Use of Cross-Gender Hormones for Gender Transitions in Minors

by James C. Sherlock

In the sometimes murky world of diagnosis and treatment of gender dysphoria in children and adolescents, the following steps generally but not always occur in order, with each potentially serving as an off-ramp:

  1. Diagnosis;
  2. Mental heath support;
  3. Social transition;
  4. Puberty blockers;
  5. Cross-gender hormones; and,
  6. Surgery; often but not always waiting for surgery until a child reaches the age of majority.

That list gets dangerous when it gets to step 4.

What UVa Children’s Hospital requires is the diagnosis before it can proceed. It cites a list of “gender affirming” medical professionals to whom it will refer patients for that diagnosis. Many of them are on staff  I hope they are not as forward-leaning on this diagnosis as their advertising suggests.

The home page of the clinic lists the following services in order:

  1. Puberty blockers that delay sex-related physical changes;
  2. Cross-sex hormones, like testosterone and estrogen;
  3. Referrals for gender-affirming surgeries and voice therapy;
  4. Education about sex and contraception;
  5. Referrals for therapy to help manage anxiety, depression, and ongoing emotional issues;
  6. Help finding resources in the community.

I think those are presented in the wrong order. Therapy should be first. More on that later. Yesterday we discussed puberty blockers.

Today we will focus on cross-gender hormones.

Diagnosis, mental health support and social transition.  Cleveland Clinic has a web page titled: “Transgender: Ensuring Mental Health.

(Gender dysphoria) describes a sense of unease regarding the mismatch between assigned sex and gender identity — and it can occur at any point during life, from childhood to adulthood. Left untreated, gender dysphoria can lead to severe emotional and psychological distress. 

Gender dysphoria can lead to other mental health challenges, including:

  • Anxiety;
  • Depression, sadness or a sense of loss;
  • Negative self-image or poor self-esteem;
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD);
  • Shame;
  • Social isolation.


Cleveland Clinic’s: “How can a mental healthcare provider help me or my transgender child? and “How can I help support my transgender child’s mental health?”

Good advice there.

UVa Children’s offers therapy with staff psychiatrists. There are enough child and adolescent psychiatrists (CAP) in that area precisely because of the hospital. It would smooth some of the sharp edges of their teen and adolescent transgender clinic pages if they emphasized those services up front.

Other localities in Virginia are severely short of CAPs.

Puberty blockers.  

The use of puberty blockers — a family of medications known as gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogs — in gender dysphoria treatment represents an off-label use of these powerful hormones.

There are significant FDA warnings for their on-label use. I reviewed them yesterday.

But there is no scientific data that meets FDA requirements to understand the long-term effects of those hormones when used for gender dysphoria.

Cross-gender hormones. Used in an adolescent, hormone therapy typically begins at age 16, before the development of secondary sex characteristics that have been suppressed by puberty blockers.

There are four areas where changes occur as cross gender hormone therapy progresses. Physical, emotional, sexual, and reproductive. They vary between masculinization and feminization therapies.

Estrogen is associated with thromboembolic disease, macroprolactinoma, breast cancer, coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, severe migraine headaches, and potentially, irreversible infertility.

Testosterone use in female-to-male therapy carries the risk of breast or uterine cancer, erythrocytosis, and severe liver dysfunction.

Surgical sterilization of minors requires a court order in Virginia. Medical sterilization in this procedure does not.

Off label. Like puberty blockers, transgender hormone therapy for adolescents is an off-label use of the hormones.

Off-label means that the FDA has not approved the hormones for the uses to which the physicians are putting them. Not approved does not mean illegal, but by definition means that they are experimental in our system of medicine.

Guidelines. The medical guidelines for endocrinologists are found in Endocrine Treatment of Gender Incongruent/Gender Dysphoric Persons: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline Summary of Recommendations recommends against puberty blocking and gender-affirming hormone treatment in prepubertal children with GD/gender incongruence.

