VCU Has Gone Full Social Justice Warrior

Aashir Nasim

by James A. Bacon

Virginia Commonwealth University is making no effort to sugar coat the message. It has taken sides in America’s culture wars. And it will crush anyone on its campus who doesn’t go along.

In remarks to the VCU board of visitors Friday, Aashir Nasim, vice president of institutional equity, effectiveness and success, laid out the case with startling clarity. He was not going rogue. He spoke with the full approval of the university administration, and his full remarks can be found on the VCU website.

Sounding the refrain of America’s systemic racism, he made it clear that he and the administration, aren’t the slightest bit interested in debating those who might disagree. “We certainly don’t worry if people outside of VCU don’t think we are considering all sides of an issue when we send statements of solidarity and support that are centered on our core values as a university,” he said. “We will not get looped into parsing the false dichotomies between party crowds on our beaches during stay-at-home orders and protesters in the streets of our major cities after curfew.”

Under the direction of President Michael Rao, the university formed a task force in 2018 of 80 faculty, staff and students to provide recommendations regarding bias and discrimination. Since then, Nasim said, the university has been working on implementing the following:

Physical environment. VCU is developing a plan, to be submitted to the board this fall, to “dismantle the remaining vestiges of an unwanted history on our campus.”

Adjudicating microaggressions. “We realize the deleterious effects of death by a thousand microaggressions,” Nasim said. The university is revising its non-discrimination policy to create an “alternate pathway” for adjudicating matters “in a way that is affirming for those who have been aggrieved.”

Non-discrimination training. The university has completed a non-discrimination module for employees. “However,” said Nasim, “while mandatory non-discrimination courses increase accountability and compliance, evidence shows they do not change attitudes and cognitions.” Therefore, the university has developed a compendium of diversity and inclusion courses, seminars and programs for faculty and staff. (It is not clear if these additional courses will be mandatory.)

Gender identify diversity. VCU will launch a program, Call me by my name,” that will “make inclusion real … by recognizing that individuals have the right to use names other than their legal name, to identify with the gender they know themselves to be, and to utilize the pronounces that best fit them.”

Incident reporting, feedback. and responsiveness. VCU will make it easier for employees and students to report adverse events. As an aside, the university is overhauling its curriculum to “implement inclusive teaching pedagogies that are student-centered and meet our students where they are in terms of their learning trajectories.”

Let me boil this down for you.

  1. VCU is mandating non-discrimination training that will engender hyper-sensitivity to perceived “micro-aggressions.”
  2. The university will encourage students and employees to report these micro-aggressions. These might include failure to call a transgender person by his/her/its/whatever preferred pronoun.
  3. New methods of adjudicating these instances will be “affirming for those who have been aggrieved.”

In sum, VCU is building a totalitarian system around “social justice” principles. It is not sufficient simply to comply. As Nasim makes clear, it is necessary to “change attitudes and cognitions.”

Submit or you will be crushed. The radical Left plans to run VCU as a political re-education camp, which tells us that’s how, if it gets the chance, it will run the United States. If you aren’t terrified, you aren’t thinking.

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46 responses to “VCU Has Gone Full Social Justice Warrior”

  1. sbostian Avatar

    I am ending a 10 year tenure at VCU and although my retirement was a result of budget cuts in my unit, I am pleased to have been given a reason to leave. The environment is intellectually oppressive. Nonconforming thought is discouraged and punished. Students who don’t agree with the Maoist culture being assembled know to keep their mouths shut and heads down.

    Most faculty members, even in the hard sciences, have either been brainwashed and have become Maoists themselves or engage in periodic ritual self denunciation as a defense mechanism.

  2. sbostian Avatar

    I am ending a 10 year tenure at VCU and although my retirement was a result of budget cuts in my unit, I am pleased to have been given a reason to leave. The environment is intellectually oppressive. Nonconforming thought is discouraged and punished. Students who don’t agree with the Maoist culture being assembled know to keep their mouths shut and heads down.

    Most faculty members, even in the hard sciences, have either been brainwashed and have become Maoists themselves or engage in periodic ritual self denunciation as a defense mechanism.

  3. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Maoist? Really. Can you give some details on how Maoism at work at VCU?

    1. sbostian Avatar

      Ritual self denunciation, intolerance of dissenting opinion via shout down tactics, adverse personnel actions for dissenting staff and official university sanction of violent actions by favored groups. All are pretty common fare here.

    2. sbostian Avatar

      Snitch networks to encourage faculty, students and staff to surveil each other to find and report “political crimes”.

  4. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Maoist? Really. Can you give some details on how Maoism at work at VCU?

    1. sbostian Avatar

      Ritual self denunciation, intolerance of dissenting opinion via shout down tactics, adverse personnel actions for dissenting staff and official university sanction of violent actions by favored groups. All are pretty common fare here.

    2. sbostian Avatar

      Snitch networks to encourage faculty, students and staff to surveil each other to find and report “political crimes”.

  5. sbostian Avatar

    Just a quote from George Orwell as a comment to the ideas in Dr. Nasim’s statement: : You must be an intellectual. A normal person would never believe a thing like that.:

  6. sbostian Avatar

    Just a quote from George Orwell as a comment to the ideas in Dr. Nasim’s statement: : You must be an intellectual. A normal person would never believe a thing like that.:

  7. Not surprised.

  8. Not surprised.

  9. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    So maoists beat you down to build you up? Sort of like the Marine Corps or the Jesuits.

