Vaccine Verification Follies

Vaccination cards! Vaccination cards! We got yer vaccination cards right here!

by James A. Bacon

The Delta variant is so easily transmitted that Virginia public health officials say it is just a matter of time before all Virginians are exposed to it. In response, employers are requiring employees to be vaccinated and businesses are turning away unvaccinated customers. Suddenly, there is a need for Virginians to to prove they have gotten their shots.

Give credit to the Virginia Department of Health for anticipating that need. VDH is developing a tool that will allow businesses to quickly and easily verify customers’ vaccination status by scanning a QR code, reports WAVY TV. That tool will be an alternative to the existing VDH portal that allows Virginians to print out a PDF confirmation.

State vaccination coordinator Danny Avula told WAVY that the state has no immediate plans to implement vaccine passports. The initiative is a response to private sector demands for proof of vaccination. When the FDA gives full regulatory approval to the Pfizer vaccine in September, however, he expects vaccination requirements will become more common.

I just hope VDH’s rollout of the proof-of-vaccination initiative is more effective than its bumbling program for administering the vaccines in the first place.

You can search for your vaccination record here. Just enter your name, zip code and date of birth.

If I’m going to need a proof of vaccination, I figured, I needed to get a head start because I’m pretty sure I’m going to encounter problems. So, I tried signing up for one. And therein lies a story.

You see, I had registered with VDH originally to schedule a shot soon after its vaccination portal opened. Vaccines were in short supply and no one knew where to get one. I never heard from VDH, so I signed up for an alternative registration portal maintained by the federal government. In the meantime, a friend tipped me off that a senior-living facility had some surplus Pfizer vaccines and I could get a shot if I hurried over that afternoon. Which I did. The senior-care personnel told me that the facility would transmit a record of the vaccination to the appropriate authorities. But the facility was switching over to the Moderna vaccine the next couple of days, and things were in a state of flux. I’m not sure if that the record ever got transmitted.

Why do I think that? Because a few weeks later, I was contacted through the federal vaccination portal and scheduled to get a shot at the Richmond International Raceway, where a mass shot-dispensing operation was underway. I showed up on time but got hung up in red tape because local authorities did not have a record of my original shot. That didn’t stop me from getting a second poke, but it tipped me off that something was amiss in the vaccination databases.

Further confusion occurred when the the VDH finally got around to contacting me a month or two later to schedule a shot. I informed the scheduler that I’d gotten both shots. She seemed satisfied with my explanation, and that was that… until a month or so later when VDH contacted me again. Nothing had changed, I said. I’d still had two shots. At that point, I concluded the VDH system was a mess, but I’d gotten my vaccinations so what did I care?

Now I care. If I want a confirmation of vaccination, I may have to get it through VDH. And if the VDH doesn’t have both of my shots in its database, I could be out of luck.

This morning, I entered my name into the state’s Vaccination Record Request Portal. Here is the response I got:

There is no phone number associated with your vaccination record. Please submit your request online and allow 2 to 3 business days for staff to respond.

What? No phone number? How could there be no phone number when VDH called me twice! Not a good sign. Nevertheless, as a dutiful and compliant citizen, I did as directed and submitted my request online. We’ll see whether or not I hear back in two or three days.

I doubt I’m the only person encountering difficulties with the VDH database. Let’s face it, while Virginia’s vaccination effort has improved considerably, the early rollout was a fiasco. There were competing scheduling portals, one state, one federal. People got vaccines wherever they could find them — hospitals, doctors’ offices, CVS drug stores, clinics, nursing homes, mass vaccination centers — often at the last minute through word-of-mouth sources like I did. Rather than let surplus vaccines go bad, nurses were giving shots to people walking in off the street. It was chaos.

I never bothered to rectify my VDH vaccination records because, frankly, I knew it would be a pain in the butt. As long as I had my two shots, why did it matter?

Now, it appears, it might matter. I’ve got a CDC vaccination card with some notes scribbled on it. Now that that we’re hearing of people making fake cards, will my card constitute valid proof of vaccination? If not, what if the VDH database refuses to confirm my double-vax status? Will I get a QR code? Who knows?

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63 responses to “Vaccine Verification Follies”

  1. If VDH can’t get the job done, what will the Virginia government do? Enter into a rushed no-bid contract with a private company to perform what VDH can’t do?

    Don’t forget about Michigan Governor Whitmer’s attempted shenanigans with a no-bid contract for COVID tracing granted to a company deeply involved with Democratic Party politics and then hastily canceled when Gov. Whitmer’s actions were exposed. See article at

    And, what about Virginia’s recent examples of questionable no-bid contracts?

