
by James A. Bacon

COVID-19 infections may have been trending down in Virginia for almost two months now, but they spiked at the University of Virginia several days ago, and the Ryan administration imposed tough new rules to curtail the spread. Not surprisingly, many students have violated the restrictions. In so doing, they have sparked a backlash that appears to be directed not at rule breakers generally but at offenses associated with fraternity and sorority activity.

Under the new COVID regime, in-person attendance at classes are allowed, but social gatherings are not. Students are allowed to walk to and from classes, work, dining or medical care, but otherwise told to isolate themselves. Inevitably, questions arose in the interpretations of the rules, and the Dean of Students clarified that two students could walk together, but they must wear masks and stay six feet apart.

Needless to say, fraternity and sorority parties are not allowed.

The Cavalier Daily, the university’s student-run newspaper, published an article February 20 revealing that University had brought cases against a number of individuals and fraternities for COVID-19 violations. The early days of the new semester at UVa traditionally are marked by spring “rush” in which potential recruits visit a series of Greek organizations. The rush this year was subdued. Still, the newspaper published photos of parties with people ignoring the requirements to wear masks and practice social distancing.

In one instance, published in the Cavalier Daily and shown in the photo atop this post, revelers gathered outside the Kappa Alpha Theta house for about 20 minutes. Although some women were wearing masks, many were not. In another incident, a group of men gathered at the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity and drank beer, as shown in this photo. Most partiers were not wearing masks.

The Cavalier Daily said it was investigating at least eight other Greek organizations “for alleged violations of public health guidelines during the first two-and-a-half weeks of the spring semester.”

At an online town hall meeting the previous day, UVa President Jim Ryan said the spike in COVID cases was the result of many small gatherings both on and off the grounds, not one major super-spreader event. And a previous email to the university community stated that there was no evidence that in-person components of Greek life were primarily responsible for the increase of cases.

But University authorities are keeping a close eye on the frats. The University Police Department and the Ambassadors, a group of student volunteers, were enlisted to monitor activity at Rugby Road frat houses and the Corner, a retail-restaurant strip adjacent to the university. Of the cases tracked by the administration, about 25% involved students on the Grounds, and 75% off grounds.

The university crackdown on the virus seems to be having an effect. As of Feb. 25, the seven-day moving average of the COVID positivity rate among university students taking the test was 3.04% — considerably lower than the rate for the 8.0% rate for Virginia as a whole, and lower than the 4.5% rate for the Blue Ridge health district. At the same time, students are suffering few ill effects from contracting the virus. At the Feb. 19 town hall, Department of Medicine Chair Mitch Rosner said no students have developed serious illnesses or required hospitalization.

Indeed, students are likely to suffer more severe effects from social isolation than from the disease. Bacon’s Rebellion has viewed emails from parents of students who shared their experiences anonymously.

My son came home mid October because the restrictions were so unreasonable and he was facing disciplinary measures for not having his mask on while talking to our family at night by himself outside. When he arrived home, he was unrecognizable to the young man who left in August — he’d lost about 15 lbs. … [He] couldn’t get out of bed, depressed that he had let himself and his family down somehow by not staying. … He chose not to return to school this Spring and is not doing remote because getting a degree from UVA using zoom is not at all what we signed up for.

My freshman daughter is an absolute wreck as a result of this. She is currently on Covid probation for very minor offenses of entering another dorm room and and has been put into hotel quarantine twice for a total of 21 days. The disruption wreaks havoc on her life. … What a horrible experience this has been for her freshman year of college.