  10. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    So maoists beat you down to build you up? Sort of like the Marine Corps or the Jesuits.

  11. LarrytheG Avatar

    So how will this play to prospective students? Will it chase them away or do the opposite or what?

    Does this have anything to do with students at all?

  12. LarrytheG Avatar

    So how will this play to prospective students? Will it chase them away or do the opposite or what?

    Does this have anything to do with students at all?

  13. sbostian Avatar

    Some students will be attracted, many would run for the hills if VCU were honest with parents and students during the recruitment process.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      You don’t think they’re doing this to attract students?

      It’s certainly not making right-leaning parents and professors happy.

      so who are they trying to please?

      1. sbostian Avatar

        Very few if any parents or prospective students will see Dr. Nasim’s statement to the Board of Visitors. Right leaning professors are either gone or keep heads down and mouths shut. The ones without tenure like me get pushed into retirement or don’t have their contracts renewed. Who are they trying to please? My guess is that they are trying to please Rao and his praetorian guard. My bigger question is “how many elected officials have read the statement and what their is their opinion of it?”.

  14. sbostian Avatar

    Some students will be attracted, many would run for the hills if VCU were honest with parents and students during the recruitment process.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      You don’t think they’re doing this to attract students?

      It’s certainly not making right-leaning parents and professors happy.

      so who are they trying to please?

      1. sbostian Avatar

        Very few if any parents or prospective students will see Dr. Nasim’s statement to the Board of Visitors. Right leaning professors are either gone or keep heads down and mouths shut. The ones without tenure like me get pushed into retirement or don’t have their contracts renewed. Who are they trying to please? My guess is that they are trying to please Rao and his praetorian guard. My bigger question is “how many elected officials have read the statement and what their is their opinion of it?”.

  15. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    So sue the damn School.

    The Third Circuit just reversed “a lower court’s dismissal of a complaint filed against a private university alleging discrimination under Title IX and breach of contract. In Doe v. University of the Sciences, the Third Circuit held that, when a private college or university ‘promises . . . ‘fair’ and ‘equitable’ treatment to those accused of sexual misconduct,’ it must provide ‘at least a real, live, and adversarial hearing and the opportunity for the accused student or his or her representative to cross-examine witnesses — including his or her accusers.’”

    A major setback to Obama’s attempt to revive the Court of Star Chamber for male college students where the accused lacked basic rights and was tried in secret. The Fifth Amendment is generally regarded as a reaction to the Court of Star Chamber.

  16. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    So sue the damn School.

    The Third Circuit just reversed “a lower court’s dismissal of a complaint filed against a private university alleging discrimination under Title IX and breach of contract. In Doe v. University of the Sciences, the Third Circuit held that, when a private college or university ‘promises . . . ‘fair’ and ‘equitable’ treatment to those accused of sexual misconduct,’ it must provide ‘at least a real, live, and adversarial hearing and the opportunity for the accused student or his or her representative to cross-examine witnesses — including his or her accusers.’”

    A major setback to Obama’s attempt to revive the Court of Star Chamber for male college students where the accused lacked basic rights and was tried in secret. The Fifth Amendment is generally regarded as a reaction to the Court of Star Chamber.

  17. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Thanks, sbostian for your clarity. I believe that this sort of regime training has been going on for decades in many American institutions of higher education and we are just beginning to understand what is going on by reason of the events unfolding around us now. The question is whether it’s too late to stop the run away train to tyranny, started and driven by our now radical leftest colleges and universities?

  18. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Thanks, sbostian for your clarity. I believe that this sort of regime training has been going on for decades in many American institutions of higher education and we are just beginning to understand what is going on by reason of the events unfolding around us now. The question is whether it’s too late to stop the run away train to tyranny, started and driven by our now radical leftest colleges and universities?

  19. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Why now are great books being burned? Why is history over millennium being destroyed?

    Why are words now prohibited and/0r their definitions changed beyond recognition, logic or facts?

    Why are rules of law and western culture being defamed, erased and/or ripped asunder and tossed into the garbage?

    Why are mobs tearing statutes down, along with long standing institutions, pillars of stability over 16 generations, of representative government, and order?

    Why is the substance and fabric of civilized society being neutered, mangled, undermined and attacked so as to create great voids filled with ignorance, chaos and darkness, before tyranny reigns where their had been a Republic before?

    Here on Bacon’s Rebellion we have foreseen and spoken about this dismantling of America many times, and its gestation, and its fueling by forces of hate and division on American universities, a toxic brew now spreading across America from Portsmouth Va. to Seattle California.

    Here is some earlier commentary on this subject, found in one of many posts before commentary here on Bacon’s Rebellion became so rabid and uninformed by a FEW.

    Reed Fawell 3rd | January 18, 2020 at 6:48 pm | Reply

    To my mind Roger Scruton is the best thinker on these issues. Below is my highly edited, condensed, elaborated on and paraphrased version “The Left Establishment” one of his essays on the subject.

    “Mrs. Thatcher, Prime Minister of Britain was denied an honorary degree by her own alma mater, degrees earned with ease by left wing politicians. And Robert Mugabe was so honored recently by University of Glasgow. Conservative politicians judged “right wing” are sometimes assaulted, usually denied a hearing, and always in need of police protection. Other academics are similarly abused. These are not isolated incidences. Nor are they limited to universities.

