University of Richmond: Don’t Want The Name? Send Back The Loot.

by Kerry Dougherty

Most of us didn’t pay attention last September when the University of Richmond Board of Trustees voted to remove the name of T.C. Williams from its law school because the Williams family who endowed the law school were slave owners.

After all, U of R is a snooty rich kids’ school. Not a public institution. They can be as woke as they like.

But in a delicious turn of events, wokeness is now biting the University on its well-tailored derriere.

A descendant of the philanthropic Williams family wants the money his great-great grandfather gave to the school returned — with interest — to the family.

“If suddenly his name is not good enough for the University, then isn’t the proper ethical and indeed virtuous action to return the benefactor’s money with interest? At a 6 percent compounded interest over 132 years, T.C. Williams’ gift to the law school alone is now valued at over $51 million, and this does not include many other substantial gifts from my family to the University,” Rob Smith, Williams’ great-great-grandson, said in a letter to President Kevin Hallock.

“Moreover, is it not a form of fraud to induce money from a benefactor, and then discredit the benefactor after he is long dead? Surely, the Williams family would not have given a penny to the University knowing that the University would later dishonor the family. The ethical and virtuous decision is clear. Return the money.”

According to Smith, he has sent multiple emails to the president of the university asking to speak before the Board of Trustees. He says the family wants its “day in court.”

“Perhaps true academics could recognize that the achievements of people like T.C. Williams contributed to the demise of slavery and created a bold economic and social order that gave men the opportunity to make a living for themselves and the human dignity derived from such efforts?” he wrote in his letter to President Hallock

“Against all odds, T.C. Williams amassed a great fortune,” Smith continued. “He may have been the wealthiest man in Virginia at his death. And what did he do with his wealth? He hired thousands of workers, many were blacks and women. Productive work and industry is the only thing that lifts people out of poverty. The Williams family gave away all of their immense wealth, most of it was anonymous and there were substantial inter-vivos gifts. Many Richmond institutions are the result of their goodwill and generosity.”

Smith is absolutely right. The Board of Trustees is taking what it considers to be a principled high-minded stand, wanting to disassociate the school from any connection to slaveholders. Surely they would want to rid the school as well of slave-contaminated blood money.

The trustees, no doubt mostly wealthy benefactors themselves, since that’s how one lands such a prestigious slot, should consider how much more noble they will feel once the university is cleansed of this tainted lucre.

If U of R needs to replace the money, perhaps they can raise $51 million from the legion of woke statue-topplers who inhabit Richmond.

A capital campaign. And a capital idea.

This column ran first in Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited and is republished with permission.

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74 responses to “University of Richmond: Don’t Want The Name? Send Back The Loot.”

  1. Let’s if these wokirista’s really believe in their ideology and take the right steps to ‘walk the walk’. It’s easy to pontificate if it doesn’t ‘cost’ you anything…. but do you believe in your so called ‘beliefs’ when you have to take action to match your words?
    I think we all know the answer……..

    1. Not Today Avatar

      What are you on about? The school was named. It can, subsequently, be renamed. The funds/contract did not secure naming rights in perpetuity.

  2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Surely, the Williams family would not have given a penny to the University knowing that the University would later dishonor the family.”

    Sorry, Rob, but removing a name from a building does not dishonor your family. It is the actions of your ancestor which created the dishonor.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      If the name is dishonorable does this make the money “dirty”? Do you think UR should return the 51 million smackaroos?

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Maybe think of the donations as returning ill-gotten gains…

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          Maybe philanthropists should reconsider giving money at all to institutions such as UR. So many better ways to improve society now.

