Virginia AG: Selective Admissions Are Racist

The Academies of Loudoun

by Hans Bader

The Virginia attorney general’s office has ruled that the Loudoun County school system committed illegal racial discrimination by admitting relatively few black and Hispanic students to its selective schools, the Academies of Loudoun.

For reasons that have nothing to do with racism, the Academies of Loudoun are much more heavily Asian than the Loudoun County Public Schools as a whole. They have fewer blacks, Hispanics, and whites than the Loudoun school district as a whole. The finding of “discrimination” against LCPS is wrong, because it is based on an apples-to-oranges comparison and concept of discrimination that likely does not apply to school systems.

The AG’s finding doesn’t claim that individual black and Hispanic students were treated differently in admissions than white or Asian students, or that the admissions process was motivated by racism. Rather, it claims that the school district unintentionally “discriminated” by using racially “neutral,” colorblind selection processes that admitted disproportionately fewer black and Hispanics than their share of the school district’s population.

Such “disproportionality” is deemed discrimination when the Virginia attorney general’s office thinks the school policy producing it either (1) isn’t necessary to achieving an “important educational goal,” or (2) when “alternative policies” would supposedly achieve the goal with less “disproportionate” impact on minority groups. The AG’s office concluded that while the schools’ admission policies had a “reasonable relationship to an important educational goal” — enabling students to excel in STEM — there were “alternative policies and practices to meet LCPS’s educational goals.” The county could have admitted more blacks and Hispanics by diluting the rigor of its admission criteria or taking more steps to recruit blacks and Hispanics.

(Ironically, the AG’s office cited the progressive school system’s own words against it. School officials have confessed to insufficient diversity and to “cultural bias.” The AG’s office also mentioned the school system’s efforts to attract more minorities as evidence that selective-admissions policies were not really needed.)

The office thus issued a “reasonable cause” finding of discrimination based on “disparate impact” over the admissions process for the Academies of Loudoun. But it made this finding of discrimination with hardly any explanation of why disparate impact is a violation in the school setting.

The AG’s office declared in its November 18 ruling that it has the authority to investigate violations of state or federal discrimination law under section 2-3902 of the Virginia Code. It is a mystery what state or federal law is supposedly violated by colorblind, “facially-neutral,” selective admissions. The only discrimination statute cited by the AG’s office is the federal Title VI statute. In 2001, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Title VI statute itself does not prohibit disparate impact — like exams that more minorities than whites flunk — but rather only “intentional discrimination.” (See Alexander v. Sandoval, 532 U.S. 275 (2001)).

In its 2001 ruling, the Supreme Court noted that regulations adopted to effectuate the Title VI statute have been interpreted by civil-rights officials as banning disparate impact, even though the Title VI statute itself doesn’t. But the court called the idea that such regulations can ban valid disparate impact “strange,” and suggested that such bans are likely invalid. (See Alexander v. Sandoval, 532 U.S. 275, 286 n.6 (2001)).

In any event, the Virginia attorney general’s office doesn’t place much weight on federal regulations. It mentions a Title VI regulation only in passing, among other provisions banning racial discrimination, along with Title VI and the federal and state constitutions. (See its Final Determination, at  pages 34-35, citing 34 C.F.R. 100.3(b)(2) in footnote 28).

It’s puzzling that the attorney general’s office cites the Constitution in support of its ruling. Colorblind admissions tests don’t violate the Constitution’s ban on racial discrimination. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled over and over that that the Constitution does not ban racially disparate impact. For example, the Supreme Court ruled that a written personnel test that more blacks than whites flunked, didn’t violate the ban on racial discrimination found in the Constitution. (See Washington v. Davis, 426 U.S. 229 (1976)).

So, logically, the only conceivable basis for the ruling against the Loudoun Schools, if there is any, is the Title VI regulation — a regulation of dubious validity insofar as it bans “disparate impact” logic, according to a footnote in a 2001 Supreme Court decision. (see Alexander v. Sandoval, 532 U.S. 275, 286 n.6 (2001)).

But even if that regulation were valid, the Virginia attorney general’s office made mistakes in finding a violation of it. It relied heavily on apples-to-oranges comparisons in finding “underrepresentation” and “disparate impact” in the first place — comparing the racial makeup of people admitted to Loudoun’s selective schools with the racial makeup of the county’s entire student population. Even when a discrimination statute bans “disparate impact,” oy only forbids certain kinds of “underrepresentation”: namely, when a minority group is unjustifiably underrepresented compared to the correct “reference pool.” The “reference pool” is supposed to take into account people’s interests and basic qualifications, not just their race. (See Wards Cove Packing Co. v. Atonio (1989)).

Many students are neither interested in nor qualified by any stretch of the imagination to study STEM at a selective academy. The purpose of “disparate impact” discrimination findings is to weed out “arbitrary and unnecessary barriers” to qualified members of minority groups, not require a racial quota — as the Virginia attorney general’s office is effectively encouraging.

Yet the Virginia attorney general’s office faulted the Academies of Loudoun just for not being as black and brown as the school system as a whole. For example, it complained that “In Year Two, Black/African-American students represented 3.17% of the applications and 1.77% of enrolled students, despite constituting 18% of the LCPS student population.”

But that’s an apples-to-oranges comparison. As the federal appeals court in Richmond has noted, there is no legal presumption that all racial groups will apply to a selective program at the same rate, or be qualified at the same rate. It ruled that a university’s selective admissions criteria did not have any racially “disparate impact” that would justify affirmative action for black people, even if blacks were less well represented in the university’s student body than in the state’s population of graduating high-school students. That’s because any finding of racial “underrepresentation” had to take into account student interests and basic qualifications. (See Podberesky v. Kirwan, 38 F.3d 147, 159-60 (4th Cir. 1994)).

Hans Bader is an attorney living in Northern Virginia. This column was published originally at Liberty Unyielding.

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106 responses to “Virginia AG: Selective Admissions Are Racist”

  1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    The superintendent, Eric Williams, handled this so poorly. The anger from high achieving families is off the charts in Loudoun right now. The good doctor is moving on to a new pasture in Texas. I wonder what could have caused him to walk away from a contract that paid him so well with a compensation package of $327,000?

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      This is a very bad place for the Attorney General of Virginia to intervene. Once the Law is politicized, we are by definition living in a lawless society. This is the tinder for chaos and rebellion. Watch out!

