stealing, what does the honest fiduciary do? He opens the books! But somehow there is great, non-stop resistance to showing the transparency, and then lawfare against the people who ask questions – it is not how you make people think there is not cheating going on.

            As to the 15 week thing, it doesn’t show hypocrisy, it shows the manifest evil of the baby killers that they can’t even accept that. It is still baby-killing at 6 weeks, at 12 weeks, at 15 weeks, in the birth canal – a human life being snuffed out by inhumane zealots. Feel better? When is it wrong to kill a baby? Come on Mr. Morality, tell me your non-hypocritical, totally moral answer.

          19. LarrytheG Avatar

            they were dismissed massively because they had no evidence. Dismissed for being frivolous and worse! THe conspiracy theories and people acting on those have been charged with breaking the law. Some were threatening election officials and others.

            THe 15 week thing is total hypocrisy if you believe that ANY abortion is baby killing. You can’t have it
            both ways. Either stick to your principles or admit there is a character issue. Some abortions need to
            happen… IMO… and my GOD is not your GOD on this. You do not define what is morality for others.

          20. LarrytheG Avatar

            Walter has FOUND his place in the Universe!

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        massive voter fraud that changed the election outcome…. yessireee

  2. Randy Huffman Avatar
    Randy Huffman

    Hmm, plenty of fake images of conservatives in the nude (violation of second half of the proposed rule outlined above). I would offer a link to one of Trump but it clearly violates posting rules. Seems like cancel culture run amok.

    Why stop here? What about the Kathy Griffin’s fake posting of Trump’s decapitated head? Democrats only seem to care when its their political brothers and sisters who are getting negative press (or in this case, accurate press).

  3. Lefty665 Avatar

    Injury to insult of the 1st Amendment is that it makes it a felony. Northern Virginia is over represented in the GA these days.

    1. James Kiser Avatar
      James Kiser

      Stop counting illegal aliens as part of the census and you will get a change. Better yet break up the deep state and move them around the country.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        The Constitution requires the census to be of all residents, not just citizens, and districts to be apportioned based on the census count. Curious it was written that way. Back then, as now, there were a lot of non citizen residents the founders apparently felt deserved representation even if they could not vote for it.

        We embrace one person one vote. But in districts with large percentages of non citizens the smaller number of actual eligible voters have a dis-proportionally larger vote than those in districts mostly comprised of citizens.

        Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3

        “Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.”

        Nary a word about apportioning by the number of voting eligible citizens. Plus it specifically includes those who were not eligible to vote.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          Jeez Carter, you gave me a thumbs down for quoting the Constitution?

          If I’d known it was that easy to attract disapproval I’d have done it more often. Glad you weren’t around in 1789.

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Why should anybody be able to post a sexual picture of another human being without the approval of the subject of that picture? Any efforts to stop these crimes should be applauded.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      I have his approval…

      For the benefit of our reader under 60, that’s how Kissinger used to look, and yes, it was faked. The body-double was a NY cabbie.

      For our reader under 60, that was “real” photoshop — done in the darkroom using razor blades and such.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      So, if two people are having sex in a public park and somebody takes a picture – should they be able to publish the picture?

      Gibson was having sex on an open internet site available for free to anybody. At least, that’s my understanding of Chatubate.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “So, if two people are having sex in a public park and somebody takes a picture – should they be able to publish the picture?”

        No, but they should be charged with lewd behavior. I don’t believe this was a case of open and public posting of pornography. Even if it were, I believe it is wrong for one person to find such an image of a person and share it without the knowledge and approval of the person.

        Many of these cases involve a victim of cybercrime where their personal files have been stolen from them and images/video are broadcasted without permission on porn sites. The cretins who access (for a fee in most cases) trade this material like playing cards. The law needs to be updated to allow for the prosecution of these lowlifes. The changes suggested are justified and legitimate. Once again, Hans has made the bill something it is not but how someone can find fault in such a bill is beyond me… it is, frankly, reprehensible.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    So, I was over at my favorite news site, Yahoo Australia — the writing is wild — and there was a fluff piece titled something akin to “My Mum Was Ashamed of My FansOnly Activities Until I Made $250K Last Year.”

    That’ll cover tuition at Princeton for a couple of years, so this is more and more going to become an issue.

    Just think of it as a rerun of Bork’s Law and get used to it.

  6. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I agree with Mr. Bader. One outrageous feature that he did not mention was the increase of the penalty from a Class 1 misdemeanor to Class 4 felony. Such legislation is not unusual for a new legislator–they come in with all sorts of idealistic notions, without thinking of the wider implications. The Courts of Justice Committee should make short work of this one.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Everybody doing it, Dick. Everybody.

      Florida State Sen. Jason Brodeur (R) recently introduced a bill that would revoke certain privileges from journalists in the state, including the right to keep sources anonymous. The bill would also make accusing someone of racism, sexism, homophobia or transphobia defamatory, even if the accusation is based on a person’s “scientific or religious beliefs.”