For treatment of adolescents those same guidelines recommend:

2.1. We suggest that adolescents who meet diagnostic criteria for GD/gender incongruence, fulfill criteria for treatment, and are requesting treatment should initially undergo treatment to suppress pubertal development.
2.2. We suggest that clinicians begin pubertal hormone suppression after girls and boys first exhibit physical changes of puberty.
2.3. We recommend that, where indicated, GnRH analogues are used to suppress pubertal hormones.
2.4. In adolescents who request sex hormone treatment (given this is a partly irreversible treatment), we recommend initiating treatment using a gradually increasing dose schedule after a multidisciplinary team of medical and MHPs has confirmed the persistence of GD/gender incongruence and sufficient mental capacity to give informed consent, which most adolescents have by age 16 years. [Editor’s note:  this is a disconnect with the age of majority in Virginia which is 18.]
2.5. We recognize that there may be compelling reasons to initiate sex hormone treatment prior to the age of 16 years in some adolescents with GD/gender incongruence, even though there are minimal published studies of gender-affirming hormone treatments administered before age 13.5 to 14 years. As with the care of adolescents ≥16 years of age, we recommend that an expert multidisciplinary team of medical and MHPs manage this treatment.
2.6. We suggest monitoring clinical pubertal development every 3 to 6 months and laboratory parameters every 6 to 12 months during sex hormone treatment.”  [Emphasis added.]

As far as I know, those guidelines have no legal status in Virginia, but it is useful to understand what UVa Children’s endocrinologists have as reference.

Objections. There are Virginians who support wholeheartedly what UVa Hospital is doing in these cases. They most commonly cite the threat of suicide if such measures are not taken.

On that specific point, there are others who worry that, given the severe shortage (14 actual vs. 47 required per 100,000 children) of pediatric psychiatrists in Virginia, the appropriate mental health measures may not be taken or available in some cases.

In the face of that shortage, we have no public data on the degree to which mental health support measures are accessed in minor patients treated with hormones for gender transition in Virginia.

I suspect it would take a state inspection to determine that.

There is also a litany of medical, ethical and moral objections to the use of powerful hormones for gender changes in minors.

  • Lots of people have a problem with the experimental status of the use of hormones in these applications.
  • Many pediatricians and pediatric endocrinologists offer medical ethics objections. First do no harm. They object to the acceptance by their national associations of practices unsupported by scientific evidence of long-term effects.
  • Some medical and legal objections also center on the inability of children to possess sufficient brain development and experience to make risk-reward decisions of this magnitude and consequence. While proponents cite the “desires” and “needs” and “agreement” of some minors for these medical transitions, Virginia’s law defines the age of majority as 18. They are legally incapable of making such decisions.
  • Then there are the moral objections of many about doing this to children.

So parents are required to decide.

They must be given all of the information necessary to make an informed decision, especially including the dangers, including risks of irreversibility of some of these treatments.

It is up to the Virginia Department of Health, which has oversight over the University of Virginia Hospital, a state institution, to determine whether that hospital is practicing medicine within the boundaries of state standards in gender transition of minors. I suspect it is. I also suspect there may be gaps in those standards.

The mission of the Department of Health Professions is:

to ensure safe and competent patient care by licensing health professionals, enforcing standards of practice, and providing information to health care practitioners and the public.

It is up to that department to provide that information and assure the public in this case.

Assuming that is done, the question then is whether the medical, ethical, and moral objections rise to the level that these experimental treatments should be regulated or stopped by law in Virginia

Once oversight is complete, the Governor and General Assembly can determine whether new laws are needed.

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39 responses to “Use of Cross-Gender Hormones for Gender Transitions in Minors”

  1. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    A bit of clarity: when the term “we” is employed is that the royal usage applicable to BR; or, does it mean you and Sherlock are offering discussion in tandem on gender medical procedures? Both?

  2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I’m not sure of your point. Are you proposing that the Department of Health, that agency you have castigated with great vigor in the past, ensure that UVa. is “practicing medicine within the boundaries of state standards in gender transition of minors”? First of all, are there state standards in the gender transition of minors? Second, has the Dept. of Health performed this function in any other field of medicine? For example, has the Dept. of Health reviewed any hospital to determine if its oncologists are “practicing medicine within the boundaries of state standards” in regard to mastectomies or hysterectomies or if urologists are following state standards regarding vasectomies?

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      You wrote: “First of all, are there state standards in the gender transition of minors?”

      We are about to find out.

      In response to your comment:

      “Has the Dept. of Health performed this function in any other field of medicine? For example, has the Dept. of Health reviewed any hospital to determine if its oncologists are “practicing medicine within the boundaries of state standards in regard to mastectomies or hysterectomies or if urologists are following state standards regarding vasectomies?”

      Dear God Dick, I hope so. Don’t you? I pray that they have. Do you not think that the state inspections of hospitals are supposed to uncover such information?

      To correct the record about what I “castigated”. When I complained about the Department of Health inspections of hospitals, nursing homes and other facilities and services, I wrote about the purposeful administration and GA understaffing of that division, while praising the dedication of the nurses who make up the teams. I called the head of that division the most valuable civil servant in Virginia.

