Daniel Gecker Esq., President of the Virginia Board of Education. Appointed to the Board of Education by Governor Terry McAuliffe and reappointed to a four year term by Governor Ralph Northam. Date of expiration of appointment – June 30, 2023

by James C. Sherlock

Progressives, in the fullness of their dogma, oppose the entire Bill of Rights.

The Bill of Rights is specifically structured to limit the powers of government, which progressives find not only unsuitable, but unimaginable.

In the Golden Age of Progressivism in Virginia, 2020 and 2021, they controlled the governor’s mansion, the General Assembly, the Attorney General’s Office and all of the state agencies.

With total control, they took flight.

They have always known what seldom occurs to conservatives not prone to offend the Bill of Rights.

With total control of state government, progressives can enact and have enacted laws, regulations and policies that violate both the federal and state constitutions.

They know it will take a decade or more for courts to push back. Meanwhile they can call opponents “haters.”

After which the worst that can happen is that nobody is held accountable. Except the taxpayers.

I just exposed unconstitutional viewpoint discrimination in the University of Virginia’s hiring process. that was implemented starting in 2020.

The same fertile progressive imagination is also present in the Board of Education’s new (in 2021) Standard 6. “Culturally Responsive Teaching and Equitable Practices performance indicators” (starting on page xv) in “Guidelines for Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria for Teachers(Guidelines).

There is a helpful note in Guidelines that informs us:

Standard 6: Developed by the Virginia Department of Education with adaptations from Navigating EdEquityVA – Virginia’s Roadmap to Equity, 2021

Guidelines was approved by the Board on March 18, 2021.

EdEquity Virginia, similarly rife with unconstitutional provisions, was cancelled by the Youngkin Administration in early 2022.

But the Board is responsible for the Guidelines. And teachers will suffer under the new Standard 6 until it is repealed.

Here are two of the Guideline 6 performance indicators:

6.2 Fosters classroom environments that create opportunities for access and achievement by acknowledging, valuing, advocating, and affirming cultural and social diversity in all aspects of the learning process, including for gender, race, ethnicity, English Language Learners, and students with disabilities.
6.4 Utilizes inclusive curriculum and instructional resources that represent and validate diversity from all rings of culture that include generational, gender, religion, class, nationality, race, ethnicity, native language, ability, and sexuality by connecting classroom curriculum and instruction to the cultural examples, experiences, backgrounds, and traditions of all learners.

“Acknowledge, value, advocate, and affirm” diversity in “all rings of culture” with respect to gender. “Represent and validate” sexual diversity.

“Value”: so, teachers are not only subject to forced speech, but forced thought as well.

So, what to do if one is a teacher to indicate support for gender diversity, or diversity in sexuality (which is different than gender diversity)?

  • Join the school DEI committee?
  • Put brochures for gender transition clinics on the shelves of the classroom?
  • Cross dress every Wednesday?
  • Affirm “all rings” of his/her/they “diversity of sexuality” with both sexes to meet the standard, or does he/she/they have to include all twelve (or whatever it is this week) genders?

These “performance indicators” are as unconstitutional as the DEI hiring rules at the University of Virginia, and for the same reasons.

  • Viewpoint discrimination is unconstitutional; and
  • Practicing adherents of any of the world’s major religions cannot comply in good conscience with those job requirements.

Progressives, equally unable to imagine religion, limits on government authority and parental rights, don’t care a whit.

The Board should consider Rosenberger v. Rectors and Visitors of the University of Virginia (1995) and R.A.V. vs. City of St. Paul (1992) in its next meeting and eliminate Standard 6 as unconstitutional. Or just do the right thing. Either works.

Meanwhile, mass tort attorneys have access to the likely biggest class in Virginia history — every teacher who has been evaluated under that standard.

Into the breach, tort bar.

