Violent Crime Now the Top Public Health Concern

Community violence and crime constitute the No. 1 “public health issue” that concerns registered voters in Virginia, finds the Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association (VHHA) in a poll released today. Fifty-one percent of the 800 Virginians polled selected the issue.

The No. 2 concern was healthcare work shortages, which logged the top vote from 25% of respondents. (The VHHA press release did not indicate which other concerns, such as COVID-19, that people could select from.)

The poll also found that:

  • Two thirds support a VHHA priority, the Certificate of Public Need, which regulates investment in new facilities and equipment;
  • Virginians view hospitals more favorably than insurance companies, and blame health insurance costs, pharmaceutical companies and general inflation the most for rising health care costs; and
  • 92.6% have had at least one COVID vaccination dose. Respondents were evenly divided between those who still wear masks in crowded indoor spaces and those who don’t.


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6 responses to “Violent Crime Now the Top Public Health Concern”

  1. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    There is the release on VHHA’s website, but not a link that I see to the survey instrument. Mason-Dixon did 800 live interviews so that gives me some comfort on the sample. But inquiring minds would sure like to see the questions that elicited such strong support for COPN. 🙂 And I love the claim that half the respondents are wearing masks…uh, really, in what part of New York would that be? Not in RVA that I can see.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      Yes. Apart from doctor’s offices, I would guess maybe one in every 100 people I see out in public are wearing masks. And that may be high.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        People tend to tell pollsters what they think they should say. Shocking that they might lie…on that or any other question. Everyone is surprised when the election results don’t match the polls!!

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I, for one, have some gratitude for Covid. I shall NEVER enter a doctor’s office, or any medical facility, unmasked again. I developed my germaphobia 30 years ago during a pediatric visit for my daughter. I sat in the waiting room watching more snot fly than water at Niagara falls. Rubber gloves aren’t such a bad idea either.

        1. Sugar Belle Avatar
          Sugar Belle

          I agree that using masks being normalized will come in handy. Gloves too. You were ahead of it all Nancy.

  2. Sugar Belle Avatar
    Sugar Belle

    Violent crime is a child of the Dems at work. Inflation a ignored grandchild of the Biden administration.

    I hope that Virginia is doing well. I found this site from a class envy article about Governor Youngkin and his elite horse farm.

    75% do not want Biden to run again. John Kerry suggesting that putting money into fighting climate change will stop inflation.

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