VCU Police Department Signals Its Wokeness

VCU Police Chief John Venuti

by James A. Bacon

A new “resource” will be available to the LGBTQIA+ community in Richmond. Virginia Commonwealth University — yes, the same institution that recently lost $470,000 in a cyber scam — has assigned two campus patrol officers as “campus LGBTQIA+ liaisons.”

A recent university announcement noted that VCU Police Chief John Venuti has designated the two liaisons as part of the department’s “culture of inclusive community outreach for officers and staff.”

It is not clear, either in the VCU announcement or a WRIC story, what the two officers actually will be doing… aside from liaising and collaborating. Nor is there indication why such liaising and collaborating is necessary.

VCU News said only this: “While the department mandates Safe Zone training for all staff, Officers Hakilah Hudson and Briana Jackson will actively collaborate with offices and groups for outreach and events on both campuses and will be the points of contact for groups on and off campus.”

The VCU page on LGBTQIA+ Liaisons adds this:

The VCU Police Department serves VCU with PRIDE and believes in treating each and every individual with dignity and respect. At VCU Police, we believe every interaction with a community member is important and we believe in making sure individuals get the assistance they need to stay safe and be successful at VCU.

Many of our officers and staff members are VCU Safe Zone trained and VCU Police headquarters is home to the TDoR RVA Transgender Day of Remembrance Tree. The department is committed to working with students, faculty, staff and interest groups across the university and the LGBTQIA+ liaison officers are assigned to collaborate with various offices and groups for outreach and events. LGBTQIA+ liaison officers are the point of contact for on and off-campus groups.

The closest thing to an explanation can be found in a quote by Hudson in the VCU article. “With the growing concerns between law enforcement and the community, I wanted to be a link that builds those relationships back up. I want to bridge the gap between both groups by establishing an open line of communication and engaging in events that support LGBTQIA+ individuals.”

Bacon’s bottom line: Apparently, there are “concerns” about the relationship between VCU law enforcement and the LGBTQIA+ community. It is not clear what those “concerns” are. Are members of the “LGBTQIA+” community (as opposed to the old “LGBTQ+” community) at special risk of crime victimization? Have they been unfairly harassed by VCU police? Have LGBTQIA+ events been disrupted or hassled in any way? In other words, is there any justification for the staffing of two police officer positions other than the signaling of VCU’s virtue?

VCU police already attend mandatory “safe zone” training: two-hour workshops to “deepen their understanding” of sex, gender, and sexuality; recognize heterosexism, biophobia, and transphobia; and “examine and challenge” their own biases, assumptions, prejudice and privilege. Is that not enough? If not, why not?

When the cost of tuition, fees, room, board, books and supplies runs almost $30,000 a year for an undergraduate in-state student, VCU needs to do a better job of controlling its costs. If it wants to add two new staff to liaise and collaborate, it ought to have a well-articulated justification. No such justification is apparent.

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23 responses to “VCU Police Department Signals Its Wokeness”

  1. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    I guess the key qualification for the post is to know what LGBTQIA+ actually stands for and be ready for three more categories to be added by Christmas….

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      The I and A throw me, but can’t we just have two groups? How about I and EE? The Intolerant and Everybody Else.

      1. I like the idea, but current EEs really are not much like everybody else. What do we do with them, call them the group formerly known as EEs?

    2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      It has a B in it. Could be a new and healthier form of a BLT.

  2. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    Another article from the unwoke complaining about people who are alert to injustice and trying to be better people. I commend VCU for teaching their Police officers how to be alert to these issues. We can only hope that the unwoke generation fades away with the Boomers.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Don’t fool yourself. There are plenty of Gen X, Gen Z and Millennials who see the woke BS as just that – BS. They post under their real names and would consider your comments a snowstorm – just a collection of snowflake thoughts.

      1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman

        Thank you for your thoughtful response. Do you feel better now?

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Criticizing your comments is fair game. You blather on about “woke” but never really justify the need for “wokeness”.

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            The wokeness of conservatives is, of course, not a topic of polite conversation or blogging. As such, it never requires justification or explanation – just asserted.

          2. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            My apologies — I shouldn’t have mentioned “feelings” – I know that topic is taboo.