  2. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

    “Many students are…(not) qualified by any stretch of the imagination to study STEM at a selective academy.”

    HAHAHAHA, you people really believe this don’t you? Like doing basic calculus is some sort of esoteric skill only elite minds can master. I’ve worked around STEM folks for years, and trust me, their intellects leave as much to be desired as anyone else, especially the T and the E.

    But let’s assume it’s true, that selective STEM can only be done by the elite. Well, one of two things are true – either these skills are racially linked (which has been debunked time and again) or they appear in a normal distribution across all of humanity.

    If and since the second one is the case, it stands that any disparate outcome is the result of external factors. I know no one here is going to accept the boring, materialist analysis of things like the economic background of the parents, so let’s just jump right to “it’s the culture!”

    It’s not the culture (as I’ve posted here before Black parents in a large majority think higher education is critical to success), but let’s assume it is! Then we come to the question of is the point of education to: reward parents/cultures or to educate all students to the highest level possible?

    If it’s the former, then sure, all this SJW nonsense Fairfax is trying to pull is an unacceptable waste of time. But if it’s the latter, these schools have an affirmative responsibility to figure out a way to take in more underrepresented students and work with them to raise their skills up to highest level possible and what Fairfax is attempting isn’t SJW social engineering, it’s them attempting to fulfill the duties of the school system.

    Because the thing is, far more kids than you think can learn STEM skills and perform at the highest level of given the opportunity. Here is just one example:

    It’s time to stop letting – to quote George W. Bush – the soft bigotry of low expectations keep our school systems from doing right by these children.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      I agree with all you have said, but solutions must be found starting at home from birth on for all kids, otherwise most all kids will fail.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        And what solutions “starting at home from birth” do you suggest? That sounds like it could be a massive government invasion or usurpation of the role of parents.

        1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
          Reed Fawell 3rd

          “And what solutions “starting at home from birth” do you suggest? That sounds like it could be a massive government invasion or usurpation of the role of parents.”

          No, it would engage quite the reverse of your kind of government that breeds and enables the destructive behavior in the first place. So lets not start at making more root causes as you suggest. Instead, lets us start by pulling out causes of this problem by its roots. So for instance, see:

    2. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      The soft bigotry of low expectations has done its damage by the end of the elementary years, which is why the middle schools are the educational killing grounds. The soft bigotry of low expectations is on full display right now in the pandemic-panicked teacher unions refusing to enter classrooms. Letting in students at the high school or university level not prepared for the work is the very meaning of the soft bigotry of expectations. You want to change the outcomes, get thee to K-three.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead V

        Soft bigotry of low expectations. You could not be more correct. This is the very essence of post Brown v. Board reality in education and it has quite a bit of age on it now. W Bush and George Allen were courageous to take this head on. It is a shame that methodologies and resources were never allocated at the proper levels. Who really came up with that phrase? No way George Bush did.

      2. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

        “Letting in students at the high school or university level not prepared for the work…”

        Again, this is mythic nonsense. Personally, I went from failing high school geometry to remedial math as a college freshman to doing differential equations by the time I graduated. If people like you got their way I wouldn’t have been able to get into a BS track at all because to that point I looked like someone who wasn’t prepared for the work.

        There are a Hell of a lot more students like me than the system acknowledges – I know because I ended up tutoring a lot of them in math to watch them go from struggling with college algebra to engineers and surgical nurses. Prepared for the work is a dodge, it’s a way of saying “we don’t want to take the time and spend the money to educate you at this juncture, sorry, but you should have been born to a family that had the resources to get you up to snuff by eighth grade.”

        It takes time and it takes money to get kids whose families had neither up to the kind of educational snuff kids whose family had one or both in abundance can get. It doesn’t take blocking them from magnet school entrances because a test their parents can’t afford to buy them tutoring for is the main selector of “meritocracy.” But if we’re not going to spend the time and money then we should just give up the game and say we’re fine with inequality and that it’s the natural and right order of things and that any intervention is a waste of resources.

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          My high school sweetheart wasn’t the only one with 34 Cs.

      3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        It does not have to be that way. Jaime Escalante demonstrated that in Los Angeles, taking children of Mexican immigrants and farm workers who had never had any math beyond consumer math when they arrived in high school and preparing them to take, and pass, the national AP calculus exam.

        1. Steve Haner Avatar
          Steve Haner

          Understood. But that is not the mission of a school like TJ or the Loudoun Academy. If you prefer to spend the resources that way, fine. I can agree with that.

        2. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead V

          Mr. Escalante was a personal inspiration for me. I used his ideas at Heritage High School for two years. It was an after school study group for 1st generation immigrants at the school. I called it the International Study Group. I did have success and was able to secure grant money from AOL. Students had to participate 4 days a week and maintain good grades and in exchange I would release money at graduation for college or trade school. I found the same obstacles that Mr. Escalante found. It was difficult to retain the boys, they often started working by age 15. It was tough to retain the girls too, I had to compete against their romances with much older men. Nonetheless there was a core of kids I retained and advanced. Virtually no institutional support and only half hearted help from already burned out colleagues. Mr. Escalante had an iron will to succeed at his mission no matter the personal cost. I only wished I could have matched that.

      4. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
        Eric the Half a Troll

        Ok… K-3 it is. Time to scrap the large 900 student (or larger) elementary schools and return to 200 student schools and decrease class sizes by… say 10 students for a starter. Can Republicans finally get behind that or are we going to face them on the “cut my taxes” battlefront again…?

        1. Steve Haner Avatar
          Steve Haner

          Well the class size matters more than the school size…

          1. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
            Eric the Half a Troll

            My children’s first principal by the end of the first week of each year would stand at the entrance to school each morning and great each and every student by name. That kind of intimate attention can never happen at a 900 student school. Parent involvement is asap key to early and sustained student success. That involvement is typical much higher in smaller community-based schools.

            While you are correct that class size is important, it is equally true that small schools produce superior outcome. I can provide many studies that demonstrate this but common sense should also get you there. Btw, the students on the academic fringe (top and bottom) are the ones that benefit the most from small community-based schools. Again, I can cite many studies if required.

          2. ksmith8953 Avatar

            But we don’t have schools built for smaller class size. We could cut classrooms in half?

