UVa’s Undergraduate Female/Male Demographics vs. Diversity, Equity and Federal Law

UVa President Jim Ryan

by James C. Sherlock

The University of Virginia measures its diversity efforts by statistics. We’ll hold them to their own standards.

That seems only equitable.

President Ryan has said that the demographic composition of students is easy to measure. The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion office, proving him right, proudly displays a Diversity Dashboard.

All eyes, including their own, go to race.

But we’ll look at sex. And we’ll remember the requirements of Title IX of the 1972 Federal Education Amendments.

no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

It is demonstrable statistically that males are woefully underrepresented in the undergraduate population of the University of Virginia at rates inexplicable by chance.

We will examine as potential root causes the skewed demographics of:

  • the undergraduate student population on the one hand; and
  • the Undergraduate Admissions Office and Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights on the other.

And then we will see if we can identify any other potential causes of those discrepancies.

It won’t go well.

The demographic evidence.

Undergraduate Student Demographics. Undergraduate total population is 16,555;  7,279 males and 9,276 females; 56% women and 44% men.

Statewide statistics from the Census Bureau show that of Virginians attending public colleges and graduate schools in 2021, 54% were women.

In 2022, females were estimated to make up 50.5% of Virginia’s population.

Virginia’s Secretary of Education ought to examine all of the Virginia public university female/male demographic statistics and programs.

I’ll tackle UVa here briefly.

The evidence we have for the undergraduate demographics at UVa includes:

Black undergraduates.

To switch one moment to a discussion of race and sex, click undergraduate student details and note that there are 741 African American female and only 434 African American male undergraduates.

Four hundred and thirty four Black males out of 16,555 students. Two point six percent.

The entire situation surrounding Black representation in UVa’s undergraduate schools is a disgrace that must be fixed by improving their K-12 educations.

Perhaps the Ed School, famous for endless doctrinal seminars on antiracism, can conduct one on better ways to educate poor young minority males and invite NYC’s Success Academy to present how they do it.

Just once.

Evidence, as President Ryan told the BOV, that is “harder to measure.” Let’s try to guess root causes, other than the overwhelmingly dominant female population of the Undergraduate Admissions and OEOCR offices, of the significant sex disparities among UVa undergraduates.

Let’s consider the possibilities that males, more than females:

  • just don’t want to go to college in general or UVa in particular;
  • don’t study as hard in high school;
  • don’t do as well on standardized tests as females;
  • spend all their time playing sports in high school and aren’t good enough for the NCAA teams;
  • are pushed into the school-to-blue-collar pipeline;
  • just wouldn’t fit in except for weekends (see toxic masculinity and rape below);
  • exhibit, or are assessed as hiding, toxic masculinity somehow indicated by some combination of their admissions packages, recommendations or interviews. (Except, of course, for potential varsity athletes, in whom aggressiveness is valued);
  • are twice as likely to own a gun;
  • are more prone to crime;
  • are way more prone to violence against women, rape in particular.(No statistics are available for violence against men.)

Come up with as many as you can for your own list. And then test your list to see if it would stand up to examination if you substituted race for sex.

You know the answer to that.

Bottom line. This situation demands the metaphor “sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander.”

Dr. Ryan has written that universities will only be able to achieve true greatness by living their values. He wants UVa to “cultivate the most vibrant community in higher education.”

Then we must ask why an undergraduate student body 56% female at UVa did not merit mention in President Ryan’s recent DEI paper. Or in the DEI presentation of his administration to the BOV.

Virginians would really like to know. We would also like to know what the University is going to do about it.

President Ryan wrote, about equity:

How far a college goes to remove barriers to success will always be subject to debate, but the basic idea should not be controversial.

It is not controversial. What is the University going to do to remove barriers to the  success of males?

The overwhelmingly female composition of the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and the OEOCR (irony alert: OEOCR enforces Title IX) are statistically demonstrated barriers to male applicants being admitted to the University.

That can and must be mitigated on an urgent deadline.

Simultaneously, the University needs to self-report its failures to the Department of Education Office of Civil Rights (OCR) and reach out for help.

Title IX is no joke. The DOE OCR enforces Title IX and it:

provides technical assistance to help institutions achieve voluntary compliance with the civil rights laws that OCR enforces. An important part of OCR’s technical assistance are partnerships designed to develop creative approaches to preventing and addressing discrimination.

An outreach program to male high school students in the Commonwealth is clearly necessary. When will it begin?

What other initiatives can we watch for from the University?

Finally, but importantly, the failed male applicants to the University deserve an apology. From its President.

