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Unleashing the Fury of Bacon’s Rebellion.

Once again, Virginia descends into intellectual anarchy as Bacon’s Rebellion roils the conventional wisdom and savages complacent assumptions. You can view the latest edition of the e-zine in its original format here and subscribe to the free e-mail here.

Or, if you’re too timid — too devoted to the comfortable, unexamined truths that guide your complacent life — to engage in the insurrectionary act of subscribing to the Rebellion, you can peruse our offering of opinions below:

Hidden Advantage
Flexible labor markets are Virginia’s unappreciated competitive edge. They speed the redeployment of workers from low value-added businesses to high-performance enterprises.
by James A. Bacon

Blow Against the Wind?
The political pros know that running with the numbers is better than running with the issues.
by Doug Koelemay

One More? Two More?
How many more years of political fraud must we endure? Here are some proposals to make the political system more responsive to the needs of a 21st-century polity.
by EM Risse

It Was Closer Than It Looked
The Democrats are crowing after their triumph over General Assembly Republicans. But their margin of victory was a lot closer than the newspaper headlines let on.
by Michael Thompson

Truth in Packaging
The CW says Republicans lost General Assembly seats last week because their candidates were too conservative. But look closely: “Moderates” were evicted, while those who stuck to their principles survived.
by Norm Leahy

The 70 percent solution
Virginians look to local government for solid data on issues like illegal immigration. But there is no evidence supporting Chesterfield County’s estimate that seven of 10 Hispanics in the county are there illegally.
by Peter Galuszka

If He Wasn’t Whining, Would We Notice Him At All?
Tom Davis is living proof that the “big tent” strategy is a loser for Republicans if it means conservatives are filing out the back door.
by John Taylor

Nice & Curious Questions
Weigh Stations in Virginia: Or How Heavy is That 18-Wheeler?
by Edwin S. Clay III and Patricia Bangs

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