Virginia Beach School Board Celebrates Excellence Again

by Kerry Dougherty

Congratulations, Virginia Beach voters. You did it!

By electing a handful of common-sense school board members to join the duo who were already on the board, you began the process of bringing back excellence to students in the Resort City.

Board veterans Vicky Manning and Carolyn Weens needed more allies in their tireless battle on behalf of Beach students.

The last school board was on a mission to dumb down the best schools in Hampton Roads. To a great extent, they succeeded.

The new board — including old members who suddenly saw the light — voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday night to reverse the stupidity and return sanity to Beach schools.

It starts with the reinstatement of valedictorians and salutatorians. And making class rank available again to interested students and their parents.

Five years ago, with just three votes in opposition, the lunatic woke majority voted to end the long-standing tradition of honoring the top students at graduation by awarding them the distinction of being valedictorians and salutatorians. Along with that, they did away with class rankings.

It wasn’t FAIR, you see. It created what one assistant principal — who has no business being in education — described as “competition and unhealthy habits.”

What unhealthy habits? Studying instead of spending spare time on TikTok or playing video games?

The system was especially unfair to underachievers. How could they be expected to feel good about themselves knowing they weren’t the smartest or second-smartest kid in their class? And think of their hurt feelings when they learned they were actually at the bottom of their class, after not turning in assignments and failing test after test.

Class rank was abolished supposedly because of the inequities created by advanced academic classes that were weighted and gave those students higher GPAs.

Blah, blah, blah.

If none of what the old board did makes sense to you, don’t worry. It simply shows that you attended schools where learning and achievement were celebrated. And where competition was encouraged and rewarded.

On Tuesday night, on a vote of 10-1 the school board reinstated valedictorians and salutatorians and will make class rank available to families who care about achievement. The changes will take effect in 2024.

Who was the lone opponent?

Jessica Owens. She reportedly wanted to wait four years to bring back excellence.


Republished with permission from Kerry: Unedited and Unemployed.

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30 responses to “Virginia Beach School Board Celebrates Excellence Again”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Class rank was abolished supposedly because of the inequities created by advanced academic classes that were weighted and gave those students higher GPAs.

    Blah, blah, blah.”

    I don’t think “blah, blah, blah” explains away that reality…

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      The “reality” of inequity of class rank?

      Never pass up an opportunity, Eric. We count on you.

    2. VaNavVet Avatar

      Who would take advice on hiring assistant principals from Kerry and how does she know that some of the kids at the bottom of the gpa ladder did not have learning disorders?

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    Good to hear that the woke tide has crested and is now receding in the schools of Virginia Beach.

    Even highly woke Fairfax County is proposing changes to the dress code for government schools.

    No wearing pajamas to school? Oh, the horror.

    No wearing pants slung so low that the underwear is exposed? My God!

    We’ll see how the vote goes in May.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Just think Mr. DJ. If school board elections in November produce results like Virginia Beach we could see a statewide reversal of the long-lamented equity experiment.

  3. Bob X from Texas Avatar
    Bob X from Texas

    Equity is just another word for Communism.
    Prove me wrong with Woke feelings and hysteria.
    It can’t be done with facts and logic.

    1. VaNavVet Avatar

      Communists could care less about equity or equality. Communism is all about party control and power. Just look at China and Russia. Don’t drink the water in Texas.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        You can drink it. It’s rich in minerals, metals, and colloidal suspensions.

        My dollar to your dime, Starbuck’s trucks in their water.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        You can drink it. It’s rich in minerals, metals, and colloidal suspensions.

        My dollar to your dime, Starbuck’s trucks in their water.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Even their “superior” grade water, e.g., Dallas, tastes bad, and if you let the glass sit overnight, the bottom gets muddy.

            My folks lived in San Antonio for retirement. They had a Bunn coffeemaker with a hot water tank. One visit, I opened the tank up to clean it for them (after 10 years use) and it was beautiful! It was like a miniature cave with fans of mineral deposits.

          2. VaNavVet Avatar

            Perhaps I should have said that it looks like you have been drinking the water in Texas.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            bet they didn’t keep it…. 😉

        1. William Respess Avatar
          William Respess

          San Antonio water hardness is 357 ppm. Richmond is 64ppm Evian is 290ppm. San Pelligri no is 744ppm. It is well kknown that water with low mineral content leaches mineral s from the body which must be made
          up from other sources. Hooray for San Antonio.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            It’s not JUST the minerals, but WHICH minerals. We used Ozarka bottled for coffee.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    Meanwhile in Spotsylvania with it’s “conservative common sense” School board:

    1. Randy Huffman Avatar
      Randy Huffman

      Just throwing that out there off topic, blame it on conservatives because the Supt. (one person, who may or may not be a conservative) says he doesn’t have the money, yet its still under discussion and no decisions have been made. Red meat at its best.

      From my standpoint, its better to have conversations and negotiations on finding ways to meet the budget and set priorities.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        The SUP is explicitly who the Conservative majority did pick … he’s their guy.

        Even some of the Conservatives on the BOS are not happy with his approach.

        You can google it.

        1. Randy Huffman Avatar
          Randy Huffman

          Fine, doesn’t make him conservative, nor does it mean the Board is going to go along with it. My point is its just in discussion stages, parents yet to weigh in, etc. Yet you blame “conservative common sense”.

          Its better to have the conversations and weigh priorities, etc. Wish we had those conversation’s in the federal Government running Trillions of deficits. Those who try and force the issue are called extreme and ultra MAGA…. This got old years ago but here we are

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            so to keep it on topic, I was responding to this:

            ” By electing a handful of common-sense school board members to join the duo who were already on the board, you began the process of bringing back excellence to students in the Resort City.

            Board veterans Vicky Manning and Carolyn Weens needed more allies in their tireless battle on behalf of Beach students.

            The last school board was on a mission to dumb down the best schools in Hampton Roads. To a great extent, they succeeded.

            The new board — including old members who suddenly saw the light — voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday night to reverse the stupidity and return sanity to Beach schools.”

            Spotsylvania also, elected a new board that promised similar “common sense” changes.

            And their very first action was to fire the current superintendent and hire the one they preferred who has come to them with his first school budget where he opines about getting rid of libraries and librarians.

            It’s not like libraries have not been a big discussion point with Conservatives of late. It’s one of their big issues.

          2. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            So were talking about school libraries, right? Parents and others have demanded certain books be taken off the list, right? But its not not like only conservatives have made a fuss about these issues, think Huckleberry Finn. What other issues have conservatives had about school libraries as an institution? I don’t know of any conservative who wants to close down libraries.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well, we’re talking about elected school boards and the actions they are taking in VB and other places.

            In Spotsy, they have a committee that decides which books stay or not but if someone
            appeals, the SUP then removes books also. It this type of over-the-top stuff that gets newly elected tossed at the next election. It’s not a durable governance.

    2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Thats not happening. SOQs require this. The new Spotsy super lacks institutional knowledge to be aware.

  5. John Harvie Avatar
    John Harvie

    Glad (I hope) Carolyn Rye is gone for good.

  6. Good for them. maybe they will be awarded this year’s Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence

  7. vicnicholls Avatar

    As one of those who testified, and as a salutatorian of my graduating class, I am delighted with the decision.

  8. John Harvie Avatar
    John Harvie

    Glad (I hope) Carolyn Rye is gone for good.

  9. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I just realized that Halifax County High School must have been “woke” in 1966, before that term became popular. It did not have class rankings nor announce valedictorians or salutatorians.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I don’t remember it at my high school either.

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