Update: Herring Hands Stoney Contract Investigation to State Police

by James A. Bacon

Attorney General Mark Herring has authorized the Virginia State Police to investigate Mayor Levar Stoney’s circumvention of procurement protocols to award a $1.8 million Confederate statue-removal contract to a campaign contributor, reports Virginia Public Media.

The investigation, requested by Kim Gray, Richmond City Councilwoman and rival candidate for Richmond mayor, had been handed to Timothy Martin, commonwealth’s attorney for August County, as special prosecutor. He kicked it over to Herring, and Herring has given it to the state police. I was concerned that Herring might simply bury the case, but I am pleased to see that he did not.

VPM quoted Martin:

“The AG sent the letter to Virginia State Police and they are now on it and will do the on-the-ground investigation into it,” he said.

Martin said it is “safe to assume” that interviews will be conducted with city officials involved with the contract award.

Stoney has consistently maintained that he acted properly. Due to the protests and riots surrounding civil war statues in June, Governor Ralph Northam proclaimed a state of emergency in Richmond. None of the rigging companies contacted by the city were willing to undertake the job. When signing Henry’s contract, Stoney said, he was adhering to the state’s emergency procurement requirements. The reason he kept his identity secret, Henry has said, was not to hide his relationship with Stoney but because he feared possible violence. He established the shell company, NAH LLC, to protect his anonymity. 

The media has consistently failed to report the real issue: that Stoney failed to adhere to the minimal requirements of the state emergency procurement law, as Bacon’s Rebellion detailed in this story.

A personal gripe…. In its update VPM claimed credit for reporting in June 22, 2020, that the contract had gone to “a shell company called NAH, LLC.” But that’s not quite right. VPM did reveal that NAH had received the contract and noted — in the last line of the story — that the Stoney administration didn’t respond to questions about the company’s identity, but it never referred to LLC as a “shell company” and it never questioned, as Bacon’s Rebellion did on July 29, by what authority Stoney had granted the contract.

OK, that was a minor misrepresentation. Here’s the line in the VPM story that really hurts: “A follow-up investigation by the Richmond Times-Dispatch found that the company was tied to Devon Henry, a donor to Stoney’s previous mayoral campaign.”

Actually, Bacon’s Rebellion broke the story identifying the fact that Henry was a donor, and the RTD followed up on our scoop, as the newspaper acknowledged in its story: “The purchase order [identifying Henry] was first reported Monday by James A. Bacon of the Bacon’s Rebellion blog.”

Blogs don’t get much credit from the mainstream media. At least the RTD — with whom I have had my differences — was honest enough to credit Bacon’s Rebellion. Too bad the same can’t be said of VPM.

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19 responses to “Update: Herring Hands Stoney Contract Investigation to State Police”

  1. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    You embarassed them. It was a kick ass story. They won’t admit being beaten.

  2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    This is misleading. Martin did not kick the investigation over to Herring, who then kicked it to the State Police.

    Last summer, because the Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney recused herself from investigating the complaint registered by a Richmond City councilwoman, a Richmond judge appointed Timothy Martin, the Augusta County Commonwealth’s attorney as special prosecutor. Martin, not having the resources to conduct a thorough investigation, asked the State Police to help. Statutory law, Sec. 52-8.2, prohibits the State Police from investigating any elected state or local official “except upon the request of the Governor, Attorney General or a grand jury.” So, the State Police asked the Attorney General for authorization and Herring provided it. That is fairly routine in such cases. In fact, Herring could hardly have refused. If he had, there would have been charges of a cover-up or protecting Stoney. The special prosecutor, Martin, remains in charge of the investigation. https://www.dailypress.com/news/dp-nw-herring-authorizes-probe-richmond-statue-contract-20210116-zarg45c37fdbjcf3iv4ii7jw7y-story.html

  3. That clarifies it. Thanks, Dick. I’ve found that if you want an investigation to be buried, turn it over to the State Police.

  4. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    You embarassed them. It was a kick ass story. They won’t admit being beaten.

  5. Kicking it to the State Police may well be the same as burying the story. While I respect the State Police as more competent than the local mounties, they will not be as competent as good attorneys who understand the law, particularly where it involves what amounts to a financial fraud.

    As to VPM, the answer is: It’s VPM, who are probably some of the worst reporters on the planet, usually for what they omit to report, and usually because of their own well-known agenda.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Yours is a natural response to a governmental investigation. This is because, technically, there are only two official endings, indictment or silence.

      The reason for the first is obvious, and the second is necessary, but frustrating. They can’t say, “He’s as pure as the driven

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        … snow,” because they cannot smear the repuations of the unprovably corrupt by not saying it. Thus there are the guilty and the forever suspect.

        Thank god for leaks… and conspiracies. Otherwise, there’d be nothing in most cases.

        I swear these ads are screwing with stupid iPad’s focus and I/O.

  6. Kicking it to the State Police may well be the same as burying the story. While I respect the State Police as more competent than the local mounties, they will not be as competent as good attorneys who understand the law, particularly where it involves what amounts to a financial fraud.

    As to VPM, the answer is: It’s VPM, who are probably some of the worst reporters on the planet, usually for what they omit to report, and usually because of their own well-known agenda.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Yours is a natural response to a governmental investigation. This is because, technically, there are only two official endings, indictment or silence.

      The reason for the first is obvious, and the second is necessary, but frustrating. They can’t say, “He’s as pure as the driven

  7. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    This is misleading. Martin did not kick the investigation over to Herring, who then kicked it to the State Police.