    Ideological conformity has been rigorously enforced in schools too. “Anti-racist show trials” have been used as a weapon.

    The is not limited to Britain. It’s spread to America. The University of Stanford which offers degrees in feminist studies for which ideological conformity is the sine qua non of success, has jettisoned its Western Civilization Course on the grounds that such “cultural imperialism” is unacceptable in a university which has set its face against racism, elitism, and the Eurocentric worldview.

    So we are confronting for first time in history a full scale left establishment.

    Why? Is Marxism on the rise?

    Before returning to Marx, here are two alternatives. Do academics need a rigid ideology to gain control from above that no self respecting leftist activist would fail to take? Then once the leftist faculty is in place, critical bureaucrats are installed, and conforming textbooks written and a made compulsory, the re-education of the intelligentsia would follow as matter of course. This has been shown to have occurred in disciplines such as sociology where on equality outcomes are demanded. But Marxism also is a system with a political agenda.

    Does this or other possibilities, explain why conservative theories cannot penetrate these disciplines even on level of discussions?

    For instance: Equality demands requires controlling groups to enforce them on others. Meanwhile exploitation occurs not by the invisible hand of distribution of goods and advantages, but instead by a few making coercive demands upon the many, and between people. This occurs irrespective of equality. Thirdly, inequality is not resisted or rebelled against by most people, through tyranny is, unless key culture and institutions are destroyed. But far too often never are these counter arguments raised, much less discussed or learned in these leftist mandated textbooks, or its ideological foundations and tenets that demand the conformity of young minds of the students subjected to it by leftist professors.

    Why not? Why is ideological conformity demanded. And why is the “invisible hand” of the marketplace explanation, simply rejected, never raised or discussed, but hidden in “burned books”?

    One theory for this rigid leftist ideology called “Public choice” was developed scholars within the Virginia School by Virginia based scholars. It posits that areas of advantage can be liberated from the free economic marketplace by political power. The liberation confers great advantage, including lack of competition, and insulation from failure, including financial failure. This is “rent seeking” with “no skin in the game”. It demands the creation of tightly nit special interests groups that insures blind loyalty, and that fends off outside competitors, in actions that power the Law of Bureaucratic and Ideological Expansion that fights to seize, keep, and enlarge the rents and advantages gained by special interests over others, from leveraging their own political and monetary power.

    These special interests then can and do reject rival criteria, theories and explanations, otherwise called knowledge, particularly in areas like education, social work, and medicine and the like, plus professional work in other humanities. This, in turn, shuts out and closes down outsider knowledge. In such cases, talent no longer counts, it threatens privileged power. Hence, conformity, loyalty, power aggregation, and monopoly is highly prized and essential instead, so all are demanded.

    Here left wing ideology is very effective in its sustained attack on merit, and free discussion and civilized disputation. So a sick system undermines true standards of education and culture, and it erects false standards instead. Thus it builds false knowledge and ideology that masquerades as real learning, so as to protect the jobs and privileges of those in the special interest.

    All of this explains the often vicious attacks on outside ideas, competing knowledge and the alleged evil outsiders or insiders to try to promote it competing view points.

    All this destroys true education, true knowledge, and the ability of young students to acquire it and teach it, in all its many facets, complexities, ironies, conflicts, and forms.

    This is my highly edited, paraphrased, elaborated on and condensed version of Roger Scruton’s essay was published in Dec., 1988 edition of The Salisbury Review. The essay also comprises Chapter 27 in Roger Scruton’s fine book of essays Philospher on Dover Beach.

    For my earlier commentary on why scholars destroy knowledge, here is more of on BR from Fewer Young People, More Geezers Working These Days;

    Reed Fawell 3rd | December 27, 2017 at 3:46 pm | Reply

    Acbar says:

    “We’ve learned a lot this year. One thing learned is that thoughtful people are concerned about causation, whereas reactionaries at both ends of the spectrum care only about results. History has no significance, even relevance, for people who don’t care why we are the way we are, but simply wish (demand) that we be different. We see this in the occasional deliberate choice to erase history … Yes, those who ignore history may be doomed to repeat it … But another thing learned is that there is ugliness in our history … God grant us the wisdom to admit the difference, and to deal with the latter as they deserve.”

    I’ve come to believe that learning important aspects of history in a true and meaningful way, and applying that learning to our world today, is far more difficult, complex, and demanding than I had ever imagined. The task demands all of our powers and their immense efforts. For anyone doing such task well, and thus having an impact that might change reality, will encounter fierce resistance from the present.

    This is why so many great books of history (or art or science) are written in varying degrees of code on so many levels, if only to keep the writers neck, or his work, off the chopping block.

    This is also why so much great history (like art and science) has been intentionally destroyed. Or buried, even if its creator lives to die of natural causes. It is the reason so many are in exile.

    The truth is that the present hates to hear the truth about today, and it hates to hear the truths of history that brought us to where we are today. Truth is the perennial orphan, particularity truth having relevance to today’s world.


    Much of the truth is very ugly. Most of the truth is novel, quite strange, mostly unknown. Most truth is very uncomfortable, even under the best of circumstances, and it is very significantly different, far different, often quite the opposite, from what the reader may have thought or believed to be the truth before uncovering the truth. Particularly so as the truth is only as good and deep as the searcher powers to uncover, judge, and appreciate it, a journey during which he or she must overcome many obstacles. Even then, the truth will die unless the searcher finds a way to keep that true alive.

