Upward Academic Mobility Among Virginia Immigrants

by James A. Bacon

Americans are rightly concerned about the impact of the flood of foreigners entering the country illegally through a broken border — not just the fiscal burden of increased outlays for healthcare, schools, and social services but the longer-term risk of creating an unassimilable mass in the body politic. Such fears gain traction when we observe cultural elites trying to radicalize “people of color” by portraying them as victims of systemic racism. Every racial disparity in the metrics of wellbeing is said to be evidence of oppression — as if immigrants from Third World villages should feel entitled to the same income level as native-born Americans who have been lifted up over generations.

One of the disparities that critics of American society see as unjust is the racial/ethnic gap in educational outcomes. English Learners score much lower on their Standards of Learning (SOL) test scores than English-fluent students. The learning gap is often said to be proof of bias.

A close examination of the testing data, however, shows quite the opposite. It shows remarkable upward mobility for immigrants, at least in terms of academic achievement.

We cannot tell from Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) data how many immigrant children there are in public schools. But we have a decent proxy. VDOE tracks the number of “English Learners.” By VDOE’s count, there were about 130,000 in the 2022-23 school year. Not surprisingly given the difficulty in understanding their teachers, they passed their Reading, Writing, and Math SOLs at rates that were half to one-third of their English-fluent peers.

A static view of these numbers would appear to confirm that immigrant children are terribly served in Virginia schools. But society is dynamic, not static. Over time, many if not most English Learner students become what VDOE classifies as “ex-English Learners.”

Children are language sponges. The longer immigrant kids live in the United States, the more likely they are to be exposed to English — on TV, at school, around the neighborhood — even if they speak Spanish, Korean, or Arabic at home.

Here’s the good news: when immigrant students become fluent in English, they pass their SOL exams at roughly the same rate as native-born Americans. Remarkably, according to the VDOE data, ex-English Learners passed English Reading exams at a higher rate than native speakers in 2022-23 (see the table above). Likewise, they passed their math SOL tests at a higher rate. They did fall short in English writing, however.

Admittedly, immigrants are not a monolithic group. We see different patterns for Asian, Black, Hispanic and White immigrants (and likely would see different patterns within those groups, but VDOE does not collect that data).

Once Asian and Black students become fluent enough in English to be classified as “ex-English Learners,” they outperform their native-born racial/ethnic counterparts in SOL reading exams. It is well known that Asian students in Virginia pass their SOL exams at a higher rate than other racial/ethnic groups. Remarkably, ex-English Learners of Asian origin pass English exams at a higher rate (92%) than all Asians (87%) and all Virginians (73%).

Interestingly, although non-Hispanic Black immigrants (primarily from African and French-speaking Caribbean countries) fare extremely poorly as English Learners — only 21% pass their Reading exams — they make up ground rapidly once they become fluent in English: 68.1% pass the exams, exceeding the pass rate of native-born Blacks by nearly nine percentage points.

We see different patterns for Hispanics and Whites. Hispanic English Learners pass reading at the lowest rate of any racial/ethnic group — only 12.5%. They fare much better when they achieve fluency (57% pass rate), but they fall a little short of Hispanic students as a whole (59%).

White English Learners are a special case. We typically think of “White” immigrants as coming from Europe, but European immigrants to Virginia are modest in number. Most “White” English Learners, I believe, originate from Middle Eastern and North African countries, and are deemed “White” by the U.S. racial classification system. Indeed, many are lobbying for a distinct racial identity.

Be that as it may, “White” English Learners pass SOL English exams at a rate only slightly higher than Hispanics and actually lower than Asians and Blacks. Like all other groups, however, their performance improves dramatically by the time they are reclassified as “ex-English Learners.” At 69%, their pass rate is comparable to that of Black ex-learners.

These conclusions are preliminary. I have not taken into account the considerable diversity within racial/ethnic groups, Asians especially. I could dig deeper by comparing pass rates for all subject areas, not just reading. I could adjust for socioeconomic status (economically disadvantaged versus not disadvantaged). I could examine trends over time. Sadly, I am not writing a PhD dissertation, so I don’t have the luxury of delving into that detail.

