UVa Donations Skewed More Democratic Than Ever in 2022

Graphic credit: Daily Progress

by James A. Bacon

You’ve finally heard it from someone other than The Jefferson Council: political donations by University of Virginia employees skew overwhelmingly to the left. In the 2022 election cycle, found Daily Progress reporter Luke Fountain, “UVa faculty and staff favored Democratic candidates over Republican candidates, based on donations, by a ratio of 30 to 1.”

“During the 2022 election cycle, Democratic candidates received 96.1% of donations, Republican candidates received 3.3%, and Libertarian candidates received 0.6%,” writes Fountain in an article exploring the implications of a discussion during the June UVa Board of Visitors meeting regarding the desirability of tracking viewpoint diversity at the university.

Campaign donations are only one way of measuring viewpoint diversity. In 2018 the University of Virginia conducted an extensive survey of attitudes among students, faculty and staff that measured, among other things, respondents’ left-right political leanings. If it is impractical to conduct such an extensive and expensive survey every year, tracking political donations is a readily available proxy for attitude surveys.

As Fountain’s data show, those motivated enough to contribute to political candidates overwhelmingly supported Democrats in 2022. Although the dollar size of the contributions dropped that year, a non-presidential election year, the disparity has grown dramatically since 2000, when donations to Democrats began a two-decade-long surge.

Political donations are not a perfect indicator of political sympathies. They measure the sentiments of the most highly motivated partisans, accounting for only a small percentage of the university community. It is conceivable that a large silent majority is apolitical or undecided in its political sympathies. Indeed, the 2018 survey showed that almost 40% of the UVa community (faculty, staff, students) classified themselves as either moderate or conservative. On the other hand, donations, as economists might say, show “revealed preferences” — preferences as reflected in real-world actions, not in responses to surveys, which are subject to a variety of biases.

We at The Jefferson Council contend that UVa once enjoyed a true diversity of political and philosophical viewpoints but is increasingly gripped by leftist orthodoxy, especially on issues relating to “social justice” and climate change. In a faculty of more than 3,000, professors willing to openly identify as conservative number fewer than a dozen — literally. During the June Board of Visitors meeting, administration officials were able to name only three conservatives — one of whom was an instructor engaged on a year-to-year contract, not on the tenure track.

Fountain raises an interesting question: if UVa began tracking data on political diversity, what would the university do with it? “Will it cause them to hire or fire specific faculty?” he asks. “No one will say.”

It’s less a matter of “no one will say” than “no one has thought it through that far.” The Jefferson Council has published campaign-donation data to illustrate how uniformly leftist the university community is becoming. Our goal is to push back against policies — such as Twitter outrage mobs, DEI statements and social justice-laced university tours — that make UVa an inhospitable place for the non-woke. Board member Doug Wetmore raised the issue of how to measure viewpoint diversity in response to the Ryan administration’s claims that it values diversity “in all its dimensions,” including viewpoint diversity.

The Council has not yet addressed the question of how to transition from a leftist monoculture into an institution with diverse intellectual perspectives. We’re still trying to persuade people that the monoculture exists.

As I told Fountain, “The idea is not to put a tag on individual professors, and the idea is not to create a kind of new ideological litmus test that you have a certain percentage of new conservatives.” The purpose of tracking viewpoint diversity, I would suggest, would be to see how severely out of balance the faculty is and to inform the board, from a strategic perspective, whether or not corrective action is called for.

The Ryan administration appears to believe that viewpoint diversity is not a problem. As Provost Ian Baucom has argued, whatever a professor’s personal political views, he or she can build diverse perspectives into a course. In theory, that is true. In our observation, many professors are not overtly political. But we have abundant evidence that the intellectual climate becomes more pervasively leftist with each passing year as retiring Boomers with diverse attitudes are replaced with a more militantly leftist younger generation.

If viewpoint diversity is something the Ryan administration sincerely wants to foster, it should find a way to measure it — just as it measures gender and racial/ethnic diversity. If the Ryan administration drags its feet, the Board of Visitors should act.

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71 responses to “UVa Donations Skewed More Democratic Than Ever in 2022”

  1. Nathan Avatar

    “If viewpoint diversity is something the Ryan administration sincerely wants to foster…”

    That’s the real question isn’t it? Where there’s a will, there’s a way. His words ring hollow.

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      And the purpose of the mandated DEI statements is to smoke out the few non-True Believers…
      Libs used to be against loyalty oaths…until they got in charge!

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      In fairness to Ryan, measuring viewpoint diversity is much more difficult than measuring something like racial diversity.

      It seems to me that the first step is to prohibit “viewpoint prejudice”. Any student that feels their work was unfairly graded based on “viewpoint prejudice” ought to have an avenue for appeal. While I would expect most appeals to be denied, the very fact that such a process in in place would serve as a guardrail against the worst violators.