  3. VaNavVet Avatar

    Once again Kerry’s “capital” idea is just more of the same from the woke alt-right.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Smith certainly sounds like a whiny snowflake to me…

  4. Cathis398 Avatar

    it’s perfectly fair, and leads to more fair thoughts. why should institutions founded partly or entirely by slaveholders continue to exist at all? the rhetoric of the very woke is explicitly of this form: they should be burned to the ground. their arguments are actually pretty good. but do the students of these institutions, and even their faculty and staff, actually believe what they are saying? and do they think that new institutions would somehow form that would be different from the ones they hate so much, especially once they are separated from the ill-gotten funds that they now depend on?

    the students who demand the names of people whom nobody can even identify anymore without significant research be excised from institutions that somehow exist separately from those people (despite all their talk of “systems” and “structures”) deserve to live with the consequences of their demands. at least maybe with all the evil institutions closed down, they would be compelled to talk about what they want to build, rather than what they want to destroy.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Because institutions can and do change and reform, admit they were wrong and go forward doing what is right.

      simple process that some folks can’t deal with.

  5. Cathis398 Avatar

    it’s perfectly fair, and leads to more fair thoughts. why should institutions founded partly or entirely by slaveholders continue to exist at all? the rhetoric of the very woke is explicitly of this form: they should be burned to the ground. their arguments are actually pretty good. but do the students of these institutions, and even their faculty and staff, actually believe what they are saying? and do they think that new institutions would somehow form that would be different from the ones they hate so much, especially once they are separated from the ill-gotten funds that they now depend on?

    the students who demand the names of people whom nobody can even identify anymore without significant research be excised from institutions that somehow exist separately from those people (despite all their talk of “systems” and “structures”) deserve to live with the consequences of their demands. at least maybe with all the evil institutions closed down, they would be compelled to talk about what they want to build, rather than what they want to destroy.

  6. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    This is so tiresome. Gee, just about every Southerner of means alive in the mid 19th Century, whether in agriculture or industry, benefitted from slave labor, even without owning one themselves. Plenty of Northerners, too. It is hardly the only form of economic exploitation, but it was universal at the time, was involved in building most of the infrastructure of the time (tear down the Capitol!). Chewing this old rag, waving this bloody flag, is just boring. Who gives a damn what name is etched into the granite at the school? It has been integrated for two or three generations of students now.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        It can and trust me, it will. This is just posturing all around.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Does seem pretty real and consequential.. no? It’s not only who owned slaves (which probably
          was mostly large landowners), but it was the use of slave labor to build schools, govt buildings and other institutions and their treatment during Jim Crow, segregation, etc. Not just slave owners.

    1. VaNavVet Avatar

      It seems that Rob Smith thought the family was buying the name of the law school when it appears to have been more of a rental agreement. The lease was simply not renewed.

    2. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      True, without the South how would those gentile Northerner’s dress.

      Money is green, if it was good enough back than it’s good enough now.

  7. Awesome story! I hope that more benefactors around the country start to do the same thing

  8. So what happens at Vanderbilt University if this sort of things becomes the norm for private colleges and universities?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Anderson Cooper gets a new house?

      1. Interesting. I don’t pay any attention to that guy at all and I had no idea he is “A Vanderbilt”.

      2. Interesting. I don’t pay any attention to that guy at all and I had no idea he is “A Vanderbilt”.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Gloria Vanderbilt’s boy.

          1. If I owned the former university I’d convert the old observatory into my house.

            Kirkland Hall is a bit too ostentatious for my tastes. It might make a good home for a classic motorcycle collection, though.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Good thing is their not in Dominion’s service area. You might be able to heat the place.

  9. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    TC Williams Sr was my great great grandfather. TC Williams Jr. was something like a great uncle. My great grandmother was his sister. All of them died before I was born.

    But the monetary story and ingratitude is far worse than what has been picked up lately. You can read Rob’s latest missive to President Hallock here –

    And the real story is the virtue-signaling and ingratitude and hypocrisy, without cost.

    University of Richmond could have just dropped the name. But no, it had to print a one-sided report, devoid of context, run it by a supine Board and then virtue signal to the world how virtuous it was for sliming dead people who were far better people. None of the money given was given prior to slavery. All after and over a 86 year period. Accepted repeatedly. Solicited repeatedly.