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            double staff? increases taxes to pay for?

    3. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
      Eric the Half a Troll

      A much more eloquent way of saying 1.77% vs. 18%?! Are you kidding me?!

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Rounding error, I suppose.

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    The superintendent, Eric Williams, handled this so poorly. The anger from high achieving families is off the charts in Loudoun right now. The good doctor is moving on to a new pasture in Texas. I wonder what could have caused him to walk away from a contract that paid him so well with a compensation package of $327,000?

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      This is a very bad place for the Attorney General of Virginia to intervene. Once the Law is politicized, we are by definition living in a lawless society. This is the tinder for chaos and rebellion. Watch out!

  4. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

    “Many students are…(not) qualified by any stretch of the imagination to study STEM at a selective academy.”

    HAHAHAHA, you people really believe this don’t you? Like doing basic calculus is some sort of esoteric skill only elite minds can master. I’ve worked around STEM folks for years, and trust me, their intellects leave as much to be desired as anyone else, especially the T and the E.

    But let’s assume it’s true, that selective STEM can only be done by the elite. Well, one of two things are true – either these skills are racially linked (which has been debunked time and again) or they appear in a normal distribution across all of humanity.

    If and since the second one is the case, it stands that any disparate outcome is the result of external factors. I know no one here is going to accept the boring, materialist analysis of things like the economic background of the parents, so let’s just jump right to “it’s the culture!”

    It’s not the culture (as I’ve posted here before Black parents in a large majority think higher education is critical to success), but let’s assume it is! Then we come to the question of is the point of education to: reward parents/cultures or to educate all students to the highest level possible?

    If it’s the former, then sure, all this SJW nonsense Fairfax is trying to pull is an unacceptable waste of time. But if it’s the latter, these schools have an affirmative responsibility to figure out a way to take in more underrepresented students and work with them to raise their skills up to highest level possible and what Fairfax is attempting isn’t SJW social engineering, it’s them attempting to fulfill the duties of the school system.

    Because the thing is, far more kids than you think can learn STEM skills and perform at the highest level of given the opportunity. Here is just one example:

    It’s time to stop letting – to quote George W. Bush – the soft bigotry of low expectations keep our school systems from doing right by these children.

    1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
      Reed Fawell 3rd

      I agree with all you have said, but solutions must be found starting at home from birth on for all kids, otherwise most all kids will fail.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        And what solutions “starting at home from birth” do you suggest? That sounds like it could be a massive government invasion or usurpation of the role of parents.

        1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
          Reed Fawell 3rd

          “And what solutions “starting at home from birth” do you suggest? That sounds like it could be a massive government invasion or usurpation of the role of parents.”

          No, it would engage quite the reverse of your kind of government that breeds and enables the destructive behavior in the first place. So lets not start at making more root causes as you suggest. Instead, lets us start by pulling out causes of this problem by its roots. So for instance, see:

    2. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      The soft bigotry of low expectations has done its damage by the end of the elementary years, which is why the middle schools are the educational killing grounds. The soft bigotry of low expectations is on full display right now in the pandemic-panicked teacher unions refusing to enter classrooms. Letting in students at the high school or university level not prepared for the work is the very meaning of the soft bigotry of expectations. You want to change the outcomes, get thee to K-three.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        It does not have to be that way. Jaime Escalante demonstrated that in Los Angeles, taking children of Mexican immigrants and farm workers who had never had any math beyond consumer math when they arrived in high school and preparing them to take, and pass, the national AP calculus exam.

        1. Steve Haner Avatar
          Steve Haner

          Understood. But that is not the mission of a school like TJ or the Loudoun Academy. If you prefer to spend the resources that way, fine. I can agree with that.

          1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            The problem is that no one is advocating spending the resources that way.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            But you cannot get to TJ if the lower schools do not prepare you, right?

            So, you’re right about about higher than high school. If you do n ot get sufficient academic skills in the lower levels, you WILL fail to even qualify for higher ed.

            The thing is this happens BEFORE the pandemic and right there in Henrico County way before the pandemic – with full “in-person” instruction, there are 2-3 dozen schools that are failures – ironically, at the same time in the same school district, are some of the best schools in the state.

            Same leadership , same administration – vastly different results, so where is Henrico actually putting it’s resources?

            So, in both Loudoun AND Henrico (and others), it actually seems to depend WHERE you live as to whether or not you will be in a “good” school or a “bad” school. Right?

        2. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead V

          Mr. Escalante was a personal inspiration for me. I used his ideas at Heritage High School for two years. It was an after school study group for 1st generation immigrants at the school. I called it the International Study Group. I did have success and was able to secure grant money from AOL. Students had to participate 4 days a week and maintain good grades and in exchange I would release money at graduation for college or trade school. I found the same obstacles that Mr. Escalante found. It was difficult to retain the boys, they often started working by age 15. It was tough to retain the girls too, I had to compete against their romances with much older men. Nonetheless there was a core of kids I retained and advanced. Virtually no institutional support and only half hearted help from already burned out colleagues. Mr. Escalante had an iron will to succeed at his mission no matter the personal cost. I only wished I could have matched that.

          1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

            A number of years ago, a high-level executive from the Fairfax County Economic Development Authority spoke in McLean. One of the topics he spoke about was the impact of parental pressure in Hispanic immigrant families for their sons to drop out of high school and get jobs and for their daughters to find husbands. Economic? Cultural? Both?

            This, of course, brings up the argument among progressives that assimilation is bad; the melting pot is bad. Or does the left get to pick and chose their governing principles when and where they want to do so?

      2. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
        Eric the Half a Troll

        Ok… K-3 it is. Time to scrap the large 900 student (or larger) elementary schools and return to 200 student schools and decrease class sizes by… say 10 students for a starter. Can Republicans finally get behind that or are we going to face them on the “cut my taxes” battlefront again…?

        1. Steve Haner Avatar
          Steve Haner

          Well the class size matters more than the school size…

          1. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
            Eric the Half a Troll

            My children’s first principal by the end of the first week of each year would stand at the entrance to school each morning and great each and every student by name. That kind of intimate attention can never happen at a 900 student school. Parent involvement is asap key to early and sustained student success. That involvement is typical much higher in smaller community-based schools.