We have 2 children at UVA, a 4th Year and a 1st Year. They both have struggled severely with anxiety and depression this year. Both have been in counseling since the start of the year. … They both are suffering acutely from the social isolation. My first year, in particular, is lonely with a very limited circle to socialize and eat with, despite being active in several virtual campus activities and working on a campus job. The counseling has been helpful, but it is difficult due to the over-burdened resources. One of my Hoo’s said to me “I don’t know how long I can take it. I can’t meet people. I often have no one to eat with, study with, or be with. We were yelled at leaving the dining hall because we paused in the entryway of the dining hall to zip up our coats. The constant fear of being sent to quarantine due to being a close contact, even when obeying all the rules, is debilitating. … Every day is exactly the same as the last, with no hope in sight.

The basic human need for social contact hasn’t stopped some segments of the student body from expressing their ire at fraternities. One Cavalier Daily editor, “humor” editor Eshaan Sarup, was particularly aggressive. He tweeted out photos of fraternity gatherings in violation of the university guidelines. Here is some of his Twitter commentary:

  • “Here’s a pic I took at work on 2/7 when probably 20 frat boys came in. I just submitted it thru uva’s covid compliance reporting but maybe twitter can identify the people/frat.”
  • “Person who took this isn’t sure if this party at the standard is Greek life affiliated but it was on bid day. Anyone have more info on this?
  • “Abolish white people (except Bill Nye)”
  • “If UVA won’t hold Greek life accountable, it’s up to us. We need to start naming and shaming the mfs who caused the spikes. Who’s down?”

Apparently, Sarup was not alone in blaming fraternities. The photo at right shows graffiti sprayed on the wall of the Beta house.

Alumnus Rick Jones picked up bad vibes from university officials while listening to a Zoom meeting of the Fraternity Alumni Council. In a widely shared email, he quoted Interfraternity Council President (IFC) Andy Huffman as saying that he feels “a palpable sense of anger” when walking along Rugby Road, where most fraternity houses are located.

The IFC has received 12 credible complaints and evidence of violations of the University’s lock down rule. Among specific examples of violations, he specifically mentioned “gathering around a campfire” — possibly referring to KA’s outdoor fire pit. Other activities involved activities relating to pledging. Reported Jones: “One Ambassador stopped two men and asked them what they were doing out – they replied that they had been called up by a brother and told to bring him a takeout meal from somewhere.”

Dean of Students Allen Groves referred to the COVID violations as an “existential threat” to the fraternity system” that is not going to be ignored.” The administration is under fire for allowing rush in the first place. 

“I have heard the complaints of ‘white privilege’ which seems to be a popular rallying point,” wrote Jones. “The basic bad part of all this, and I hate to say it, is that a lot of fraternities have clearly violated strict, serious rules that were implemented to quell a sudden spike in positives, and a lot of houses ignored them, are getting caught, and this is causing an enormous backlash not only by people who hate fraternities and white people but many others.”

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48 responses to “UVa’s COVID Commissars”

  1. sherlockj Avatar

    It is not possible to overstate what a wretched state the University and society in general are in. The inmates are truly running the asylum. We need to shut down some of our universities and rethink them. Starting in Charlottesville.

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Nobody has died in Virginia from COVID disease traced to schools and universities. Nobody, according to the VDH tracking. Extremely few cases of actual illness (as opposed to just positive tests.) A bastion of science and medical training should be this crazy over a threat nearly non-existent?

  2. sherlockj Avatar

    It is not possible to overstate what a wretched state the University and society in general are in. The inmates are truly running the asylum. We need to shut down some of our universities and rethink them. Starting in Charlottesville.

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Nobody has died in Virginia from COVID disease traced to schools and universities. Nobody, according to the VDH tracking. Extremely few cases of actual illness (as opposed to just positive tests.) A bastion of science and medical training should be this crazy over a threat nearly non-existent?

  3. I read by TJ’s statue when weather allows; he’s a few minutes’ walk from my house. It’s more quiet a place than you’d think, even with present circumstances. It’s rare to encounter more than 10 people in a minute, and even then it’s at considerable distance.

    But ever since mask patrol caught me sitting and reading barefaced in October, they’ll linger within spitting distance of my bench to catch me out — hell, they come far closer than any civilian passersby. Makes me want to scream.