See how this works?

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55 responses to “UVa’s Undergraduate Female/Male Demographics vs. Diversity, Equity and Federal Law”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “The entire situation surrounding Black representation in UVa’s undergraduate schools is a disgrace that must be fixed by improving their K-12 educations.

    Perhaps the Ed School, famous for endless doctrinal seminars on antiracism, can conduct one on better ways to educate poor young minority males and invite NYC’s Success Academy to present how they do it.”

    Cornell 6.7% black…🤷‍♂️

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      You have mystified us with that comment. Please translate.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Well, since you blame black underrepresentation in Virginia’s best university on K-12 public schools and you claim NY has solved that issue through your favorite charter school’s organization then clearly the best university in NY would not have an issue with underrepresented blacks… right…? But Cornell… 6.7%… UVa… 7%… 🤷‍♂️

        1. CJBova Avatar

          Eric, I can’t find a way to say what I’m thinking about you right now without breaking a BR. rule, so I’ll just ask this and show what you chose to ignore: How does one K-12. school have anything to do with the admission practices of one New York state University?

          In 2018, the entire Success Academy first graduating class of 16 chose to go to 13 private and 3 public colleges or universities:
          “This first group of scholars will attend, respectively (and alphabetically): Bard, Barnard, Boston College, Grinnell, Emory, MIT, Skidmore (2), Tulane, University of Southern California, St. John’s University, Stony Brook, SUNY Cortland, Tufts, Virginia State and Wake Forest.” https://www.forbes.com/sites/christeare/2018/06

          In 2023, the. school blog. said: “Collectively, our 26 seniors received offers from over 50 selective colleges. They are engineering enthusiasts, passionate musicians, talented athletes, and thoughtful leaders — and we cannot wait to see what they achieve.”Class of 2023 Acceptances & Decisions
          Alfred University
          Arizona State University
          Bard College
          Beloit College
          Boston College
          Brown University
          Carnegie Mellon University
          CUNY City College
          CUNY Lehman College
          CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice
          Hunter College*
          Howard University*
          Iona College
          Ithaca College*
          Kent State University
          Kenyon College*
          Lafayette College*
          Lehigh University*
          LeMoyne College
          Lincoln University
          Mount Holyoke College*
          Northeastern University
          Nova Southeastern University
          Ohio Wesleyan University
          Olin College of Engineering
          Pitzer College*
          Siena College
          Skidmore College*
          Spelman College
          Stony Brook University
          Swarthmore College
          University of Albany*
          Binghamton University
          University at Buffalo
          Buffalo State College*
          University of Fredonia*
          SUNY Oneonta
          Oswego State*
          SUNY Potsdam
          SUNY Canton
          SUNY Cobleskill
          SUNY Geneseo
          Seton Hall University
          Purchase College
          Tufts University*
          Tulane University*
          University of Maine – Farmington
          University of Pennsylvania*
          University of Rochester
          University of Wisconsin (POSSE)*
          Wittenberg University

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            It appears that the 2023 data is self-reported by one of some 47 Success Academy’s schools in NY. Ten offers originate from NY’s two public university systems which have admissions systems that accept virtually all NY resident students.

            How does one Success Academy school’s graduates demonstrate any impact upon college acceptance rates of Blacks? How many of the 47 SA 2023 grads are Black?

          2. CJBova Avatar

            Okay..late night quick looks for examples are not extensive surveys. There are 49. success Academy schools in New York with about 17,000 students.

            95% students are of color
            100% of graduates admitted to 4 year colleges


          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Well, thanks for not breaking any rules.. sort of… I think you made my point exactly. Even if we duplicated the Success Academy in its entirety here in Virginia (which requires ceding local school board representative authority), it would not move the needle on black underrepresentation at UVa as Sherlock claims…

        2. Lefty665 Avatar

          Cornell is “clearly the best university in NY” Will you share some of what you’ve been smoking?

        3. Lefty665 Avatar

          Cornell is “clearly the best university in NY” Will you share some of what you’ve been smoking?

  2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    The first place to look would be applications. What was the breakdown by gender? What percentage of male applicants were admitted and what percentage of female applicants were admitted?

    What obstacles have male applicants faced that female applicants have not? (The gender makeup of the Admissions Office is not an obstacle unless you have proof that they explicitly discriminated against males.)

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      I suspect the GPA and SAT scores of the women who have been admitted are substantially higher than those of the males. If so, seems like a form of equity… is that what Sherlock is looking for…?

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Breaking news from 2021. UVa no longer requires SAT score submissions because they are objective, thus unfair.