            While you are correct that class size is important, it is equally true that small schools produce superior outcome. I can provide many studies that demonstrate this but common sense should also get you there. Btw, the students on the academic fringe (top and bottom) are the ones that benefit the most from small community-based schools. Again, I can cite many studies if required.

          2. ksmith8953 Avatar

            But we don’t have schools built for smaller class size. We could cut classrooms in half?

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            double staff? increases taxes to pay for?

      3. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead V

        Soft bigotry of low expectations. You could not be more correct. This is the very essence of post Brown v. Board reality in education and it has quite a bit of age on it now. W Bush and George Allen were courageous to take this head on. It is a shame that methodologies and resources were never allocated at the proper levels. Who really came up with that phrase? No way George Bush did.

      4. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

        “Letting in students at the high school or university level not prepared for the work…”

        Again, this is mythic nonsense. Personally, I went from failing high school geometry to remedial math as a college freshman to doing differential equations by the time I graduated. If people like you got their way I wouldn’t have been able to get into a BS track at all because to that point I looked like someone who wasn’t prepared for the work.

        There are a Hell of a lot more students like me than the system acknowledges – I know because I ended up tutoring a lot of them in math to watch them go from struggling with college algebra to engineers and surgical nurses. Prepared for the work is a dodge, it’s a way of saying “we don’t want to take the time and spend the money to educate you at this juncture, sorry, but you should have been born to a family that had the resources to get you up to snuff by eighth grade.”

        It takes time and it takes money to get kids whose families had neither up to the kind of educational snuff kids whose family had one or both in abundance can get. It doesn’t take blocking them from magnet school entrances because a test their parents can’t afford to buy them tutoring for is the main selector of “meritocracy.” But if we’re not going to spend the time and money then we should just give up the game and say we’re fine with inequality and that it’s the natural and right order of things and that any intervention is a waste of resources.

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          My high school sweetheart wasn’t the only one with 34 Cs.

        2. ksmith8953 Avatar

          I agree with up against the wall. The solution to soft bigotry in the upper grades is to do something about it in the lower grades. Earlier school, longer school years, smaller class sizes, smaller schools.

    3. Eric the Half a Troll Avatar
      Eric the Half a Troll

      A much more eloquent way of saying 1.77% vs. 18%?! Are you kidding me?!

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Rounding error, I suppose.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    And I agree with UpAgnstTheWall, who makes the case in a much more articulate way than I have ever been able to.

    But to tie the fate of the kids to their parents is not what public schools are about and kids of lower income/lower educated parents will be at serious disadvantages when competing against parents that are highly educated and have significant incomes.

    When you look at the Demographics for TJ, you find that less than 2% of the enrollment is economically disadvantaged.
    So is that the way that public schools should operate – i.e. that almost no economically disadvantaged kids will progress to the point where they are qualified for admission to a school like the Loudoun Academices?

    I have not so far, found demographic info on the Loudoun Academies but presume it’s demographically similar to TJ.

    I’m told by school teachers that in their minds the purpose of public education is to advance the child to his/her highest potential. And the thing is there are some very excellent public schools in Virginia that do just that, i.e. the economically disadvantaged ALSo score high on the standardized tests.

    So why is that not true at other public schools – like Loutdoun?

    Do public schools often (not always) essentially cater to kids with educated parents ? Do they configure their teaching to focus on kids who have educated parents and shift their resources to programs and opportunities for high achieving kids rather than resources and programs for low achieving kids who do have potential but lack good parental support?

    Like I said – a few public schools don’t just focus on the kids with parental support – they also focus on the kids who are economically disadvantaged and they do produce results.

    “WE” say everyone born in the US has opportunity to succeed but would they if we did not have public education and it was up to the parents to provide education for their kids. Hardly anyone would support that but how many support the idea that if you are born poor, your fate is sealed even in public schools?

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    And I agree with UpAgnstTheWall, who makes the case in a much more articulate way than I have ever been able to.

    But to tie the fate of the kids to their parents is not what public schools are about and kids of lower income/lower educated parents will be at serious disadvantages when competing against parents that are highly educated and have significant incomes.

    When you look at the Demographics for TJ, you find that less than 2% of the enrollment is economically disadvantaged.
    So is that the way that public schools should operate – i.e. that almost no economically disadvantaged kids will progress to the point where they are qualified for admission to a school like the Loudoun Academices?

    I have not so far, found demographic info on the Loudoun Academies but presume it’s demographically similar to TJ.

    I’m told by school teachers that in their minds the purpose of public education is to advance the child to his/her highest potential. And the thing is there are some very excellent public schools in Virginia that do just that, i.e. the economically disadvantaged ALSo score high on the standardized tests.

    So why is that not true at other public schools – like Loutdoun?

    Do public schools often (not always) essentially cater to kids with educated parents ? Do they configure their teaching to focus on kids who have educated parents and shift their resources to programs and opportunities for high achieving kids rather than resources and programs for low achieving kids who do have potential but lack good parental support?

    Like I said – a few public schools don’t just focus on the kids with parental support – they also focus on the kids who are economically disadvantaged and they do produce results.

    “WE” say everyone born in the US has opportunity to succeed but would they if we did not have public education and it was up to the parents to provide education for their kids. Hardly anyone would support that but how many support the idea that if you are born poor, your fate is sealed even in public schools?

  7. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I did not realize that the AG’s office had this responsibility and authority to investigate civil rights violations. By statte, the AG may commence a civil action in court, but this “Determination” is not the same thing as a court order. It is a powerful tool, but, when it comes right down to it, this “Determination” does not have any legal teeth. The AG cannot order the Loudoun school board to do anything. The “Determination” itself tacitly admits this. At the end, the school board is “requested” to inform the AG’s office of certain actions. There is a list of “conciliation requests” for the school board to engage in. The board could chose to ignore the “Determination” and challenge the AG to take it to court. As members of the GA have been prone to say, “The AG’s opinion is just one lawyer’s opinion.”

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Forget not ever that AG stands for “aspiring governor.”