    2. Wahoo'74 Avatar

      Virginia “Gentleman” (sic), Jim Bacon and we Boomers who honor tradition will not fade away.

      Jim’s point was not homophobic. It merely stated that before universities spend money to increase administrative expense overhead for anything – LGBTQIA, DEI, etc. – they should justify the need. If there are not homophobic or racist attacks, don’t build an infrastructure to combat a problem that doesn’t exist.

      These initiatives are an expensive solution in search of a problem.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Do you guys ALWAYS question changes to police procedures and staffing that may cost money or just for some things?

        is that the “honor and tradition”?

      2. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman

        But yet I assume that there would be complete support of “infrastructure to combat a problem that doesn’t exist” for our AG’s setting up an Election Integrity Office. I never suggested that Jim or Boomers were homophobic or racist. Just that they simply don’t value people trying to identify potential blind spots as it relates to injustice. Being “woke” has become a perceived insult from the right about people who just want to be open minded that they don’t know everything about everything. Something that many of the right refuse to even consider.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Virginia Gentlemen – Both parties have claimed major fraud in recent elections. The 2020 presidential election and the governor’s election in Georgia.

          Should Virginia wait until one of our elections is forever suspect?

          Once upon a time all Virginia governors took gifts from various parties. Warner, Kaine, McDonnell. Everybody knew there was a very serious question about the ethics of those gifts. Then, Jonnie Williams showed up and Boom! – a huge fiasco.

          In retrospect, wouldn’t it have been better to have an ethics panel in place reviewing those gifts?

          Your second point on “woke” misses Jim’s point. Adding two full time policemen to be liaisons costs real money. What is the justification? College costs are way too high and rising way too fast. Every incremental cost increase needs to be justified.

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            The reported info does not indicate the “addition” of two officers or an increase in university costs.

          2. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            Why can’t conservatives recognize the difference between systematic voter fraud and voter suppression? They are two entirely different things. And yes – everyone was fully aware of the problems with gifts BEFORE McDonnell started taking gifts from Jonnie Williams. He actually ran on a pledge to establish one but broke that promise and decided to create the Office of the Inspector General instead. So, I don’t think your argument holds any water. But let’s get back to your feelings. Do you feel better after your personal attack on me?

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            yep. Having Trump trying to get election officials to change votes in multiple states (that other GOP candidates won) , then accusing several states of doing what he tried to do without a scintilla of credible evidence is the equivalent of voter suppression in the Georgia gov race.

            Half or more of the GOP in polls say this is true and so does DJR apparently so it must be true.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: ” Both parties have claimed major fraud in recent elections. The 2020 presidential election and the governor’s election in Georgia.”

            patently false and you know it.

            It’s not even funny how Conservatives try to alter the truth sometimes.

            do a GOOGLE:

            ” Democrats allege fraud in Georgia elections”

            and see what you get.

            Trump is claiming massive multi-state election fraud even as he and his folk actually tried to change election results while in Georgia, Stacy Abrams is claiming voter suppression.

            Comparing the two as the same is really not an honest comparison.

            Poll after Poll shows high percentages of GOP/Conservatives SAY they think there was a massive conspiracy to steal the election from Trump.

            No such polls of Dems show they feel the same about the Georgia elections , which ironically, Trump actually personally intervened in to try to change votes.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    Conservative lament: ” Why is there such a thing as LGBTQIA+ and why do we have to care about it much less ensure police, teachers and others be aware also?”

    No surprise. The same folk were also disappointed that we had to recognize sexual harassment and homosexuality.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      And… aborting rape and incest babies… the future of the Party.

  4. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    It is clear from the newsletter that these officers are not filling new staff positions. The officers are already employed by VCU police and are being designated the liaisons. This is no more virture signalling than AG Jason Miyares designating an Elections Integrity Unit that consists of staff that are already employees of his office and have other duties, as well. It seems that everyone gets to advertise virtue.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      EVEN IF they were adding personnel but for domestic violence, or school security or a drone unit – none of these yahoos are blathering about additional “scrutiny” of spending.

      It’s only for their culture war “woke” worries… not much of anything else

  5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “It is not clear, either in the VCU announcement or a WRIC story, what the two officers actually will be doing…”

    Probably about as much as Miyares’ “Elections Integrity” Unit…

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