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31 responses to “Unconstitutional Viewpoint Discrimination in Virginia K-12 Teacher Evaluation Standards”

  1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I don’t read these guidelines the way that you do. “Value” and the other terms don’t modify “teacher”; they modify “classroom environments ” and “curriculum”. No one is telling the teacher to think or feel anything, just what kind of classroom to run. The teacher may despise certain students. The school cannot force the teacher to like those students, but it can prohibit the teacher from smacking those students.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      “by acknowledging, valuing, advocating, and affirming cultural and social diversity in all aspects of the learning process, including for gender, race, ethnicity, English Language Learners, and students with disabilities..”

      “Valuing and advocating and affirming” modify “cultural and social diversity”.

      What is a teacher to do whose religion informs her that there are only two sexes and only two genders? And will not advocate gender diversity?

      How is she to be evaluated?

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Are you suggesting that a teacher should be allowed to exclude a trans-gender student from their classroom because of their religion?

        Please note that the quoted guidance encourages the teacher to create an atmosphere that welcomes diversity in their classroom not make a judgement as to the genders themselves. One can certainly welcome without judging.

        Btw, the guidance also calls for an inclusive classroom from a religious perspective. What happens when a Christian teacher says they can not reference any other religious symbols in their classroom because of their beliefs? Do you think it is right that a teacher could refuse to acknowledge that a young student has two mothers because same sex marriage is supposedly against their religion?

      2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        No. And you don’t think I am.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Rhetorical questions happen, Sherlock… as you say… that is the implication of what you suggest though…. I assume you are referring to the first question, btw… the last ones are not rhetorical and are instead distinctly possible (even probable) under today’s interpretation of religious rights. You should provide answers, imo…

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Rhetorical questions happen, Sherlock… as you say… that is the implication of what you suggest though…. I assume you are referring to the first question, btw… the last ones are not rhetorical and are instead distinctly possible (even probable) under today’s interpretation of religious rights. You should provide answers, imo…

        3. LarrytheG Avatar

          ” What is a teacher to do whose religion informs her that there are only two sexes and only two genders? And will not advocate gender diversity?”

          change “teacher” to any number of occupations where the employee is delivering services to the public from baker to Doctor to post office.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Right. An employer who wanted to ensure that an employee was held to a standard that required them to treat everyone the same no matter their personal beliefs or religion, etc, would do what in the recruiting and employment contract?

            Does such a requirement as a condition of hiring constitute an illegal “taking” of one’s freedom of speech?

            Somewhat similarly, would a college or other member organization would require each member to not espouse dislike/hatred of fellow students/members and/or form groups that are based on such dislike of others?

            Is there a difference between discrimination of “official” protected classes and ones not yet included as a protected class?

  2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Here are two of the Guideline 6 performance indicators:

    6.2 Fosters classroom environments that create opportunities for access and achievement by acknowledging, valuing, advocating, and affirming cultural and social diversity in all aspects of the learning process, including for gender, race, ethnicity, English Language Learners, and students with disabilities.
    6.4 Utilizes inclusive curriculum and instructional resources that represent and validate diversity from all rings of culture that include generational, gender, religion, class, nationality, race, ethnicity, native language, ability, and sexuality by connecting classroom curriculum and instruction to the cultural examples, experiences, backgrounds, and traditions of all learners.”

    And here we have been told that Conservatives actually do value diversity… I guess not…

    1. “6.4 Utilizes inclusive curriculum and instructional resources that represent and validate diversity from all rings of culture that include generational, gender, religion, class, nationality, race, ethnicity, native language, ability, and sexuality by connecting classroom curriculum and instruction to the cultural examples, experiences, backgrounds, and traditions of all learners.”

      Pray tell, just how do you think that will work if a teacher validates lack of ability, with a cultural example, experience, background and tradition of a young kid from a chaotic, impoverished home run by a single, badly educated young woman with a tradition of illicit drug use?