    And the coward, preening academic fraud President did not have the decency to tell anyone of my family of his “bold” move. And he knew there were descendants. Further, despite over 20 requests, he refuses to provide the documents involved in the smearing, even though his oh-so-virtuous “naming principles” require transparency and the “inclusion” of all, including the namesake’s heirs. His “principles” also state that a full, complete and objective history will be created of the Williams family contributions. Do you believe that when he won’t engage with any of us? I don’t. In fact, I bet if we were allowed to get in front of the Board, as any decent person would allow except in the Soviet academy where the kangaroo court is de rigueur. I bet, under the “naming principles,” a fair case would lead to reversal. We have more evidence that has not been made public. The Board might still be cowed into woke submission, but they will know they did the wrong thing.

    Give us our documents. Give us our day before the Board. And fire President Hallock.

    1. Maria Paluzsay Avatar
      Maria Paluzsay

      Take them on. They should have done their homework. William and Mary was on a renaming spree, including the building named after my great great grandfather, Benjamin Ewell. Ewell was president of the College 1854-1888, and dedicated the rest of his life (and what little was left of any family wealth) to rebuilding the College. The College President, Katherine Rowe, was originally in favor of the name removal, but decided to do her own research into the man and his legacy. Long story short, we still have Ewell Hall. Perhaps the powers that be at U of R need to come off their high horses and take a deep dive into the archives before they go jumping to judgmental conclusions.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Ben Ewell’s sin was serving as the Chief of Staff for General Joe Johnston and then on the staff of his brother General Richard Ewell. He was a key man in the survival of W and M during Reconstruction. Much like Lee’s stewardship at Washington College. Most of the Ewell family is buried in the college graveyard. They were instrumental in the prosperity of Prince William County with long roots that date back to colonial times.

        1. Maria Paluzsay Avatar
          Maria Paluzsay

          I’d enjoy learning more about PWC, Mr. Whitehead.

        2. Yes. When are you going to write a book?

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      I agree. Changing the name is one thing. Pissing on his grave another. Many in this string would applaud that behavior, of course. They piss on the living with impunity.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        What’s called the truth of the matter In my mind. It’s not just money from slavery, it’s all that was done to the descendants during the following decades of Jim Crow when people were still treated inhumanely and wrongly, leading to generations of people whose ability to build family wealth was adversely affected.

        That disparity seen today.

        You renounce that for having been wrong and you’re telling the modern day descendants of slaves that you recognize what was done and you’re walking away from it even if late.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Larry – what does your chart have to do with anything? And by the way, Obama’s presidency hurt the trend…
          And likely apples and oranges in your stupid Brookings (but I repeat myself) chart in two ways – it ignores behavior which varies by individuals and it ignores average family size and circumstances.

          Meanwhile, in the real world of 1899, look at the pictures in the article. The Company employed something like 700-900 employees, mostly blacks, and women. Probably thousands overall…
          Without government mandating it!

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: ” it ignores behavior which varies by individuals and it ignores average family size and circumstances.”

            and it varies by race?

            You don’t think someone that owns a plantation and farms it with slaves won’t build more wealth
            than if you’re a slave?

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            And what does that have to do with your stupid chart?
            Any slave anywhere is almost certainly guaranteed to have less money than the master.
            Slavery ended in 1865 in the US, except for Joe Biden’s current trafficking at the border. The Civil Rights Acts were passed in the 1960s. (64?)
            Many black families pulled themselves into middle and upper classes.
            Hey, how about dirt farmers? Who had more money? The dirt farmer or the landowner? Just pure irrelevant inanity from you, as usual.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Just simple facts Walter.

            Most folks who did not have an education or family wealth did NOT pull themselves up to the middle and upper classes.

            How could they when they could not own land, vote, get a good job with a pension and health care?

            How do folks with those disadvantages “pull themselves up” like folks who did get a good education and had family wealth?




