UVa Student Council Peddles Its Character Assassination to the General Assembly

by James A. Bacon

The executive board of the University of Virginia Student Council has asked the Virginia General Assembly to reject Governor Glenn Youngkin’s appointment of Bert Ellis to the Board of Visitors.

The letter was addressed to Democratic Party leaders of the state Senate. The Senate is comprised of 22 Democrats and 18 Republicans, which gives Democrats the power to block the nomination if they follow a party-line vote. None have commented publicly yet on their intention.

The letter, which recycled charges made earlier this year by the UVa Student Council and Faculty Senate, described the Ellis appointment as “reckless, ill intentioned and threatening to the safety of the marginalized students at this University.” 

The Daily Progress repeated the allegations and linked to the letter without any offsetting comment from Ellis, the Youngkin administration, or The Jefferson Council, a UVa alumni organization of which Ellis is president. Ellis’ email is readily available: it is listed on The Jefferson Council website, as is that of the executive director (me).

The vendetta against Ellis amounts to character assassination. The portrayal of him is so one-sided as to make him unrecognizable. Ellis offered to give his side of the story to the Faculty Senate but the offer was declined. The Jefferson Council has published rebuttals, and letters have been written to The Cavalier Daily, but Ellis’ critics have acknowledged none of the exculpatory facts and testimony. They appear to be impervious to anything that might disturb their narrative.

It’s one thing for students or faculty to concoct their own reality of Ellis as racist, but hopefully Democratic Party legislators will be sober-minded enough to consider all the facts. We urge them to allow Ellis to tell his side of the story, which includes how he is an investor in and CEO of Johnson Energy Storage, whose majority shareholder is Lonnie G. Johnson, an African-American, and which employs 17 African-American PhD researchers.

The allegations against Ellis focus on one incident that occurred in 2020 and two that took place 50 years ago when he was a UVa student and tri-chairman of the Student Union, which organized major events at the time.

In the 2020 incident, Ellis was responding to a student who had posted a large sign emblazoned with the words “F— UVA” on the door of her room on the Lawn, which is designated part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site and visited by tourists, prospective students and their families. Ellis thought to excise the sign with a razor blade but first tried unsuccessfully to engage the student, a woman of Pakistani heritage, in conversation. Two members of the UVA Ambassadors, volunteer student adjuncts to the university police, instructed him not to take down the sign, and he refrained from doing so.

Citing Student Council President Celia Cain, The Daily Progress incorrectly stated that the safety ambassadors “eventually escorted Ellis off the university grounds.” In truth, there was no need to escort Ellis off the grounds, and the student ambassadors found the incident so trivial that they never bothered to report it.

While Student Council portrayed Ellis’ action as an affront to free speech, Ellis did not dispute the student’s right to express her views anywhere else. But prominently displaying profanity on her door, he argued, violated the terms of her lease with the university. While the administration declined to order her to take down the sign, on the grounds that it would violate her free speech rights (after its earlier failure to enforce the lease), it tightened the sign-posting policy in Lawn room leases the following academic year.

None of this context appears in the Student Council letter or The Daily Progress article. In its July 2022 resolution, Council declared Ellis’ action “reprehensible” and likened it to an act of White supremacy: “From the bondage and abuse experienced by enslaved people, to the violent occupation of Nazis and KKK members, to Bert Ellis — the Lawn is no stranger to racist violence under the guise of ‘Jeffersonian ideas.’”

In the 1975 incidents, resurrected by The Cavalier Daily, Ellis was one of three people on the triumvirate running the Student Union. He was also the spokesman for the group, so when a group decision to invite William Shockley to a debate on the Grounds was made, he was the one quoted in the student newspaper at the time.

Last summer The Cavalier Daily presented a one-sided version of the facts, accusing Ellis of master-minding the invitation of a White supremacist to speak at the university. Shockley did propound racist theories, insisting that Blacks on average had lower IQs than Whites. But as a scientist awarded the Nobel Prize for his invention of the transistor, he was held in high esteem by many and his ideas were taken seriously. Harvard University had scheduled a debate pitting Shockley versus a prominent Black intellectual, and the three organizers of the UVa Student Union thought to do the same. The key fact neglected by Ellis’ critics is that the Shockley event was a debate — a debate with respected Black biologist Richard Goldsby. The hope and expectation of the organizers, according to Ellis, was that Goldsby would demolish Shockley, thus debunking a widely held racist theory.

