Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Chair Jeff McKay credit FFXNow.com

by James C. Sherlock

Jeff McKay, Chairman of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors,  can’t catch a break.

Violent crime is up. The Fairfax County Police Chief has declared a police emergency for staffing.

There has been a fairly brutal back and forth up there about who is responsible and who is or is not working to fix it.

Fairfax County Commonwealth’s Attorney Steve Descano, a George Soros acolyte, apparently has missed the news about the crime wave. His website emphasizes the reforms he has initiated since 2020. Understandably, he is not anxious to link those reforms to the crime wave. Take a look. You will be able to do it for him.

But this story is about Chairman McKay. After a big ruckus, he has moved on from crime and police shortages.

A recent story relates that he blames a lot of unsolved problems in Fairfax County — or what he assesses as problems — on the Dillon Rule. He chafes under its restrictions. He wants an exemption from that rule to make Fairfax County a city-state.

Not quite by the way, he wants authority to levy a local income tax.


Chairman McKay keeps stepping where he should not.

Crime, cop shortages and a Brutus. On July 28th, Attorney General Miyares visited the Fairfax County Police Association as several categories of violent crime were up. It seems that:

Murders have increased, rape and other sex crimes have increased too, and there has been an uptick in assaults in Fairfax County. This is all according to data from Fairfax County Police Department which was recently released by the Virginia State Police.

That same day, FCPD Chief Kevin Davis declared a staffing emergency with 189 police officer vacancies at FCPD. But,

Fairfax County police officers fear the mandatory overtime and reducing three shifts to two patrol shifts will add to more police resigning from the force.

On August 2, another Supervisor noted his concern and threw McKay under the bus. WJLA reported:

Is public safety taking a back seat at the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors meeting? Supervisor Pat Herrity thinks so.

Herrity told 7News public safety is under attack in Fairfax County as violent crime rises and as FCPD faces a staffing crisis which is forcing existing officers to work longer hours.

“The shift changes are going to completely upend their lives,” Herrity said. “And we need to be doing everything we can to fix that. It’s not going to be fixed overnight, but we need to start and we haven’t even started.”

After FCPD’s police chief and senior staff announced a personnel emergency, the Chairman of the Board, Jeff McKay, spent Tuesday’s Board meeting doing photo ops and discussing topics that don’t relate to public safety.

That brought an angry exchange between McKay and the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, reported on August 10th.

  • McKay claimed he and the Board had been proactive by granting police pay raises.
  • The Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association fired back:

We realize that Chairmen McKay continues to carry the bad faith message to the public that we received an average of an 8% raise, with some members earning up to 14%. We know this to be a misguided message. The board has shrugged its responsibility on 8 of the last 15 years to pay our members what they were promised on their hire dates. This includes the Board consistently lowering the cost of living adjustment for officers, while increases in inflation and healthcare have not stopped. Paying members, in some cases, half of what they are owed is not a pay raise and to categorize it as such is disingenuous.


McKay apparently has moved on from that fight, but may have picked a bigger one. From the October 6 FFFNow story:

I (McKay) think the county should have the authority to levy any tax that they want and let their voters hold them accountable

(McKay said) he would consider a personal income tax as a means to lower — or, even, eliminate — the real estate tax, which provides over $3 billion, or roughly 68% of the county’s annual revenue. He says it would be a fairer, more equitable, and less risky way of raising revenue.

Dillon Rule.

He went through a list of issues other than taxes that could be solved with exemption from the Dillon Rule.

  • He mentioned COVID restrictions set by Governor Northam;
  • He made a reference to the arrest of a school employee that “fell through the cracks” because the school employees did not understand state reporting requirements. (No, I don’t know what that has to do with the Dillon Rule either, except it was a scandal and he needed something to blame);
  • He complained that Fairfax County cannot independently access the FBI’s Next Generation Identification System for employee background checks but rather has to go through the state police for that.  They can, of course, access it in criminal investigations. But McKay is right. I just called that office at the State Police. That program is overwhelmed. Everyone would benefit by letting Fairfax County run its own background checks on current and prospective employees;
  • He made the obligatory reference to Governor Youngkin’s proposed new guidelines on schools’ accommodations for transgender students;
  • There was something about solar panels at the dump; and
  • Something else about the County’s use of franchise trash haulers that in Fairfax County are paid directly by 90% of citizens (400,000 residences) instead of a county trash service. Seems the state has set conditions on hiring and firing them.