          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            And WHAT Larry does that have to do with TC Williams and UofR denaming the law school? Why don’t you take money out of your wallet and make things right? Aren’t you responsible? Aren’t you a beneficiary of all that white privilege?
            You know…all your voting for Commies has pulled down the standard of living for everybody and you are responsible for all peoples failures. If you had just let freedom prosper and kept prayer in school…
            Seriously, your point has nothing to do with anything. Poor people have little capital. But being poor doesn’t condemn you to being poor. Many blacks had obtained middle and upper class status prior to the Civil Rights Act. We were making progress. But your stupid focus on race to everything, besides you just following orders from CommieCentral HQ, is counterproductive and divisive and actually hurts the so-called marginalized you claim to care for, but your care persists only as long as they vote the way you want. Lying hypocrites who care only for power.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Walter, how does anyone who does not have a decent education, no family wealth, can’t get a decent job with pension and healthcare , achieve middle class compared to others who have all those things? Do you think that even if some folks manage to make that struggle and a lot may not? What do we do when it was other humans who denied these folks access to good education, the ability to build family wealth, good jobs, etc? Do we name schools for those who were part of that treatment of others?

          6. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            The same way everybody does who pulls himself up out of poverty. You can’t be this stupid!
            The Thomas family came here in the 1600s and were brickmakers. Somewhere the Thomas family and Williams family connected and the Williams family became brickmakers, while Thomas went into tobacco. Then TC Williams took over the tobacco enterprise and the family gave all the money away! YOu do not know what you are talking about and are stuck on your same stupid point, as per usual.
            The people who settled this country -not just Va but Ma too, came to nowhere. They had to chop wood, fetch water, hunt to live. Amazing. I wouldn’t last more than a few months and I seriously doubt you or anyone else reading this blog could. How did they build a civilization? One thay you are only to happy to do bodily functions on?

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            THe folks who owned the plantations pulled themselves up by their bootstraps just like everyone else did and the slaves also should have?

          8. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Seriously, Larry? Keep playing the same note over and over? Do you have a point? Or is your point that all is tainted forever? How come all slaveowners aren’t billionaires? What happened? Your point, if you have one, is inane. People have human agency. They are not doomed to circumstances. Sure, it helps to have resources and means. But some people born to the manor totally blow it, and others born on dirt floors succeed.

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            not tainted forever but truth needs to be recognized. People who were slaves did not own land, and work to gain wealth for their families… Even their descendants were subject to Jim Crow and other discrimination that kept them from have the same ability to help themselves that you claim everybody had. You can’ t be born on a dirt floor as a slave and end up like most plantation owners… even the ones that “blow” it never ended up as slaves to others.

          10. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            And… your point? That people are denying slavery existed? That it wasn’t a good thing for the slaves? That it ended in 1865? That maybe, even as a descendant of a slave, you are lucky to be in the United States? (That is a true statement)
            That if the slave ancestor had remained in Africa, the current person would not be here? That it was other Africans who sold African prisoners into slavery?
            Hey Larry, Mark Warner’s children have incredible advantages. So do Tim Kaine’s. So do Youngkin’s. So does criminal Joe Biden and his criminal porn and drug addicted son. Is that fair? What were the first 2 countries that ended slavery? Until Joe Biden resumed human trafficking with his border policy, England and the US.

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            that the idea that anyone was able to pull themselves up by their bootstraps equally. People who
            were not slaves COULD pull themselves up , gain wealth and send their son to College to become a Mark Warner. That’s the point. Slavery harms descendants for generations… Jim Crow makes it every worse. People who were denied access to public school in Virginia. People who were denied access to college. People who could not get a loan to buy a house or a car. Not because they were not willing to work hard but because the laws and institutions like banks discriminated against them. No one discriminated against Mark Warners family as if they were slaves. That’s the point.

          12. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Larry – I have been reprimanded for calling you stupid. I am sorry for that, but I can’T find any other way To classify your clinging to your point, which isn’T a point. It is self evident. And somehow immigrants come here and succeed. Blacks succeeded during Jim Crow, somehow. At some point, 160 years after the end of slavery and 60 years after the Civil Rights Acts, when will you drop your racist bigotry of lower expectations?