This morning The Jefferson Council received confirmation of Ellis’ account from Rick Kruger, another one of the Student Union tri-chairmen.

“Bert did not push [for the Shockley debate]. I did,” Kruger says. “Full debate would be good, and it was. Goldsby handed it to Shockley. But to blame Bert is wrong.” He and the third tri-chairman, he said, “should have taken the blame” for organizing the event.

“And yes debate showed Shockley was ‘full of it,’ which was our hope!” he added.

In a separate incident, the Student Union declined to sponsor a speech by an early proponent of the gay rights movement. Ellis did not seek to block the event; he just said that he thought the topic would generate insufficient interest to warrant involving the Student Union. Fifty years ago the gay rights movement was in its infancy and did not enjoy the widespread sympathy it does today.

Readers who wish to delve into the details of this controversy can find more here:

The Shockley-Goldsby Debate: The Rest of the Story

How Low a Lie Is BornWoke Limbo: How Low Can You Go?Free Speech Discredited Racism Better Than Cancel Culture Ever CouldSorry Lefties, But Racists Don’t Invest in Black EnterpriseCorrection:

This post has been updated to state the proper number of Democrats and Republicans in the state senate.

The author is executive director of The Jefferson Council.

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83 responses to “UVa Student Council Peddles Its Character Assassination to the General Assembly”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    You missed the part where he continued to harass the young woman after she went inside her room and had asked him to go away. Really, there is no excuse for his actions that day.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Read my response to Not Today. He somehow, against all odds, beat you to this particular blackboard.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        …and nothing you wrote excuses his actions… try as you might… in case you are unaware, if you drive for hours and arrive at a young lady’s door with intent to publicly castigate her and she tells you to leave and shuts the door in your face, continuing to rant at her through the closed door is at best unbalanced, at worst threatening. He has shown his character and is found lacking.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          If the woman in question posts a large sign reading, “F*** UVa” in response to a housing dispute then she has invited debate. Apparently, she could not handle the heat and should have stayed out of the kitchen.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            So I will put you down in the “it is ok for a mature adult man to harangue a young lady at her room after she has asked him to leave” vote…

    2. Not Today Avatar

      I hadn’t even heard the story but the truth of the matter came shining through this most favorable retelling. If he’s not careful, parent groups will join up with the students and lobby too. I’d be LIVID.

    3. M. Purdy Avatar

      I mean, if that’s the case it’s not even a close call. Stunningly poor judgment.

      1. Not Today Avatar

        My children have been known to call me a ‘Karen’. Ironic for a variety of reasons but I digress. I happily report inappropriate student conduct during field trips (not just goofing off or coarse language but failing to course correct when asked), ESPECIALLY when they are wearing t-shirts emblazoned with the name of the school. My reports/comments didn’t go to the students. They went to the administrators of the school so they could investigate and handle it as they saw fit. Google is my friend. The fact that this man behaved this way is so foul and disturbing. I wouldn’t trust him with a dog.

      2. M. Purdy Avatar

        I would also point out that there is indeed a First Amendment issue involved. This blog spends a lot of time talking about the FA on campus, and should consider what implications the FA has here.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          First Amendment is indeed in force at a state university.

          Mr. Ellis and the lawn resident both had first amendment rights.

          The lawn resident’s first amendment rights were not violated. It was her contractual rights and those of the university that were in question.

          Her rights to that room were subject to her housing contract.

          Mr. Ellis’ FA rights were also unconstrained. And he did not have a housing contract.

          1. Not Today Avatar

            He went beyond the first amendment to deface property. HE ACTED. He also persisted, apparently, in harrassing the student after being asked to desist. He’s lucky he wasn’t arrested.

          2. M. Purdy Avatar

            Sherlock, I’m sure you know many things, but you’re talking out of school on this. The first amendment applies to state governments as well. I could explain how, but let’s just leave it where it is, shall we?

          3. M. Purdy Avatar

            Correct! First year const. law. I’m fine debating with certain bloggers here, but I don’t like getting lectured (attacked, really) when, in fact, the lecturer is wrong.