      While I haven’t been directly involved with UVa since I graduated over 40 years ago, I do have five sons who have far more recent experience (at high schools and colleges other than UVa). They all tell me that certain teachers / professors make their personal political views well known to the class. In too many cases, my sons tell me / have told me that they dare not submit work that contradicts the teacher’s / professor’s obvious political bias for fear of getting a lower grade.

      Here’s another challenge for the Jefferson Council – check the political donations history of the Board of Visitors members. I am sure that you’ll finds that the appointed board members’ donations directly follow the political philosophies of the governors who appointed them. I find it absolutely comical that “the Virginia Way” holds that our political establishment doesn’t want to politicize public higher education but then appoints political gadflies to the Board of Visitors based on the amount and direction of their political donations.

      In my opinion, any significant political donations to Virginia politicians ought to disqualify a candidate for appointment to any public higher education board of visitors.

      1. Nathan Avatar

        I’ve never met Ryan, and don’t know how he operates.

        I do know, that there are administrators and there are change agents. UVA needs a change agent to restore some balance. Bringing about meaningful change would require someone who can take the heat without buckling. I may be mistaken, but I don’t see that happening with Ryan.

  2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “If viewpoint diversity is something the Ryan administration sincerely wants to foster…”

    “Viewpoint” diversity? Is this another straw man?

    1. M. Purdy Avatar
      M. Purdy

      Personally, I’m not opposed to trying to diversify the intellectual traditions represented in academia and the private sector. The problem is that this article equates donating to Republicans as some sort of proxy for intellectual diversity. It’s not, and I don’t think a school trying to attract more conservative faculty should stoop to the degree required to attract a wide swath of the Republican party. Is UVa really going to hire anti-vaxxers, supporters of the big lie. white nationalists, Qanon supporters, people who believe that slaves benefitted from slavery, etc.? No.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        I am just not sure that “viewpoint” diversity is the stated primary goal of the Ryan administration. It appears to be a primary goal the JC has created for Ryan. Ryan seeks “diversity”, yes. “Viewpoint diversity” is a JC creation that JAB has spent a great deal of effort claiming Ryan is not reaching as his supposed stated goal.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          From Jim Ryan’s own pen as an attempt to defuse the scrutiny of the June 2 BOV meeting…
          To begin, it would help to have a working definition of the terms diversity, equity, and
          inclusion, if only to avoid people talking past one another. I would define diversity
          broadly to include not just race, ethnicity, and gender but a wide range of other factors
          and characteristics, including geography, socioeconomic status, first-generation status,
          disability status, religion, age, sexual orientation, viewpoint, ideology, and special talents.
          College campuses are, and should continue to be, places where students are likely to
          encounter people who have different backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints, and they
          should be places that search for and welcome talented students, faculty, and staff from all
          walks of life and every background.

          So, if that is what JR, the Great and Good, believes, how come the “diversity dashboard” only measures race and sex?

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            The issue I am pointing out is the myopic obsession of the JC with “viewpoint” diversity while, at best, it is one of a long list of criteria that goes into “diversity” in Ryan’s mind.

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Talk is cheap Troll. JR writes of all the wonderful types of diversity he means, but the only one he measures is RACE. He, and all his academic grundoons, are liars, and intentional law-breakers. And they have already signaled they intend to keep breaking the law. Intentionally.

          3. DJRippert Avatar

            Kind of. But why is racial diversity important for professors? The usual answer is that people from different races bring different backgrounds and viewpoints to the table and that is good for education. So, racial diversity is a proxy for viewpoint diversity.

            If UVa embarked on an expensive plan to hire more short professors, people would ridicule the school since there is limited to no evidence that height diversity is important.

          4. WayneS Avatar

            Actually, that was not the issue you were pointing out – at least not until you had to ‘spin’ your previous incorrect assertion that viewpoint diversity is an invention of the Jefferson Council.

            What you wrote was: “Viewpoint diversity” is a JC creation that JAB has spent a great deal of effort claiming Ryan is not reaching as his supposed stated goal.

            1) Viewpoint diversity is not a “JC creation”. Mr. Ryan brought it up himself and has discussed it at some length.

            2) It is not a “supposed stated goal” of Mr. Ryan, it is, in fact, a stated goal.

          5. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Well, I could be wrong, but I believe diversity is an old, old wooden ship that was used during the Civil War era.”


          6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            First sentence: “I am just not sure that “viewpoint” diversity is the stated primary goal of the Ryan administration.”

            Selective editing, Wayne? C’mon you know better.

          7. WayneS Avatar

            I knew you simply would not be able to admit that you were wrong.

          8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            If I were, I would admit it (and have). I was not in this case.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          That’s where many, many viewpoints are expected to receive equal consideration no matter how crazy they are, for example, pizza parlor pedophiles.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            Or, that the Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation?