        GPA is situationally dependent. Is 4.0 the same indicator from Thomas Jefferson High School in Fairfax County https://schoolquality.virginia.gov/schools/thomas-jefferson-high-for-science-and-technology as it is from Thomas Jefferson high school in Richmond https://schoolquality.virginia.gov/schools/thomas-jefferson-high?

        Of course not. So GPAs are subjective.

        When admissions are subjective, the admissions process is weighted towards one gender and the results are skewed towards that same gender, as at UVa, the burden of proof in on the University.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          I think you will find that the bar for admission to UVA is much higher for women than for men. Equity in action.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Show that is the case, blind supposition is not a valid argument.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Well the following data shows a trend of closing that gap. You think males just suddenly began performing better in high school and on standardized tests?


          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            What the heck is that? It’s just a table of percentages. It’s like a sports report saying just that the scores are 9 to 4, 5 to 3 and 6 to 1.

    2. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      K-12 education indoctrination is a huge part of the problem.
      Little boys who don’t act like little girls need to be medicated…
      We need real school choice.
      Another problem is illegitimacy, affecting blacks far worse that whites, but whites seem to be making the effort to catch up.
      The irony of UVA’s racist racial obsession is that the percentage of black students has gone down despite bending the admissions process to make more offers to black applicants.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Both blacks and whites are perfectly legitimate.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Reading your Buy Large Mansions sign again?
          Have you ever had an original thought, or just All Narrative, All the Time?

    3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      “The gender makeup of the admissions office is not an obstacle unless you have proof”. Sorry, Dick, you sound like Sen. Foghorn.

      Based upon court decisions, such stacking of the deck combined with the results creates evidence of guilt. Like Jim Crow.

      So it is not mine to prove.

      UVa has to step up to the statistical results that facially violate Title IX and prove they did not discriminate.

    4. Lefty665 Avatar

      The fact that the Admissions Office gender discrimination mirrors that of the student body gender discrimination seems clear evidence that the institutional gender discrimination is systemic.

      It does not matter what the applications are. Males are 49.5% of the population and to achieve “equity” males must be admitted and matriculate at that rate.

      Ipso facto, no other “proof” is needed. 🙂

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        How do you know they aren’t already lowering admission standards for males…?

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          That does not matter, “equity” requires equal outcomes. That goes for admission as well as graduation. Have you no sense of social justice? Are you a sexist? Do you believe males are less intelligent than females? 🙂

          1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            Equity does not require equal outcomes.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            Ha ha, nice try at redefinition, that did not work for Mr Ryan either.

            Here’s from our vice president in a campaign ad:

            “There’s a big difference between equality and equity,” she says. With equal treatment, there’s no discrimination, but that’s not good enough. Some people always come out ahead. With equitable treatment, “we all end up at the same place.”

            Justice and equity for men. Equal outcomes at UVa. 🙂

          3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            I will accept President Ryan’s definition of equity for this discussion.

            Where is the effort he says is required to “reduce barriers” – in this case for males?

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Again, it is easier for males to gain admission than females. Barriers are reduced – the women are just farther ahead.

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Ummm… lowering admission standards for those who face systemic discrimination is a tactic practiced in the pursuit of equity…. isn’t that what you seek?

          6. Lefty665 Avatar

            Sort of the idea of the exercise isn’t it? Sherlock is onto something. This is fun. 🙂

            Maybe next we can look at the over representation of trolls here in the peanut gallery on BR compared to their proportion of Virginia’s population. As of now on this thread it’s approaching 50% 🙂

          7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            We half trolls are unique and cannot be accounted for in statistics.

          8. Lefty665 Avatar

            What proportion of troll do you have to be and how far back do you need to trace your ancestry in America to owe reparations to all us non trolls? 🙂

          9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Less than half troll just doesn’t cut it, sorry to say… and it is traditional that it is the troll that does the collecting…

          10. Lefty665 Avatar

            Ah, trying to deny your heritage and hiding behind the old troll shibboleth of toll superiority. Tradition, horse feathers, you need to get with the 21st century. Reparations for past tolls to people who never paid them from trolls who never collected them!

            “Less than half troll just doesn’t cut it”

            Have you been misleading us about your trollness? Are you not really half a troll? Should we be calling you Pocatrollnas instead?


          11. Tom B Avatar

            “it is traditional that it is the troll that does the collecting”
            Do they live in the booths at troll Bridges?

          12. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Go back and investigate where trolls reside… no booths for us…

          13. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            I am asking for UVa’s strategy to “reduce barriers” for males.

          14. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            They are certainly doing just that. The strategy seems self-evident.