      Maybe it would go something like this: Today we are going to celebrate and validate Lemonjela for not learning the alphabet before starting school, for not learning to read, and for the chaotic, impoverished, drug addled, badly educated, single parent culture and tradition she exemplifies. Lets have a big round of applause for Lemonjela in solidarity with her in opposition to inherent white racism. In the name of Equity and equal outcomes everyone else needs to forget those racist phonics. Literacy is highly over rated when you can always make a marginal living by selling drugs on the corner. But don’t worry, it’ll be a short life.

      Or maybe we could focus on teaching all kids to read and write in an organized school environment thus giving them the tools to have a productive life regardless of the “cultural examples, experiences, backgrounds, and traditions.” that can be profound barriers.

      CRT/DIE does a severe disservice to the kids who need help the most. You can dress it up in polished academic tones, but out where the rubber meets the road it is a killer.

      1. Wrong. Here is the heading from standard 6 from which I quoted section 6.4.

        Standard 6: Developed by the Virginia Department of Education with adaptations from Navigating EdEquityVA – Virginia’s Roadmap to Equity, 2021

        The VDoE web page extolling equity to the exclusion of ability now gives a 404 error. It seems likely Sailor, or someone, has “done ideas” on starting to fix the damage racist CRT/DIE and its advocates has done.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Ummm… you quoted my quote of Sherlock’s quote… (unless you are saying you are actually Sherlock himself, that is…). Nowhere in the quote Sherlock posted in the original article that he was so incensed about was the word “equity” used… you inserted the term into the discussion…

          Seems to me the quoted section matches perfectly the Youngkin (supposed) quest for diversity and inclusion…

          1. Wrong again troll. The heading from standard 6 that I quoted “Virginia’s Roadmap to Equity, 2021” is in Sherlock’s post. That’s where I got it and the section 6.4 that I quoted. Curiously the heading is above the quoted section. Perhaps that confused you.

            You accused me of something and you were wrong. Now you’re trying to distract from that error by dragging Sherlock across the track. Nice try, but no cigar. Try another way.

            Or, you could simply apologize for wrongly accusing me, acknowledge the racist essence of CRT/DIE and the damage it does to poor kids. I won’t hold my breath.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Accuse…? I didn’t know they stung so, my words. You are correct, I missed the heading above Sherlock’s quote – you have my most profound apologies. It does not change the fact that the quote Sherlock selected to take such umbrage with was entirely in reference to fostering diversity (a supposed goal of Youngkin and Conservatives these days) and had nothing to do with equity. But again, I will parse closer in the future – mea culpa…

          3. I’m sure you can do better, but it may not be easy.

            Apology accepted, thank you.

            Now, about woke racism CRT/DIE(quity) and the damage it does to poor kids, academics and the rest of us. I encourage you to get on board the train of folks who are striving to undo that damage and make Virginia a better place for all its residents. Our future depends on it, and the kids need us all to pull together.

            Remember Dr. King’s dream and reject woke racism.

          4. The basis of CRT/DIE that America is systemically racist is false, itself racist and drives us apart instead of together.

            As a country we have had the benefit of the Civil Rights Act as the law of the land and the vision of Dr. Kings dream for coming up on 60 years. That is longer than the lifetimes of a majority of Americans alive today.

            The nation has internalized those laws and visions. We are no longer the racist country we were before the 1960s. Are we perfect? Hell no, and there is work left to do.

            The heavy lifting has been long done. To throw us back into that “systemic racism” swamp is profoundly destructive and racist in itself. It is illegal under the Civil Rights Act and trashes Dr. King’s vision.

            Here’s a link to a column in today’s Wash Post by a black doctor on the destructiveness of racist CRT/DIE as law with California’s requirement for bi annual implicit bias training for licensing as a physician. This is expressly what is so fatally flawed with racist CRT/DIE.


            I too have a dream that we can do better. I encourage you to get on board and to help make that a reality.

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I read your editorial. Her subject is Implicit Bias Training. She says: “Implicit bias, meaning the attitudes or internalized stereotypes that affect our perceptions, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner, exists.” Do you deny this is true?

