VHB to Design Reston MetroRail Stations

Fairfax County has hired Vanass Hange Brustlin Inc., a transportation and land development firm, to design two key stations in the proposed Rail-to-Dulles project. With construction expected to begin in early 2007 and end in 2012, the county wants to get this “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” right. Says project manager Rick Stevens: “The Dulles Corridor is already a busy corridor. With the arrival of the MetroRail at two stations in Reston, we must ensure pedestrian and vehicular access is efficiently maintained and that the desired community character is reflected at each station.”

VHB’s context-sensitive design plans will improve mobility for all modes of transportation and create a series of walkable, pedestrian-oriented environments and unique public spaces, states a VHB press release.

I’m still not persuaded that Rail to Dulles is a justifiable project as currently envisioned and financed, but if it’s going to happen regardless, this is a necessary step. If people are going to use the heavy rail service, planners need to take special care in designing access to the stations.

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3 responses to “VHB to Design Reston MetroRail Stations”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    I still say that spending at least $4 billion (more given the outdated costs) to generate at least 626,000 more automobile trips in and around Tysons Corner is simply dumb or a payoff to a few big Tysons Corner landowners.

  2. Ray Hyde Avatar

    Why don’t we just call this what it is: Rail to Tyson’s.

  3. Anonymous Avatar

    A more accurate name might be: “Taxpayer-Funded Welfare for West Group.”

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