          15. Lefty665 Avatar


          16. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Clearly, no University wants their population skewed to one sex over another (at least not these days). Why would UVA not adjust their admission criteria to correct such a demographic swing?

          17. Lefty665 Avatar

            You still provide no evidence UVa is “adjusting their admission criteria”. The evidence is that they are not. Males are under represented. You’re just making noise.

    5. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      If the ratio of qualified applicants is similar to acceptance ratio, then what’s the problem?

      In addition, you can’t just use student body F-M ratio without other considerations, for example offer acceptance will affect the student body numbers. Roughly speaking, if the F-M ratio of qualified applicants is 1.0 and the F-M ratio of offers is 1.5 then the Captain may have something, but if UVa is offering at 1.0 and males are rejecting at higher numbers, well…

      But even if you do go to applicant/acceptance, I couldn’t even imagine undoing the Gordian knot posed by secondary and tertiary alternatives. “Yeah, I would’ve gone to UVa, but I got accepted at Tech.”

  3. Tom Blau Avatar
    Tom Blau

    Excellent job. Professional and devastating.

  4. Lefty665 Avatar

    UVa’s Division of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity appears to be or to identify as 8 of 12 female. That’s 67%, even worse than the student body imbalance. One more place for UVa to answer for the clear lack of gender equity.

    Where is the OCR when it is needed to redress the clear systemic sexism at UVa? Where are the studies of Critical Gender Theory (CGT)? Can males hope to achieve equity and justice through Kendi’s “the remedy for past discrimination is present discrimination, and the remedy for present discrimination future discrimination”? Is there any truth to the rumor that Robin DiAngelo’s next book will be titled “Female Fragility”or Kendi’s “How to Be an Antigenderist”?


  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    You do realize the drop in male percentage is nationwide at least, perhaps worldwide, and there are a ton of factors, debt, job availability, etc.


    We saw these rises and fall in the male-female ratio before, in the 1990s with the rise of the dot-coms.


    If you are going to use UVa F-to-M ratios as evidence of the failure of UVa’s DE&I, or a bias exists, then you need to normalize UVa’ ratio to that of the nation’s schools for above the norm, e.g., if the national ratio is 1.4 and UVa is 2, you might have something, but even then, not without the variance.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    You do realize the drop in male percentage is nationwide at least, perhaps worldwide, and there are a ton of factors, debt, job availability, etc.


    We saw these rises and fall in the male-female ratio before, in the 1990s with the rise of the dot-coms.


    If you are going to use UVa F-to-M ratios as evidence of the failure of UVa’s DE&I, or a bias exists, then you need to normalize UVa’ ratio to that of the nation’s schools for above the norm, e.g., if the national ratio is 1.4 and UVa is 2, you might have something, but even then, not without the variance.

  7. M. Purdy Avatar
    M. Purdy

    This argument badly (perhaps intentionally?) misses the point. Title IX does not legally mandate equal representation. The law bans “discrimination,” which must be proven. Discrimination can be either on the “face” of the rule or policy or a rule or policy that results in a disparate impact. (Note that there is nothing “facially” discriminatory about UVa’s admissions policies or really anything else about the school, so I have no idea why Sherlock insists on misusing this term.) Stats are one way to show disparate impact, but it has to be tied to the discriminatory rule or policy, i.e. are men who are similarly situated to women being discriminated against in admissions? Given that UVa’s percentage of men in the student body is actually *slightly better* than the percentage of male college students nationwide, I’m going to say no. Plaintiff’s attorneys give free consultations to anyone considering bringing a lawsuit; I suggest Sherlock uses this service to test how far his arguments will go.

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    You do realize the drop in male percentage is nationwide at least, perhaps worldwide, and there are a ton of factors, debt, job availability, etc.


    We saw these rises and fall in the male-female ratio before, in the 1990s with the rise of the dot-coms.


    If you are going to use UVa F-to-M ratios as evidence of the failure of UVa’s DE&I, or a bias exists, then you need to normalize UVa’ ratio to that of the nation’s schools for above the norm, e.g., if the national ratio is 1.4 and UVa is 2, you might have something, but even then, not without the variance.

  9. Sherlock stole my thunder. I was halfway through an article on the very same topic. Not much point to publishing it now. But I will include this graph I prepared, which amplifies Sherlock’s contention that gender disparities apply across all racial/ethnic categories.


    Note: The number of Native Americans/Alaskans is so small that I did not bother to include it.

    According to intersectional theory, Black women are doubly oppressed by society — as Blacks, and then again as women. How do intersectionality theorists then explain that Black women outnumber Black men at UVa by a margin of nearly two to one?

