VDOE Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Standards to Use Schools to Create New Leftists

The Governor approves leftist SEL standards for public schools

by James C. Sherlock

The Virginia Department of Education has posted — sort of — for citizen comment its draft Social Emotional Learning (SEL) standards. (Please note: the link to the VDOE citizen comment page has been corrected.)

These draft standards represent an overt attempt to turn school children into social justice warriors of the Democratic left. There is no rational defense to counter that observation — the document is awash in evidence.

It takes considerable curiosity and some experience with the system to find the Draft Standards, the comment page and the Notice of Intended Regulatory Action (NOIRA) page for this particular action. It turns out that there is good reason for the hide and seek.

VDOE wants no one outside the school system to read it much less comment on it.

The over-the-top partisan content will infuriate parents with traditional views. Clearly VDOE doesn’t care. Leadership surely wants to get this put to bed before hearing from them.

The NOIRA page indicates the Governor has already approved the draft, so we have to assume that the Superintendent of Public Instruction has read this one, unlike the Math Path draft.

I share with you the comment I just posted:

The draft SEL standards document offers to present to schoolchildren an overtly partisan view of how society ought to be.

I went through the document and found words like bias used without definition, deep emphasis on groups, group identities, and intersectionality; collective goals vs. individual goals; global citizen, vs. American citizen — you get the idea.  The word individual appears in those pages exactly once — as a modifier to the word “groups.”

The word “ethics” does not appear in 23 pages.  Neither do “religion,” “religious” or “moral.” The word “family” appears only in the preface. The word “parent” only in Background.

Two of my favorite standards:

“SoA2: 7-8a, I can recognize and describe unfairness and injustice in many forms including attitudes, speech, behaviors, policies, practices, and laws.
SoA2: 7-8b, I can explain the difference between conscious bias and unconscious (implicit) bias.”

Unfair and unjust speech? These are government schools covered by the First Amendment. Be careful. How are teachers to determine what is unfair and unjust? Is there a book?

Conscious and unconscious bias? Who defines what constitutes bias and who teaches the difference between conscious and unconscious bias to these 7th and 8th graders?

Injustice in laws? Who gets to determine for the children which laws are unjust? Again, is there a book?


“ SoA1: 11-12a, I can relate to and build connections with other people by showing them empathy, compassion, and understanding by highlighting and honoring differing perspectives, backgrounds, cultures or social groups.”

Are all perspectives to be valued? Certainly not. The Nazis had perspectives. So did Castro and Stalin. Who determines which values should be honored? Whose rejected? Once again, is there a book?

We could continue this discussion, but you are dangerously off base this approach and begging for political trouble. I suspect you will get it.

The comment page indicates that the comments “Opened on 4/12/2021 and close at 11:59pm on 5/12/2021.” It also shows that my two posted today are the only comments —  from a “group” of more than 8 million citizens. That would seem to indicate that I am either the only one or one of the few outside the rarefied air of VDOE that has read it.

I would like to think that VDOE would notice that nobody in the Commonwealth had commented in the first 18 days the document was online and take measures to get more input. I apparently am wrong. You would only do that if you actually wanted it read and commented upon.”

I have highlighted some of the interesting passages in the Draft Standards.  Readers can confirm what is not there with the word search/find feature of your document app.

I suggest readers comment and get your friends to do so as well.

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39 responses to “VDOE Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Standards to Use Schools to Create New Leftists”

  1. Un-friggin-believable. It never ends. Thank you for bringing this to light.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Schools don’t make lefties, righties do.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      As I wrote earlier in another post, you are slipping.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        They’re imaginary lefties. They’re all in your head living rent free.

        Unfair speech? “All honkies are stupid.” “All that Irish Catholic girls do is make welfare babies.” I dunno. Sounds unfair to me.

        Gee, imagine that. Somebody is putting forth the notion that people evaluate speech for fairness. Wow Captain.

        Fair — in accordance with the rules or standards; legitimate.

        As has been said, freedom of speech is not absolute. Who said that?

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          “Fair” is a relative and arbitrary term without qualification and pointless, which given your claim to be a mathematician and using it. I find it hilarious.