    Take for example Plato’s Book VIII of The Republic. This book cost Socrates his life.

    How many died in Rome citing that book as the authority for what was in fact going on in Rome for 500 years after the fall of the Roman Republic? Ask Cicero how many before they chopped off his hands. No, the better question is who cited Book VIII and lived to see the sun rise again.

    The truth that Socrates (through Plato) taught mankind about itself brings to us just as much bitterness today. And it is just as misunderstood today as it was in ancient Rome. Thomas Jefferson despised the book. John Adams “built his Church up its rock.” Disputations over its meanings and conclusions fueled perhaps the most vicious and vitriolic presidential campaign in American history. That between Jefferson and Adams in 1800. During those bitter times, it unfairly damaged and destroyed reputations of fine men up until this very day, and indeed threatened our Federal form of government in its infancy.

    This morning, I read Book VIII for the first time in a decade, seeing it in new light.


    Because the Book helps to explain much of the ugliness of history and how it is borne along through time on the wings of the dark aspects of human nature, and the systems that men and women build and operate to promote and protect those dark instincts of their human nature.

    There is a great paradox here, one that is the great gift of history. The more the searcher for the truth of history uncovers the more he must confront the ugliness of history. But here to is where the great gift arises. For the more ugliness he or she can confront and work through and appreciate, the more he or she comes to appreciate the good and noble acts of men and women who endure that ugliness with their goodness intact and so often overcome it in ways large and small, and even reverse that dark side of history and human nature.

    Then also comes the second great gift, that is one that Martin Luther King shines his light on – how also the searcher for the truth so often comes to see that the real evil is often built into not only “the systems within human nature, but also the systems that human nature builds and operates to generate so much evil in the world we all must live in and deal with.

    Some people far more than others must deal directly with and confront this dark reality. This is why the good warrior, the good teacher, and the good scholar are so precious to us all. Our Civilization depends on these good people to an inordinate degree, and we, the rest of us, reap the great benefits the bestow on us.”


    Here is my earlier related commentary on events at UVA found here at Speaking Truth To Power:

    Reed Fawell 3rd | August 18, 2017 at 10:13 am | Reply

    UVA has been flooding my in box with emails for more than a week. Each UVA email says the same thing, over and over again, in slightly altered form as if a contrived Madison Avenue advertisement campaign:

    Urgent protestations, announcements, proclamations and claims from the UVa.’s President, UVa.’s Rector, UVa.’s Alumni Association, UVa.’s Miller Center, UVa. Magazine and UVa. Daily and now from student leaders, all shouting almost the same thing:

    “We have been invaded by the evil of white nationalists and white supremacist terrorism. But we will not be intimated and we stand in solidarity and virtue instead. Hate has no place here. We choose Love.”

    That is the tenor of the main message. The underlying message is also clear and unambiguous, namely that:

    UVa., an innocent victim, has found the devil it so desperately needs to deflect attention away from itself – and onto more white men to demonize instead – this time Fascists and Neo-Nazi white supremacists from out of town. UVA thus grabs the perfect target to stand in solidarity against, and to hate, so as to falsely claim to heal the violation of UVa.’s virtuous and loving community, while UVA compounds and deepens the problem instead.

    How easy it is to hate white fascists neo-Nazi white supremacists. I want to hate them too, who does not? But where is the wisdom and maturity in that?

    How easy and convenient it is to claim the violation of one’s innocence by the evil white man in Charlottesville. How good and reassuring of one’s own virtue it is to hate the Other. Particularly during these feverish times in C’ville Virginia, and all over the nation. It’s the 1930’s in Germany all over again, this time playing out on the Grounds of Mr. Jefferson’s University.

    How habit forming it was then and is here now to hate and demonize others rather than to understand and forgive and to confront other harsh facts that compounded this tragedy, including one’s own faults that require serious introspection and correction. How easy it is to avoid introspection and self- examination by holding endless mass torch lit rallies to build group emotional solidarity with the thousands of vulnerable and malleable young students in your care instead of doing the hard work of effective leadership.

    This running away from reality and this constant circling of wagons against the OTHER, this closing of a university’s collective mind – this is the sure sign of an unhealthy community dependent on mass hysteria to hold itself together against adversity and different opinions and kinds of people.

    Making it worse is that those who are tasked to instruct and lead UVA students are manipulating their students instead. Imagine it. The people whose sacred obligation at UVA is teach their student’s introspection, rational thought, and the rich complexities of their past, and thereby tasked to encourage their students’ emotional and spiritual growth, these professors and Administrators and Board are actively engaged in doing precisely the reverse, turning their students back into ill tempered and overly wrought children unable to confront their rightful future

    I am reminded of the Jackie controversy. All its pain, deceit, and confusion.

    The Jackie controversy, best I can discern, was born and nurtured within the hot house of the now chronic hysteria at UVa. Back then, in 2014 as I recall, UVa. leaders also madly rushed out onto the Grounds to proclaim their solidarity with their students by demonizing a group of UVa. students.

    That time it was WHITE FRATERNITY BOYS. Thus UVa.’s leaders hoped to shift all the blame for Jackie’s violation onto an ENTIRE group on campus. One they thought they could easily demonize so as to avoid confronting the real problems at UVa., and feed their own twisted bias at the same time, while escaping all responsibility for their own negligence that in substantial part caused then fueled the controversy in the first place.