  8. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I did not realize that the AG’s office had this responsibility and authority to investigate civil rights violations. By statte, the AG may commence a civil action in court, but this “Determination” is not the same thing as a court order. It is a powerful tool, but, when it comes right down to it, this “Determination” does not have any legal teeth. The AG cannot order the Loudoun school board to do anything. The “Determination” itself tacitly admits this. At the end, the school board is “requested” to inform the AG’s office of certain actions. There is a list of “conciliation requests” for the school board to engage in. The board could chose to ignore the “Determination” and challenge the AG to take it to court. As members of the GA have been prone to say, “The AG’s opinion is just one lawyer’s opinion.”

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Forget not ever that AG stands for “aspiring governor.”

  9. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    So I open this morning’s RTD and Sheltering Arms, the local rehab hospital, has a full page ad honoring its donors and “junior board,” whatever that is. Well, what that is is 30 young ladies perhaps with some connection to the individuals or businesses who donate. What hits you immediately in this current environment is they appear to all be of European extraction. No African ancestry, no Asian, no Hispanic, just a bunch of WASPS (could be a Catholic….). It looks like the debutante list from the Country Club of Virginia in 1955.

    Now the hospital of course serves the whole community, and I’ve done PT there myself. What idiot thought so little of the community that no effort was made to put together a more representative list of young ladies? (And why just young women for a junior board?) The local private schools would not be so stupid and obvious when they advertise. Was that thoughtlessness an example of racism? I would posit a yes on that. Any of my business? Maybe not, but then I’m sure government funding is vital to the facility.

    UATW is correct that to assume no Black or Hispanic student could succeed at that academy is false. The question is what is the mission, and is it proper for an egalitarian public school system to have any kind of elitist specialty academy that by its nature is exclusive and selective? The result, and this is the rub, will be none of that, that is not the public schools’ role. And the result of that will be further expansion of the private schools. I still think the solution is to flip the focus and pour the resources into finding and nurturing the gifted far earlier in the process.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      That’s just someone trying to do attaboys for that group… It’s sorta like a scout group getting kudos for building a trail or something.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        You missed Steve’s main point. This is a good example of what is being called “implicit bias”.

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          Implicit?! Someone here, who shall remain nameless, actually posted a comment along the lines of his efforts to help three kids from the “gang banger” (my words not his, but the gist is correct) crowd by directing them into HS sports. That’s not implicit bias.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Folks have forgotten the original purpose of “sports” in school. It was to provide every child an opportunity to exercise and to learn how to get better, gain skills, hard work, perserverence, etc… it was not about being the best against others but the best you could be and sometimes it showed one to be good at running or at ball playing or track, etc… it showed there were areas where you were good at even if at not other areas.

            It was often called intramural – and the purpose was to expose all kids to physical sports and then we corrupted sports to be about competition the best players and everyone not the best was put in a different category.

            Nevermind – we hypocritically gave sports players a “pass” on academics… they go to college even with atrocious academics while we blather on about “unqualified” poor kids trying to go to college. Turns out if you are poor AND dumb but good at sports, YOU CAN go to College.. but if you are poor and IQ smart, maybe not…


          2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            From your fingertips to her eyes… sign of the times, both. 😊

    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Great points.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Nice story in the Free Lance Start this morning:

        “Former Brisben Center resident serves up meals—with gratitude—at homeless shelter

        Residents at the Brisben Center emergency homeless shelter in Fredericksburg know that when Januari Coates is cooking, dinner might be served a little late.

        “I’ll apologize and they’ll say, ‘It’s OK, Januari, we know cooking with loves takes time!’ ” said Coates, 41.

        The Woodbridge resident cooks at the shelter at least once a week and her goal is to serve up the comforts of home along with the meals.

        “Someone was willing to buy me fried chicken [to serve at dinner],” Coates said. “I said, ‘Do you know how much better it would be for them to smell the chicken frying than for someone to just drop off some KFC?’

        “People are stressed when they’re in a shelter and they can’t cook for themselves,” she continued. “So I provide the USDA meals, but also make things they would have when they’re at home.

        “I see it as art on a plate.”

        Coates, who works as a real estate agent and broker in Washington, Maryland and Virginia—she sold her first million-dollar property last year—knows how shelter residents feel because she used to be one herself. She lived at the Brisben Center for two weeks when she was 19.

        “I would say I was a rebellious child,” she said. “I was pregnant and I had a child and my mom was just being a mom, but I didn’t want to do things her way. She dropped me off at Brisben one night.”

    3. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      I think they call that “The TAG Program”. It was.a direct response, well, with the help of a judge, to remedial education programs.

    4. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

      I don’t have any way of knowing your individual sincerity, but given the war on Head Start conservatives have been waging my whole life I have some doubts that your scheme for pouring resources would look any different than the current high school system we’re talking about just shifted down to kindergarten instead of high school.

      I think what conservatives fail to understand is that selectivity and egalitarianism are not necessarily at loggerheads. The TJ Gov School deciding to accept more students, drop admissions tests, and go to a lottery of high performing students based on GPA is an example of this. Yes, someone is going to get left out under any scheme*, but changing the scheme to randomly select from a pool of all available students with a high enough GPA and an interest in chemistry is at least a scheme that isn’t just a sorting mechanism for parental income. Honestly, TJ should go a step further and mandate that any incoming student have spent 3 of the last 4 years in a public school, too.

      So much of this elite specialty school stuff is just artificial scarcity, anyway. TJ always had the ability to admit more students and doing so doesn’t dilute the type of education provided there, but it makes the students who do attend marginally less special if there’s 120 graduates instead of 100. But that’s not the type of thing anyone should care about – schools are about education not making sure any given parent’s kid is the most specialist kid possible. Harvard and the rest of the Ivy’s are a perfect example – the amount of students who meet the GPA/SAT/ACT requirements every year far exceed the amount of students they accept and everyone they accept doesn’t meet their requirements (hello legacy students, children of donors, and the crew team!), but to let in more students to receive their vaunted education would dilute the brand not the product. The entire point of getting into Harvard is to get into Harvard not to get a Harvard education** – and this sort of breeding ground for networking among wealthy prigs isn’t something a public school system should emulate no matter how badly the parents want to.

      Will this increase the amount of parents sending their kids to private schools? Possibly, but if it were up to me those wouldn’t exist in the first place. More to the point, if parents want to waste their money on private schools that’s their prerogative and if that frees up a few more slots in public magnets then that’s fine, too.

      *We could also have a discussion about reorganizing our society so that not getting into selective schools isn’t considered a life hazard, but this probably isn’t the blog for that.