          PS: That’s not the definition of “fair”.


          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Monday already?

            Did you read the definition marked 1b in your own source? Something about “conforming to the rules”. Since your source also makes reference to “rules” and you say that “fair is relative and arbitrary” then one must conclude you are an anarchist, i.e., considering rules to be relative and arbitrary.

            I liked 1a, “marked by honesty”. Kinda like giving ones time to ones employer and not wasting his money on social media posting.

            Okay matt.

            PS, many mathematicians in prob&stat will be surprised to hear they shouldn’t use the word “fair” lest you find it hilarious.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “PS, many mathematicians in prob&stat will be surprised to hear they shouldn’t use the word “fair” lest you find it hilarious.”

            Conflating statistical fairness with your definition further illustrates exactly my point.

            Fairness is relative and arbitrary.

            Rules are established by who is in power, they ebb and flow, thereby making them arbitrary to the moment.

            “I liked 1a, “marked by honesty”. Kinda like giving ones time to ones employer and not wasting his money on social media posting.”

            Would you look at that, must have hit a nerve if you’re going hard for personal attacks.

            I’ll do you one better though:

            1) You didn’t know anything about the civil war.
            2) You didn’t know how many zeros were in a billion
            3) You confused number types and what they can represent in code
            4) You indicated you didn’t need to prove who you were to purchase a home, boat, etc.
            5) You weren’t aware of the background check process for a clearance (while claiming to have worked at NRL)
            6) You use fairness while claiming mathematics as a background.

            Edit: You’ve managed ~16 comments a day for 65 days straight. To this we can conclude you don’t have a life.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Retired matt, as opposed to you.
            Fair — an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay.

            You’re right, I understated the integer representation of 32 bits, but at least I knew the difference between max int and max float, or an int from a float.

            I had to prove who I was, I didn’t have a witness. I bought the house, and signed all applications by fax.

            Please provide a little more detail on 5.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Retired matt, as opposed to you.”

            What’s your point? That you do nothing but troll the web looking for moments to interject your meaningless and uneducated opinion?

            I’m also keenly aware this isn’t the only screen name you use nor is it the only place you comment.

            “Fair — an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay.”

            Fair Pay Act of 1963 and yet another tangent or deflection by you.

            “You’re right, I understated the integer representation of 32 bits, but at least I knew the difference between max int and max float, or an int from a float.”

            No you didn’t the number I used was an approximation. It was $2.1 something billion if I recall, that decimal wasn’t a real decimal.

            “I had to prove who I was, I didn’t have a witness. I bought the house, and signed all applications by fax.”

            Still don’t seem to understand how mortgages or loans work, odd. If that were the case you would have committed fraud. You still have to prove who you are and wet signatures are still required to purchase a house.

            Your indication that they just sent you and SF-86, which is false. You still had to prove who you were to get it. I’m also curious how you would’ve managed to pass the background check given the associations you “got drunk” with in college.

            What more does one require, fairness isn’t a proof of mathematics.

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Ohhh, you’ll have to do better than “sent me an SF-86”? I did have an employer, not NRL, send me a package with an SF-86 included but it also contained medical insurance forms, etc., etc. the idea was to have evrything filled out before arriving. There’s nothing special about a blank application.

            I think you might be referencing something I may have said about JPASS… it’s all online now, matt.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Yes, but you had already proved who you were with a photo ID.

            An SF-86 isn’t a blank application, it’s a questionnaire to get a clearance Clarence. Filled out before arriving? Haha it has to be completed and submitted to even get your temporary along with other items.

            Umm nope, I’m going to say you never held a clearance with the sheer amount of incorrect answers you just gave.

            SF-86 is online too, a secure portal.

          7. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Just for clarity explain the difference in your brain between an “application” and a “questionnaire”? And, just for fun, differentiate with a “questionnaire when applying” for something.

            Not JPASS that was visit requests and such. E-QIP that’s the online clearance digital application, and that was as in app, not a form.

