Venture Global: Virginia’s Unknown Energy Giant

Venture Global’s CP2 facility in Lousiana, if approved, will be capable of liquefying 20 million metric tons a year of natural gas. Image source: Global Venture

by James A. Bacon

An Arlington-based company that most Virginians have never heard of could well alter the global energy balance of power — if the Biden administration doesn’t get in the way.

In 2023 and 2024 alone Venture Global LNG., Inc., has announced long-term deals to supply 3 million tons of LNG to the United Kingdom (equivalent to about 5% of the U.K.’s demand), 2.25 million tons to Germany, and 1 million tons per year to Japan from its LNG facilities in Louisiana. In March the company announced that it was ordering six giant LNG vessels from shipyards in Korea to transport the hydrocarbons.

Now it appears that Venture Global, whose corporate headquarters is in Rosslyn, has struck a deal with DTEK, Ukraine’s largest private energy company, according to the Wall Street Journal. DTEK would buy up to 2 million tons yearly of LNG from a proposed export facility in Plaquemines Parish — CP2 — to resell in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. The deal would reduce dependence of the eastern European nations from Russian gas supplied through a pipeline through Ukraine, the transit agreement for which expires at the end of the year.

But a Biden moratorium on LNG exports, ordered at the behest of environmental groups, could scuttle the deal.

As the Journal writes, “you’d think the Administration would greenlight any project that helps Europe and the rest of the world break their dependence on Russian energy. Russia still accounts for about 15% of Europe’s gas supply. … If Europeans can’t get gas from the U.S. they will have to turn to Russia.”

The Biden administration says the Energy Department can approve permits to export LNG to countries with which the U.S. does not have free-trade agreements if they are in the “public interest.” Who knows. Maybe Venture Global’s CP2 facility will win DOE approval, although environmentalists who lobbied the Administration to block LNG exports in the first place will likely do everything their power to scotch this deal as well.

The environmentalists (for whom The Washington Post has functioned as a megaphone) are terrified that the exports will “lock in” carbon-dioxide emissions for decades. They may well have a point, as many European nations are experiencing the real-world impact of their infatuation with wind and solar: higher, more volatile prices for electricity, blackouts and brownouts, and the hollowing out of energy-intensive industry.

The U.S. is spending tens of billions of dollars yearly to help the Ukrainians fend off Russian invaders. A coherent foreign policy, one would think, also would support the goal of Ukrainian and European energy independence from Russia. A coherent foreign policy would acknowledge that natural gas supplied by Russia emits just as much CO2 as natural gas supplied by the U.S. A coherent foreign policy would find it desirable to promote American jobs and industry, all the more so when they don’t require massive government subsidies.

However, the CP2 facility could become the new Keystone Pipeline, a cause celebre and rallying cry for the U.S. environmental movement, so we’re likely to hear a lot more about this. However the controversy evolves, a Virginia corporation is sure to be in the center of it.


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12 responses to “Venture Global: Virginia’s Unknown Energy Giant”

  1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I don't necessarily disagree with the need to help the Europeans move away from their dependence on Russia for their energy, a dependence they got themselves into. However, I am struck by your reference to "the real-world impact of their infatuation with wind and solar: higher, more volatile prices for electricity, blackouts and brownouts, and the hollowing out of energy-intensive industry." Do you have any evidence to base this broad assertion on is this just your conclusion based on ideology?

  2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    If Joe Biden has his way, the scuttling of logical energy sources will be the least of our worries.

  3. Jim Kibler Avatar
    Jim Kibler

    I really don't think there's much meat to the pause. It's purely politics for a POTUS who needs to find votes in small batches since most all the votes are baked-in. How many voters do you know who are undecided about November? That said, it's a stupid policy.

    There is truth to the assertion that the current policy was based on the world 6-8 years ago and that it needs to be updated. The pros at the Department of Energy will do their jobs professionally if allowed to politically, and the study will show that American natural gas is even more important today as a global tool for energy and climate security than it was almost a decade ago.

    1. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      That is sort of my thought too.

  4. Haig48 Avatar

    Global warming and climate change are great materialist religions. They carry just enough chutzpah to need separation of church and state.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    The Europeans and Japan need natural gas for the same reason we do which is as a standby fuel for other fuels like wind/solar also being developed.

    What's not completely clear is how much natural gas that we are producing and will be able to in the years ahead – nor an admission/recognition that we now have more natural gas and fossil fuel production than ever before and more than any other country including Saudi Arabia but we play "what-a-boutism" – again – with respect to what Biden "MIGHT" do which seems to be 100% balderdash given the production numbers that are real.
    The other thing to note is that now the price of natural gas will likely go up
    in the US also since other countries will bid on it which means wind/solar will be even cheaper fuel to use when we can to offset the more expensive gas when we can.

    1. CJBova Avatar

      Larry, make your comments without attributing a negative position to the entire GOP or all conservatives. Next time, not only will the comment be deleted again, you'll get a day off to give you a chance to think through what you're saying.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “Larry, make your comments without attributing a negative position to the entire GOP or all conservatives.”

        Woah!! Do I need to start reporting every pejorative launch at “Leftists” on this site now? If so, it will be a full time job.

        Also, what negative position did Larry attribute to the entire GOP or all conservatives? Can you quote it because I don’t see anything of the sort.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          It's pretty comical but annoying as heck! The "rules" keep changing, apparently but only for some folks.

          I thought I had captured it but need to find it but it was the usual commentary we see here from many commenters who talk about conservatives or liberals or leftists , environmentalists, etc…

          Apparently NOW, at least some of us cannot use the word "all" when describing such so will have to do "many or mostly all" or some such.. but suspect that too will be subject to the evolving rules.

          1. CJBova Avatar

            Llarry, the rules don’t change. You change your disparagement to fit your current political stance. Somehow, civility isn’t on the menu. That’s the problem, along with your attitude of needing to express an opinion ten times as often as anyone else, whether or not you have anything worth adding to the discussion.

          2. CJBova Avatar

            Larry, everything is not about you. I deleted 11 of your comments in the last two days for inappropriate comments or off topic complaints on moderation. Enjoy your day off.

        2. CJBova Avatar

          Eric, you can’t see Larry’s post because I deleted the one where he said those in the GoP are white nationalists, as one example.

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