      **Having known people who went to Harvard, community college, trade schools, shipyard apprenticeships, and all points in between the idea that there’s any special sauce in elite college education is nonsense. Harvard would probably do more positive good in the world spending a decade only taking in students who didn’t go to places like Exeter academy and giving them a shot at the SCOTUS clerkship to insufferable asshole pipeline than the fig leaf of “we take one special student grown from the cracks of the ghetto concrete for every 50 Obama daughters” crap they do now.

  10. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    So I open this morning’s RTD and Sheltering Arms, the local rehab hospital, has a full page ad honoring its donors and “junior board,” whatever that is. Well, what that is is 30 young ladies perhaps with some connection to the individuals or businesses who donate. What hits you immediately in this current environment is they appear to all be of European extraction. No African ancestry, no Asian, no Hispanic, just a bunch of WASPS (could be a Catholic….). It looks like the debutante list from the Country Club of Virginia in 1955.

    Now the hospital of course serves the whole community, and I’ve done PT there myself. What idiot thought so little of the community that no effort was made to put together a more representative list of young ladies? (And why just young women for a junior board?) The local private schools would not be so stupid and obvious when they advertise. Was that thoughtlessness an example of racism? I would posit a yes on that. Any of my business? Maybe not, but then I’m sure government funding is vital to the facility.

    UATW is correct that to assume no Black or Hispanic student could succeed at that academy is false. The question is what is the mission, and is it proper for an egalitarian public school system to have any kind of elitist specialty academy that by its nature is exclusive and selective? The result, and this is the rub, will be none of that, that is not the public schools’ role. And the result of that will be further expansion of the private schools. I still think the solution is to flip the focus and pour the resources into finding and nurturing the gifted far earlier in the process.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      That’s just someone trying to do attaboys for that group… It’s sorta like a scout group getting kudos for building a trail or something.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        You missed Steve’s main point. This is a good example of what is being called “implicit bias”.

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          Implicit?! Someone here, who shall remain nameless, actually posted a comment along the lines of his efforts to help three kids from the “gang banger” (my words not his, but the gist is correct) crowd by directing them into HS sports. That’s not implicit bias.

    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Great points.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Nice story in the Free Lance Start this morning:

        “Former Brisben Center resident serves up meals—with gratitude—at homeless shelter

        Residents at the Brisben Center emergency homeless shelter in Fredericksburg know that when Januari Coates is cooking, dinner might be served a little late.

        “I’ll apologize and they’ll say, ‘It’s OK, Januari, we know cooking with loves takes time!’ ” said Coates, 41.

        The Woodbridge resident cooks at the shelter at least once a week and her goal is to serve up the comforts of home along with the meals.

        “Someone was willing to buy me fried chicken [to serve at dinner],” Coates said. “I said, ‘Do you know how much better it would be for them to smell the chicken frying than for someone to just drop off some KFC?’

        “People are stressed when they’re in a shelter and they can’t cook for themselves,” she continued. “So I provide the USDA meals, but also make things they would have when they’re at home.

        “I see it as art on a plate.”

        Coates, who works as a real estate agent and broker in Washington, Maryland and Virginia—she sold her first million-dollar property last year—knows how shelter residents feel because she used to be one herself. She lived at the Brisben Center for two weeks when she was 19.

        “I would say I was a rebellious child,” she said. “I was pregnant and I had a child and my mom was just being a mom, but I didn’t want to do things her way. She dropped me off at Brisben one night.”

    3. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      I think they call that “The TAG Program”. It was.a direct response, well, with the help of a judge, to remedial education programs.

    4. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

      I don’t have any way of knowing your individual sincerity, but given the war on Head Start conservatives have been waging my whole life I have some doubts that your scheme for pouring resources would look any different than the current high school system we’re talking about just shifted down to kindergarten instead of high school.

      I think what conservatives fail to understand is that selectivity and egalitarianism are not necessarily at loggerheads. The TJ Gov School deciding to accept more students, drop admissions tests, and go to a lottery of high performing students based on GPA is an example of this. Yes, someone is going to get left out under any scheme*, but changing the scheme to randomly select from a pool of all available students with a high enough GPA and an interest in chemistry is at least a scheme that isn’t just a sorting mechanism for parental income. Honestly, TJ should go a step further and mandate that any incoming student have spent 3 of the last 4 years in a public school, too.

      So much of this elite specialty school stuff is just artificial scarcity, anyway. TJ always had the ability to admit more students and doing so doesn’t dilute the type of education provided there, but it makes the students who do attend marginally less special if there’s 120 graduates instead of 100. But that’s not the type of thing anyone should care about – schools are about education not making sure any given parent’s kid is the most specialist kid possible. Harvard and the rest of the Ivy’s are a perfect example – the amount of students who meet the GPA/SAT/ACT requirements every year far exceed the amount of students they accept and everyone they accept doesn’t meet their requirements (hello legacy students, children of donors, and the crew team!), but to let in more students to receive their vaunted education would dilute the brand not the product. The entire point of getting into Harvard is to get into Harvard not to get a Harvard education** – and this sort of breeding ground for networking among wealthy prigs isn’t something a public school system should emulate no matter how badly the parents want to.

      Will this increase the amount of parents sending their kids to private schools? Possibly, but if it were up to me those wouldn’t exist in the first place. More to the point, if parents want to waste their money on private schools that’s their prerogative and if that frees up a few more slots in public magnets then that’s fine, too.

      *We could also have a discussion about reorganizing our society so that not getting into selective schools isn’t considered a life hazard, but this probably isn’t the blog for that.

      **Having known people who went to Harvard, community college, trade schools, shipyard apprenticeships, and all points in between the idea that there’s any special sauce in elite college education is nonsense. Harvard would probably do more positive good in the world spending a decade only taking in students who didn’t go to places like Exeter academy and giving them a shot at the SCOTUS clerkship to insufferable asshole pipeline than the fig leaf of “we take one special student grown from the cracks of the ghetto concrete for every 50 Obama daughters” crap they do now.

  11. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Hmmm, so in a comment, the Cap’n wanted to grow doctors; identify potential medical students in the K-12 system, and foster them through the process.

    Now I see y’all want that for mathematicians, physicists, engineers, etc., too.