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well, debates on the 1st probably far outstrip any on the 2nd because, as I pointed out and James confirmed, it’s Fed, State, Local, and entities, like Uof, SBs, etc.,. Not that this doesn’t hold for the 2nd too, but religion, speech, redress, assembly, and the press outnumber guns, “opinions are like noses…”

            Smaller government agencies tend to be more knee jerk, can enact quickly, and many times don’t have, or listen to, the benefit of good counsel, hence “no cussin’” ordinances, and trying to close sidewalks to panhandlers.

            That universities spawn much of these nowadays is no surprise.

            My favorite is still Gloucester’s trying to stop a petition for redress by charging the petitioners money to cover legal expenses upfront. It was some outrageous amount of money.

          5. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            By the fourteenth amendment, which extended due process, and then through 20th century Supreme Court decisions, which extended the rest, you are correct.

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Yes, both had 1st Amendment rights, but at some point one of them was bordering on trespass and harassment.

            Hint: not the person whose domicile was located very close to the scene.

    4. DJRippert Avatar

      The woman in question began the issue by posting a large F*** UVa sign on her door over a housing dispute. That invited debate.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        I think, perhaps the “gentleman’s” judgement on what constitutes “debate” may be what is in question.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Basically, good ol’ Bill suffers the same thinking and action that brought us January Six. “The system’s broke, I don’t like it, and I’m gonna fix it.”

    Daniel Webster he ain’t.

  3. Not Today Avatar

    This is very creative framing. Hilarious!

    Basically, in an act of petulance much like we’ve seen here, a senior citizen (a mere two years ago) decided to silence a student by force when his verbal ‘persuasion’ failed. He defaced a sign he had no right to remove on property he doesn’t own and JAB is upset not at the wholly inappropriate behavior of the GROWN MAN involved, but the student body because (through their elected representatives) they’re exercising the right to protest his appointment to the BoV and contacted their representatives? BWAHAAHAA! Who was/is silencing whom? If you can’t convince them, run ’em over, AMIRIGHT?! The old man couldn’t be bothered to contact proper authorities and now wants to *be* the authorities? Now, THAT is Orwellian. And if you tell me right now that you’re comfy with your collegiate daughter being accosted by an unknown old man with a knife and/or acting in a threatening manner outside her dorm room, YOU LIE.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      You have absolutely nailed it. “Creative framing”.

      What was Jim Bacon thinking?

      Do not let actual participants in that 50-year-old issue dissuade you.

      Don’t let the facts of the infamous “lawn sign” dissuade you.

      At its core, it was a woman who did not get the accommodation she sought for her infirmity, impossible to grant because of the physical limitations of lawn rooms, from the housing office.

      It was a housing dispute.

      So she attacked the University as racist. The University police as racist. Everyone within the reach of social media as racist.

      She did that because she could, and because she rightly suspected that the University President would be terrified of the charge, regardless of the facts.

      He proved to be an idiot and a coward unworthy of the job the minute he granted her an interview, not with the housing office, but with him, the president of the University. She brought an activist and a voice recorder. The rest is utterly embarrassing history.

      But you are an enabler.

      It is time to attack an alumnus now on the BOV.

      You have a “narrative” to defend. Nothing matters more.

      Does it?

      1. Not Today Avatar

        What are you even talking about right now? Bacon described a 2-year old incident. There was no ‘RACIST’ listed on the sign. She attacked the university and an OLD MAN took it personally. Seems like the man has some growing up to do.

      2. M. Purdy Avatar

        Sounds like the University President handled it better than the person in question.

          1. Not Today Avatar

            Let’s go back to what you, yourself wrote. SHE COULD. And no old guy traversing the campus was in any position to gainsay her.

          2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Gainsay. Excellent.

            He was “in position” to say whatever he wished.

          3. Not Today Avatar

            SAY, sir. Not ACT. His behavior went beyond speech.

          4. DJRippert Avatar

            In what way did his behavior go beyond speech? Please be specific.

      3. Not Today Avatar

        What are you even talking about right now? Bacon described a 2-year old incident. There was no ‘RACIST’ listed on the sign. She attacked the university and an OLD MAN took it personally. Seems like the man has some growing up to do.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          You really are new to the subject. See https://www.baconsrebellion.com/uvas-lawn-scandal-bad-leadership-and-worse-lawyering/ for the details.

