Bacon's Rebellion

Unmask the Death-To-America Rioters

by Kerry Dougherty 

It’s time.

Time to burn the last foul-smelling remnant of the Ralph Northam regime.

Actually, it’s long past time to once again enforce an important part of the Code of Virginia: 18.2-422. “Prohibition of wearing masks in…any public place.

This law was active from 1950 until Northam the Awful – the doctor who forced Virginians to wear cloth bandanas on their faces in 2020 (he idiotically demonstrated how to tie a rag around one’s face) because he apparently didn’t know that homemade masks would literally do nothing to stop a virus.

Once the useless mask mandate ended in May 2021 there seemed to be some sort of agreement that law enforcement wouldn’t arrest the hypochondriacs who continued to wear them.

I realize that masks are de rigueur for rioters. Combined with an oversized keffiyeh they offer anonymity to the Hamas and Hezbollah wannabes. Take a gander at any footage from the nationwide campus protests and most of the anti-semites are wearing masks.

Look, the pandemic is over. There is no need for anyone to be wearing a mask in public. Especially not the Death-to-America crowd that’s rioting and trespassing on the grounds of Virginia Tech and Virginia Commonwealth University.

Not only should these terrorist-loving antisemites be charged with trespass, stripped of student loans and expelled, they should also be charged with public mask wearing.

That’s a Class 6 felony, by the way.

Oh my. Will you look at this! Code section 18.2-10, “Punishment for conviction of felony; penalty”

(f) For Class 6 felonies, a term of imprisonment of not less than one year nor more than five years, or in the discretion of the jury or the court trying the case without a jury, confinement in jail for not more than 12 months and a fine of not more than $2,500, either or both.

Not only would enforcement of this law unmask the Hamas Fan Club, but it would have the added benefit of unmasking shoplifters, robbers and gang members who are fond of wearing so-called “covid masks” while preying on law-abiding society.

OK, I realize there are a handful of people so frightened of catching covid that they’re actually wearing masks for medical reasons. Perhaps they should just stay home.

Thanks to Amazon and Door Dash and Instacart no one need venture out in public with a mask on. For those occasional trips to the doctor, perhaps a medical card could spare the wearer a summons.

We need police chiefs around the commonwealth to announce that henceforth 18.2-422 is in effect. Wear a mask while rioting and you get a bonus criminal charge for trying to hide your identity!

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited.

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