      I still believe that. Look it up in my writings.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      You wrote: “First of all, are there state standards in the gender transition of minors?”

      We are about to find out.

      In response to your comment:

      “Has the Dept. of Health performed this function in any other field of medicine? For example, has the Dept. of Health reviewed any hospital to determine if its oncologists are “practicing medicine within the boundaries of state standards in regard to mastectomies or hysterectomies or if urologists are following state standards regarding vasectomies?”

      Dear God Dick, I hope so. Don’t you? I pray that they have. Do you not think that the state inspections of hospitals are supposed to uncover such information?

      To correct the record about what I “castigated”. When I complained about the Department of Health inspections of hospitals, nursing homes and other facilities and services, I wrote about the purposeful administration and GA understaffing of that division, while praising the dedication of the nurses who make up the teams. I called the head of that division the most valuable civil servant in Virginia.

      I still believe that. Look it up in my writings.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        In short, Duck is correct despite your hopes for reviews for which there is no certainty. Slick, slide by passing the buck. Doesn’t work.

      2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        You went after the DOH, rightfully so, about its administration of the CON laws.

        I looked in the DOH regulations regarding hospitals. Under surgical procedures, there are regulations about what records are to be kept for each surgical procedure–patient’s name, diagnosis, type of anesthesia used, type of procedure etc.. There are regulations about the organization of units and infection control, etc. There is nothing about the standards to be used in determining when or under what conditions a mastectomy or vasectomy is to be performed.

        The Board of Medicine regulations consist mainly of education requirements and personal conduct. There are no regulations setting forth standards for when certain procedures should be used.

        State laws relating to mastectomies and hysterectomies are limited to insurance and Medicaid coverage. Laws about vasectomies deal primarily with performing such procedures on juveniles and persons incapable of providing consent.

        Therefore, I would appreciate if you could direct me to the state standards regarding mastectomies, hysterectomies, and vasectomies.

  3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Assuming that is done, the question then is whether my medical, ethical, and moral objections rise to the level that these experimental treatments should be regulated or stopped by law in Virginia”

    Fix it for you…

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      He mistakes meddlesome for helpful.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Console yourself that I am the only one with these concerns. Whatever gets you through the night.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        I have no doubt there are many others out there who agree with you that the heavy hand of government must be brought to bear to stop parents and doctors of trans kids – no rights for them!!!

  4. > That list gets dangerous when it gets to step 4.

    There are already felony crimes being committed at Step 1.

    By Step 4 we’re talking crimes against humanity and the necessity for Nuremberg-style trials for gender predators.

    Note that there are no objective criteria whatsoever for the diagnosis.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Wow! Ol’ Pete Buttigieg just described you. The problem is of more value to you than any solution. The problem is your raison d être. It gives you attention.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Pete Buttigieg? Seriously?

      You may be the only one in Virginia to follow him on Twitter. If that is where you got what must be your most obscure reference – today at least.

      Glad to hear he is still alive.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Mayor Pete’s comments at the Texas Tribune conference were carried on most news channels. Cannot verify Fox, Newsmax, or RT did. Maybe why you are surprised.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Why would he not be alive…??

      3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Why would he not be alive…??

  6. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Leftism is insane. Period. Full stop.
    Here is an apropos commentary
    But better yet, watch the video of “Scout”
    That is the reality of how this was handled in the past. 99.082% grew out of it. But that was in a sane world that reinforced sanity.
    And besides the Marxist goal to destroy the family, let’s not forget other human frailties – greed, fame, perversion, whatever.

  7. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    For the easily predicted weeping, gnashing of teeth, rending of garments, denial and deflection by the progressive left trolls on BR, see Nancy, McCarthy, and Eric above. They are nothing if not dependable.

    We’ll see how this situation works out for them.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Dependable critics in short statements versus lengthy, manic perorations about advertising and medicine.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      That’s telling. Biblical references to the damned. Preparing to speak to JC are we? Is that the motivation? Time drawing nigh. Well, Bubba, JC will want to know who you clothed, who you fed, and whose wounds you’ve tended, not your opinions of their problems. You’ve taken trolling to the next level.

  8. Conflating “off-label” and “experimental” because of an arbitrary lack of rubber stamping is sensationalist. Here is an article on why that conceit is bunk:

    To summarize:
    1. If a drug is used off label for decades, then calling it “experimental” is inaccurate because we have data on side-effects, results, etc. via the off-label. An agency’s approval does not determine experimentation: trials do.
    2. To whit, puberty blockers for transgender children has been in use for 20-30 years. Calling it “experimental” is stretching the definition and honestly misleading. Frankly even a bit dishonest if you’re implying we don’t know enough while fearmongering by listing side-effects that we…know about through decades of prescription.
    3. True experimentation is not always possible. How do you prescribe a placebo in a puberty blocker test? The control group would quickly become aware that they are not on a puberty blocker when their bodies start developing.
    4. And this dovetails into the ethics of a such an experiment. I think we can all agree it cruel to tell a child we have given them a puberty blocker only to actually give them a placebo.

