Unfair Competition for Uber, Lyft and Taxis

by Kerry Dougherty

In its never-ending quest to meddle in the free market, the City of Virginia Beach on Wednesday will launch a gimmicky free ride-sharing service at the oceanfront, guaranteed to hurt local Uber, Lyft and taxi drivers.

But who cares about those scrambling to make some scratch in the gig economy, am I right? Learn to code, losers.

Yep, the city that couldn’t reduce the real estate tax rate when the country is teetering on the brink of a recession was able to find half a million dollars to join “Freebee,” a national ride-sharing service accessible by an app.

No, I won’t share the address with you. Look it up.

A fleet of five Tesla Model X SUVs are about to hit the road, taking passengers from 42nd Street (the doorstep of The Cavalier Hotel, a coincidence, I’m sure) as far south as General Booth Boulevard and west to Birdneck Road. In other words, the entire resort area and Vibe District.

These aren’t ordinary Teslas, either. They’re bat-wing style luxury cars with a starting sale price of about $126,000. They seat seven passengers and the ride is shared with strangers. Like a bus, but quieter.

Granted, five cars subsidized by the city and competing with fee-charging services won’t put other drivers out of business in the summer, but it will ding their ability to make money. Especially on slow days. And this program is year-round, so it’ll kill the gig economy in the winter.

From the city’s webpage:

As part of the City’s Resort Area Mobility Plan (RAMP) which calls for enhanced shared mobility services in the resort area, the City is funding the Freebee microtransit service for a one-year pilot program to gauge its usage.

Freebee provides convenient and FREE door-to-door, on-demand public transportation for residents and visitors throughout the resort area in all-electric Tesla Model X vehicles. The vehicles operate seven days a week, from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. and are available to everyone.

Our woke city also brags about how the service will promote “clean energy” and “reduced carbon emissions.”

Mensa membership has never been a prerequisite for city leadership. Anyone want to tell them where electricity comes from?

It’s never a good thing when government decides to jump into the free market, whether by giving handouts to favorite developers or offering free ride-sharing.

In other cities, the municipality pays a nominal fee and the cars are sponsored by local businesses that slap their ads on the exteriors. Not here. Our magnanimous city government is letting taxpayers pick up the entire tab.

And, no, it doesn’t matter which fund is used for the service. It’s all public money.

What’s next? A free city-sponsored seafood restaurant where tourists can sample the bounty of our local waters without paying for their entrees or that usurious Virginia Beach meals tax? How about a taxpayer-subsidized-hotel where guests can stay free of charge in five-star luxury?

Sorry. Didn’t mean to give local geniuses any more ideas.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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32 responses to “Unfair Competition for Uber, Lyft and Taxis”

  1. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    “ How about a taxpayer-subsidized-hotel where guests can stay free of charge in five-star luxury?”
    Hasn’t that already happened? Whenever any BOV meets in VaBeach, don’t they stay at the Cavalier?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      At a minimum, public restrooms… for those times when standing waist deep in the ocean is not possible.

    2. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      That was employed at the Willard in January 2021. Complain to the President-unelect if you believe your consumer rights were violated.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        You guys just can’t handle it, can you?
        You unconstitutionally throw everything at him, violate all norms, run for office promising to prosecute him (sound anything like a Bill of Attainder, anyone?), abuse FISA, corrupt the FBI, lawyers commit felonies editing an email, $40 million and 3500 subpoenas and over 500 depositions and you can’t find anything…
        Beria is quite disappointed in you. Meanwhile, the brain dead husk who is obviously not compos mentis is a career grifter and everybody knows it and you wail about “saving our democracy” while abusing the law. Seriously, you people have no honor – but the average Joe has now caught on, and no amount of ComPost or NY Slimes propaganda will save you…

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Been a while since we’ve had a good old Walter denialism post… like whiskey very entertaining… in moderation…

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I’m not the one denying $5 gas or the war in Ukraine or the botched Afghanistan withdrawal or the human smuggling at the border has anything to do with SlowJoe…
            Look in the mirror. It’s called projection.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Who is denying that gas is expensive, there is a war in the Ukraine, there were fatalities associated with withdrawing from Afghanistan or that human trafficking is a real thing? Not me…

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Ok. That’s a start.
            We’ll eventually get to you acknowledging that there was huge election shenanigans (because there is cheating and everybody knows it and wanting the elections to be fair is not voter suppression but that is what you have to say to cover up that you want to reserve the right to cheat)
            So let’s try one more small step on our reality journey.
            According to the NY Post today, a recent survey says 60% of people believe there are only 2 sexes. This needs to get to 100% because it is reality. It broke down that 86% of Republicans believe that. Obviously, the 14% are either in College or RINOs who can’t agree if OrangeMan says the sky is blue.
            I think it was 31% of Dems say only 2 sexes.
            Are there only 2 sexes?
            (Come on. Reality is reality. 3.5 billion cells can’t be wrong!)