But I do feel comfortable drawing a general conclusion: immigrant children perform better at school the longer they live in the United States, and the more fluency they gain in English. Immigrant children make tremendous academic gains once they become English-conversant, and better academic performance opens up better job opportunities.

Despite the fears of many on the political right that American culture is being overwhelmed, and notwithstanding the best efforts of political progressives to make immigrants view themselves as persecuted and alienated, most immigrants are assimilating. Those who steer clear of woke higher-ed institutions where they learn to hate America manage to make pretty good lives for themselves.


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54 responses to “Upward Academic Mobility Among Virginia Immigrants”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “One of the disparities that critics of American society see as unjust is the racial/ethnic gap in educational outcomes.”

    Why go you feel compelled to build straw men in these articles. You could just report the good news and leave it at that. Do you really view every single issue through a culture war filter…?

    1. Clarity77 Avatar

      Obviously you are being triggered. And what the author writes is right over the target.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    "Americans are rightly concerned about the impact of the flood of foreigners entering the country illegally through a broken border — not just the fiscal burden of increased outlays for healthcare, schools and social services but the longer-term risk of creating an unassimilable mass in the body politic."

    "We cannot tell from Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) data how many immigrant children there are in public schools. But we have a decent proxy. VDOE tracks the number of “English Learners.” By VDOE’s count, there were about 130,000 in the 2022-23 school year."

    "FCPS is one of the largest school divisions in the U.S. with 199 schools and centers. We serve a diverse student population of nearly 183,000 students in grades prekindergarten through 12, speaking over 200 languages. Over 33.4% of our total student population is economically disadvantaged (eligible for free or reduced price meals); 15.5% are reported as Students with Disabilities, and 18.8% of students are English Learners. "


    So why do we even educate kids of illegal/undocumented foreigners in the first place?

    Should we change what we are doing and refuse to educate those who are not here legally? Is that maybe an idea being considered by some?

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I know a few high school age English Learners or whatever that flavor of the week term means. You know what they did this summer? Worked full time jobs and made good money. I'm sure some of concerned about their SOL scores. Most just want to get their ticket punched and get to work.

  4. GeorgeWallaceandGromit Avatar

    This is not the victory that you make it out to be. The most intelligent/ high IQ foreigners leave their countries and come here. This leads to brain drain and a loss of human capital in places that need it most. It also takes away jobs from actual Americans who have been here for generations. This country is not an economic opportunity zone for the entire world, and legal immigration is just as detrimental to the fabric of America as illegal immigration.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I think you make an excellent point. The reason why the Asian demographic in NoVa has the highest income and their kids, the well advanced in academics is because they are likely high income immigrants, and much less so, the low income undocumented.

      We do incentivize the high income/well-educated immigration and for all some of the fear-mongering over the undocumented "taking our jobs", it's the higher income immigrants that are doing just that also.

      However, we NEED them as we are not producing enough medical professionals and related from our own!

      Here is an example at my own home town hospital for the endocrinology dept:


      1. GeorgeWallaceandGromit Avatar

        We don’t need to import anyone. There are plenty of underemployed white Americans that can be trained to do these jobs. What we need is to end giving these opportunities to those that should be employed at the DMV.


        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Interesting chart but acceptance rates don't seem to reflect actual post-school practices.

          "Among active physicians, 56.2% identified as White, 17.1% identified as Asian, 5.8% identified as Hispanic, and 5.0% identified as Black or African American. Note that the race for 13.7% of active physicians is Unknown, making that the largest subgroup after White and Asian."


        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “There are plenty of underemployed white Americans…”

          Are they also going to take the “black jobs”…. (pssst… you are saying the quiet part out loud…).

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            We have too many Americans who do not take education seriously nor the fact that it is "free" and they end up with barely enough to actually find good employment (with health care and other benefits) in the economy, Many fields have shortages of educated/skilled workers.