    The steadfast unwillingness of the intersectionality theorists to confront this data is vivid demonstration of the bankruptcy of their ideas.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll
    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “According to intersectional theory, Black women are doubly oppressed by society — as Blacks, and then again as women.”

      Can you provide a source to the theory that black women face greater systemic racism than black men? I do not believe that to be true. Observation of typical societal beliefs would certainly seem to support the opposite.

      I think you are misstating the concept of intersectionality as it applies to black women. My layman’s understanding is that any discrimination faced by women in general (equal pay, management promotion, etc) is amplified based on race. This is true in this situation as well. Any systemic discrimination you and Sherlock claim to have found based on sex at UVa, is clearly amplified in your stats for black men due to their race.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        Could that mean that black men are subject to Mr. Ryan’s “Double Secret Intersectionality” at UVa? He does not look much like Dean Wormer, but appearances can be deceiving.

        Is DIE just a scam, a cover that systemic racists, institutionally starting with Mr. Ryan, are using to discriminate against black males?

        With black students at UVa at about half their percentage in the general population and black men at half the black female student population their representation at UVa is about 1/4 of their presence in the general population. Can that be anything but evidence of systemic racism?

        Sherlock’s post was focused on the discrepancy between male and female enrollment and employment at UVa. Your focus on the even worse discrepancy between black female and male enrollment accounts for much of the overall gender discrepancy.

        Thank you for doing the work of exposing Mr. Ryan and UVa’s massive discrimination against black men and their subterfuge of hiding it behind the woke racist facade of CRT and DIE.

        You have asserted several times that admission standards have already been lowered for men compared to women at UVa. How much more do you believe standards will need to be lowered to double the number of black men and bring them up to parity with black women at UVa?

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “Can that be anything but evidence of systemic racism?”

          Nope, especially when you consider that it is duplicated at many (if not most) top tier universities.

          Point of clarification, the existence of systemic racism is not the same as “systemic racists” which seems to be a term you created. So no, this is not some deep cover for Ryan being racist – that is pretty offensive allegation, btw, even if made tongue-in-cheek.

          “How much more do you believe standards will need to be lowered to double the number of black men and bring them up to parity with black women at UVa?”

          I am sure this is something that the university is struggling with. How to reduce racial and sexual underrepresentation without sacrificing standards or fairness in the admissions process. I certainly don’t have that answer.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Where else do you get “systemic racism” except from “systemic racists”? AKA in CRT as “all white people”?

            Hey, it’s Ryan’s university and the number of black male students is roughly 1/4 or less of their proportion of the overall population. The numbers are the numbers and it’s on Ryan’s watch. His dis-ingenuousness in trying to define the ugliness of “equity” out of existence by recasting it as “equality” is grounds to question his sincerity on other issues.

            We fix under representation by putting our efforts into teaching all kids to read and write and by helping all to achieve to their potential. Bleeding resources off to woke racists touting CRT and DIE does nothing, nada, zip to solve problems for kids who desperately need our help. But that is what Ryan is doing.

            We can see Ryan’s behavior, what is harder to discern is why. The answer CRT provides is that all white people are racists, and that’s how it gets to be systemic… Turning that atrocious accusation that he has institutionalized at UVa back at him is fair game.

            Fixing underachievement is a hard and a long process that starts with remediating pre-school deficits. Progress is not helped by having UVa misidentifying the problem, distracting from the issue, and wasting resources that could be used to help kids make better more productive lives.

            Kids who do poorly on the SOLs are screwed by 3rd and 4th grades. No DIE bureaucracy at UVa will ever do anything for them. The answer is not to lower standards but to increase competency. Simple to say, but so far beyond us to do. UVa could help by becoming part of the solution instead of part of the problem.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “Where else do you get “systemic racism” except from “systemic racists”?”

            Systemic racism is a result of racism inherent in the structure of society and our institutions. It does not require individual racists to perpetuate. Sherlock listed many such candidates in his piece.

            I agree that education is a big part of correcting underrepresentation over a generation. Other more immediate actions are available as well.

  10. CJBova Avatar

    There is no single answer for Va’s K-12 failures. Mat Hurt’s CIP is one; the Success Academies approach is another. There may be more, but there has to be change for all VA children to prosper. Why don’t all you naysayers explore and offer answers instead of nitpicking every Sherlock or Bacon article to try to discredit what they say?
    Where are your solutions for parents who won’t participate in their children even getting to school on a regular basis?
    Why won’t you do something positive?

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