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      If your daughter or granddaughter were faced with her pictures being broadcast on porn sites because her private pictures where stolen from her phone, for instance, I don’t think you would consider a felony charge to be too outrageous at all.

      1. Paul Sweet Avatar
        Paul Sweet

        There’s a big difference between broadcasting pictures stolen from somebody’s phone and pictures that somebody posted of herself doing lewd acts on a known porn website, and asking for money to do lewder things.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          The legislation is targeting the former… Hans is the one trying to connect it to the latter.

      2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        If you raise up your daughters and granddaughters correctly this will never be a problem.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          kids make mistakes… no matter how well they are brought up.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            No, people are victims of crimes… no matter how well they are brought up…

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            and strange and weird for conservatives to not align with victims on some issues…

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Blame the victim is nothing new for the Right… particularly the Religious Right and especially when discussing women victims.

          4. Not Today Avatar

            Not strange at all. The cruelty *IS* the point.

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          James Wyatt Whitehead
          a day ago
          “If you raise up your daughters and granddaughters correctly this will never be a problem”

          Really? So, I know of a young lady who was briefly separated (because of a work assignment) from her young husband during which time they exchanged some intimate images. Her phone was hacked and her images were then broadcast and sold on porn sites. This was not only incredibly invasive but threatened her reputation and career. It cost her thousands in legal fees to get many of the sites to remove the images and she is still playing wack-a-mole with these low-life bottom feeders. She paid for her legal counsel to get a subpoena so she could identify who it was that hacked her and is now pushing law enforcement to prosecute but, alas, Virginia’s law puts the onus of proving an “intent to coerce, harass, or intimidate”, incredibly and all this for a misdemeanor maximum charge. But, hey, you just solved the whole issue with “just raise your children better”. Wow! That is so amazing no one has ever thought of that before. If you will, please tell me how her parents could have raised her better so she would have never had this problem? Some specifics would be helpful as I know other young parents who would certainly love to know that magic parenting technique… Btw, if you think this situation is rare, I assure you, it is not.

  7. CAPT Jake Avatar

    The problem here is, Ms Gibson is attractive enough to a large number of people, that plain ol’ photographs of her clothed could have been used in lieu of screen captures from Chat-whatever. Opponents of her candidacy would have used the same message, wild fonts, and assertions they did use (I recieved a flyer and I’m not in the district) and the story and ending would have been the same.
    She lost (IMO) because enough voters disapproved of her poor decision to post video of consensual sex with her husband online AFTER annoucing her candidacy.
    Despite that, her vote total was over whelmingly supported by the Republican party’s mismanagement of its platform and messaging.
    A mistake the VA GOP will probably make again, and again, and….

  8. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    It strikes me that there is a difference between publishing photos or videos that were previously published by the subject thereof and those that were not, whether hacked from a computer or within the easy access of the publisher (former spouse or partner).

    And another difference when the photos or videos are altered to prevent display of private parts and when the media are photoshopped or created with AI.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Not a lawyer but believe this clause would protect someone if they repost images placed in the public domain by the subject themselves:

      “…where such person knows or has reason to know that he is not licensed or authorized to disseminate or sell such videographic or still image…”

      You should know that there are other laws that can be enforced if the images were removed from a restricted site (read pay site) after being posted by the subject – they are more akin to copyright infringement.

      “And another difference when the photos or videos are altered to prevent display of private parts and when the media are photoshopped or created with AI”

      While different acts, they seem to have the same intent or outcome from the victim’s point of view especially if “such videographic or still image is sexual or sensual in nature” which it must be for the language to apply.

  9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    This is the summary of the bill as written:

    Unlawful dissemination or sale of images of another; penalty. Increases the penalty for the offense of unlawful dissemination or sale of the image of another from a Class 1 misdemeanor to a Class 4 felony. The bill removes the requirement that a person must have the intent to coerce, harass, or intimidate another person to be guilty of such unlawful dissemination or sale. The bill also expands the current categories of images that are unlawful to disseminate or sell to include any videographic or still image that depicts another person who is in a state of undress so as not to expose the genitals, pubic area, buttocks, or female breast but such videographic or still image is sexual or sensual in nature.

    Finally, the bill extends from five years to 10 years the statute of limitations for the offense of unlawful creation of the image of another. The bill also creates a 10-year statute of limitations for the offense of unlawful dissemination or sale of the image of another. The bill starts the statute of limitations for both offenses at the time the victim discovers the offense has occurred. Current law starts the statute of limitations for the offense of unlawful creation of the image of another upon the commission of the offense.”

    Quite different from how Hans presents it here. This is a good bill, unless you really would prefer protecting those who disseminate sexual imagery illegally that is…

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Totally agree. Much of what Han writes deserves a seriously jaundiced eye.

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