          You will be happy that, in a balanced report, I included pictures of both Mr. Ryan, the President of the University, and Mr. Ellis.

          Start there.

          1. Not Today Avatar

            She was domiciled on the property and her lease (authorization to be there) did not prohibit the conduct she exhibited. SHE was not the problem. The campus GUEST was.

          2. Not Today Avatar

            They could (don’t know that they did) prohibit *all* signage on the square.

          3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            The contract provided the university the right to re-locate her. She refused and threw a tantrum. The university president caved.

          4. Not Today Avatar

            The ABILITY to relocate her, not the right to FORCIBLY relocate her.

          5. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Of course they could. They could have cleaned out her belongings and changed the locks. You understand that, right? Standard eviction process.

          6. M. Purdy Avatar

            “Caved.” No, handled like the president of a college of 25K people.

          7. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            He got played. They recorded the interview surreptitiously and played it back on a radio show to humiliate him.

          8. Elaine Luridman Avatar
            Elaine Luridman

            Good. Still trying to ascertain that relevance of the actors’ photos. Can you explain?

          9. M. Purdy Avatar

            I don’t know, he seems to be doing great and so does the university. He’s handled massive hardship with grace and candor. I would venture to say that Jim Ryan is massively popular among alums outside of this blog. Just saying…I mean, I feel like I have my finger on my pulse of UVa as much as most.

          10. DJRippert Avatar

            Again, you continue to confound the progressives with facts. That is exactly what happened.

          11. DJRippert Avatar

            Exactly what happened. A petulant child didn’t get a ramp when she hurt her foot and thew a full blown hissy-fit. From that housing dispute arose the F*** UVa sign.

          12. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Who is a visitor on this particular piece of state property?

          13. Not Today Avatar

            The unenrolled old man without university ID.

          14. M. Purdy Avatar

            But, as a public space, probably only at certain times, and it would have to be justified as disruptive or some other viewpoint-neutral stance. Bottom line, having spent three years at the school, and really much more than that due to my wife finishing her PhD there, it would be highly unusual to put any significant restrictions on lawn signage (on the doors) or decoration. It’s a vibrant part of the University, and like any public square, sometimes one must put up with speech one doesn’t care for.

          15. Not Today Avatar

            Colleges do not exist for the benefit of alumni. It feels controversial to say that here but it’s true. As an undergrad, we openly mocked the 40-50 yo alumni at homecoming with their too tight clothing, spray tans, and conspicuous wealth. It appeared a pathetic call-back to their heyday, even 25 years ago. It’s even more so now. Kids are jaded. It takes more than bluster to secure their support and acquiescence. If you want to persuade them of something…make better arguments, sing a different song. Respect my authoriTAY isn’t gonna cut it. I think the man was lucky this happened in 2020 when traffic/staffing was low because when my oldest (and those like her) hit US campuses, an arrest will occur. Oldest might not push it, but I most certainly would. Much like the student ambassadors here, they don’t want to make waves, love their parents/grandparents and respect authority (hence the push to contact *authorities* with their BoV concerns). They’re not anarchists. They DISAGREE.

          16. M. Purdy Avatar

            Could not agree more. I first started coming to this blog because of its consistent amplification of the cultural shift going on at my undergrad alma mater, VMI. I can’t tell you how many alums feel deeply invested in what’s going on there, but have no children who attended and graduated 50 years ago. To paraphrase a favorite of this site, Thomas Jefferson, universities belong to the living students, not to the long-forgotten alums.

          17. Elaine Luridman Avatar
            Elaine Luridman

            It was the comment about snatching the 50yd line seats and a code of conduct for campus guests that got the boot. Gadzooks, can’t give the the students a roadmap, can we?

          18. No. It was not. It was an opinion with a personal attack on Ellis.

          19. Warmac9999 Avatar

            Alums are affected by the reputation of the current institution. They are stakeholders.

          20. M. Purdy Avatar

            Sure, but most don’t care about reputation. How, for instance, is the VMI PAC helping VMI’s reputation? Short answer, it’s not. It’s ruining VMI’s rep. Do you think they care? Are they stakeholders in the school’s reputation?

          21. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            We look forward to the added grace they will bring. If they can look up from TikTok.