    Off-label use typically progresses from niche groups that exhaust other options, and spreads to more generalized use as data is collected. Sherlock is just using rhetorical tricks to simultaneously paint these drugs as unknown and dangerous.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Botox anyone? Rhetorical tricks? Or, just plain ignorance?

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Weren’t Conservatives screaming a few months ago about the right to use ivermectin and HCQ off-label (even off-species) to treat Covid. Would those same parents demand the right to feed it to their own children…??

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Oh, so now off label is ok and people can get ivermectin and HCQ?
          Except they have to find a doctor unaffiliated with a large practice because the affiliated medical systems forbid it or you will lose your job. They make it impossible, the request has to go to a review board and the. You are on the blacklist. Also, if effective therapeutics exist, then you can’T have emergency use authorization…
          But, to mutilate children, sure off label al you want! Evil.

          1. Ivermection and HCQ had no history with covid outside one or two studies showing potential. That is a far cry from the 25+ plus years of puberty blockers and even more for cross-sex hormone therapy. Furthermore, HCQ was needed for malaria treatments, and causing a run on that drug back in 2020 was immensely irresponsible of the president.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I knew that would bring Walter to the table shrieking… Note the conservative hypocrisy….

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Witness how the Dem Media Complex (funded and protected by our loving Govt agencies) creates and perpetuates fake news.
            Dr. St. Fau(x)ci, the Mendacious Midget, the funder of gain of function research, offshored to China through Eco-Health Alliance, but remember these are government servants and ignore the hundreds of millions of pharma royalty payments to the NIH, acknowledged chloroquine as an effective antiviral – on tape – around 2000. In the effort to prevent an effective, off patent, therapeutic to treat Covid (because our government servants love the people so much! Stop looking at the money piled up over there!), they first lied that it was needed for malaria and another disease. Then the CDC arranged a few studies designed to fail. I particularly like the one where they took predominantly black veterans already at the ventilator stage. Dems like using black people as props… Been that way a long time. This is like the DMED lie on VAERS safety signals. The Covid “vaccine,” besides not being a vaccine, is not “safe” or “effective” by any historical standard and the warning signals are overwhelming. So, when a whistleblower arises from the Army with very bad data from DMED, the gov’t declares it found a data “glitch,” so therefore ignore everything.
            Do you see – plant one false rebuttal to an assertion and repeat it forever as truth until it becomes the (fake) truth. Like Jefferson and Hemings since its re-birth under Fawn Brodie. Now he is father of 6 slave children by rape. And it is not true. The truth is not known. The evidence points against it, but our loving betters won’t let it be said.
            So that’s why Marik, Kory, McCullough et al have to be silenced. Take their medical licenses away (cuz Dems love people!). Malone and Naomi Wolf, Steve Kirsch…all used to be Dems.
            But Rosie and Troll come out to repeat the narrative lies, in loving service to their master…
            Meanwhile, I am not objecting to off label use (another canard brought to you by liars). I am for off label use like Dr. Marik with IVM and doctors doing what works, bounded by experience and professional ethics. That’s how discoveries are made.
            I am against trans procedures altogether. Period. Understand the difference? It is insanity. It is not helpful. It denies reality. It is immoral. It violates the Hippocratic Oath. It violates natural law. It violates reality. The people “selling” it (and they are selling it) are engaging in “puffery” – and they stand to make lots of cash forever, at the expense of confused children and desperate families. To then stick on taxpayers and everybody in the fields who knows it doesn’t work shuts up because they know their careers will end if they do speak against the insanity. Did you hear about the plumber at UPMC who got fired for objecting on Yammer, provided by UPMC, to transgender surgeries? So there is no need to debate these off label uses for evil. A moral person stops at evil.
            The Devil comes disguised in light…
            (Let me blow up the minds of the Loving Lefties – Lucifer – Lux = light and fero = to carry. How did that happen? Boy those guys sure were good at creating fiction by all those different authors over a 1500 year period)

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Parents have the right to give their kids ivermectin and HCQ off-label, Walter. That is your position… typical…

          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Dr. Troll now?
            Have you tried to getIVM or HCQ? Please go ahead and let the world know your success so we won’T have to search for pirate websites. It would possibly save real lives instead of the imaginary trans suicides prevented and you could do something actually useful.