            More and more jobs are being done by "smart" machines and computers and the need is for workers who understand how to use them as tools in carrying out the work.

            I see so many young folks these days that are doing basic labor type work because that's all the education they have.

      2. WayneS Avatar

        However, we NEED them as we are not producing enough medical professionals and related from our own!

        So, then, "they" are not taking our jobs, are they?

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “This country is not an economic opportunity zone for the entire world…”

      So, the Conservative position is now that we are no longer the land of opportunity… this is where Nationalism inevitably takes us… THAT is what is detrimental to the fabric of America…

      1. GeorgeWallaceandGromit Avatar

        No, that is 20th century propaganda and Ellis Islander language. A nation is a people, and in this case, made up of those that came here in the 17th and 18th centuries. If the left didn’t want nationalism, perhaps they shouldn’t have torn at the roots of the country, and told the founding stock they don’t get to determine the future of the nation bequeathed to them. The hubris is staggering. There’s no stopping the nationalist train now.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          And concentration camps for immigrants to force deportation, of course…

          Aside: for those on the Right who say the Nationalist agenda laid out above is not representative of the Republican party, I give you your VP candidate… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6d775f0769e4d93bc6c07eba3fdee76cc435bfacca1ddab783c39880a0205b07.jpg

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          And concentration camps for immigrants to force deportation, of course…

          Aside: for those on the Right who say the Nationalist agenda laid out above is not representative of the Republican party, I give you your VP candidate… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6d775f0769e4d93bc6c07eba3fdee76cc435bfacca1ddab783c39880a0205b07.jpg

          1. GeorgeWallaceandGromit Avatar

            The only people pretending this isn’t the zeitgeist of conservatism are Republican baby boomers too afraid to face the modern dystopia they themselves ushered in. Talk to young people on the right, outside of the BR echo chamber, and it’s pretty clear which direction we’re headed. After all, we actually have to live here for the next century.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            So you are saying young Republicans are all for immigrant concentration camps to drive deportation (or maybe voluntary emigration)?

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            That looks like more young republicans are more pro-immigration not less.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            that seems to be what it says.

          5. DJRippert Avatar

            Hey AOC …. are you calling the detention centers concentration camps?

            Funny how your boy Biden continues to run those detention centers / concentration camps.


            Illegally entering the United States or illegally overstaying your visa is a crime. Those who do so are criminals.

            Congress could certainly change the laws to make unlimited immigration legal. But throughout US history, regardless of which party was in control, Congress has failed to do this.

            So … Biden simply refuses to enforce the law as properly enacted by Congress.

            And Republicans are the threat to Democracy?

          6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            This shows the difference in candidates dramatically. Biden has shut down private concentration camps and reduced their use while Trump promises to build more and ramp them up multiple times over.

          7. WayneS Avatar

            Biden has shut down private concentration camps and reduced their use


            It took less than ten seconds to find that.

          8. WayneS Avatar

            Biden has shut down private concentration camps and reduced their use


            It took less than ten seconds to find that.

          9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Maybe dig a little deeper then…

            “The administration has scaled back immigration detention in some ways. During Biden's first months in office, before the detention review formally began, ICE shuttered, opens new tab two much-criticized facilities. The agency also stopped family detention by early 2022 and significantly increased the number of people released with electronic monitoring while they await their immigration court hearings.”

            Sorry, standing behind this one. Trump wants to escalate concentration camps in a yuge way, Biden does not..

          10. WayneS Avatar

            Do is the ACLU lying?

          11. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Selective perhaps…

          12. GeorgeWallaceandGromit Avatar

            I cant speak for all young conservatives, but the general sentiment is about replacing neoconservatives and corporatists in the Republican Party with paleoconservatives like a Pat Buchanan.

            Sure, quite frankly I couldn’t care less about the well-being of Somalians in Minnesota or immigrants who come here and tear down our founders. They lost the right to their dignity when they came here to deracinate my history. What’s the phrase leftists like? Ah yes, “my culture is not your costume.”

          13. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “They lost the right to their dignity when they came here to deracinate my history.”