          22. Not Today Avatar

            They’re less religious, BTW – humanism/decency is the vibe. They’ll treat you with respect/dignity if you do likewise. If you don’t, they probably won’t say anything at all (they have gun trauma) and will just silently vote you into obscurity.

          23. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “I think the man was lucky this happened in 2020 when traffic/staffing was low because when my oldest (and those like her) hit US campuses, an arrest will occur. Oldest might not push it, but I most certainly would. ”

            The moment your child turns 18 you have no standing, they are an adult. So you could push whatever you like, but it won’t have any sway on the Police.

          24. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            On both sides of a lawn door.

          25. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            You have to be kidding with that. The University grounds and buildings are state property and that particular spot is a United Nations World Heritage site.

          26. Not Today Avatar

            A lease is authorization to occupy the premises and the old man accosting her was not a party to it or able to enforce or dispute its terms. I say again, which of your children/grandchildren would you submit to such outrageous, violent behavior?

          27. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Remind me in what way he was violent. Was there a police record?

          28. Elaine Luridman Avatar
            Elaine Luridman

            Bacon’s own account said he was attempting to ‘excise’ (cut out/remove) the offending message.

          29. Planned because it was defacing a unesco world heritage site, but did not do it.

          30. DJRippert Avatar

            Again, you and your facts. You are right. There was no violence. But reality does not intrude here.

          31. Not Today Avatar

            She was domiciled on the property and her lease (authorization to be there) did not prohibit the conduct she exhibited. SHE was not the problem. The campus GUEST was.

          32. Not Today Avatar

            You should. Yours is a losing argument. Old men should not be accosting young people at their homes for conduct they find offensive. If you must, report it to whomever you deem appropriate. Leave the kids alone. They’ve been traumatized by enough random violence by right-wing and urban actors to last a lifetime.

          33. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Is that really what they are traumatized by?
            They might try turning off their cell phones that their parents have used as babysitters for the just 15 years. Turn off TikTok, controlled by the CCP, turn off the bullying and the porn.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      “He defaced a sign he had no right to remove on property he doesn’t own …”

      My understanding is that he defaced nothing. The sign was left untouched.

      1. Elaine Luridman Avatar
        Elaine Luridman

        This doesn’t improve his behavior. I’m unclear on why he saw fit to confront the student at all let alone yell outside her home until escorted away.

  4. Not Today Avatar

    I’m, honestly, stuck on the reasoning required to think this man’s conduct two years ago is irrelevant and inconsequential. You don’t even have to reach the foolishness of 50 years ago to find him inappropriate for the desired role. Make it make sense.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      He is a citizen appointed by the Governor subject to confirmation by the General Assembly.

      If the actions of this particular band of citizenry can deny one of Virginia’s most accomplished citizens this post by character assassination, we will have descended into another circle of political hell.

      In what universe after that will a Governor of one party be able with confidence to nominate someone when the other party holds a majority in the GA?

      As importantly, who would accept under those conditions?

      Sauce for the goose.

      1. M. Purdy Avatar

        It’s a bit rich, isn’t it, that Republicans have sought to politicize appointments to BOVs in the commonwealth (as demonstrated by the alumni of my undergrad alma mater), but for the other side to push back in a similarly political manner is a “circle of political hell.” Good for the goose, good for the gander.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          They were complaining about appointees when

          Democrats had full control of Richmond. Republicans were shouting at the mountains for being tall.

          If this is successful with split governance, no future appointee is safe under those circumstances. Ask Senate Democrats in Washington what happened after they changed the rules to pack the D.C. circuit. Oops.

        2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          They were complaining about appointees when

          Democrats had full control of Richmond. Republicans were shouting at the mountains for being tall.

          If this is successful with split governance, no future appointee is safe under those circumstances.

          Ask Senate Democrats in Washington what happened after they changed the rules to pack the D.C. circuit. Oops.

          1. M. Purdy Avatar

            A brave new world. I’ll admit ignorance about BOV appointees until the last two years when I started paying attention. It’s highly politicized, and I’m not happy about it. I could not have cared less about BOV appointments a few years back, and that’s probably for best in terms of good governance. But I won’t fault one side for playing politics now when the other is as well. This administration has made education a core issue, and has politicized it. It’s been successful; it got them elected. But it means it’s a battleground now. So it’s going to be a bumpy ride for the next few years.

