UVa and Tech — Less Intolerant than Other Elite Universities

by James A. Bacon

I have been critical of Virginia’s colleges and universities, especially the University of Virginia, for the intolerance of conservative political and cultural viewpoints. But there’s another side to the story, and I believe in presenting all the evidence, not just the facts that fit my narrative. By the standards of other elite U.S universities — admittedly an extraordinarily low bar — UVa and Virginia Tech are less intolerant of diverse viewpoints than most.

Indeed in the College Free Speech Rankings based on a survey of 20,000 college students at 55 top universities, the University of Virginia scored 6th and Virginia Tech scored 8th for freedom of speech and expression. Both fell far short of the University of Chicago, which sets the gold standard, but they far exceeded Ivy League institutions like Princeton, Harvard and Dartmouth.

Jim Sherlock has already taken a bite of this apple here. I’m circling back for a second look at the data generated by the rankings, a joint project of College Pulse, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) and RealClear Education. First the scores, then an explanation of how they were derived, and then a deep dive into the data.

For purposes of comparison, the table above displays data for the No. 1 ranked institution, the University of Chicago, and the bottom-ranked, DePauw, side by side with the UVa and Tech scores.

The overall score represents a composite of the following categories:

Tolerance (40% weight) — tolerance of unpopular speakers on campus.
Openness (40% weight) — openness to discussing touchy subjects.
Self-expression (12% weight) — whether students felt free to express their opinions.
Administrative support (4% weight) — whether free speech is protected on campus.
Speech code (4% weight) — FIRE rating of written policies. Green ratings provide more free=speech protection than yellow and red.

The survey sampled 421 students at the University of Virginia and 395 at Virginia Tech. The margin for error was plus or minus four percentage points at each institution.

Here is how the results broke down for various questions asked.

The first set of questions reveals a disturbing trend across all campuses: a widespread unwillingness to allow on campus speakers with unpopular views. The question didn’t ask if students approved of such views, or if they were interested in hearing a speaker with such views, but whether speakers with such views should be allowed on campus. In comparison to society as a whole, America’s elite colleges are not very tolerant places.

In comparison to other elite colleges, however, it seems fair to say, UVa and Virginia Tech are less bad than the others.

An important caveat: The survey questions gauge the perceptions of students, not faculty or administrators, so they are only one metric for gauging how open and tolerant an institution is. The free speech environment is influenced also by faculty members and what they teach as well as administrators and the rules they enforce. Perhaps one day FIRE will undertake a survey of those groups as well.

A final comment: In seemingly good news for conservatives at UVa, the university was ranked higher by students describing themselves as conservative than by liberals: a 57.6 score compared to 55.0. (Virginia Tech conservatives gave higher scores than liberals by a comparable margin.) But the qualitative data — comments submitted by students — portrays an environment greatly at odds with the scores, which calls into question the validity of the methodology.

Here follows a sampling of comments from (mostly) conservative UVa students. They weren’t the only ones to say they felt uncomfortable expressing their views, but they far outnumbered the others who weighed in.

I have had at least one professor each semester I have been on campus express their political opinion (and it is always liberal in my experience), and they always seem to have the general support of the classroom. I always feel extremely uncomfortable in these settings, because I have never felt in agreement with the statement the professor makes, and I always feel as though if I said something it would put a target on my back as a republican. I have never felt comfortable expressing my political opinion to professors or other students who are very liberal in any setting, classroom or private, because it feels unacceptable socially to not be liberal on grounds.

One time on campus, a group of black students confronted a conservative group, YAF, about a video their national organization posted with a caption criticizing the person in the video. The person in the video was a black female student talking to white students in the Multicultural center and saying that there were too many of them and they should think about the space they’re taking. The video was recorded by an acquaintance of hers and reposted by YAF. I am and never have been a part of either group. YAF held a tabling event where they offered to answer any question and give a cookie to the asker. I approached, for the cookie, and to mess with, what some might call troll, the people at the YAF table. Some time later, a group of black students came by and some of the members talked with the YAF tablers expressing their displeasure with the video. Others, however, lobbed negative and racial language at the students of YAF who were white and a member stole much of YAF’s literature and material, as well as their sign. I was very uncomfortable as I feared I would be associated with YAF just for proximity to the table and also feared saying something about the theft due to social consequences and even physical. One member also attempted to move a YAF member’s personal phone. The group was agitated and outnumber the YAF people 8 to 1, so I was worried I would be lambasted if I spoke up.

I am a 21 year old male student at UVA who took a Women & Gender Studies class that was focused on sexual violence and social injustice. A lot of the class was centered around mental health and helping women and abused social groups, but a large proportion of the class was very negative towards heterosexual, white men. … I felt that as a man, I didn’t have the ability to present my thoughts or feelings without being judged against.