    I suppose the lesson in all of this is: when you take an institution staffed by Whole Foods neurotics and put them on a war footing, you get exactly what you’d expect. A century ago these people would be Methodist schoolmarms huffing and puffing and stamping their feet at local youths’ lack of propriety and social responsibility, too.

  4. I read by TJ’s statue when weather allows; he’s a few minutes’ walk from my house. It’s more quiet a place than you’d think, even with present circumstances. It’s rare to encounter more than 10 people in a minute, and even then it’s at considerable distance.

    But ever since mask patrol caught me sitting and reading barefaced in October, they’ll linger within spitting distance of my bench to catch me out — hell, they come far closer than any civilian passersby. Makes me want to scream.

    I suppose the lesson in all of this is: when you take an institution staffed by Whole Foods neurotics and put them on a war footing, you get exactly what you’d expect. A century ago these people would be Methodist schoolmarms huffing and puffing and stamping their feet at local youths’ lack of propriety and social responsibility, too.

  5. Oh for the days when the only thing Greeks had to worry about was the Venable Neighborhood Association squawking about the noise from the Nighthawks or Johnny Sportcoat playing late into the night, some drunk rushee passed out in their hedge or the occasional “Christmas tree” being harvested from their yards.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      And venereal disease.

      1. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
        Baconator with extra cheese

        Three cheers for penicillin!

        1. You generally didn’t have to worry about that if you ignored the “U-bags” and headed down the road to Sweet Briar.

          1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Ah you poor bastards. In my day, we had Longwood for a road trip destination. 5,000 women and no men for 100 miles.

          2. Meh, Longwood, Sweet Briar, Randy Mac, Mary Baldwin, Mary Wash, the only difference was the relative networth of the students’ families.

  6. Oh for the days when the only thing Greeks had to worry about was the Venable Neighborhood Association squawking about the noise from the Nighthawks or Johnny Sportcoat playing late into the night, some drunk rushee passed out in their hedge or the occasional “Christmas tree” being harvested from their yards.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      And venereal disease.

      1. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
        Baconator with extra cheese

        Three cheers for penicillin!

        1. You generally didn’t have to worry about that if you ignored the “U-bags” and headed down the road to Sweet Briar.

          1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Ah you poor bastards. In my day, we had Longwood for a road trip destination. 5,000 women and no men for 100 miles.

          2. Meh, Longwood, Sweet Briar, Randy Mac, Mary Baldwin, Mary Wash, the only difference was the relative networth of the students’ families.

  7. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Gee, amazing. That the University’s position on risk involves attending classes for the purpose of attaining an education but not on social activities for the purpose of attaining a hangover.

    I’m shocked! Shocked that there is education happening in this establishment.

  8. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Gee, amazing. That the University’s position on risk involves attending classes for the purpose of attaining an education but not on social activities for the purpose of attaining a hangover.

    I’m shocked! Shocked that there is education happening in this establishment.

  9. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    “My name is José Jiménez, and this is ‘The Whiny White Boy Show’.”

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      I thought all the Latino’s of your age, Jose, had already died of Covid, the most racist bug ever.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        He was diligent and worked very hard as a bellhop because all around the hotel were signs that said, “Fire Hose”.

  10. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    “My name is José Jiménez, and this is ‘The Whiny White Boy Show’.”

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      I thought all the Latino’s of your age, Jose, had already died of Covid, the most racist bug ever.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        He was diligent and worked very hard as a bellhop because all around the hotel were signs that said, “Fire Hose”.

  11. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    What is wrong at Virginia’s State institutions of higher education?
    Racism at VMI and Bradism at UVa. So much equivalence.

  12. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    What is wrong at Virginia’s State institutions of higher education?
    Racism at VMI and Bradism at UVa. So much equivalence.