    What were those real but hidden problems? The hysteria, particularly among young women students, brought on directly by a rampant hook-up sex culture that had infected UVa.’s student body for decades. A plague that UVa. leadership had refused to confront and deal with for decades.

    Now it is all happening again. This chronic failure of mature courageous leadership to see, appreciate, understand, and properly deal with, the real issues that afflict Mr. Jefferson’s academic village. The deep seated problems that UVA’s leadership has not only allowed to infect, but has too often encouraged to feaster, for so long to the great detriment of its students.

    It is all quite remarkable.

    UVa. still cannot honestly confront its problems. Instead its leaders manipulate their own students – young men and women who struggle daily to learn how the think clearly for themselves, so that they might stand up as strong and independent young adults, young people who have been liberated from hysteria’s self destructive and childish acts.

    And now, here this time, it happens all over again. For example:

    Why does UVa. hide the disorderly group of students who, yelling obscenities, pushed and shoved their way into a Board of Visitors meeting recently, demanding that Thomas Jefferson’s statute be removed from the Grounds of UVa?

    Why no consequences for this mob?

    Or for the professors who taught them?

    Or the endless obsessive wailing and preening over slavery ended by a Civil War the killed on 600,000 Americans 150+ years ago.

    Is hate or twisted versions of history being preached in the classrooms at UVA?

    Instead of asking these questions and acting like effective leaders must, UVa. officials fired one of the police officers who quelled the disturbance. What was his offense? As best I can tell, his offense was that he was a white man security guard who uttered the words “Make America Great Again.”

    Wake up UVa!

    What do those recent events in and outside your board room have to do with last weekend’s riot, including their impact on the local police, as well as on your own students who surely were involved in the fracas.

    Love, virtue, and understanding, is not happening in Charlottesville.

    Nor is it happening at UVa. Where are its leaders? Why can’t they and their students act like the grownups did in Charleston, South Carolina.”

    For more see:

  20. SGillispie Avatar

    Let me strongly second Reed’s comment. Thank you, Jim, for one of the few spotlights on the mockery VCU and our universities are making of their very purpose. And comments like sbostian’s which add valuable context and information are what make it worthwhile to sift through the poli-porn word confetti with which the ankle-biters and hecklers sprinkle these pages.

  21. SGillispie Avatar

    Let me strongly second Reed’s comment. Thank you, Jim, for one of the few spotlights on the mockery VCU and our universities are making of their very purpose. And comments like sbostian’s which add valuable context and information are what make it worthwhile to sift through the poli-porn word confetti with which the ankle-biters and hecklers sprinkle these pages.

  22. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Why now are great books being burned? Why is history over millennium being destroyed?

    Why are words now prohibited and/0r their definitions changed beyond recognition, logic or facts?

    Why are rules of law and western culture being defamed, erased and/or ripped asunder and tossed into the garbage?

    Why are mobs tearing statutes down, along with long standing institutions, pillars of stability over 16 generations, of representative government, and order?

    Why is the substance and fabric of civilized society being neutered, mangled, undermined and attacked so as to create great voids filled with ignorance, chaos and darkness, before tyranny reigns where their had been a Republic before?

    Here on Bacon’s Rebellion we have foreseen and spoken about this dismantling of America many times, and its gestation, and its fueling by forces of hate and division on American universities, a toxic brew now spreading across America from Portsmouth Va. to Seattle California.

    Here is some earlier commentary on this subject, found in one of many posts before commentary here on Bacon’s Rebellion became so rabid and uninformed by a FEW.

    Reed Fawell 3rd | January 18, 2020 at 6:48 pm | Reply

    To my mind Roger Scruton is the best thinker on these issues. Below is my highly edited, condensed, elaborated on and paraphrased version “The Left Establishment” one of his essays on the subject.

    “Mrs. Thatcher, Prime Minister of Britain was denied an honorary degree by her own alma mater, degrees earned with ease by left wing politicians. And Robert Mugabe was so honored recently by University of Glasgow. Conservative politicians judged “right wing” are sometimes assaulted, usually denied a hearing, and always in need of police protection. Other academics are similarly abused. These are not isolated incidences. Nor are they limited to universities.

    Ideological conformity has been rigorously enforced in schools too. “Anti-racist show trials” have been used as a weapon.

    The is not limited to Britain. It’s spread to America. The University of Stanford which offers degrees in feminist studies for which ideological conformity is the sine qua non of success, has jettisoned its Western Civilization Course on the grounds that such “cultural imperialism” is unacceptable in a university which has set its face against racism, elitism, and the Eurocentric worldview.

    So we are confronting for first time in history a full scale left establishment.

    Why? Is Marxism on the rise?

    Before returning to Marx, here are two alternatives. Do academics need a rigid ideology to gain control from above that no self respecting leftist activist would fail to take? Then once the leftist faculty is in place, critical bureaucrats are installed, and conforming textbooks written and a made compulsory, the re-education of the intelligentsia would follow as matter of course. This has been shown to have occurred in disciplines such as sociology where on equality outcomes are demanded. But Marxism also is a system with a political agenda.

    Does this or other possibilities, explain why conservative theories cannot penetrate these disciplines even on level of discussions?

    For instance: Equality demands requires controlling groups to enforce them on others. Meanwhile exploitation occurs not by the invisible hand of distribution of goods and advantages, but instead by a few making coercive demands upon the many, and between people. This occurs irrespective of equality. Thirdly, inequality is not resisted or rebelled against by most people, through tyranny is, unless key culture and institutions are destroyed. But far too often never are these counter arguments raised, much less discussed or learned in these leftist mandated textbooks, or its ideological foundations and tenets that demand the conformity of young minds of the students subjected to it by leftist professors.