I find that in classes where politics may be present, the conservative viewpoint is rarely discussed or acknowledged. I myself identify as a liberal, but I come from a very conservative region. In an African American Studies class, for instance, I felt uncomfortable simply sharing my perspective for fear that I would be accused of being racist and hateful.

I hear a lot of students say that hate speech should be banned despite it being a constitutional right. Even though I think hate speech is wrong and unnecessary, you can not decide what is and not allowed under the first amendment to satisfy your biased opinion. It is an unpopular opinion and at a school where most people are very liberal, they will eat you alive for disagreeing with them.

I feel that a large percentage of members of the UVA community are liberal/have liberal views regarding many controversial topics, and as someone who has multiple conservative views on these issues, there are many times that I have felt extremely uncomfortable about expressing my own personal views. While I believe everyone has a right to express their own opinions and respect their liberal-leaning views, I don’t feel as if I would receive the same treatment by students or professors.

In college, there are a lot of radical ideas that appeal to many college aged people, and when they’re spoken about in class/hallways/around Grounds it can make me uncomfortable if I don’t agree with it. I don’t want to be hated for having a different opinion, and I respect their opinion so I don’t mean ill will towards those people either. However, it’s just so much easier to survive either pretending you agree or not saying anything at all.

Although I consider myself very liberal, I find that I it is sometimes difficult to be honest about how I feel about actual reparations that are happening at the university. For example, in my ‘Slavery at the University’ course, there were many times where I felt that I could not voice my opinion about what the university was doing right/wrong because there is a stigma around the students that the university will never get it right.

In a giant lecture, the professor often stated his own liberal beliefs as facts not opinions. While I agreed with most of his opinions, I didn’t agree with all of them and I could see how it would be uncomfortable for someone with opposing opinions to be in a class in which the professor forced us into taking on his own beliefs, especially when we were tested on them.

I believe certain things about sexuality as a result of my religious beliefs. Although I would never seek to offend someone or attack anyone in the LGBTQ+ community, and believe that we should all seek to love one another regardless of gender, I did not feel comfortable sharing my opinion on the morality of same-sex marriage and other issues in a sociology class.

Many times people have used backhanded comments to bash the president, and at times I have to sit through it because I know if I express my opinion, I’ll receive the same kind of hate speech/verbal attack. I could take it, but I don’t want to be ostracized for supporting a public figure.

My very left leaning friends would constantly criticize me for my stance on pro life. Although I have considered my self left leaning as well except on some issues, I found it very hard to express some of my none liberal beliefs for they were immediately labeled “racist”, “bigoted”, “full of hate”, etc.

Once I did express an opinion of mine with a group of friends significantly more liberal than myself. I am neither liberal nor conservative, I take independent viewpoints on most issues and occasionally agree with one party or the other. As a result of the opinion I expressed, which was mundane and not offensive, my group of friends ejected me from their group.

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26 responses to “UVa and Tech — Less Intolerant than Other Elite Universities”

  1. sherlockj Avatar

    “Less intolerant”. Is that the new standard?

    1. It’s the best you can get.

      1. And we’ll have to keep fighting like hell just to get that.

    2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Not not tolerant.

  2. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Here the end result is explained.

    “Soviet Politics, American Style, A propagandistic press, the crushing of academic freedom and the shattering of family loyalties, by David Satter

    On Christmas Day 1991, Mikhail Gorbachev, president of the Soviet Union, gave his farewell speech and more than seven decades of Russian revolutionary socialism came to an end. A generation later, the spirit of the Soviet Union has re-emerged with mass support in the U.S.

    When I arrived in Moscow in 1976 to begin a six-year stint as a correspondent, I was struck by the red flags flying from government buildings and the somber streets devoid of advertising except for garish posters showing workers with clenched fists demanding an end to the arms race.

    When the Soviet Union fell, it seemed the Soviet attempt to impose a deluded version of reality had died with it. Francis Fukuyama, in his 1989 essay “The End of History,” said that Marxism-Leninism was doomed as an alternative to liberal democracy. I argued at the time that the drive to make a religion out of politics had not disappeared.

    For the past four years, potted histories have warned about the rise of fascism in the U.S. But the real danger is the transformation of “tolerance” into an ideology with its own courts, informers and punishments, all of them reminiscent of the Soviet Union …”

    For more see:

  3. FYI – I think the table has an error in it.

    Looking at the scores and the relative weights for the various categories, the “math estimator” in my mind told me there was something amiss in the Overall Score column. To test my concerns, I entered all the data for UVA and VT into a simple spreadsheet.

    I assumed “Green” = 100 and “Red” = 0 for the Speech Code column, which is pretty much the only way to describe it numerically. It’s a binary issue. Either a school has a speech code, or it does not.

    My spreadsheet gives the following results for Overall Rating:
    UVA = 55.6
    VT = 59.3

    VT does end up with an Overall Score of 55.3 if their Speech Code rating is set to zero. So, is the Speech Code rating for VT incorrect in the table or should the Overall Score for VT be 59.3?