            Please cite the Constitutional language that supports such a claim…. and “deracinate my history”… ? You kind elaborating on that topic? Who is doing that? Are you sure you understand what that word means?

          14. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “They lost the right to their dignity when they came here to deracinate my history.”

            Please cite the Constitutional language that supports such a claim…. and “deracinate my history”… ? Could you elaborating on that topic? Who is doing that? Are you sure you understand what that word means?

          15. LarrytheG Avatar

            following…. 😉

          16. DJRippert Avatar

            The only time immigrants were put into concentration camps in the US was under the administration of Franklin D Roosevelt – the hallowed saint of American Democrats.

          17. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            That’s what is being promised for under the next Trump administration. I think we all can agree that the internment of immigrants by the US during WWII was a human rights violation of epic proportions. Why would Conservatives want to support a candidate who promises to do the same but on with an enormous increase…🤷‍♂️

          18. LarrytheG Avatar

            It's okay because Biden did the same thing, right?

          19. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Except Biden did not build new camps nor round up prisoners who can’t show their papers (and happen to be brown and speak with an accent). That is what Trump promises. Clearly many here are a-ok with that.

          20. LarrytheG Avatar

            big selling point in fact for some!

        3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          Hmm. You are stopping at the 18th century. No one whose ancestors came over in the 19th or 20th centuries has a claim? Better tell that to Mr. Trump, whose grandfather arrived here in 1885 and whose mother came from Scotland in 1929.

  5. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Thanks for this information. It is enlightening. I did not realize that the VDOE data went to that level. The article would have been even better without the gratituous comments such as "The learning gap is often said to be proof of bias."

  6. WayneS Avatar

    That's impressive. It is clear that the majority of English Learners in our school systems are motivated to learn.

    The lower level of improvement in writing skills of the former English learners is understandable. For most people, learning to effectively write a foreign language is significantly harder than learning to effectively read it. Heck, a significant portion of native English speaking people can't effectively write in English,

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    court dismisses lawsuit brought by transgender student against VDoE based on sovereign immunity…
    plaintiff statement : “The Virginia Department of Education didn’t want to defend its anti-trans model policies in a court of law because it knew they can’t stand up to scrutiny. Its policies harm the very students they’re supposed to protect, and they’ve already resulted in discrimination that violates state and federal law — like the discrimination our client experienced when the York County Public School system allowed her teacher to refuse to use the affirming name both the student and her mother provided.”

    1. WayneS Avatar

      Good old sovereign immunity. Always there when you need it…

  8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Trump: Democrats said please don’t call undocumented immigrants animals. I said, no, they’re not humans, they’re animals.

    The Republican Presidential nominee…

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      a lie I tell you, a despicable lie! Trump is a decent person who loves his country and would never say such a thing…. (sar).

    2. CJBova Avatar

      You omitted the context for that remark..”While speaking of Laken Riley – a 22-year-old nursing student from Georgia allegedly murdered by a Venezuelan immigrant in the country illegally – Trump said some immigrants were sub-human.
      “The Democrats say, ‘Please don’t call them animals. They’re humans.’ I said, ‘No, they’re not humans, they’re not humans, they’re animals,’” said Trump, president from 2017 to 2021.” https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-expected-highlight-murder-michigan-woman-immigration-speech-2024-04-02/

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        So he is discussing one case and then uses the word “them” to dehumanize all immigrants. Yeah, that is much better …/s. And the there is this little bit from your article…:

        “Trump titled his Michigan speech "Biden's border bloodbath," and said he met family members of Garcia…
        "They said she had just this most contagious laughter, and when she walked into a room, she lit up that room, and I've heard that from so many people. I spoke to some of her family," Trump said.
        Mavi Garcia, Ruby Garcia's sister, disputed that account, according to local television stations.

        "He did not speak with any of us, so it was kind of shocking seeing that he had said that he had spoke with us," Mavi Garcia was quoted as saying by a local NBC affiliate.”

        Any “context” for that little inaccuracy?

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