    Last summer, because the Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney recused herself from investigating the complaint registered by a Richmond City councilwoman, a Richmond judge appointed Timothy Martin, the Augusta County Commonwealth’s attorney as special prosecutor. Martin, not having the resources to conduct a thorough investigation, asked the State Police to help. Statutory law, Sec. 52-8.2, prohibits the State Police from investigating any elected state or local official “except upon the request of the Governor, Attorney General or a grand jury.” So, the State Police asked the Attorney General for authorization and Herring provided it. That is fairly routine in such cases. In fact, Herring could hardly have refused. If he had, there would have been charges of a cover-up or protecting Stoney. The special prosecutor, Martin, remains in charge of the investigation. https://www.dailypress.com/news/dp-nw-herring-authorizes-probe-richmond-statue-contract-20210116-zarg45c37fdbjcf3iv4ii7jw7y-story.html

  8. That clarifies it. Thanks, Dick. I’ve found that if you want an investigation to be buried, turn it over to the State Police.

  9. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    You saw it here first, folks.

    Truth will out. Don’t know that it will end as it appears it should — public corruption cases rarely do in Virginia — but it will affect reputations at a minimum.

    But, you saw it here FIRST.

  10. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    You saw it here first, folks.

    Truth will out. Don’t know that it will end as it appears it should — public corruption cases rarely do in Virginia — but it will affect reputations at a minimum.

    But, you saw it here FIRST.

  11. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Recall my comment posted Jan. 8, 2021 under Where Goes GOP in a Post-Trump Presidency”

    “Translated: expect a full blown attack on Trumps base, which is majority of Republican’s 75 million voters in last presidential election. As Steve rightly points out, only a strong, talented, charismatic national leader can save the Republican Party nationally now. The GOP needs a Ronald Reagan, or his ilk, to save the party nationally. The nation needs such a GOP leader to save America as we know it historically and under the US constitution. Absent that we are looking at revolutionary change to one party leftist rule in America, change such as we have seen in California, New York, New Jersey, and now Virginia.”

    Als0, recall this comment I posted on Jan. 8, 2021, under Big Changes Coming to Bacon’s Rebellion.

    “In my view here is where America now is headed without the breaks or effective control of the US Constitution:

    In these circumstances of toxic group dynamics (race and identity hatred whipped up and weaponized for political advantage), this is where we find ourselves today: our republic crashing into a pure democracy ruled by a one party state who’s leaders are feeding, empowering, and magnifying these awful group dynamics that far too often lead to collapse of cultures and nations. Think ancient Greece. Think French Revolution. Think Russian Revolution. Think Germany between 1919 and 1939.

    Here the middle classes, losing their power, morale, independence and confidence, typically collapse into lower classes. Then society’s anchor of stability and wisdom is gone.

    Hence demagogues then rise unrestrained, whether they be left or right, but elite in most cases. If we are lucky then our stable democracy that is already morphing into a tyranny by majority will not fall into a rabble majority, but will be controlled by a selfless well meaning Oligarchy.

    If we are not so lucky, then our nation will instead descend into mob rule that will require an absolute tyrant in the form of a self serving oligarchy, or single tyrant, to restore order by force and maintain it by constant coercion. Likely that is where America is today at this very moment, or where its rapidly headed and will soon arrive. Likely a single tyrant will soon follow. And was a few days back foreshadowed in subliminal way at least.

    It took nearly 2300 years for Greek democracy to recover, and they were lucky. China now is waiting hungerly in the wings, while American factions eat one another alive.”

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      But… it does have an element of pure entertainment either way. There’s something smoldering in your hair.

      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        Yours is the all too typical Nero response of the irresponsible and childlike elements of today’s leftist academia.

  12. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Recall my comment posted Jan. 8, 2021 under Where Goes GOP in a Post-Trump Presidency”

    “Translated: expect a full blown attack on Trumps base, which is majority of Republican’s 75 million voters in last presidential election. As Steve rightly points out, only a strong, talented, charismatic national leader can save the Republican Party nationally now. The GOP needs a Ronald Reagan, or his ilk, to save the party nationally. The nation needs such a GOP leader to save America as we know it historically and under the US constitution. Absent that we are looking at revolutionary change to one party leftist rule in America, change such as we have seen in California, New York, New Jersey, and now Virginia.”

    Als0, recall this comment I posted on Jan. 8, 2021, under Big Changes Coming to Bacon’s Rebellion.

    “In my view here is where America now is headed without the breaks or effective control of the US Constitution:

    In these circumstances of toxic group dynamics (race and identity hatred whipped up and weaponized for political advantage), this is where we find ourselves today: our republic crashing into a pure democracy ruled by a one party state who’s leaders are feeding, empowering, and magnifying these awful group dynamics that far too often lead to collapse of cultures and nations. Think ancient Greece. Think French Revolution. Think Russian Revolution. Think Germany between 1919 and 1939.

    Here the middle classes, losing their power, morale, independence and confidence, typically collapse into lower classes. Then society’s anchor of stability and wisdom is gone.

    Hence demagogues then rise unrestrained, whether they be left or right, but elite in most cases. If we are lucky then our stable democracy that is already morphing into a tyranny by majority will not fall into a rabble majority, but will be controlled by a selfless well meaning Oligarchy.

    If we are not so lucky, then our nation will instead descend into mob rule that will require an absolute tyrant in the form of a self serving oligarchy, or single tyrant, to restore order by force and maintain it by constant coercion. Likely that is where America is today at this very moment, or where its rapidly headed and will soon arrive. Likely a single tyrant will soon follow. And was a few days back foreshadowed in subliminal way at least.

    It took nearly 2300 years for Greek democracy to recover, and they were lucky. China now is waiting hungerly in the wings, while American factions eat one another alive.”

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      But… it does have an element of pure entertainment either way. There’s something smoldering in your hair.

      1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
        Reed Fawell 3rd

        Yours is the all too typical Nero response of the irresponsible and childlike elements of today’s leftist academia.

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