            She goes on to state that she has not actually taken any implicit bias training. Have you? I have through my company. I found it very useful and applicable to my day-to-day interactions with all my teams. You know what we never explicitly discussed in any of that training? Race. Why do you think it is wrong to recognize that we all have biases we bring to every human interaction and we would all be better off if we could avoid allowing them to impact our relationships? That is really what all this is about.

          6. You cherry pick to intentionally misrepresent the column. There is no way to have a conversation when you are dishonest.

            Please let me know when you decide to try to do better. I feel sure you can.

          7. Her point was the destructiveness of implicit bias training. Your misrepresentation was fundamental. That is actual dishonesty. Guess that’s part of the troll code of disethics. Adios MF.

  3. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    “Unconstitutional viewpoint discrimination” must be barred by state law consistent with the thesis of this piece. This article demonstrates the utility of CRT-like analysis to expose an insidious practice as inherently divisive. Mass tort exhortation notwithstanding. Time to set VA on FIRE or, in the alternative, sic FIRE on VA.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Viewpoint discrimination does not have to be the subject of state law, just practiced by the state, to be unconstitutional.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Like, oh say, segregationism?

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Yes. And state-sponsored segregation, like viewpoint discrimination, is illegal.

        2. Or say woke racism as practiced by CRT/DIE “educators”.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      A hot button subject nomenclature looking for ears. You know, like election stealing, or 1619, or the dreaded aforementioned CRT (similar to parts of Set Theory)…

      1. As CRT and 1619 overlap KKK with advocacy of racism and discrimination? I can see the Venn diagram now…

  4. Matt Hurt Avatar

    Here’s the problem with this. At a time when we have been lamenting the outcome gaps among our different subgroups of students, this muddies the water. Instead of focusing on outcomes, this new standard focuses on teacher inputs. In an ideal world, such a standard could produce better outcomes, but unfortunately we don’t live in that perfect world. Teachers can exhibit behaviors in which they would earn glowing marks on these measures, and can at the same time produce even more disparity in student subgroup outcomes.

    I don’t have any qualms with the actual aims of this standard, as most of our most successful students of our most at-risk kids employ many of these ideas in their classrooms. However, the factor that diminishes subgroup gaps more than any other, maintaining high expectations for ALL students, is conspicuously absent.

    At the same time this standard was added, Standard 8 (student outcomes) was diminished in the calculation of overall evaluations from 40% to no less than 10%. While there are many factors which impact student outcomes which are outside the control of our educators, the most impactful factors are squarely in their control. If we hold educators (teachers, principals, superintendents, etc.) less accountable for student outcomes, what do we expect to happen?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      sorta on topic, I was wondering if you had an opinion (or perhaps would write about) on this:

      ” The House and Senate both approved legislation expanding the Virginia Literacy Act to require local school boards to provide reading intervention services to students in kindergarten through Grade 8 who show substantial deficiencies through reading assessments.”


      does this mean some kind of reading assessments in addition to SOLs might be done for grades that are not SOL-tested?

      1. Matt Hurt Avatar

        We’re still waiting on the state regulations for the PreK-3 law that was passed last year. Everyone is on pins and needles to determine what actually has to happen.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          You’re anticipating State-level requirements that flow down to all divisions?

          1. Matt Hurt Avatar

            Yes sir. Typically, the General Assembly passes a law that is pretty broad, and then the Board/VDOE will interpret school and division requirements and hand them down as regulations. This is why in general it’s not always helpful for the General Assembly to get into the specifics of instruction. Our legislators likely had an idea in their mind about what the VLA was to be, and in practice it will likely be different than what they had envisioned. Obviously, very few if any of our legislators are reading specialists, and they likely heard from a bunch of different folks with agendas to push.

            In general, there have been some wackadoodle reading strategies pushed and implemented, and I’m sure this had had something to do with the decline in reading, among many other things. The “Science of Reading” is really not all that new, as schoolmarms in one roomed schools a hundred years ago pretty much used these principals to teach their pupils to read.

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