  13. Emilio Jaksetic Avatar
    Emilio Jaksetic

    Orwellian labelling by the Left: Any large gathering that is not politically correct, or is otherwise disfavored by the Left, is labelled a “super spreader.” Any large gathering that is politically correct, or is otherwise favored by the Left, is not labeled as such. Group immunity based on Left-wing ideology?

    Faux “science” that measures COVID-risk of infection based on ideological grounds.

  14. Emilio Jaksetic Avatar
    Emilio Jaksetic

    Orwellian labelling by the Left: Any large gathering that is not politically correct, or is otherwise disfavored by the Left, is labelled a “super spreader.” Any large gathering that is politically correct, or is otherwise favored by the Left, is not labeled as such. Group immunity based on Left-wing ideology?

    Faux “science” that measures COVID-risk of infection based on ideological grounds.

  15. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    If the university did not have strict rules and enforce them, folks on this blog would then be complaining of the hypocrisy of the elites in wanting the general public to adhere to social distancing but not doing it themselves. By the way, at the beginning of the school year, W&M suspended and expelled students for violating the rules against social gatherings.

    1. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
      Baconator with extra cheese

      I just wish we could expell and suspend politicians for doing the same.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        You can.

        Democracy is not predicted on the belief that the will of the people is right, but that normal people of average intelligence will be guided toward the best practices by bitter experiences.

        Thank you GOP for yet another bitter experience.

  16. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    If the university did not have strict rules and enforce them, folks on this blog would then be complaining of the hypocrisy of the elites in wanting the general public to adhere to social distancing but not doing it themselves. By the way, at the beginning of the school year, W&M suspended and expelled students for violating the rules against social gatherings.

    1. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
      Baconator with extra cheese

      I just wish we could expell and suspend politicians for doing the same.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        You can.

        Democracy is not predicted on the belief that the will of the people is right, but that normal people of average intelligence will be guided toward the best practices by bitter experiences.

        Thank you GOP for yet another bitter experience.

  17. I could not be more discouraged as an alumnus of UVa at events that have been unfolding at the school. Pres. Ryan himself did not solely implicate fraternities and sororities as the source of spread and yet the students are petitioning to cancel the Greek system. My daughter is a student there and has smartly elected to stay home for “zoom” UVA. The devastating mental effects on the students of this isolation is sad and is affecting more students than the virus will. And then the “volunteer ambassadors”?! If you are outside, socially distanced 3 feet, no mask is necessary. And frankly the masks don’t work anyway.

  18. I could not be more discouraged as an alumnus of UVa at events that have been unfolding at the school. Pres. Ryan himself did not solely implicate fraternities and sororities as the source of spread and yet the students are petitioning to cancel the Greek system. My daughter is a student there and has smartly elected to stay home for “zoom” UVA. The devastating mental effects on the students of this isolation is sad and is affecting more students than the virus will. And then the “volunteer ambassadors”?! If you are outside, socially distanced 3 feet, no mask is necessary. And frankly the masks don’t work anyway.

  19. djrippert Avatar

    Anybody who thinks lib-twits aren’t out to create a Stalinesque social order isn’t paying attention. Libtwits have never liked the Greek system. Probably because they would have been blackballed by any well run fraternity or sorority. Now they want to use COVID to try, once again, to take down the fraternity and sorority system. Fraternities and sororities at UVa are off-campus on private property. That means they have no requirement to admit snitch-narc “ambassadors” to their gatherings. Police with warrants? Yes. Amateur snitch-narc “ambassadors”? No.

    The answer is obvious. The brothers or sisters develop a guest list and assign bouncers at the door to check people trying to enter the house against the guest list. Snitch-narc “ambassadors” are not invited or welcome to enter.

    What is up withy Adolph Ryan and his Gestapo of snitch-narc ambassadors? Am I the only person who finds that whole scenario troubling? Be a good “Ryan Nazi” and go out and report violations to the SS or the Reichstag.