    How about public telephone sanitizers? Account executives and hairdressers? TV producers, insurance salesmen, personnel officers, security guards, public relations executives, and management consultants?

    Let’s test. Let’s determine early. Hell, we can have half these people on the job by, oh say, age 13. Think of how much money we can save reducing the student load of 8-12 by 50, 60%?

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Useless snark. But that’s what the Germans do, and kids are directed into trades or college prep tracks by an early grade. Don’t come to the shipyard hiring event without the full complement of high school math.

      Let’s start the argument in this direction: not the specialty high school, but the HS basketball team. Racism by disparate impact if the starting five is all of one race? What is the difference between basketball skills and math skills?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        It’s called “sport” and most people, by far, cannot make a living at it much less a life-long career.

        For many, it’s over after high-school and for others over in College then it’s on to the rest of your life and for that you need marketable skills.

        You should get your wife to answer these? 😉

      2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        God, I wish there really was a “permanent record”, well aside from the one the NSA is developing. I’d love to see what YOUR HS guidance councilor said were your career opportunities. Mine was tennis instructor, or auto mechanic. College was deemed “not a good choice”. Oh well.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Well.. theory and practice ……. 😉

          But it’s not so much what the counselors say as it is what opportunities are offered for other paths.

          But you have to get the basics first before you ever get to that point and for some kids – who never become proficient at reading, writing and math – many of these other paths are not possible either these days because some much technology is now embedded in so many occupations.

          When you finished HS and your horizons are limted to low-end “labor” type jobs – you are pretty much screwed AND so are your kids…

          1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Well, when they say there isn’t systemic racism, but the outcomes are generational along racial lines….

            Hey, isn’t it about time for another story about the “Fuck UVa” sign?

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            stirring that pot………. 😉

        2. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead V

          My 8th grade counselor told me to be a truck driver. After a 27 year career in education I took his advice. Driving around in my Jeep for UPS now. Dropping off packages up on Blue Mountain in Warren County. I get paid 21 bucks an hour and 58 cents a mile to go four wheeling everyday. Everyday is a new adventure. Dropped 15 pounds in 2 weeks! You should tag along. All sorts of interesting critters I encounter everyday.

          1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            I’ll bet! Some bipedal. Good on ya for the weight loss.

      3. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Uh, Steve… if it is actually done in Germany, how is it useless snark? Give it a second.

      4. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

        Well, the big difference is that it’s not the high school’s job to train basketball players.

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          Basketball? How ’bout football? Ain’t lived in Texas, have ya?

  12. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Hmmm, so in a comment, the Cap’n wanted to grow doctors; identify potential medical students in the K-12 system, and foster them through the process.

    Now I see y’all want that for mathematicians, physicists, engineers, etc., too.

    How about public telephone sanitizers? Account executives and hairdressers? TV producers, insurance salesmen, personnel officers, security guards, public relations executives, and management consultants?

    Let’s test. Let’s determine early. Hell, we can have half these people on the job by, oh say, age 13. Think of how much money we can save reducing the student load of 8-12 by 50, 60%?

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Useless snark. But that’s what the Germans do, and kids are directed into trades or college prep tracks by an early grade. Don’t come to the shipyard hiring event without the full complement of high school math.

      Let’s start the argument in this direction: not the specialty high school, but the HS basketball team. Racism by disparate impact if the starting five is all of one race? What is the difference between basketball skills and math skills?

      1. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

        Well, the big difference is that it’s not the high school’s job to train basketball players.

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          Basketball? How ’bout football? Ain’t lived in Texas, have ya?

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        It’s called “sport” and most people, by far, cannot make a living at it much less a life-long career.

        For many, it’s over after high-school and for others over in College then it’s on to the rest of your life and for that you need marketable skills.

        You should get your wife to answer these? 😉

      3. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        God, I wish there really was a “permanent record”, well aside from the one the NSA is developing. I’d love to see what YOUR HS guidance councilor said were your career opportunities. Mine was tennis instructor, or auto mechanic. College was deemed “not a good choice”. Oh well.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Well.. theory and practice ……. 😉

          But it’s not so much what the counselors say as it is what opportunities are offered for other paths.

          But you have to get the basics first before you ever get to that point and for some kids – who never become proficient at reading, writing and math – many of these other paths are not possible either these days because some much technology is now embedded in so many occupations.

          When you finished HS and your horizons are limted to low-end “labor” type jobs – you are pretty much screwed AND so are your kids…

        2. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead V

          My 8th grade counselor told me to be a truck driver. After a 27 year career in education I took his advice. Driving around in my Jeep for UPS now. Dropping off packages up on Blue Mountain in Warren County. I get paid 21 bucks an hour and 58 cents a mile to go four wheeling everyday. Everyday is a new adventure. Dropped 15 pounds in 2 weeks! You should tag along. All sorts of interesting critters I encounter everyday.

          1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            I’ll bet! Some bipedal. Good on ya for the weight loss.

      4. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Uh, Steve… if it is actually done in Germany, how is it useless snark? Give it a second.

  13. LarrytheG Avatar

    In local schools, it’s called College and Career-ready and there are paths for many different disciplines including STEM but also for other good-paying fields.

    People forget what the core of STEM really is. It’s not science or engineering per se but the ability to read, understand, and articulate technical concepts and really whether it be for some “scientific” or something like how many cubic yards of cement are need for a patio or what size bolt or nail to use in a construction project.

    Everyone with a normal IQ can shine – they just need help with the preparation and path.

    When emphasis is put on STEM alone for achievement, it really does denigrate a lot of other fields that can be successes for those who concentrate on those areas.

    That’s what public schools are for. That’s why public school teachers (who are regularily demonized here) – do. Anyone who actually does know one or more teachers knows that most are dedicated and the job is not as easy as some think.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Careful. You’re treading on the path of reason. That is not a road traveled here.

      This is a place of conservative indoctrination.

  14. LarrytheG Avatar

    In local schools, it’s called College and Career-ready and there are paths for many different disciplines including STEM but also for other good-paying fields.

    People forget what the core of STEM really is. It’s not science or engineering per se but the ability to read, understand, and articulate technical concepts and really whether it be for some “scientific” or something like how many cubic yards of cement are need for a patio or what size bolt or nail to use in a construction project.

    Everyone with a normal IQ can shine – they just need help with the preparation and path.