He never mentioned crime or cop shortages. Perhaps that hits too close to home.  And to the progressive Commonwealth’s Attorney.

Never mentioned what he would do with the taxing authority. Commenters have been unkind to him on that point.

They even question whether any reduction of the real estate tax would be forthcoming with the addition of an income tax. They seem to believe Mr. McKay has a bottomless need for spending.

Except, apparently, for spending on cops.

Bottom line. This is the thanks Mr. McKay gets.

Positively Shakespearean.

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55 responses to “Ungrateful Citizens of Fairfax County”

  1. LOL. Local governments have been blaming Dillon’s Rule for everything for decades. It’s still not true.

  2. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    The idea of local income tax sounds like what Maryland does, and probably makes more sense than Virginia’s idea of taxing the bejesus out of new cars. We should reduce the car tax to be the same % other property is taxed (which is closer to 1%), but OK yes then we need another local tax to make up the difference.

  3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    There are a lot of references to increases in violent crime in Fairfax, even a “crime wave”. What are the numbers? How many more shootings, murders, rapes, etc. have there been this year? Without specifics, all the talk is just that, talk.

    As for localities being able to levy an income tax, I have been advocating that for years, including on this blog. But, from the tone of your comments, I gather you don’t approve of the idea. Let’s see: everyone hates the car tax (except me because my two vehicles are so old that I do not owe any personal property tax); you and others have criticized the real property tax because it is tied to assessments which have been going up in the last year or so during the buying frenzy; and, now, you don’t like the income tax. The only thing left is the sales tax and the local rate is capped by state law. Plus, it is a highly regressive tax.

  4. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    There are a lot of references to increases in violent crime in Fairfax, even a “crime wave”. What are the numbers? How many more shootings, murders, rapes, etc. have there been this year? Without specifics, all the talk is just that, talk.

    As for localities being able to levy an income tax, I have been advocating that for years, including on this blog. But, from the tone of your comments, I gather you don’t approve of the idea. Let’s see: everyone hates the car tax (except me because my two vehicles are so old that I do not owe any personal property tax); you and others have criticized the real property tax because it is tied to assessments which have been going up in the last year or so during the buying frenzy; and, now, you don’t like the income tax. The only thing left is the sales tax and the local rate is capped by state law. Plus, it is a highly regressive tax.

    1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

      Since my Fairfax County days are still fairly recent, I’ll respond. The opening of the Silver Line has enabled a lot more people to go to the Tysons Malls to commit property crimes. Car break-ins and car jackings are up. According to FCPD, most crime in the Tysons area is committed by non-Virginia residents. I’ve also been informed that gang activities continue to be commonplace in certain parts of the County. I’d say that, on the whole, Fairfax County is still a relatively safe place to live, but not in every neighborhood.

      A major part of Fairfax County’s problems with employee pay (most especially for uniformed services and mid-career teachers) stems from the County’s extra pension plans. Teachers and most school employees are covered by VRS and also get a supplemental pension to which employees contribute very little. The supplemental pension plan provides the difference between what the employee would get if he/she retired at full retirement age for Social Security purposes. But the plan does not stop when the retiree reaches full retirement age.

      Non-uniformed county employees have the regular pension plan and a supplemental plan that bridges the Social Security gap as with teachers. But the plan stops at full retirement age.

      As of June 30, 2020, the County had an unfunded liability of $2.8 billion for its pension plans, up from $1.8 billion on June 30, 2015. Of course, the pension plans had incredible returns in 2021. I suspect 2022 is not so good. Money used to amortize these deficits cannot be used to increase pay for employees more likely to leave or to attract new employees in critical positions.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        Thanks for responding. The unintended consequences of the completion of the Silver Line is an interesting factor. But, of course, Sherlock, Pat Herrity, and the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association are not talking about car jackings, car break-ins, and property crime. They are alarmed about a violent crime wave, consisting of increases in murders, rapes and “other sex crimes”. But, all that is presented is political rhetoric. What are the actual numbers?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          It’s the standard GOP’ “go to” political strategy – “law and order”, libs are “soft” on crime and Conservatives tough on.

          Played over and over at each election in various flavors and now they’ve added things like public education CRT and transgender.

          It won’t win NoVa but it can change enough votes in NoVa to GOP so that NoVa does not dominate statewide races.

          When NoVa independent Votes are converted to GOP, it adds to the RoVa vote and the two combined can win statewide races as Youngkin did.