    Lib-twits don’t believe in freedom of assembly and association other than for their approved organizations. Like Hitler, Stalin and Mao lib-twits believe that they, and they alone, should govern who associates with whom. So they send out “ambassadors” to fraternities and sororities so Heil Ryan and his secret police can find violators. Disgusting.

    As for “white privilege” – are there no more integrated or majority black fraternities at UVa? Is Omega Psi Phi gone from UVa? Of course, Nazi lib-twits don’t really care about the facts or a full rendition of the situation. They’d rather send forth the Gestapo of “ambassadors” searching for “white privilege”.

    *** Reported Jones: “One Ambassador stopped two men and asked them what they were doing out – they replied that they had been called up by a brother and told to bring him a takeout meal from somewhere.” ***

    A snitch-narc stopped two men and asked what they were doing “out”? Are you kidding me? What would your average lib-twit say if a trained, sworn police officer started stopping people to ask what they are doing “out”?

    Fuhrer Ryan and his Gestapo army need to stand down.

  20. djrippert Avatar

    Anybody who thinks lib-twits aren’t out to create a Stalinesque social order isn’t paying attention. Libtwits have never liked the Greek system. Probably because they would have been blackballed by any well run fraternity or sorority. Now they want to use COVID to try, once again, to take down the fraternity and sorority system. Fraternities and sororities at UVa are off-campus on private property. That means they have no requirement to admit snitch-narc “ambassadors” to their gatherings. Police with warrants? Yes. Amateur snitch-narc “ambassadors”? No.

    The answer is obvious. The brothers or sisters develop a guest list and assign bouncers at the door to check people trying to enter the house against the guest list. Snitch-narc “ambassadors” are not invited or welcome to enter.

    What is up withy Adolph Ryan and his Gestapo of snitch-narc ambassadors? Am I the only person who finds that whole scenario troubling? Be a good “Ryan Nazi” and go out and report violations to the SS or the Reichstag.

    Lib-twits don’t believe in freedom of assembly and association other than for their approved organizations. Like Hitler, Stalin and Mao lib-twits believe that they, and they alone, should govern who associates with whom. So they send out “ambassadors” to fraternities and sororities so Heil Ryan and his secret police can find violators. Disgusting.

    As for “white privilege” – are there no more integrated or majority black fraternities at UVa? Is Omega Psi Phi gone from UVa? Of course, Nazi lib-twits don’t really care about the facts or a full rendition of the situation. They’d rather send forth the Gestapo of “ambassadors” searching for “white privilege”.

    *** Reported Jones: “One Ambassador stopped two men and asked them what they were doing out – they replied that they had been called up by a brother and told to bring him a takeout meal from somewhere.” ***

    A snitch-narc stopped two men and asked what they were doing “out”? Are you kidding me? What would your average lib-twit say if a trained, sworn police officer started stopping people to ask what they are doing “out”?

    Fuhrer Ryan and his Gestapo army need to stand down.

  21. Perfectly fine to have an offensive sign on a lawn room door “F— UVa” but a student on the lawn around no one without a mask is unacceptable?!

  22. Perfectly fine to have an offensive sign on a lawn room door “F— UVa” but a student on the lawn around no one without a mask is unacceptable?!

  23. DLunsford Avatar

    Jim, a UVA story with an opening pic of black-and-gold balloons labelled “WooHoo”? Seriously? VCU?

    1. Interesting point. I pulled the photo from the Cavalier Daily. I just assumed the CD vetted it.

      It would be interesting to track down the photo — wouldn’t it be interesting if, in fact, it was a photo of VCU students?

  24. DLunsford Avatar

    Jim, a UVA story with an opening pic of black-and-gold balloons labelled “WooHoo”? Seriously? VCU?

    1. Interesting point. I pulled the photo from the Cavalier Daily. I just assumed the CD vetted it.

      It would be interesting to track down the photo — wouldn’t it be interesting if, in fact, it was a photo of VCU students?

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