Vaccinations: Parents Matter

by Kerry Dougherty

Does the left want to replace parents with the state?

Increasingly, the answer seems to be a hard YES.

Here’s one example of government officials actively driving a wedge between parents and children:

Last November, the far-left District of Columbia City Council passed the “Minor Consent For Vaccinations Amendment Act of 2020. “ This parent-shunning measure took effect on March 19, 2021.

In essence, this law allows a child 11 or older to be vaccinated against any disease without the consent — or knowledge, apparently — of their parents.


Yes, I know. Many of you think it’s imperative that young people become vaccinated quickly against COVID-19. But what sort of bizarre collectivist mentality would suggest that parents not be involved in the decision to inject their children with a drug being distributed on an emergency basis and without full FDA approval?

Current federal law requires that parents be given information about all vaccines before they are administered to minors.

That is no longer the case in D.C. so it’s not a surprise that lawsuits are flying. At least one suit doesn’t even involve the COVID vaccine. If the plaintiffs in these cases lose, look for similar disturbing laws in blue states where parents are regarded as pesky meddlers in their children’s lives.

According to Bloomberg news Josh Mazer sued the D.C. Department of Health on July 2 after his 16-year-old daughter, J.D., a resident of another state, traveled to D.C. and requested that she get a vaccine for summer camp without her parents’ knowledge or consent. Mazer said he was opposed to J.D. getting vaccinations because of religious beliefs as well as a severe reaction she had when she was 5 years old to a tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis-containing shot.

J.D. went to MedStar Georgetown Pediatrics to get a Tdap vaccine and was told she also would need to get two additional vaccines, Gardasil and MenACWY, according to the complaint. J.D. decided to leave without getting the shots, but the doctor gave her instructions on how to receive a vaccine if she was still interested without the risk of her parents finding out, Mazer alleged.

The Daily Caller has additional details about the case: The father alleged that when his daughter “became nervous upon seeing the shots and voiced that she wanted to leave without getting the shots,” one doctor and nurse “positioned themselves in the room such that she felt trapped.”

Two conservative groups are also suing the District of Columbia over the law and filed court papers on Monday.

In a lawsuit by the Children’s Health Defense (CHD) and Parental Rights Foundation against D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, four parents call for a preliminary injunction prohibiting D.C. from enforcing the D.C. Minor Consent For Vaccinations Amendment Act of 2020, which allows children who are eleven-years-old or older deemed “capable of meeting the informed consent standard” to consent to vaccines without their parents’ knowledge or consent.

“The Minor Consent Act subverts the right and duty of parents to make informed decisions about whether their children should receive vaccinations, by both depriving them of the opportunity to make those decisions and by concealing from parents that their children have been asked to consent to vaccinations or may have indeed been vaccinated,” the lawsuit said. “In fact, the Minor Consent Act states that medical providers who administer vaccines under the Minor Consent Act shall seek reimbursement directly from the insurer without parental knowledge or consent.”


Consider this: Vaccines might be contraindicated in an 11-year-old who had a violent reaction to a particular vaccine when she or he was a toddler. While the parents would know the details of such an event, the child may not. Administering a vaccine to that kid without the parents knowing about it could be deadly.

Like it or not, parents should be involved in medical decisions of their minor children. That includes abortions as well as vaccinations.

Yes, sometimes parents get in the way of what the left believes serves the common good.


This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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8 responses to “Vaccinations: Parents Matter”

  1. WayneS Avatar

    “Current federal law requires that parents be given information about all vaccines before they are administered to minors.

    That is no longer the case in D.C. ”

    Since when can state/local laws over-ride federal law?

    1. When they are passed in the dark of night and not challenged because of the clandestine effort.

    2. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      I think this ties into Dick’s reference of Presumption of Constitutionality on another article. Which work if you have Legislatures using Judicial review prior to passing a law, however I don’t know if that takes place anymore.

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      When the State attempts to stop all vaccinations altogether.

      But, in answer to your question, it happens all of the time.

      “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

      1. WayneS Avatar

        If there is a federal law in place regarding a particular issue, then [until/unless SCOTUS says otherwise] the power to pass a law related to that particular issue has been “delegated to the United States by the Constitution”. Therefore, the 10th Amendment would not apply, and the states may not enact a law/regulation contrary to that federal law.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    This is an easy issue to demagogue, in part because there are strong opinions that are not the same.

    In Virginia, there are said to be about 50,000 cases of suspected child abuse a year.

    What should be the role of govt in being involved in issues where the welfare of the child is at issue? How many parents would not have their kids vaccinated at all and what do you do about that?

    Not sure about the DC issue , would need to verify the facts cuz sometimes in BR, they don’t get well explained and the usual point is to impugn the leftists and liberals.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      They are simple questions and there are reams of papers on the subjects. You could spend years in the court records trying to find an answer.

      “Does a parent have absolute control and rights over the health and well being of the child?” and “Does a child have a right to claim self-defense as a legal defense?”

      If the answer to both is “yes” then abortion is a right, and the child is entitled to seek their own medical attention without the parents’ consent. And we’ve a dilemma.

      Whenever Kerry speaks, she is a constant reminder of the fact that man is a highly complex nonlinear servomechanism capable of being wholly reproduced by totally unskilled labor.

      She lives in her own little world where decisions made by the parents of a child have no effect after the child turns 18. She is a member of the Darwin control group.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    At your cervix, Madam…

    “Yes we did, Honey, but we don’t believe in vaccines. But, did you know that you could have gotten the vaccine that would have saved your life without our permission?”

    Because some children may want to not die just because Mom, or Grandma in some cases, is an ignorant anti-vaxxer.

    Oh, and Kerry, Jeff Foxworthy and I would like to know, “Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?” That’s about 11, isn’t it?

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