Violent Crime Wave? What Violent Crime Wave?

Who’s more racist — conservatives calling for a crackdown on violent criminals or the people who insist that the surge in violent crime is a fabricated conservative talking point?

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18 responses to “Violent Crime Wave? What Violent Crime Wave?”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    So much straw…

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Well when one has another day job, one doesn’t really have time for much else…

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        It’s the intimation “liberals (people) say crime is down”. I’ve NEVER heard a liberal say that. I have heard them say “most crime is down, but murder by gun is up,” or words to that effect. Arguing is a whole lot easier when you create your opposition’s viewpoint for them.

        The good news is that TJIPP will be both Bk and morally Bk in no time.

  2. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Why the sharp increase in 2020?
    The Covid vax?
    Floyd-a-palooza and Defund the Police?
    And who is getting shot?
    Overwhelmingly, “disproportionately” other black men!
    So who is racist? Us mean old conservatives who know guns are inanimate objects or the Leftists with their stupid destructive policies?

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Troll – a gun is an inanimate object. It sits there and does nothing. Let’s outlaw cars. And then knives. And baseball bats. Better yet, let’s outlaw idiot liberalism which destroys lives and societies, but you’ll never admit that your ideas are the problem…

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “Let’s outlaw cars”

          Let’s not outlaw guns… we should, however, regulate them like we do cars (including requiring the owner to carry liability insurance, licensing, safety inspections, titling, tracking sales and annual registration with the state).

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            And that will do nothing. Have you tried to buy a gun? It isn’t as easy as you think. And, guess what?
            Criminals don’t obey laws! (Shocking, right?)
            Just like car laws aren’t always complied with…
            Nothing like a drunk illegal alien with no license and no insurance killing people in a car wreck…
            If you really want to reduce gun crime, stop subsidizing illegitimacy and have young boys grow up under the influence of their biological fathers.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            So according to you, we should stop have cars inspected, insured, registered, and drivers licensed. No need because… criminals… smh…

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No. People like you should not have the right to harvest ballots to inflict your stupid ideas on society. Yeah, I trust you to enforce the laws fairly with respect to guns. Look at the J6 at worst trespassers vs the Floydapalooza rioters everywhere. Sure. Can you try a non-idiot argument. We have laws. We should enforce them. People will still break them. Criminals will. We need less criminals. Besides locking them up, less illegitimacy will reduce the number of males who become criminals. And all sorts of other societal ills…
            Reductio ad absurdum

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Well you can dance and weave all you like. The fact of the matter is you claim (wrongly) that regulating inanimate objects (like cars) does nothing to protect the public from their misuse. By your own argument, we should have no regulations of automobiles (while we are at it repeal all manufacturing safety regulations, eliminate recalls, and pass legislation exempting manufacturers from product liability claims).

          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Reductio ad absurdum again Troll.
            Guns are already regulated more than you know. And guess how many crimes are committed by law abiding gun owners? Of the thousands, millions? I bet less than 2%. The problem is criminals. Drunk driving is illegal. People drive drunk. Ban cars. See?

          6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Straw man alert! I am not suggesting we ban guns. Regulate guns as we regulate cars… see?

          7. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            They already are regulated. See? And cars are already regulated, but people still drive with expired inspections, with no insurance, with no plates, with no license, drunk…see? The criminals will break laws and guns are not the problem. The criminals are. How do you stop a bad guy with a gun? A good guy with a gun.
            Texas will allow trained teachers to carry. Wanna bet no school shootings will occur where the perps fear getting shot, knowing that there are armed people there? Even if one crazy tries it, it won’t be the disgrace like Uvalde.

          8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Gun are not regulated anywhere close to how we regulate cars… see? If they were… see… your position and the comparison would have merit… see? Another straw man alert! Nobody is claiming that regulation of guns (or cars) stops all crimes or deaths associated with those objects. It does seem pretty verifiably true, however, that a significant number of lives have been saved in this country as automobile regulations and safety standards have been passed and enforced.

            The good man with a gun argument is a myth, btw, but good job reciting it here.

          9. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Blah blah blah…Leftist tropes…blah blah blah…
            You have no facts. Just a hatred of guns, which are inanimate objects and are regulated. Go try to buy one Troll. Criminals do not obey laws, nor does our current government, which you favor. Maybe that’s why you hate guns – it stops you loving authoritarians from doing all that you want. And, lock up the criminals, just like you give tickets, and guess what, less crime. Really not that hard to understand…unless you are a brilliant Leftist who believes there are more than 2 sexes and men can have babies…

          10. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Blah, blah, blah… rightwing propaganda… blah, blah, blah…

  3. I cannot find the graph included in Mr. MacGillis’ Tweet – “Firearm homicide rates in men, by race” at either Jama Network Open or CDC WISQARS.

    Can you provide a link?

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