            But here’s an interesting quession for you on the questionnaire v. application, and I grant you the government does take care to call it a questionnaire, but…

            “e-QIP applicants can…”

            If one is an “applicant” then what is the questionnaire that the applicant uses?


          8. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            A BC is a process, the SF-86 is only a singular part of it.

          9. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            What kind of process?

          10. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            If you have to ask, you’re either a fraud or a liar.

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            You have my sympathy NN… geeze

          12. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            For why? It’s amusing. I like to think this provides him a cathartic outlet. Perhaps it’s what he does to avoid acting similarly with coworkers and superiors? Nancy Naive, a real sweet cream lady, keeping some poor simpleton off the unemployment line.

            the answer I sought was “an application process”.

          13. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            7FFFF…FF is a floating point representation, Matt. You claimed it was the max (signed/unsigned) integer.

            Ask yourself, why the “7”, Matt? Why not an “E” or “F”? Only one bit need be used for a sign. 7HEX is 0000 0111. Why waste 5 bits?

          14. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Nope, not at all. I gave an approximation of the deficit at the juncture in time you listed. To which you argued that I listed too many zeros and I was dumb, clearly that wasn’t the case as you admitted error. However, you then jumped to the new deflection of using float, which wasn’t required. Because the decimal in my statement was a place holder for the approximation.

            Please tell me more about how little you know.

  3. I taught math to kindergartners at a government school in a posh northern Virginia neighborhood this winter.

    To begin to teach the kindergartners fractions and division the school had them think about dividing sets of things into halves.

    The official jargon for that now is not “in two,” or “into halves,” or even into equal amounts.

    The children had to label things as whether they were or could be divided into “fair shares” or “not fair shares.”

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      If you teach, you KNOW that it’s not about one grade.
      It’s over the continuum of many grades.

      And it’s really about helping kids when they have learning problems – that’s what schools are supposed to do.

      They test the kids every year and they KNOW when the kids are having problems and in a GOOD school, they get that kid some help so they can continue to progress and as they say – reach their potential.

      They do this for ALL kids – the advanced and the one that are not advanced and the ones that are behind.

      That’s the mission of public education.

      That’s the premise of NCLB – no child left behind.

      We are not there yet. Kids ARE getting left behind and it’s not because they can’t learn – it’s because they don’t get the help they need – when they need it.

      expensive ? try – a kid growing up to be an adult – needing 20-30K a year in entitlements.

      why are Conservatives so messed up on this?

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock


        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Geeze Jim, if you are going to interact with me on other threads…

          I thought the point was to not have me comment on your threads. But you want to comment on my comments?

          Okay… oops…

      2. As usual I find your responses to be evidence of how we got to the sad state we are in now. Many jurisdictions spend way less than $30,000 a year. The systems, like Washington, D.C., that spend the most are often the ones with the highest drop out rates and the lowest scoring students. This is because government schools have nothing to do with “no child left behind.” They are organizations that reward “teachers” and administrators and bureaucrats with high salaries and good pensions and guaranteed job security if they support the right union and vote the right way. They fail to educate children, as dropping scores, international rankings, and even slowly dropping IQ scores show. Children are being educated at home or by their own natural curiosity.

        I am teaching school now. This week we had no new lesson because we had to spend all week begging and coaxing children who did not do last weeks’ work and the week before last weeks’ work to turn in assignments. The 2/3 of the students who had completed these easy assignments just had to read independently on their own while we tried to catch up the lazy, those with family traumas, those who did not speak English. Government schools throw all these kids together. Next door the special education kids were screaming and singing when not being marched around the hallways to keep them busy, distracting and disrupting students trying to study or read. Government schools don’t care about students, they care about having a warm body in the school so they can ask for more budget to pay educrats. “No child left behind” means “Hold most children back to the lowest level of the slowest kid, because the more kids we can get into our school building means we get to charge the taxpayer more.”

        People who believe in holding gifted and average kids back, in some cases making them learn to hate or become bored with school, learning, reading, so the same school can also play social work for kids who are unable to learn at the same rate are evil. Their ideologies are evil. The politicians and educrats who support this are evil. And they destroy countries they influence.