    Not an encouraging picture.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Somebody call NAH, LLC. For less than the cost of 100 removed Confederate statues that crack outfit will provide all the vax cards needed!

  2. Warmac9999 Avatar

    there is a rather sobering video on vladtepesblog. It features Dr. Zelenko who was the first doctor to use HCQ for treating COVID 19. I suggest anyone interested in this vaccine situation listen.

    1. do you have a link – i couldn’t find it?

      1. Warmac9999 Avatar

        Scares the hell out of me. By the way, go to the gateway pundit and look at the dr stock comments before the Mt. Vernon Indiana school board. This is the mild version of what zelenko is saying.

      2. Warmac9999 Avatar

        On the – The Zelenko interview is just after the Rand Paul deplatforming commentary. Make sure you have a stiff drink and are sitting down

        At the end of the interview, there is an Orthodox Jew from Israel with his face in his hands. This is how horrifying the implications are.

    2. I do know this about HCQ. All the USMC Marine Security Guards in high malaria zones [the tropics] are required to take HCQ regularly. Prior to the C-19 vaccination being available, not a single one had contracted C-19 while dealing with the local and international populations which are present at US Embassies.

      Just a data point for all….

      1. Warmac9999 Avatar

        The zelenko protocol now includes ivermectin.

    3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Still hawking your snake oil, eh Doc?

  3. I believe VDH is still using Keypro II Wordstar for its computer processing inputs.

    1. It got them used from the VEC last month…..

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Once Northam decided that the Secretary of Technology was not a cabinet level post (but the head of diversity and inclusion is a cabinet level position) we should have known what we were going to get from our state government.

      2. At least they’re portable…

    2. Brian Leeper Avatar
      Brian Leeper

      Fake news. Back when that Kaypro II was new, Virginia was still doing everything on paper.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Paper? More like papyrus.

  4. DJRippert Avatar

    And what if one got vaccinated but not in Virginia? Once again I must stress to Virginia’s political elite in Richmond – the world does not end at Virginia’s borders.

    What will Northam do when he travels to his beach house in North Carolina? I guess he’ll have to sit at home and watch the waves crash on the shore.

  5. Can’t they just scan the nano-chip they injected into us along with the vaccine?


    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Bill Gates hasn’t given Northam the password to the chips yet?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        There’s always the backdoor… but that wand…

  6. DJRippert Avatar

    Sounds like Northam has gone from performing in blackface to performing in drag. Oops, he’s done it again!

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      As Bob Dole said, “Down boy.”

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Bob Dole or Andrew Cuomo?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          It was Bob Dole. He made a commercial for something in which a scantily clad Ms. Spears is performing a stage act, and the camera scans to Dole who just says, “Down boy.”

          Found it…

          He’s at the very end and says, “Easy boy.”

  7. Super Brain Avatar
    Super Brain

    I got both shots at the speedway. Just went to the VDH and got my record in a .pdf file. Took less than 2 min.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      and that’s because that location was submitting data directly to the VDH database. When JAB and Steve went to different sites, they were not putting their data on the VDH database – apparently.

  8. DJRippert Avatar

    Here’s an actual quote from the head of VDH …

    “Those companies that are requiring you to have a QR code to get on a flight or to participate in an activity… we’ll provide that for Virginians but we aren’t going to house the actual passport or provide guidelines around how that should be used at all,” Avula said.

    No, you won’t provide that for Virginians. At best, VDH might be able to provide that for SOME Virginians.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      If VDH provides a way for you to get your record on their database straight, then that’s a path. Any better ideas?

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        First, admit that you don’t currently have a record of all vaccinated Virginians.

        Second, don’t claim you have a tool for vaccination status for all Virginians until all Virginians who have been vaccinated have had the opportunity to get into VDH’s database.

        Third, I was vaccinated outside of Virginia. How do I get my record into the VDH database?

        Fourth, what do people who travel to Virginia from other states do?

        Sounds like yet another ill-conceived Northam Administration cluster.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          “Third, I was vaccinated outside of Virginia. ”

          That’s okay, you’ll still blame them.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            Blame? I am happy to be vaccinated.

            Thank you, President Trump


          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I apologize. I thought you were leveling a charge of incompetency at VDH for not tracking your out-of-state vaccination. Mea culpa.

