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VCU’s Impact on the Region: Talent, Innovation and Collaboration

Executive summary

Universities, as large organizations that are anchored in their communities, can potentially have significant economic and social impacts on the immediate community, the region, and even the state. Virginia Commonwealth University’s economic impact on the Richmond region is significant. Within the metropolitan statistical area (Richmond MSA), VCU’s spending on operations, maintenance and capital investment, and the spending of its employees, students and visitors generates:

VCU’s impact on the economy of the commonwealth of Virginia is also significant. VCU’s spending within the commonwealth generates:

How is this impact achieved? As VCU and its employees, students and visitors spend money purchasing needed supplies, food and services, etc., the businesses that supply these goods and services must, in turn, purchase supplies and employ workers who, in turn, use their money to purchase goods and services. The size of the multiplier reflects the extent to which the dollars circulate in the economy.

But VCU’s impact in the region and commonwealth extends well beyond what is captured in the numbers. Through descriptive data, as well as focus groups and interviews with businesses, government agencies, nonprofits and other regional stakeholders, we identified VCU’s contributions in key areas that shape economic impact and the overall quality of life. These are:

Talent: VCU produces graduates whose skills meet the needs of area businesses and other organizations. As one business leader stated in a focus group, “VCU is the leader in the region’s talent pipeline.”

Innovation and the entrepreneurial ecosystem:

VCU is a leader in innovation and creativity, with a profound impact on the economy that reverberates across the region, the state, the nation and the globe.

Regional stewardship:

VCU shows that it cares about the Richmond region by exercising leadership to address challenges and move forward. Its regional stewardship takes many forms, most of which can be grouped under the headings of community developer, convener, thought leader and moral leader.

Local culture:

VCU influences the local culture, the milieu of Richmond, creating both businesses that supply products and services, and a market that purchases distinctive products and services.

The identities and the fates of VCU and of Richmond are inextricably linked. The city provides a supportive home to the university, and VCU, in turn, produces tremendous economic value and contributes in every conceivable way to the betterment and enhancement of the community.

Read the full report here.

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