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Actually, it’s all subjective and a better approach would use a decision theory method called Analytic Hierarchy Process. More specifically, a judgement process within the method called Paiwise Comparison Method. It’s rather simply to develop in a spreadsheet. Hell, it may even be an eXcel addon.

      1. “Actually, it’s all subjective and a better approach would use a decision theory method called Analytic Hierarchy Process. ”

        Agreed, but they are the ones who collected and reported their data in the form of “0-100” rankings. All I did was check their math. 🙂

        PS – Speaking of correcting their math, my spreadsheet computes an Overall of 48.2 for DePauw, not 44.2.

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          As so many misquote, “Figures don’t lie, but Liars misfigure”.

    2. If VT scored higher for both “tolerance,” “openness” and “self expression” than UVa, categories that account for 92% of total the score, you’d think VT would do better overall. I agree with you. I have to wonder if these guys made a mathematical error here.

      1. “If VT scored higher for both “tolerance,” “openness” and “self expression” than UVa, categories that account for 92% of total the score…”

        Yup. That’s what got my internal “math estimator” all upset…

      2. By the way, a score of 59.3 would give Virginia Tech a No. 2 ranking, exceeded only by the University of Chicago.

  4. FYI – I think the table has an error in it.

    Looking at the scores and the relative weights for the various categories, the “math estimator” in my mind told me there was something amiss in the Overall Score column. To test my concerns, I entered all the data for UVA and VT into a simple spreadsheet.

    I assumed “Green” = 100 and “Red” = 0 for the Speech Code column, which is pretty much the only way to describe it numerically. It’s a binary issue. Either a school has a speech code, or it does not.

    My spreadsheet gives the following results for Overall Rating:
    UVA = 55.6
    VT = 59.3

    VT does end up with an Overall Score of 55.3 if their Speech Code rating is set to zero. So, is the Speech Code rating for VT incorrect in the table or should the Overall Score for VT be 59.3?

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Actually, it’s all subjective and a better approach would use a decision theory method called Analytic Hierarchy Process. More specifically, a judgement process within the method called Paiwise Comparison Method. It’s rather simply to develop in a spreadsheet. Hell, it may even be an eXcel addon.

      1. “Actually, it’s all subjective and a better approach would use a decision theory method called Analytic Hierarchy Process. ”

        Agreed, but they are the ones who collected and reported their data in the form of “0-100” rankings. All I did was check their math. 🙂

        PS – Speaking of correcting their math, my spreadsheet computes an Overall of 48.2 for DePauw, not 44.2.

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          As so many misquote, “Figures don’t lie, but Liars misfigure”.

    2. If VT scored higher for both “tolerance,” “openness” and “self expression” than UVa, categories that account for 92% of total the score, you’d think VT would do better overall. I agree with you. I have to wonder if these guys made a mathematical error here.

      1. “If VT scored higher for both “tolerance,” “openness” and “self expression” than UVa, categories that account for 92% of total the score…”

        Yup. That’s what got my internal “math estimator” all upset…

      2. By the way, a score of 59.3 would give Virginia Tech a No. 2 ranking, exceeded only by the University of Chicago.

  5. sherlockj Avatar

    “Less intolerant”. Is that the new standard?

    1. It’s the best you can get.

      1. And we’ll have to keep fighting like hell just to get that.

    2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Not not tolerant.

  6. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Here the end result is explained.

    “Soviet Politics, American Style, A propagandistic press, the crushing of academic freedom and the shattering of family loyalties, by David Satter

    On Christmas Day 1991, Mikhail Gorbachev, president of the Soviet Union, gave his farewell speech and more than seven decades of Russian revolutionary socialism came to an end. A generation later, the spirit of the Soviet Union has re-emerged with mass support in the U.S.

    When I arrived in Moscow in 1976 to begin a six-year stint as a correspondent, I was struck by the red flags flying from government buildings and the somber streets devoid of advertising except for garish posters showing workers with clenched fists demanding an end to the arms race.

    When the Soviet Union fell, it seemed the Soviet attempt to impose a deluded version of reality had died with it. Francis Fukuyama, in his 1989 essay “The End of History,” said that Marxism-Leninism was doomed as an alternative to liberal democracy. I argued at the time that the drive to make a religion out of politics had not disappeared.

    For the past four years, potted histories have warned about the rise of fascism in the U.S. But the real danger is the transformation of “tolerance” into an ideology with its own courts, informers and punishments, all of them reminiscent of the Soviet Union …”

    For more see:

  7. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    I seem to remember the Hokies always scoring on the Wahoos except in basketball, we never had a Ralph Sampson at Cassel Colisium. Just some kid named Bimbo. He did make the Olympic team though.

  8. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    I seem to remember the Hokies always scoring on the Wahoos except in basketball, we never had a Ralph Sampson at Cassel Colisium. Just some kid named Bimbo. He did make the Olympic team though.

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