  9. DJRippert Avatar

    In Chicago since Aug 1 there have been 28 murders and 43 COVID deaths. When does Lori Lightfoot add a bulletproof vest mandate to her mask mandate?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Get in line:

      The twenty cities in the United States with the highest murder rates (murders per 100,000 people) are:

      St. Louis, MO (69.4)
      Baltimore, MD (51.1)
      New Orleans, LA (40.6)
      Detroit, MI (39.7)
      Cleveland, OH (33.7)
      Las Vegas, NV (31.4)
      Kansas City, MO (31.2)
      Memphis, TN (27.1)
      Newark, NJ (25.6)
      Chicago, IL (24)

      1. Bonus Points if you can name the political party which control each of those cities.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Likely all Dem, no?

          1. Not just “likely”, absolutely. And one of them (New Orleans) has been controlled by democrats for more than 150 years. The last republican mayor of N.O. left office in 1868.

            By the way, your list has ten cities on it, not twenty.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            yeah I cut/paste and truncate… want the link?

            signing off for awhile, got things to do!

  10. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Yep just tried it and the two-step verification failed. It wanted to send the code # to my cell as a text, but then reported it didn’t have that number. (Again, bullsh&$, I had signed up back in the winter with that number, recall getting texts.) The other option was the land line, I clicked that, and it indicated the code was sent! But the phone is not ringing…..

    Deja vu all over again. In…Com…Pe…Tent. Which Democrat donor got this contract with a fat COVID Bucks paycheck?

    Having some backup to the cards, which after all are openly available for anybody to fill out, is likely to be useful, especially with travel.

    Later Update: OTOH, worked fine for my wife and her phone. Probably because her shots and her data entry were done by the GP…

    1. No greater argument against socialized medicine than the performance of VDH and the local health districts during COVID

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Medicare seems to do well with multiple providers. DMV does well. Social security does well. The IRS does well. so not really.

        Lots of national and state level databases that do fine – and a few that don’t.

        It depends on the Agency.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Or the fat fingers who keyed in his own data, maybe?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar


            One thing I HAVE noticed through some personal experience is just how fast the Social Security folks KNOW that someone has died and stops their payments!

            Not saying they don’t miss some, but the ones I’ve seen have happened within the month.

            That means that death certificates have a fast track to the SSA… no doubt AND they have no trouble figuring out who it is that died and their ss number… etc…

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            If the person dies in a nursing home, it’s less than a day.

            When my mother died, I received a condolence call from her insurance company the day of her funeral. They provided me the name and extension for a grief councilor. I was impressed.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            A friend whose wife suddenly died , said that it was a week he got the SSA letter.

            Somewhere between the hospital she went to and the funeral home – some person got online and submitted the data to SSA.

          4. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            Funeral homes are required to notify SSA of deaths.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yes. The point is this is also a government function with a database and it works quite well – including in Virginia .

            One big difference is that it’s been created and working for quite a while.

            It didn’t automatically happen.

            These kinds of things , “new” things often don’t start up and work the way they are supposed to.

            The rollout of the vaccines was hectic and chaotic and beyond that no one was really thinking that a universal verifiable record would be needed – that paper cards would be fine.

            I knew when I got my shots that even though the hospital recorded that info on My Chart that – the info was not provided to VDH or if it was, the process of receiving that data from providers and updating the VDH database was not working.

            I’m also not going to be surprised if other states also have similar problems because as said,the rollout was chaotic and not coordinated very well in-state and almost certainly not nationwide like SSA and Medicare are , AND if someone had suggested that the CDC do that and coordinate record keeping, hew and cry from Conservatives would have erupted about big bad nanny govt and states rights and other silliness.

            NOW , after the fact, OF COURSE , it’s the government’s fault.

            Finally, I ask, for folks, If someone asked you to produce proof that you got the smallpox vaccine , could you?

            Who was/is responsible for having gathered that data and maintaining it?

        2. DMV? Proving my point for me.

          After 3 hour wait, “now serving F64”, only to find out I don’t have the V-2416FH form filled out and have to come back.

          Thanks. I’ll give you a hockey assist for that one.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Right. BUT they KNOW WHO YOU ARE , no question !

            that’s MY POINT!

            You don’t go to the DMV and they have no record of you or the vehicle or license info for the most part.

            Waiting for the wrong form – that’s a different issue and yeah I’ve had that fun also but it was NEVER because they did not know who I was …..

            When a COP stops you – he KNOWS who you are if you have a DMV license … right?