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            ‘However, the survey stated that 64 percent of respondents would support legislation to protect transgender people from discrimination in jobs, housing, and public spaces. And it noted that “roughly eight-in-ten U.S. adults say there is at least some discrimination against transgender people in our society.”’

            You missed this part in your screed. Walt…

          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I said nothing about that, your full Trollness. I can agree that maybe the people with these psychological problems deserve some legal protections. I actually think doctors who perform the surgeries should lose their licenses because they are mutilating people with psychological problems, and that is not humane. But make to reality – are there only two sexes? You know the answer…come on…let’s try getting to truth… this is like 2 + 2 = 4…

  2. Crosswalks to Nowhere Avatar
    Crosswalks to Nowhere

    A better use of the half million would be to save it and put it towards a lightrail system.

  3. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    But, but, but, but….CLIMATE CHANGE! The one proven effect of which has been the death of brain cells….These are Teslas, Kerry, and those evil private ride services are probably burning gas…

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Public transportation. Beats scooters flopped all over the sidewalks.

    1. Crosswalks to Nowhere Avatar
      Crosswalks to Nowhere

      Dockless scooters are a menace

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Scootless doctors are too.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1dd919fd339bd9b595a0576edd3db68d17dbe9bb0f6bdca6e750daf70bfe2205.jpg The interesting thing on mobility is that if Govt had no rules/laws except to build the street and make it available for use – perhaps like we see in many 3rd world countries … would the anti-govt, free-market folks still be unhappy?

        Anyone could form a transportation service, right?

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    Pilot program funded from existing balance in the parking fund. Limited to the resort area, speeds no higher than 35 mph. Kerry fits right in with those in BR who tell half the story with only some of the facts.


    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Oh, she is dead on correct that this is very unfair to those who make their living providing this service. The city should be sued and for major damages.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        so like public parking that created the fund that pays for this service?

        But I’d agree , lacking some stated purpose, it seem like unfair competition.

        Pretty sure it does have a purpose but they’re not really talking much about it.

  6. DJRippert Avatar

    “Government’s first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.​”

    “Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them.”

    “Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”

    “Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.”

    “Government always finds a need for whatever money it gets.”

    Quotes from RW Reagan.

    1. Crosswalks to Nowhere Avatar
      Crosswalks to Nowhere

      Reagan is also the clown that changed FTC practices and allowed for the hyper consolidated disaster of a market we have today. Don’t like that the tech giants are anti free speech and very few own most of the tech space? Reagan paved the way for it to happen. His FTC appointee simply stopped enforcing anti-monopoly laws, and then re-wrote merger guidelines. We have 3 cell phone service providers, very few meat packers, 2 ammo companies, fewer and fewer airline companies, grocery stores, etc. I could go on, but we pay more for the goods and services we buy because of the way Reagan thought about the market. He was wrong, and we’re still getting screwed because of the way he thought about companies. He swung the pendulum off the string, and now i can’t buy a pair of US made sneakers for under $150

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        there’s a series on the history channel


        That was THE name of the game back then.

        it was open warfare and the best fighter won, the govt had little to do with it.

    2. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Gosh!!! He shoulda stayed home in CA if things about which he did nothing so troubled him. Oh, except Iran-Contra.

  7. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I used a rickshaw in Key West once. It was fun and ecofriendly.

  8. WayneS Avatar

    Why share a ride? And why sit in traffic?

    Just drive your Jeep down the beach like I used to do…


  9. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    But, but, but, but….CLIMATE CHANGE! The one proven effect of which has been the death of brain cells….These are Teslas, Kerry, and those evil private ride services are probably burning gas…This is clearly a very smart marketing ploy by the EV industry itself. Looks like FreeBee is all EV around its network. “Oh Ma, we gotta get one of these for back home!”

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Steve, how ’bout firing up your old Stanley Steamer and we’ll do lunch. I gotta admit, you’ve won the cheap transportation war with a car that runs on coal you pick up from the railway tracks.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Counts as recycling, doesn’t it?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          I’ll remember that come Christmas, and fill your stocking — Satan… er, I mean Santa.

  10. Ruckweiler Avatar

    How about an organization for these low-minded politicians to be named “Moron” in place of Mensa?

  11. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “They seat seven passengers and the ride is shared with strangers. Like a bus, but quieter.”

    Somebody has never ridden on a hotel shuttle…. which is what this REALLY is… a City-sponsored hotel shuttle… don’t worry Uber will still be in business and overcharging for rides… those who don’t want to sully themselves with “strangers” can still pay for their elitist transportation…

  12. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Mensa membership has never been a prerequisite for city leadership. Anyone want to tell them where electricity comes from?”

    Mensa membership is clearly not required for BR blog entries either, eh? The fact is that an EV has the same GHG impact as a gasoline powered vehicle getting more than 80 miles per the gallon. As the grid gets greener, that figure just continues to climb. Those non-mensa city reps were dead on in their characterization.

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