    Why not? Why is ideological conformity demanded. And why is the “invisible hand” of the marketplace explanation, simply rejected, never raised or discussed, but hidden in “burned books”?

    One theory for this rigid leftist ideology called “Public choice” was developed scholars within the Virginia School by Virginia based scholars. It posits that areas of advantage can be liberated from the free economic marketplace by political power. The liberation confers great advantage, including lack of competition, and insulation from failure, including financial failure. This is “rent seeking” with “no skin in the game”. It demands the creation of tightly nit special interests groups that insures blind loyalty, and that fends off outside competitors, in actions that power the Law of Bureaucratic and Ideological Expansion that fights to seize, keep, and enlarge the rents and advantages gained by special interests over others, from leveraging their own political and monetary power.

    These special interests then can and do reject rival criteria, theories and explanations, otherwise called knowledge, particularly in areas like education, social work, and medicine and the like, plus professional work in other humanities. This, in turn, shuts out and closes down outsider knowledge. In such cases, talent no longer counts, it threatens privileged power. Hence, conformity, loyalty, power aggregation, and monopoly is highly prized and essential instead, so all are demanded.

    Here left wing ideology is very effective in its sustained attack on merit, and free discussion and civilized disputation. So a sick system undermines true standards of education and culture, and it erects false standards instead. Thus it builds false knowledge and ideology that masquerades as real learning, so as to protect the jobs and privileges of those in the special interest.

    All of this explains the often vicious attacks on outside ideas, competing knowledge and the alleged evil outsiders or insiders to try to promote it competing view points.

    All this destroys true education, true knowledge, and the ability of young students to acquire it and teach it, in all its many facets, complexities, ironies, conflicts, and forms.

    This is my highly edited, paraphrased, elaborated on and condensed version of Roger Scruton’s essay was published in Dec., 1988 edition of The Salisbury Review. The essay also comprises Chapter 27 in Roger Scruton’s fine book of essays Philospher on Dover Beach.

    For my earlier commentary on why scholars destroy knowledge, here is more of on BR from Fewer Young People, More Geezers Working These Days;

    Reed Fawell 3rd | December 27, 2017 at 3:46 pm | Reply

    Acbar says:

    “We’ve learned a lot this year. One thing learned is that thoughtful people are concerned about causation, whereas reactionaries at both ends of the spectrum care only about results. History has no significance, even relevance, for people who don’t care why we are the way we are, but simply wish (demand) that we be different. We see this in the occasional deliberate choice to erase history … Yes, those who ignore history may be doomed to repeat it … But another thing learned is that there is ugliness in our history … God grant us the wisdom to admit the difference, and to deal with the latter as they deserve.”

    I’ve come to believe that learning important aspects of history in a true and meaningful way, and applying that learning to our world today, is far more difficult, complex, and demanding than I had ever imagined. The task demands all of our powers and their immense efforts. For anyone doing such task well, and thus having an impact that might change reality, will encounter fierce resistance from the present.

    This is why so many great books of history (or art or science) are written in varying degrees of code on so many levels, if only to keep the writers neck, or his work, off the chopping block.

    This is also why so much great history (like art and science) has been intentionally destroyed. Or buried, even if its creator lives to die of natural causes. It is the reason so many are in exile.

    The truth is that the present hates to hear the truth about today, and it hates to hear the truths of history that brought us to where we are today. Truth is the perennial orphan, particularity truth having relevance to today’s world.


    Much of the truth is very ugly. Most of the truth is novel, quite strange, mostly unknown. Most truth is very uncomfortable, even under the best of circumstances, and it is very significantly different, far different, often quite the opposite, from what the reader may have thought or believed to be the truth before uncovering the truth. Particularly so as the truth is only as good and deep as the searcher powers to uncover, judge, and appreciate it, a journey during which he or she must overcome many obstacles. Even then, the truth will die unless the searcher finds a way to keep that true alive.

    Take for example Plato’s Book VIII of The Republic. This book cost Socrates his life.

    How many died in Rome citing that book as the authority for what was in fact going on in Rome for 500 years after the fall of the Roman Republic? Ask Cicero how many before they chopped off his hands. No, the better question is who cited Book VIII and lived to see the sun rise again.

    The truth that Socrates (through Plato) taught mankind about itself brings to us just as much bitterness today. And it is just as misunderstood today as it was in ancient Rome. Thomas Jefferson despised the book. John Adams “built his Church up its rock.” Disputations over its meanings and conclusions fueled perhaps the most vicious and vitriolic presidential campaign in American history. That between Jefferson and Adams in 1800. During those bitter times, it unfairly damaged and destroyed reputations of fine men up until this very day, and indeed threatened our Federal form of government in its infancy.

    This morning, I read Book VIII for the first time in a decade, seeing it in new light.


    Because the Book helps to explain much of the ugliness of history and how it is borne along through time on the wings of the dark aspects of human nature, and the systems that men and women build and operate to promote and protect those dark instincts of their human nature.

    There is a great paradox here, one that is the great gift of history. The more the searcher for the truth of history uncovers the more he must confront the ugliness of history. But here to is where the great gift arises. For the more ugliness he or she can confront and work through and appreciate, the more he or she comes to appreciate the good and noble acts of men and women who endure that ugliness with their goodness intact and so often overcome it in ways large and small, and even reverse that dark side of history and human nature.