            Which is even funnier if they have a “don’t tread on me” plate… 😉

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Well, I had no problems. I had to use the voice option since I opted not to provide a cell.

      In your defense, the first verification code failed. I requested another and receieved a page and downloaded to a pdf.

      What to do with it now? I dunno.

      Say, you don’t think they recognized your name and are just screwin’ with ya, do ya?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        VDH is trying to put together a central database , AFTER the fact – after there was no centralized database at the beginning and a lot of shot-givers were documenting in a variety of ways that were NOT to a centralized database.

        I’m quite sure if they started out trying to implement a statewide database that everyone had to use the anti-govt folks would have gone ape-crap.

        Remember the big hullabaloo over having the CDC coordinate the vaccines at the start?

  11. Does this mean laminating my CDC Vaccination Card was a waste of time and materials?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      well, if you need to get a 3rd shot/booster?


      1. Isn’t that what Sharpies are for?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          well, for those who didn’t think ahead… and don’t mind messy… maybe… 😉

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Sharpies? Nah, they’re for people, who cannot be trusted with sharp implements, to sign a Bill into law. I would say that I hope he left them behind but tremors probably make them useless for his replacement.

  12. LarrytheG Avatar

    There is not a single database that is used by all. At the customer level, we all think when we provide information, it goes into one big database. It usually and most often did not when it came to the COVID shots.

    In order for that to have happened , VDH would have had to provide to every shot-giver access to that database AND by law or regulation, the shot-givers would have had to put each persons data into that single state-wide database not their local one.

    If you don’t do that, it’s sorta like expecting Amazon to have the order you sent to Wayfair or Walmart. They’re different databases. In Virginia VDH was not and is not the only database.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Yes, the Virginia Department of Health would have needed to coordinate with all of the vaccination sites. Question: Who could have guessed that might be the case? Answer: Reasonably alert 7th graders could have figured that out.

      VDH is a monopoly. There is no alternate department of health in Virginia I can use if I don’t like the product being offered by the VDH. That makes the VDH considerably different that Amazon, Wayfair or WalMart.

      Here’s how WAVY reported the matter …

      “The Virginia Department of Health is developing a tool that will allow businesses to quickly and easily verify customers’ vaccination status, simply by scanning a QR code.”


      VDH needs to come out quite clearly saying that they have no earthly idea whether large numbers of Virginians are vaccinated or not.

      If Amazon implied they could track Wayfair orders when they had no such capability and misled businesses into thinking they could track Wayfair orders you’d demand that AG Herring investigate and/or sue.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        VDH does deserve part of the blame but in reality, even if every state did this right – there would still be a problem between the states UNLESS it was a CDC nationwide database and all shot-givers had to, by law use it.

        At VDH – we have technical folks who no doubt understand the concurrency issue but then we have PR folks whose job is to beat VDH drums who don’t and then we have the public who really don’t understand it’s a database concurrency issue either. They just expect it to “work” like Amazon does or perhaps to be more fair like DMV does under normal conditions where you MUST do your license with DMV and anywhere in the state you go DMV has your correct records.

        To be fair also -how many of us go to a doctor and that doctor has our health care records from other providers? Nada, right?

        Remember the discussion about the Federal Govt leading the vaccine effort and the push back that they should not?

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          My bigger concern is that VDH tighten up its commentary. They do not have an inventory of all vaccinated Virginians. From the sound of things – not even close.

          Danny Avula is mis-stating VDH’s actual capabilities and I have to assume that some businesses are being actively misled by Avula’s ill-conceived statements.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            They don’t. I agree. BUT , if you were going to have such a database, should it be VDH? Who should do it?

            You want better performance from Govt!

            I agree. But what is the alternative? the CDC?

            or who?

        2. We’ll be safe as long as it’s as good as The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            indeed! talk about taking that data and turning it into disinformation!

            But here’s another question about vaccines.

            Where would you go to PROVE your child had certain vaccinations?

            Is there a master database that is accessible nationally or state-wide?

  13. The scheduling systems were a mess in the beginning during the vaccine rollout. Multiple contractors trying and failing to create databases and software that could do the job and meanwhile the local health districts were told here are the vaccines get them in arms ASAP, so different districts used different software. The registration process was complicated by similar issues which is why you received multiple calls. Nevertheless, all vaccine doses administered should have been documented in the pre-covid database the Virginia Immunization Information System (VIIS). So while they don’t have your info in the COVID vaccination registration systems that were used, VDH should still be able to verify your vaccination status without a problem.

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