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        “Is UVa really going to hire anti-vaxxers, supporters of the big lie. white nationalists, Qanon supporters, people who believe that slaves benefitted from slavery, etc.? No.”

        More hogwash from the left.

        I guess the extreme counter-point would be, “Will UVa really stay with a teaching core that is almost totally communist, socialist, and Marxist who want to ban gas stoves, air conditioning, and private automobile ownership?”

  3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    You complain that “the intellectual climate becomes more pervasively leftist with each passing year as retiring Boomers with diverse attitudes are replaced with a more militantly leftist younger generation.” Before the University goes about trying to measure the viewpoints of faculty members (if I were a faculty member, I would refuse to participate on the grounds that my viewpoints are not the University’s business), it seems that the Jefferson Council needs to make the case that there is a sizable cohort of young-ish conservative academicians that is being passed over by the University in favor of the “militantly leftist younger generation.” By the way, that “militantly leftist younger generation” needs to be identified, if it indeed does exist. Where is that “abundant evidence”?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Litmus tests. Hmmm, since when have Republicans been so obsessed? Always.

    2. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      96% contributions to one Party. Is that “evidence?”
      Mandated DEI statements (compelled speech and uniformity and outing people who don’t take the DEI pill). Is that evidence?
      The Great and Good secular humanist manifesto. Is that evidence?
      The faculty senate meetings where they laugh about being a bunch of crazy liberals. Is that evidence?
      The Climate Survey results. The fact that not one faculty member dared speak out against the Covid mandates, masking, lockdowns. Unthinkable when I went there.
      I could show you a few syllabi…
      How about each school having a Asst Director of DEI and in 3 schools, each department has an ADDEI.
      They are so far removed from being a place that teaches how to think…

    3. DJRippert Avatar

      Seriously? UVa is spending $20 – $40m over three years to recruit racially diverse professors. If that kind of money is required, it must mean that there is a supply / demand imbalance for minority candidates. Maybe there is another supply / demand imbalance for conservative / moderate professors. If so, doesn’t viewpoint diversity require that additional funds be allocated to recruiting those professors?

    4. DJRippert Avatar

      ” … if I were a faculty member, I would refuse to participate on the grounds that my viewpoints are not the University’s business …”


      So, you oppose the requirement that current and prospective professors provide written evidence supporting their personal DEI actions because that is a test of viewpoint?

  4. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    You complain that “the intellectual climate becomes more pervasively leftist with each passing year as retiring Boomers with diverse attitudes are replaced with a more militantly leftist younger generation.” Before the University goes about trying to measure the viewpoints of faculty members (if I were a faculty member, I would refuse to participate on the grounds that my viewpoints are not the University’s business), it seems that the Jefferson Council needs to make the case that there is a sizable cohort of young-ish conservative academicians that is being passed over by the University in favor of the “militantly leftist younger generation.” By the way, that “militantly leftist younger generation” needs to be identified, if it indeed does exist. Where is that “abundant evidence”?

  5. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    You complain that “the intellectual climate becomes more pervasively leftist with each passing year as retiring Boomers with diverse attitudes are replaced with a more militantly leftist younger generation.” Before the University goes about trying to measure the viewpoints of faculty members (if I were a faculty member, I would refuse to participate on the grounds that my viewpoints are not the University’s business), it seems that the Jefferson Council needs to make the case that there is a sizable cohort of young-ish conservative academicians that is being passed over by the University in favor of the “militantly leftist younger generation.” By the way, that “militantly leftist younger generation” needs to be identified, if it indeed does exist. Where is that “abundant evidence”?

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Clearly, Democrats saw a need, and as always, they rose to it. Or, they read BR and are ensuring that whatever they saw here is thwarted.

    When was Bert appointed? When was Youngkin inaugurated?

  7. disqus_VYLI8FviCA Avatar

    I am sure Ryan and many of his socialist faculty believe they are centrist, reasonable middle-of-the-road folks. They have no clue how out of touch they are with the true center of this country and this commonwealth. They likely have no friends who hold differing opinions, own no firearms, have never owned a truck, and think that disagreement with their point of view equates to evil.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      …think that disagreement with their point of view equates to evil

      …and/or a lack of intelligence.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        My experience, from my sons’ teachers, is less that they think people who disagree with them are evil and more that they are just wrong. Given that they are paid to teach – they feel compelled to ensure that their students stop being wrong and start being right.

        I once worked for a company that was approached by UVa to contribute to a graduate program. I met with the UVa representatives and told them that they needed a NoVa campus for any graduate program to be useful to my company. Their faces turned red, they snorted … how dare anybody question the sanctity of the “academical village”? I had nothing to fear from the dwellers of the “academical village” so I quoted the other universities where we sponsored graduate programs. The University of Illinois for example – where there was a major campus in Champaign – Urbana but a large, physical presence in Chicago as well (UI-C).