          6. You can get it off-label if you can find a doctor willing to do so. A doctor isn’t likely to prescribe Vicodin for your flu. So if you’re having trouble getting a doc to prescribe you IVM or HCQ for covid then maybe that’s says something about its effectiveness….

          7. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Thank you for the scripted, CDC approved lie.
            If you have gender dysphoria, maybe you shouldn’t take drugs and mutilate your body. That’s my point. And medical “professionals” and our loving government “servants” are lying when they say they are helping. Just like they are lying when they say (1) IVM doesn’t work; (2)HCQ doesn’t work and (3) the Covid “vax” is safe and effective. There is far more evidence to prove my points than yours.
            You loving lying Leftists think doctors who wish to prescribe safe drugs that have proven beneficial effects when properly used (dosing and early) should lose their medical licenses because they contradict the CDC, but are all for millions and billions being spent in unnecessary medical procedures and pharmas cuz the now-known corrupt CDC sez so.
            Do you like being a paid servant of the State? Are they paying you enough?
            Here, let me blow up Leftie minds (being generous) again – “what profiteth a man…”

          8. And I am saying we have data showing that “drugs and mutilation” work in treating gender dysphoria that IVM/HCQ lacked. Transgender people make you deeply uncomfortable, so any data that forces you to tolerate their presence will be immediately disregarded.

            Now, if you are so sick of a profit-motivated medical industry, then I have this cool thing called “socialized medicine” that you’re gonna LOVE. Or make you hyperventilate about lines.

          9. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Transgender people don’t make me uncomfortable, nor do people with mental illness. People who claim to be helping people while mutilating them, pretending they are helping, actually hurting them, makes me angry.
            Do you work in the field? Or just a Dem propagandist?
            We already have socialized medicine. Hence, trying to shut up Docs like Marik and Kory and make everybody fall in line.
            Just keep repeating the lie that HCQ/IVM don’t work. Heard of Uttar Pradesh?
            Have you examined UVA’s now stopped Covid tracker? Can you explain why the evil unvaxed students, tested weekly, had “cases” at a 1 in 10 rate, while the thrice-vaxed students, not required to undergo weekly testing, and who avoided testing to avoid quarantine, had “cases” at a 1 in 8 rate? Hmmm…
            Just admit your political /financial interest in your propaganda. I’m interested in the truth. Gender dysphoria is not “cured” or “helped” by denying reality.
            I like sex. Give me 70 virgins.
            I like cheesecake. Give me more.
            I like alcohol. Give me more.
            There is a difference between wants and needs. Unhappy people exist. Giving them what they “want” may not be the best procedure.

  9. Conflating “off-label” and “experimental” because of an arbitrary lack of rubber stamping is sensationalist. Here is an article on why that conceit is bunk:

    To summarize:
    1. If a drug is used off label for decades, then calling it “experimental” is inaccurate because we have data on side-effects, results, etc. via the off-label. An agency’s approval does not determine experimentation: trials do.
    2. To whit, puberty blockers for transgender children has been in use for 20-30 years. Calling it “experimental” is stretching the definition and honestly misleading. Frankly even a bit dishonest if you’re implying we don’t know enough while fearmongering by listing side-effects that we…know about through decades of prescription.
    3. True experimentation is not always possible. How do you prescribe a placebo in a puberty blocker test? The control group would quickly become aware that they are not on a puberty blocker when their bodies start developing.
    4. And this dovetails into the ethics of a such an experiment. I think we can all agree it cruel to tell a child we have given them a puberty blocker only to actually give them a placebo.

    Off-label use typically progresses from niche groups that exhaust other options, and spreads to more generalized use as data is collected. Sherlock is just using rhetorical tricks to simultaneously paint these drugs as unknown and dangerous.

  10. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Well, so much for my beach vacation on Manasota Key.

  11. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    She might have a point. Lefties are crazy. Or evil. Evidence is amassing at the latter. But could be both…

    In a sane world, we would not have this discussion. It would be dismissed up front. Cuz…sanity

  12. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Putting another log on the fire.
    We do not need to have a debate over the off label or EUA or approved usage for “transitioning” (mutilating for life) youngsters. It should not be done. Period.
    Here’s a little more proof for you…
    You treat a mental illness by treating the mental illness. Many mental illnesses are never cured. It is very frustrating. But prior to the current insanity, almost everyone, and I mean everyone, grew out of this.
    A sexual tulip bulb craze, but much more harmful.

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