          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            Walter, I don’t really care if you call me stupid but Carol is supposed to be treating everyone equally and she clearly is not and that was an example.

            160 years after slavery and far fewer years after Jim Crow, increasing numbers of blacks ARE progressing but the numbers still show that they are not progressing at the same rates as white folks. They still have significantly less family wealth and they still do not build wealth the same as a group as white folks because there are less of them in the higher paid institutions , like Doctors, or CEOs or even Military officers.

            The question is about using the names of slave owners to name buildings goes directly to the issue that they were able to generate wealth because they did own slaves and even though they did that, it’s not something guaranteed forever. And to a certain extent, it’s not what white folks think, it’s how black folks think and if they find it insulting for their kids to attend schools named for Confederates and Slave Owners, there’s sentiment now to agree with that and do away with such practices so that young black folks do not have to use buildings named for slave owners.

            I also want to let you know that “lefties” are also dealing with this issue. Do you realize that John Muir was racist? Audubon also was racist? Take a look who is now head of the Sierra Club!

          14. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            And Leftism will eat everything up is the problem. And if people are
            offended, they have a veto right over names? Well let me get started!
            And there is far more to the UofR story than you know.

          15. LarrytheG Avatar

            Walter, first, can you tell me when UR first admitted blacks?

          16. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No, I can’t because I have had no involvement with the school. All I know is the school would not exist, but for what they did. They deserve gratitude. Not to be slimed 70 and 94 and 140 years after death. Can you tell me Larry when you were first perfect?
            How long have you attained perfection?
            Why didn’t you make society perfect earlier?

          17. LarrytheG Avatar

            Never ever was but more than willing to admit the truth. How many years did UR take money and not let blacks attend?

          18. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I don’t know. How many years did you live in a segregated society and not fight it? Why aren’T you outraged at abortion and the taking of the baby’s life? You do know the founder of Planned Parenthood was a eugenicist who specifically placed her clinics near Black neighborhoods, don’t you? You know UofR canceled Douglas Southall Freeman for being a eugenicist, right? How ya doing Mr. Perfect?

          19. LarrytheG Avatar

            Knew it was wrong from the get go and spoke and voted that way. But as you point out, some of us did change and reject it and all associated with it including monuments and confederate/segregationist names of schools, roads, govt buildings and colleges because we do care about how black folks feel about those symbols around them in public spaces. It’s racially insensitive to the max not to IMO.

            Walter, we’re talking about people that AFTER the Civil War was fought and Slavery outlawed , CONTINUED to be segregationists and participated in Jim Crow laws and policies to harm blacks including massive resistance in K-12 and refusal to allow blacks into state public colleges.

            This was not just folks wrong on the slave issue. They continued to treat blacks in inhuman ways denying them their rightful place as humans and citizens.

          20. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Uh huh. And you are perfect. You are without flaw. All hail Larry, master of SCIENCE and fount of all wisdom and goodness!
            Is abortion “wrong” Larry?
            How about stealing? How about lying? How about policies that are harmful? Since you are the benevolent source of all good, how can you tolerate living in this country? It was founded by imperfect people. Virginia has to go. Pretty much every State has to go. Do you have Apple products? Nike?
            You good with the open borders and the fentanyl and the sex trafficking? I can’t hear you!
            Like all Dems you are a hypocrite. I admit I ain’t perfect, but I also judge by the same standards and am grateful for the flawed people (by definition all people) who built the greatest country in the world…currently being destroyed by an evil ideology, which you seem to be taking intravenously…

          21. LarrytheG Avatar

            We all are sinners Walter. The question is when do we admit it and change. Some never will admit it nor change… right?

          22. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No it isn’t.
            You wish to hang onto the flaws of others to build up your sense of purity, and preen that you are better. Blind guide, hypocrite.
            And sorry, I don’t believe your claims of purity. You insisted Ralph resign, right? I mean…the hurt feelings! And Ted Kennedy drowning a girl and swimming away…
            You believe in the religion of climate change, while the high priests fly in private jets, and you keep silent. Sorry, Larry, I AIN’T BUYIN’ WHAT YOU’RE SELLIN’.