        They looked like they were going to cry.

        Since graduating from UVa I’ve dealt with lots of other top universities.

        UVa is badly inbred.

        Legends in their own minds.

        Some viewpoint diversity would be a very useful to that somewhat better than average university.

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        My experience, from my sons’ teachers, is less that they think people who disagree with them are evil and more that they are just wrong. Given that they are paid to teach – they feel compelled to ensure that their students stop being wrong and start being right.

        I once worked for a company that was approached by UVa to contribute to a graduate program. I met with the UVa representatives and told them that they needed a NoVa campus for any graduate program to be useful to my company. Their faces turned red, they snorted … how dare anybody question the sanctity of the “academical village”? I had nothing to fear from the dwellers of the “academical village” so I quoted the other universities where we sponsored graduate programs. The University of Illinois for example – where there was a major campus in Champaign – Urbana but a large, physical presence in Chicago as well (UI-C).

        They looked like they were going to cry.

        Since graduating from UVa I’ve dealt with lots of other top universities.

        UVa is badly inbred.

        Legends in their own minds.

        Some viewpoint diversity would be a very useful to that somewhat better than average university.

        1. M. Purdy Avatar
          M. Purdy

          UVa has a NoVa campus.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            At that time, they had a building but would not grant degrees to people who attended classes from that building, only certificates. The debate with the professors was whether UVa would ever grant actual degrees from somewhere other than the “academical village”. They claimed that doing so would “devalue” the degrees granted in Charlottesville.

          2. M. Purdy Avatar
            M. Purdy

            Well, looks like that idea lost.

    2. M. Purdy Avatar
      M. Purdy

      You spend a lot of time in faculty lounges to know this first hand?

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Maybe you can get their children to rat them out about their dinner conversation? It’s been done before. Not in this country, but somewhere. Vague memories of being told so.

    Cheer up. UVa wasn’t alone…
    99.7% of political donations from Penn faculty went to Democrats from 2021 to 2022

    And a more reliable GOP source…
    College professors donate to Democrats over Republicans by ratio of 95-to-1: Study

    Of course, these are highly educated people and your offering for more than 12 years has been Trump and his acolytes.

    So, really, whatever else would you expect?

    And now, a word from your sponsors…

    1. WayneS Avatar

      Maybe his prescriptions got mixed up with Joe Biden’s.

      If CBS covered every instance of Biden freezing in mid-sentence, wandering off in a random direction, or shaking hands with imaginary people, they would not have time to cover any other “news”.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        Isn’t it somewhat ironic that FPOTUS Obama used POTUS Biden like FPOTUS Kennedy used FPOTUS LBJ.

        Unfortunately FPOTUS Kennedy didn’t get to serve to his entirety like FPOTUS Obama, however we got the same outcome from their VP’s. They both have made horrible POTUS’s.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        This is not common for him. He should have been taken to the hospital immediately.
        Biden has been doing it his entire life.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Unfortunately, Biden’s dishonesty has been long-running. For example, his blatant plagiarism of a Neil Kinnock speech and his insistence that the truck driver who was driving when his first wife was killed in that auto accident was drunk.

          However, his physical and mental stumbles are accelerating at an accelerating rate.

          He appears to be in serious mental decline.

          While it is generally impolite to discuss such matters, that politeness needs to be cast aside when discussing the mental capabilities of the sitting president who is running for re-election.

          For the good of America, the Democrats need a different candidate.

          In fairness, the Republicans need a different front-runner too. While Trump doesn’t appear to be on the same mental decline path as Biden, he has proven himself unfit for the office based on his toxic personality.

          Neither Biden’s continuing mental decline nor Trump’s toxic personality will change over time.

          What do you think of the “No Labels” effort? Given the choice of Biden and Trump from the two major parties, I would easily vote for Manchin under the “No Labels” banner. Perhaps with Larry Hogan as a running mate.

          Third parties have generally failed in presidential elections but a Biden – Trump rematch might just be enough to change that.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Whereas “your boy” was born wretched.

            All politicians ripoff for speeches. All. Not one smart enough to come up with something clever or witty on their own. Then, when they advance enough, their paid speechwriters do it for them.

            A third party will never win, not even the much “beloved” Libertarians, until all States use rank-order ballots. Then, by God, we will have 20 parties and democracy is assured.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Hard to believe this guy was lucid too.


  9. Not Today Avatar
    Not Today

    Is this what is meant by viewpoint diversity? White men claiming that black Africans are being exploited by woke culture when it was the exportation of white Christianity/imperialism that erased preexisting cultural recognition of LGBTQ individuals? https://www.politico.com/news/2023/07/27/vance-sends-a-wokeness-questionnaire-to-state-nominees-00108608

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