Virginia: a State that Looks Like America

Source: WalletHub

As goes Virginia, so goes the nation? I doubt anybody has said that since 1800 or so. But Virginia has become a swing state in the presidential elections and a purple state in state/local elections, mirroring the divide that exists on the national level. More than any time in my memory, Virginia has become a bell weather for national sentiment.

Perhaps that’s because Virginia increasingly resembles the national profile demographically, sociologically, economically, in religious affiliation and in educational attainment and public opinion.

The indefatigable list makers at WalletHub tallied up about 30 indicators and found that the Old Dominion ranked 10th in its “electorate representation index” with a rating of 90.58%. Virginia’s gender and racial characteristics both ranked 3rd among all the states in matching the U.S. reference value.

Illinois and Florida ranked first and second respectively with ratings of 94.3% and 94.32%. Least representative of the country? Mississippi (78.32%) and Vermont (77.94%).


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5 responses to “Virginia: a State that Looks Like America”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    Maybe Richmond feels that way – but NoVa and Hampton feel very heavy on the Federal Employment side…

    The Fredericksburg region is infested with politically conservative government workers…. “patriots” often raving about leftists and entitlement suckers… who love free stuff from the Dems!!


  2. Larry continues to struggle with a simple fact – government workers have jobs. They show up for work, perform their assigned duties and are remunerated for their efforts and accomplishments. Entitlement recipients do not have to trade work for benefits. They are simply given money taken from other people in return for … well, usually nothing.

    We live in a country where 40 – 45% of households pay no federal income taxes and where entitlement programs have been skyrocketing. In 1980 EITC was a $1.275 billion program. By 2011 it grew to $55.65 billion — a 43.6-fold increase in 31 years. Over the same period: Social Security spending increased by 5.8-fold, Medicare was up 11.0-fold, Medicaid grew 19.7-fold, and total entitlement spending rose by a factor of 8.4.

    Inflation between 1980 and 2011 was 2.73X. During that same period US population grew by 37%.

    Entitlements are growing at just under 3X the combined rate of inflation and population growth. Of these entitlements, Earned Income Tax Credits (refunds to taxpayers who paid no taxes) grew the fastest. In fairness, 2011 was a difficult year economically in the US. However, the EITC has not gone down YoY in absolute dollars since 1986 – 1987. Beyond that, the average total outlay for EITC from 1980 – 1985 was approximately $1.25B per year while it was approximately $10B per year from 1990 – 1995.

    I see no reason why a hard working, tax paying resident of Fredricksburg who is employed by the government (federal, state, county or county school system) should forgo the right to question the rapid growth in entitlement spending in the US.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    Oh I do not struggle at all Don. Folks like you decry the National deficit and debt to no end – and how we have “workers” paid for by tax dollars that would never find that kind of work in a real economy.

    We do need to cut back on entitlement spending. In fact I have said over and over – that selling Medicare to people who have 85K in retirement income for 120.00 a month is just plain fiscally ignorant.

    BUT – I’vE ALSO observed that we DO SPEND – MORE than a TRILLION dollars on “National Defense” but we pretend otherwise by only pointing out DOD spending. We IGNORE the fact that the VA, Homeland Security, NSA/FBI/NSA, NASA, DOE ALL are national defense spending ALSO!!! AND – ALL OF THEM are paying for health insurance AND retirement (which IS the other half of the Trust Fund debt).

    What I advocate is honestly and truth in the discussions about what we do spend money on – AND that the observations about entitlements – for the rest of the country ALSO INCLUDES and equates govt workers to be suckers of the Federal Teat ALSO!

    AND if you want to talk about EITC – which IS Fair Game – ALSO talk about the top 3 tax breaks – tax expenditures that add to the Federal debt –

    1. – tax breaks on employer-provided health insurance – 330 billion
    2. – exclusion of retirement contributions – 150 billion
    3. – mortgage interest – 120 billion
    4. – capital gains on inherited property – 80 billion
    5. – EITC – 60 billion

    one more thing – people in Fredericksburg are MEGA commuters – eating up far, far more public transportation dollars that most “hard working” folk.

    seek the truth on the issues – don’t be a hypocrite….

    EITC is downright piddling compared to the dollars spend on Federal Workers and Don KNOWs and has said it – without Federal dollars – Virginia is West Virginia!!!

    we are the King teat suckers of the rest of the country’s taxes.. hands down and YET many of those who consume those dollars – look down their noses at the ‘other’ suckers of govt teats!

    just saying… truth hurts…

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    Oh, did I mention…

    ” America’s $1 Trillion National Security Budget”

    we continue to delude ourselves on what we are actually spending money on.

    we take in about 1.7 trillion in income taxes – it’s in the budget – but some folks insist we should also count FICA taxes in the total even though not a penny of FICA pays for anything OTHER than SS.

    so we take in 1.7 trillion in income taxes and we CLEARLY spent a trillion dollars in “National Defense” – no question about it – well documented.

    again – seek the truth – deal with the facts and the reality – then form an honest opinion about it… not an ideological one in LA LA Land.

  5. Given we are like America, Virginia is very divided. Hard to know how we will agree on something like CO2 targets for the EPA’s Clean Power Plan, a regulation which EPA thrust into the state’s lap. Although there have been some signs of cooperation during this GA session.

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