          It’s a serious and effective strategy.

        2. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

          A big concern among many residents of Fairfax County is police response time. With so many vacancies in the uniform ranks and likely associated issues with mandatory long shifts, there is legitimate concern among county residents about response time, which is an effective surrogate for residents’ satisfaction with the County’s provision of police services.

          The BoS has a very serious problem on its hands and whining about more tax revenue and the Dillon Rule seems more of an attempt to deflect blame for the Supervisors’ failures.

          I’ve known Jeff McKay for a long time. While I don’t agree with him on all issues, I genuinely like and respect him. But he’s not following the footsteps of my distant cousin Harry Truman. The Buck Stops Here.

          1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            The issue of response time is a legitimate one. No matter the significance of a complaint, it does a lot for citizens’ confidence for police to show up quickly.

      2. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

        I also perceive much of the crime in Ffx is from MD and DC, either crossing the border (eg via Metro) or possibly moving here from there. I get shot down a lot saying that, but I still have the perception. I would say our Va. tax structure *might* be lower taxes for lower income groups, so despite the affluence/high taxes of NoVa, it is not necessarily a barrier to moving here from DC MD for some.

        PS- On the NextDoor social media, it is impossible to ignore the huge wave of increase in parked car break-ins etc…every day people are posting videos of suspicious apparent crooks scoping out the neighborhoods at night. Somewhat silly, the majority of car break-in victims admit they left their car doors unlocked.

        1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          You hit the nail on the head–folks leaving their car doors unlocked. I plead guilty. Occasionally, I will get into my car or truck and it is apparent someone has been in rifling through the glove box. Of course, they were disappointed because there is nothing of value in my vehicles. Even the radios are old. But, that always reminds me that I should be more diligent about locking the doors.

          1. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

            I’d say that’s where we are in Springfield and surrounding areas, leaving car doors unlocked is common lax behavior, but those days are now over.

          2. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

            I’d say that’s where we are in Springfield and surrounding areas, leaving car doors unlocked is common lax behavior, but those days are now over.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      The crime issue, Dick, is a quote from the local ABC outlet. And the police crisis was declared by the FCPD chief.

      Nice attempt at deflection, though.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        The TV station was quoting Herrity saying there is a crime wave. That proves nothing. The police chief was referring to the shortage of officers, which was not a subject of my comment. The officer shortage can be documented and the chief did that. I am not questioning that. I want to know the extent of this “crime wave” are murders up 100 percent, 50 percent, 5 percent, what? What about other violent crimes? Nice attempt at avoidance.

          1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            Thanks for that link. I see that you limited the references you cited to a general statement by the reporter and the claims of Miyares, You ignored Descanos, who pointed out that, overall, crime is down 10 percent in Fairfax. Descanos did admit that murders have increased somewhat, but that increase is below the national average. Furthermore, he said that the murder rate in Montgomery County, Maryland, just across the river, is much higher than in Fairfax.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            I know it’s churlish to say so but Sherlock and JAB tend to emphasize what they want to even if it means only a one-sided or even misleading perspective, is presented. And not an accident and fairly routine.

            So if crime is UP one year in a place like Fairfax, but is still lower than many other places, what we get told is how terrible crime is and how the local prosecutors, being Dems and all, have ignored their duties and allowed / supported handbasket to hell policies that can only be fixed by replacing them with Conservative GOP!

            They do that all the while caterwauling about WaPo and MSM ” biases” even as they cherry-pick the very sources they impugn!

        1. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

          I repeat my words above: On the NextDoor social media, it is impossible to ignore the huge wave of increase in parked car break-ins etc…every day people are posting videos of suspicious apparent crooks scoping out the neighborhoods at night. Herrity is not my supervisor, but he lives close to me: Springfield area, where this happening.

          1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            In the interview, Herrity is not complaining about break-ins of parked cars. He is talking about violent crime. There is a difference.

        2. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

          I repeat my words above: On the NextDoor social media, it is impossible to ignore the huge wave of increase in parked car break-ins etc…every day people are posting videos of suspicious apparent crooks scoping out the neighborhoods at night. Herrity is not my supervisor, but he lives close to me: Springfield area, where this happening.