          23. LarrytheG Avatar

            nope. I think for ALL Of us , we need to tell the honest truth and not obfuscate We don’t need to resign, just fess up , make amends, and go forward.

            Climate and Covid are separate issues that involve science. I do believe in science, not conspiracy theories…

          24. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You are a waste of time. You cling to your fed narrative and refuse to acknowledge reality.
            No one obfuscates anything. The obfuscation is to focus only on flaws, and not on the other human attributes. Of course, you never focus the flaws on your political allies, but one day the destroyers will come for you and then you will wonder what happened. See Martin Niemoller
            And you don’t believe in science. You believe in scientism, but only as professed by your so-called team. Fauci lied. Birx lied. Collins lied. When people tried to look at the issues legitimately, the government lied AND censored the critics. That’s the truth, but you do you.

          25. LarrytheG Avatar

            I’m okay with it!

      2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Don’t forget pissing on the unborn!

  10. Ronnie Chappell Avatar
    Ronnie Chappell

    While they’re at it, they could remove the Robbins name from major UR buildings and pay millions in tainted Robbins contributions (plus interest) to the families impacted by the Dalkon Shield. Perhaps the bankruptcy court should be reconvened and pursue payments for the women killed or maimed by the Robbins company. Museums around the world have removed the Sackler (Dope Sick – Oxycontin makers) name from their walls.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      A.H. Robins made his big donation to the University of Richmond in 1969. The Robins Company bought Dalkon Shield in 1970. So, the money for the major gift did not come from selling the Dalkon Shield. Perhaps one could argue some of the money later donated may have from that source. There are so many things named for the Robins family on that campus, that some have said that U of R stands for University of Robins.

      1. Ronnie Chappell Avatar
        Ronnie Chappell

        The company did huge damage. The idea that the big contribution was made before the company acquired the Dalkon Shield is — as they used to say in our home of Halifax County” — “a dawg that doesn’t hunt.”

        1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          Speaking of Halifax County, I drove by your former home the other day. Looks about the same.

          1. Ronnie Chappell Avatar
            Ronnie Chappell

            The yard and shrubs look healthier. And the large oaks in the front yard were planted in 1978 — the year I left for Alaska. Lots of wonderful memories growing up in Halifax. I often think of Beth Carr Baptist, a church attended by my elementary school principal and five of my teachers. And then of course, the best teacher ever — Richard Fitz.

      2. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        According to my nephew who has been doing a lot of research on UofR, there is a rumbling underfoot to do just that. From kids who are surely NOT PAYING the $77,000 cost. I really mean no offense – there is no way the “education” is worth that.

    2. Anderson Stone Avatar
      Anderson Stone

      Yale university is named for a slave trader! Oops!

  11. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Okay, give it all back, unwind to the date of the gift, add interest, and then rewind through probate court and apply estate and generation-skipping taxes. Just make the checks payable to the IRS and VDoTax.

    BTW, this article is so last week….

    Unemployed, unedited, a day late, and a dollar short.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      , per usual

  12. M. Purdy Avatar

    I caught some of Walt on the John Reid show today. You actually made some solid points, Walt. (I think you lost the narrative a couple times, but so be it…) I just wonder, how many times a day does the BR staff and John Reid’s producers coordinate their echo chamber?

  13. Guy Wilson Avatar
    Guy Wilson

    Note that progressives lack the zeal to go after the Ñortheastern states that supported and conducted the shipping transport of slaves, nor demand accountability for the profits of banks who financed them. S, perhaps the next demand to rid us of the “Richmond” name…perhaps Lincoln VA, or Grant VA?🤔🤪

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      The North had it’s share of folks that supported slavery but it also had far more people opposed to it especially compared to the South and it was from the North that slaves eventually did gain their freedom as well as far better treatment after being freed. Jim Crow was the way the south was for decades and sent many blacks fleeing north to escape it..

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