    When emphasis is put on STEM alone for achievement, it really does denigrate a lot of other fields that can be successes for those who concentrate on those areas.

    That’s what public schools are for. That’s why public school teachers (who are regularily demonized here) – do. Anyone who actually does know one or more teachers knows that most are dedicated and the job is not as easy as some think.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Careful. You’re treading on the path of reason. That is not a road traveled here.

      This is a place of conservative indoctrination.

  15. So now we have to yell at kids because they’re interests aren’t math and science and force them down that path?

    The Asian parents I know will follow this one out. They’ll sue the commonwealth. Looks like they might win.

  16. So now we have to yell at kids because they’re interests aren’t math and science and force them down that path?

    The Asian parents I know will follow this one out. They’ll sue the commonwealth. Looks like they might win.

  17. There is one critical aspect to the story and all of the comments that is missing, this was and still is being driven 100% by the Loudoun NAACP. The NAACP issues Terms of Conciliation for LCPS a few months back, and now that the AG has sided with them, they are now in a position to begin implementing these terms.
    NAACP’s “Proposed Terms of Conciliation” for Loudoun Schools:

    The NAACP is doing an exceptional job of forcing their way into Loudoun Schools, so much so that they have become a stakeholder in the decision making process at varying levels, they are colluding with several Loudoun teachers and staff members to undermine the school board, demanding access to ALL schools disciplinary records (electronically) so that they can check on what’s happening at all schools whenever they want and actually saying “We want them to know we’re watching.”

    Several LCPS Teachers & Staff Are Working/Colluding With The NAACP:

    Only “Students of Color” Can Participate in LCPS STUDENT EQUITY AMBASSADORS Program:

    I am doing all I can to expose the Loudoun School board (completely useless) and the NAACP. However, as many have noted, there appears to be a number of legal challenges that can and should be made. If there are any law firms/lawyers that read this and are can and are willing to help, I and the broader LCPS community would welcome the support! In case there is anyone out there that can help, please email me at: or you can reach me through my website: Conveniently, the superintendent, Eric Williams has taking a new job in Texas and the person directly under him, who would have taken his job, has also accepted a new job in NC. We’re left with a school board that are feckless, MSAAC (Minority Student Academic Advisory Committee) and the NAACP and both MSAAC and the NAACP are really in charge and the board is just “present”.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      My understanding was that the State is doing this with all their Governor schools.


    2. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      I have seen your website and it accurately reports the reality of current times in LCPS. The NAACP has become the de facto school board and Rev. Thomas is the de facto superintendent. I admire your courage and steadfastness. You are willing to risk reputation and the smear of being branded a so called “racist”. I hope you can undo these wrongs and help it become right again. Just 6 years ago LCPS was a flagship of great public education.

  18. There is one critical aspect to the story and all of the comments that is missing, this was and still is being driven 100% by the Loudoun NAACP. The NAACP issues Terms of Conciliation for LCPS a few months back, and now that the AG has sided with them, they are now in a position to begin implementing these terms.
    NAACP’s “Proposed Terms of Conciliation” for Loudoun Schools:

    The NAACP is doing an exceptional job of forcing their way into Loudoun Schools, so much so that they have become a stakeholder in the decision making process at varying levels, they are colluding with several Loudoun teachers and staff members to undermine the school board, demanding access to ALL schools disciplinary records (electronically) so that they can check on what’s happening at all schools whenever they want and actually saying “We want them to know we’re watching.”

    Several LCPS Teachers & Staff Are Working/Colluding With The NAACP:

    Only “Students of Color” Can Participate in LCPS STUDENT EQUITY AMBASSADORS Program:

    I am doing all I can to expose the Loudoun School board (completely useless) and the NAACP. However, as many have noted, there appears to be a number of legal challenges that can and should be made. If there are any law firms/lawyers that read this and are can and are willing to help, I and the broader LCPS community would welcome the support! In case there is anyone out there that can help, please email me at: or you can reach me through my website: Conveniently, the superintendent, Eric Williams has taking a new job in Texas and the person directly under him, who would have taken his job, has also accepted a new job in NC. We’re left with a school board that are feckless, MSAAC (Minority Student Academic Advisory Committee) and the NAACP and both MSAAC and the NAACP are really in charge and the board is just “present”.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      I have seen your website and it accurately reports the reality of current times in LCPS. The NAACP has become the de facto school board and Rev. Thomas is the de facto superintendent. I admire your courage and steadfastness. You are willing to risk reputation and the smear of being branded a so called “racist”. I hope you can undo these wrongs and help it become right again. Just 6 years ago LCPS was a flagship of great public education.

  19. Let’s just accept the fact that the entire concept of public education is a failure, let achieving students go to private school, and give parents that send them a tax credit against the taxes they paid to fund the school. We need to rebuild our educational meritocracy and hold students to objective standards.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      The question to ask is how much does an average family pay in taxes for their kids schooling.

      Is it anywhere near the 10K that is actually spent or do we expect private schools to charge much less?

      In a perverse way, this may well be a way to focus the public schools on the economically disadvantaged if they end up being the majority left in public schools.

    2. ksmith8953 Avatar

      I am with you on this one Matthew! Also, speaking of outcomes with inequalities, Petersburg Public Schools is on full virtual. Very quiet in the news. So do you think the kids are learning equally on virtual when the data shows they weren’t within regular boundaries. But is there a system in place to allow choice to a parent who is struggling to put food on the table and would like private school as an option? Nope. Soft bigotry. I like that term. Say nothing at all and in the end poor kids won’t take up my kid’s place at TJ.

  20. Let’s just accept the fact that the entire concept of public education is a failure, let achieving students go to private school, and give parents that send them a tax credit against the taxes they paid to fund the school. We need to rebuild our educational meritocracy and hold students to objective standards.

    1. ksmith8953 Avatar

      I am with you on this one Matthew! Also, speaking of outcomes with inequalities, Petersburg Public Schools is on full virtual. Very quiet in the news. So do you think the kids are learning equally on virtual when the data shows they weren’t within regular boundaries. But is there a system in place to allow choice to a parent who is struggling to put food on the table and would like private school as an option? Nope. Soft bigotry. I like that term. Say nothing at all and in the end poor kids won’t take up my kid’s place at TJ.

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