    Then also comes the second great gift, that is one that Martin Luther King shines his light on – how also the searcher for the truth so often comes to see that the real evil is often built into not only “the systems within human nature, but also the systems that human nature builds and operates to generate so much evil in the world we all must live in and deal with.

    Some people far more than others must deal directly with and confront this dark reality. This is why the good warrior, the good teacher, and the good scholar are so precious to us all. Our Civilization depends on these good people to an inordinate degree, and we, the rest of us, reap the great benefits the bestow on us.”


    Here is my earlier related commentary on events at UVA found here at Speaking Truth To Power:

    Reed Fawell 3rd | August 18, 2017 at 10:13 am | Reply

    UVA has been flooding my in box with emails for more than a week. Each UVA email says the same thing, over and over again, in slightly altered form as if a contrived Madison Avenue advertisement campaign:

    Urgent protestations, announcements, proclamations and claims from the UVa.’s President, UVa.’s Rector, UVa.’s Alumni Association, UVa.’s Miller Center, UVa. Magazine and UVa. Daily and now from student leaders, all shouting almost the same thing:

    “We have been invaded by the evil of white nationalists and white supremacist terrorism. But we will not be intimated and we stand in solidarity and virtue instead. Hate has no place here. We choose Love.”

    That is the tenor of the main message. The underlying message is also clear and unambiguous, namely that:

    UVa., an innocent victim, has found the devil it so desperately needs to deflect attention away from itself – and onto more white men to demonize instead – this time Fascists and Neo-Nazi white supremacists from out of town. UVA thus grabs the perfect target to stand in solidarity against, and to hate, so as to falsely claim to heal the violation of UVa.’s virtuous and loving community, while UVA compounds and deepens the problem instead.

    How easy it is to hate white fascists neo-Nazi white supremacists. I want to hate them too, who does not? But where is the wisdom and maturity in that?

    How easy and convenient it is to claim the violation of one’s innocence by the evil white man in Charlottesville. How good and reassuring of one’s own virtue it is to hate the Other. Particularly during these feverish times in C’ville Virginia, and all over the nation. It’s the 1930’s in Germany all over again, this time playing out on the Grounds of Mr. Jefferson’s University.

    How habit forming it was then and is here now to hate and demonize others rather than to understand and forgive and to confront other harsh facts that compounded this tragedy, including one’s own faults that require serious introspection and correction. How easy it is to avoid introspection and self- examination by holding endless mass torch lit rallies to build group emotional solidarity with the thousands of vulnerable and malleable young students in your care instead of doing the hard work of effective leadership.

    This running away from reality and this constant circling of wagons against the OTHER, this closing of a university’s collective mind – this is the sure sign of an unhealthy community dependent on mass hysteria to hold itself together against adversity and different opinions and kinds of people.

    Making it worse is that those who are tasked to instruct and lead UVA students are manipulating their students instead. Imagine it. The people whose sacred obligation at UVA is teach their student’s introspection, rational thought, and the rich complexities of their past, and thereby tasked to encourage their students’ emotional and spiritual growth, these professors and Administrators and Board are actively engaged in doing precisely the reverse, turning their students back into ill tempered and overly wrought children unable to confront their rightful future

    I am reminded of the Jackie controversy. All its pain, deceit, and confusion.

    The Jackie controversy, best I can discern, was born and nurtured within the hot house of the now chronic hysteria at UVa. Back then, in 2014 as I recall, UVa. leaders also madly rushed out onto the Grounds to proclaim their solidarity with their students by demonizing a group of UVa. students.

    That time it was WHITE FRATERNITY BOYS. Thus UVa.’s leaders hoped to shift all the blame for Jackie’s violation onto an ENTIRE group on campus. One they thought they could easily demonize so as to avoid confronting the real problems at UVa., and feed their own twisted bias at the same time, while escaping all responsibility for their own negligence that in substantial part caused then fueled the controversy in the first place.

    What were those real but hidden problems? The hysteria, particularly among young women students, brought on directly by a rampant hook-up sex culture that had infected UVa.’s student body for decades. A plague that UVa. leadership had refused to confront and deal with for decades.

    Now it is all happening again. This chronic failure of mature courageous leadership to see, appreciate, understand, and properly deal with, the real issues that afflict Mr. Jefferson’s academic village. The deep seated problems that UVA’s leadership has not only allowed to infect, but has too often encouraged to feaster, for so long to the great detriment of its students.

    It is all quite remarkable.

    UVa. still cannot honestly confront its problems. Instead its leaders manipulate their own students – young men and women who struggle daily to learn how the think clearly for themselves, so that they might stand up as strong and independent young adults, young people who have been liberated from hysteria’s self destructive and childish acts.

    And now, here this time, it happens all over again. For example:

    Why does UVa. hide the disorderly group of students who, yelling obscenities, pushed and shoved their way into a Board of Visitors meeting recently, demanding that Thomas Jefferson’s statute be removed from the Grounds of UVa?

    Why no consequences for this mob?

    Or for the professors who taught them?

    Or the endless obsessive wailing and preening over slavery ended by a Civil War the killed on 600,000 Americans 150+ years ago.

    Is hate or twisted versions of history being preached in the classrooms at UVA?