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            The appointees to the UVa BoV have been almost entirely people who have made large political donations to the members of the party in power. There is next to no vetting of these people regarding their fitness for the position. And, since they are almost entirely major donors, they are wealthy individuals. Policemen, teachers, construction workers, even military officers need not apply.


          3. M. Purdy Avatar

            Does seem that way. I guess I’ve never paid attention.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “If the actions of this particular band of citizenry can deny one of Virginia’s most accomplished citizens this post by character assassination…”

        Sometimes it only takes one incident to undo many positive accomplishments… alas, this is the way of the world… but it is his own actions that are to blame… nothing else…

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Perhaps the solution to the politicization of the BoVs and State college and university presidencies is to follow the redistricting model. Create a destine-to-fail bipartisan commission comprised of GA members and politically connected citizens that will hash it up and kick the appointments to the SCOVA. After all, having crayoned some maps, they’ve nothing else to do until 2031.

  6. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    For anyone not emerged in the politics of UVa, first, congratulations. Then know that all of the progressive commentary above is a false flag. It has nothing to do with a lawn incident.

    This is what they care about. https://thejeffersoncouncil.com/a-disastrous-week-for-uva/

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Or both. The circumstances of the incident on the lawn are a part of the record.

      We are our history too. Normally, events of 50 years ago should carry little weight — youthful indiscretions, as Dennis Hastert would say — but when combined with the recent events it becomes a part of a lifelong pattern. One can only guess at the intervening years. Maybe more will surface.

      My apologies to Bert for calling him Bill Ellis. I know a Bill Ellis and for some reason insist that anyone with surname Ellis shall be Bill.

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Well first, I don’t think you quite get what a false flag is… that being said, why in the world would I care about UVa’s honor code…?

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      False Flag example HMAS Sydney and Kormorant, the latter, an armed German merchant, flew a Dutch flag and was approached off the west coast of Australia by the former. The Kormorant, with hidden guns and torpedoes unleashed a devastating attack on the Aussie warship which quickly retreated toward Perth firing a parting barrage. The Sydney exploded and sank with all hands. The Kormorant also sank with survivors taking to lifeboats landing some days later north of Bay of Sharks(?) where they were captured.

      For more than 60 years, the Germans had been accused of machine gunning helpless Sydney crew in the water based largely on remains of one sailor found on Christmas Island.

      Within the last decade both ships were found exactly where the German Captain said they would be based on Sydney’s retreat and DNA testing of the CI sailor shows he was from the Sydney whose death was caused by a shell fragment, not a round, finally dispelling the war crime accusation.

  7. disqus_VYLI8FviCA Avatar

    Never let facts get in the way of infantile rants by dogmatic zealots! When will you learn Jim? The point of view of those who were raised with everyone getting trophies and no one keeping score cannot be questioned, because no one ever told them they were full of baloney (is baloney still an acceptable term?)

  8. DJRippert Avatar

    The Daily Progress article is just another example why media in general and newspaper media in particular suffer from an all time low in public opinion. I read somewhere that journalism now ranks below car salesmen in public perception.

    Journalists will tell us that the demise of journalism in America is based on the Internet or social media or Americans’ disinterest in the news. While the decline of journalism in America may have been affected by those changes, I’d submit the most important factor killing journalism is the agenda-driven opinion writing (thinly disguised as reporting) pumped out from media outlets on both sides of the political spectrum.


    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      To quote Sgt. Joe Friday (aka Dan Aykroyd) “Just the Facts Ma’am”.

  9. Randy Huffman Avatar
    Randy Huffman

    I was interested in understanding the requirements of living in the Lawn, and found this in the Student Affairs web site under “what is expected of Lawn Residents. Interesting….:


    “Lawn residents should:

    Work together as a group to pursue common goals determined by the community. Promote and role model an attitude of inclusiveness and respect at the University of Virginia. Promote and role model healthy behaviors. Enthusiastically share their passions with other members of the Lawn community. Willingly explore new friendships, cultural experiences, or academic fields with other Lawn residents. Continue to uphold high standards of University involvement, leadership, and academic achievement. Physically open their doors to the Lawn. Use their Lawn room as their primary University residence. Respect their living space as a place of historic value and as the public face of the University. Abide by the policies in the Record concerning the use of Lawn. Abide by all Dean of Students/Housing & Residence Life policies.”

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