        3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Crimes against Persons comparing 2021 to 2020 : Homicides up 40% ; Forcible sex offenses up 26%; kidnappings up 9%; assaults up 2%

          1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            Wow! Those are impressive statistics, enough to scare a lot of people. That is, until one looks at absolute numbers. Murder: 2020–16; 2021–26

            Kidnappings: 2020-115; 2021–126
            Aggravated assaults: 2020–446; 2021–437
            Rape–2020–103; 2021–102
            Forcible sodomy–2020–41; 2021–38
            Sexual penetration with object: 2020–15; 2021–33

            In a jurisdiction of over 1 million people, 10 more murders, 11 additional kidnappings, 9 fewer aggravated assaults, and four fewer rape/forcible sodomy incidents hardly constitute a crime wave, regardless of the percentage increases.

          2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Only 10 more murders, and 11 additional kidnappings in 2021. No big deal unless you are one of the dead or kidnapped people or their families.

            Perhaps you can conjure what will happen to those statistics now that the cops, because of shortages, will be on two shifts instead of three.

            Trace the conversation. You asked a question about the percentage increase in murders. I answered it.

            Now, we find, that my answers were correct. And you had the ability to look it up. Have a nice day.

          3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            Of course, one murder or rape is one murder or rape too many. But that is not the issue. The issue, as you defined it, was whether Fairfax County was experiencing a violent crime wave.

            Yes, I had the ability to look it up. However, from the context of the article, the quotes and your comments, I assumed that everyone was concerned about the “crime wave” now engulfing Fairfax in 2022, not the increase from 2020 to 2021. Conveniently for those wishing to make political points, there is no data available relative to violent crime this year.

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      His crime rate statistics in Fairfax are here…

      It’s a wonderful loop Dick. One day an opinion piece is penned by a politician about the rampant crime rate. The next day a reporter writes a story about crime as a topic in politics and cites the opinion piece, and the story in turn generates more opinion pieces — VOILA! — instant crime wave.

    4. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Dick, you favor a local income tax. If I were a progressive, I would too.

      Progressives as an organizing principle think government has too little power and too little money. They will always find new or expanded “needs” for new tax revenue.

      Progressives have no intention of lowering total tax revenues. The promises of lower sales and property taxes will be buried in an avalanche of new spending if a local income tax is available.

      There is no empirical evidence in American political society where progressives have cut taxes when in power. Ducks are ducks.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          The “cuts” were less than the inflation of real estate.

          The average market price of a home in Fairfax County was $480,000 in Jan of 2018 and $710,000 in May of this year. That is a 48% increase.

          After holding steady for years, the county this year dropped the rate less than 3%. In addition, it discounted the assessments for the first time ever a flat 15%.

          Do the math. The residents are grateful.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            Exactly right. Liberals love misdirection. The real thing to view is the spending by Fairfax County vs inflation + population growth.

        2. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

          Taxes went up tremendously in Fairfax. Lower tax rate is meaningless. Also used car values went out the roof, for big car tax increase. Dem leaders said they were proud to be able to significantly increase spending and hope to achieve that every year.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            Exactly right. The Dems who run Fairfax County have never met a new tax they didn’t like. Meanwhile, the police are understaffed and the Soros – based prosecutor has decided he doesn’t like all the laws passed by the General Assembly so he won’t bother to prosecute the laws he doesn’t like.

            Fairfax County used to be a great place to live … give or take the traffic.

            Then came the liberals from cities in the Northeast they destroyed with their liberal ideas.

            Now the county is a blazing dumpster fire. Everything costs too much, especially housing and the runaway taxes.

            The libtwits destroyed Detroit and they can certainly destroy Fairfax County. Remember Mitt Romney’s boyhood home in a high end area of Detroit? Torn down in 2010.


        3. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

          Taxes went up tremendously in Fairfax. Lower tax rate is meaningless. Also used car values went out the roof, for big car tax increase. Dem leaders said they were proud to be able to significantly increase spending and hope to achieve that every year.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “Fairfax County saw six more homicides in 2021 than in the previous year, the Fairfax County Police Department says, citing an unusually high number of adult children killing parents and other family members.”

    Apparently the trick to keeping violent crime down is to cancel Thankgiving and Christmas dinners.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Even WITH Chicago the Blue State of Illinois is still SAFER than the bottom 8 States, e.g., Louisiana, Mississippi, and Arkansas which have both a Republican governor and legislature.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        I pointed that out recently, but some people just ignore those facts.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          James is jumping on the “October Surprise” following commands from RPV or somebody. Expect tons of these fact stretched pieces on crime. It’s working better than LBGTQ and CRT, and they need to change the conversation to one of the topics undereducated voters have traditionally given to the Republicans. The cool thing about crime is that virtually no one who votes is at risk of being affected by a 20% increase, but the fear is palpable. These voters will easily equate speeding with murder.