    Instead of asking these questions and acting like effective leaders must, UVa. officials fired one of the police officers who quelled the disturbance. What was his offense? As best I can tell, his offense was that he was a white man security guard who uttered the words “Make America Great Again.”

    Wake up UVa!

    What do those recent events in and outside your board room have to do with last weekend’s riot, including their impact on the local police, as well as on your own students who surely were involved in the fracas.

    Love, virtue, and understanding, is not happening in Charlottesville.

    Nor is it happening at UVa. Where are its leaders? Why can’t they and their students act like the grownups did in Charleston, South Carolina.”

    For more see:

  23. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    “Leftist Ork?” That’s a new one. Can you please elaborate?

  24. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Sounds like an ad hominem attack. Where the hell is Steve Haner when you need him?

  25. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    I have been hearing the complaints about the so-called Marxist takeover of colleges since I graduated in 1974. Can’t you people come up with something more compelling? It is really getting boring. The world has changed.

    1. Peter, do I correctly deduce from your comment that you believe that measures described by Mr. Nasim are of little consequence?

      1. sbostian Avatar

        James, My read was that Peter agrees with everything in Dr. Nasim’s statement and his rendering of President Rao’s agenda. In other words, if you have a problem with either, keep your head down, mouth shut and move to the back of the bus? Am I wrong? If so, what do you mean Peter?

  26. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    I have been hearing the complaints about the so-called Marxist takeover of colleges since I graduated in 1974. Can’t you people come up with something more compelling? It is really getting boring. The world has changed.

    1. Peter, do I correctly deduce from your comment that you believe that measures described by Mr. Nasim are of little consequence?

      1. sbostian Avatar

        James, My read was that Peter agrees with everything in Dr. Nasim’s statement and his rendering of President Rao’s agenda. In other words, if you have a problem with either, keep your head down, mouth shut and move to the back of the bus? Am I wrong? If so, what do you mean Peter?

  27. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    I do not know much about VCU although I have written critically if Rao some years back. Sbostian, your case sounds a bit like sour grapes but that isn’t my business. My point is that the move towards college accountability that some call political correctness is nothing new. It dates back at least a half a century. I went to college in Massachusetts back in the day. Very liberal. No apologies. That’s my perspective. Accept it or not. I really don’t care.

  28. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    I do not know much about VCU although I have written critically if Rao some years back. Sbostian, your case sounds a bit like sour grapes but that isn’t my business. My point is that the move towards college accountability that some call political correctness is nothing new. It dates back at least a half a century. I went to college in Massachusetts back in the day. Very liberal. No apologies. That’s my perspective. Accept it or not. I really don’t care.

  29. SGillispie Avatar

    Having written on this Blog that not knowing what you are talking about shows you as a fool, Galuszka exposes himself for what he is by stating he does “not know anything about VCU”. If that had left any doubt about what he is, Galuszka adds a patronizing diagnosis of “your case” of which he also clearly knows nothing and then states it isn’t his business and then makes it his business publicly.

    Further, his reply above shows that he clearly did not understand the points you and James were making. Typically, Galuszka’s so-called “point” about “political correctness” has marginal relevance to the points you and Jim made here.

    Galuszka’s objective in this BLOG is not to understand or even elucidate with articulate arguments but to harass, intimidate and annoy all who appear to be outside his accepted orthodoxy. In this case he is just one of the Leftist Orks who jump at every chance to put down those whose thinking is incorrect, despite in his case having whined previously in this BLOG about those who put down others .

  30. SGillispie Avatar

    Having written on this Blog that not knowing what you are talking about shows you as a fool, Galuszka exposes himself for what he is by stating he does “not know anything about VCU”. If that had left any doubt about what he is, Galuszka adds a patronizing diagnosis of “your case” of which he also clearly knows nothing and then states it isn’t his business and then makes it his business publicly.

    Further, his reply above shows that he clearly did not understand the points you and James were making. Typically, Galuszka’s so-called “point” about “political correctness” has marginal relevance to the points you and Jim made here.

    Galuszka’s objective in this BLOG is not to understand or even elucidate with articulate arguments but to harass, intimidate and annoy all who appear to be outside his accepted orthodoxy. In this case he is just one of the Leftist Orks who jump at every chance to put down those whose thinking is incorrect, despite in his case having whined previously in this BLOG about those who put down others .

  31. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    “Leftist Ork?” That’s a new one. Can you please elaborate?

  32. SGillispie Avatar

    In this case I will reply to you.
    Some believe that J.R. Tolkien’s, Lord of the Rings, was an allegory decrying the rise of Nazism. In it he portrayed the mindless beings that destroyed anything and everything that stood in the path of absolute control whose counterparts in Nazi Germany effected the complete domination of that country with now well-known appalling evil. They were the Brownshirts and SS. Lenin called them “useful idiots.”
    Pick which appellation you prefer as you are an apologist for the modern day version of these types of beings.

  33. SGillispie Avatar

    In this case I will reply to you.
    Some believe that J.R. Tolkien’s, Lord of the Rings, was an allegory decrying the rise of Nazism. In it he portrayed the mindless beings that destroyed anything and everything that stood in the path of absolute control whose counterparts in Nazi Germany effected the complete domination of that country with now well-known appalling evil. They were the Brownshirts and SS. Lenin called them “useful idiots.”
    Pick which appellation you prefer as you are an apologist for the modern day version of these types of beings.

  34. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Sounds like an ad hominem attack. Where the hell is Steve Haner when you need him?

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