        We are already spending over $30,000 on the adults you are shedding your crocodile tears for. They are in prison and jail which costs over $30,000 a year, because your government schools (and government regulated economy) left them with no skills and no way to earn a living, after having charged the taxpayer $30,000 a year to house them in a school that did not teach them. You and our system are the problem. To solve it we must eliminate you (your influence) and your system.

        And all those you claim to want to help, your victims, the victims of your decades of failed programs, may not even get the “benefits” they get now, since the schools must now house and provide daycare and meals to every child from anywhere in the world who can get here, so that their parents will be freed up 8 hours a day to take low paying jobs that don’t pay enough for them to afford day care or meals. Jobs all those you are shedding crocodile tears for then won’t be able to get. (26% of US students are now immigrants or children of immigrants.)

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          You hang in there Mr. Majors. As a recently retired school teacher I have the utmost respect for what you are doing for young people. Know this: you are making a difference for the ones that can be reached.

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “(26% of US students are now immigrants or children of immigrants.)”

          So? You act like this is a bad thing…

          And yet…

          “Students from immigrant families accounted for 28 percent of all U.S. college students in 2018…”

          That is how it works with immigrants… they come here poor and educate their children and they become a part of a productive America. That is what happened with your family almost assuredly.

          A few more data points: “Immigrants and U.S.-born children of immigrants accounted for 85 percent of all Asian American and Pacific Islander students and 63 percent of all Latinx students.”

          You think this is a negative thing, why exactly?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Public Education is not a zero-sum proposition, never was, never will be.

            No kid “fails” early on. It takes a while and all that time are multiple opportunities to get them back on a good track.

            30K a year for prison is a FAILURE to help that kid succeed. It’s a failure to spend way less than 30K a year to help that kid learn, graduate and succeed.

            When we argue that kids are doomed from the get go – and argue against MO money, we ARE, in fact, advocating failure.

            Public Education in most developed countries seems to lead to success. In this country , we can’t seem to achieve similar results so we rank 25th compared to other countries.

            Remember – all these countries are also GOVERNMENT education.

            The top countries in the world for the highest percent of literacy , standard of living, life expectancy – are the countries that invest in pubic education – and succeed at it.

            We simply don’t want to invest what is needed to education kids that come from less advantageous backgrounds, mostly the economically disadvantaged. We say it’s too hard and it’s the parents fault and we walk away from them – then blather about that 30K downstream.

            Pay me now or pay me later – that’s what public education is about – not only the US but 30 other industrialized countries that are wumping our butts in the world economy. Our kids are taking service jobs. Their kids are coming to the US to be Doctors and other professionals.

      3. dick dyas Avatar
        dick dyas

        You should get your caps button fixed.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Wow! Thank god they didn’t say “equitable shares”.

      I say we immediately call stock by something other than equities!

      1. Well the jargon “equity” is an anti-concept meant to short circuit actual critical thinking, by obfuscation. It was I am sure chosen in part because “equities” was already a word that has a totally unrelated meaning.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    A “fair” census count of an 1860 Virginia plantation with a white owning couple and 50 black slaves would have been 32. What’s your point?

  5. Paul Sweet Avatar
    Paul Sweet

    I thought that All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Half. It’s half of all you learn. Of course the only person I’ve ever heard admit that was Der Trumpenfuhrer.

  6. Greyledge Gal Avatar
    Greyledge Gal

    Your comment no longer appears to be there. The comments they show start on 4/27/21. 🙁

    1. I’m not sure what you’re referring to, but some comments get deleted for excessive profanity and/or personal insults.

      1. Greyledge Gal Avatar
        Greyledge Gal

        I was talking about the comment you left at the VDOE site. They list all the comments here: https://townhall.virginia.gov/L/Comments.cfm?GdocForumID=545
        I do not see the one you have quoted in the article so it may have been deleted?

        1. I don’t recall having submitted anything to the VDOE site. Maybe you’re referring to Jim Sherlock, the author of this particular post.

          1. Greyledge Gal Avatar
            Greyledge Gal

            I thought I had replied to the article and not to a particular person. I apologize.

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