          Oooooh bright and shiny. At least he’ll give UVa a break for the next 30 days.

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        Crime doesn’t happen at the state level. It happens at the county and city level. That’s where the vast majority of police are based, that’s where prosecutors work. Comparing crime across whole states is as futile as comparing housing costs across states.

        Yet more liberal misdirection.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Wow! I’m sure then that we can do away with the FBI. If crime doesn’t happen at the state level, then it surely doesn’t happen at the federal level.

          Cost of housing? Well then, let’s do away with federal reserve and let’s issue money at the local level.

      3. DJRippert Avatar

        Q: What’s the difference between Virginia and Mississippi?

        A: Fairfax County.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Now that we have a Republican governor and AG too, you may be right, and Virginia will fall past Illinois too.

        2. how_it_works Avatar

          Q: What would Fairfax County be without Washington, DC?

          A: Like every other county in Virginia.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      It’s a suburb, Larry.

  6. Daniel Risacher Avatar
    Daniel Risacher

    I observe in passing that Fairfax County, Virginia, has a notably larger population and economy than the President’s home state of Delaware. If we believed in equal representation, then perhaps Fairfax County should have two US senators? It seem the bare minimum of decency that such a locality might have its own tax authority.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Or, no Senators at all. Things will get done, 100 people will lose access to bribes, and it will be costlier for the 0.01% to buy legislation.

    2. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Super idea!! Add two Senators for NYC, LA, CHI, Boston, DC, SF to cite a few. That’d be decent for the GOP.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Well Virginia DID make the list… just not Fairfax.

    Apparently California is worried about the murder rates too.

    “While it is popular at least on the political right to blame liberal policies for rising violent crime rates and for crime in general, California’s homicide stats show that in fact, as noted by Los Angeles Times columnist Anita Chabria, some of the worst murder rates in the state were recorded in the most politically conservative counties.

    California is hardly unique in that trend. In 2020, eight of the states with the top 10 highest homicide rates not only voted for Trump in 2020, but supported the Republican nominee in every presidential election of the 21st century, according to stats cited by the center-left think tank Third Way. The difference between red and blue states wasn’t especially close. According to those 2020 stats, the murder rate in states where Trump won was a whopping 40 percent higher than in states won by Democrat Joe Biden.

    And though Republicans often claim that violent crime rates are worse in cities with Democratic-led governments, Third Way found that the 2020 stats show Republican-led Jacksonville, Fla., had 128 more murders than San Francisco, even though the California city’s population was somewhat smaller.”

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      I told them all this earlier and now you have told them. I wonder if it got through this time. https://www.baconsrebellion.com/those-violent-red-states/

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        All we can do is point out the obvious. There are no atheists in foxholes or Libertarians eschewing government flood insurance in Florida.

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Dear Citizens of Fairfax,

    Do you want to minimize the risk of being the victim of a murder? There are some simple solutions: 1) reduce the amount of life insurance you carry naming your spouse and children beneficiaries, 2) show those beneficiaries more love and respect, e.g., end affairs and submit to marriage counseling.

    The cops will hate you. This will drop their murder clearance rate back to the low 50% again.

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “There are 133 counties and independent cities in Virginia, and of them, Buchanan County, located in the western part of the state along the West Virginia and Kentucky borders, ranks as the worst place to live. County residents are nearly three times as likely to live below the poverty line as the typical Virginia resident, and life expectancy at birth in the county is 74 years — over half a decade less than the average across the state.”


    President and Vice President – BUCHANAN COUNTY
    Joseph R. Biden Democratic 1,587 15.94%
    Donald J. Trump Republican 8,311 83.50%

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      20,000 people live in Buchanan County. In 1980, the population was 37,000. By comparison, 63,000 people live in the Census Designated Place called Reston, Va. Reston also had about 37,000 people living there in 1980.

      Great to see an argument based on a single county of 20,000 people in a state where some neighborhoods have more people.

      More liberal misdirection.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        So you go from drilling down to drillling across? You could most likely discover that, even in Chicago, most will tell you that the problem is a mere few blocks, or that in some town in BF, Va., that is might even be just one house. Keep drilling DJ, keep drilling.

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