Moscow (2009-05-09) By Peter Galuszka

The news from Ukraine grows progressively more disturbing with dozens of deaths in recent days in the seaport of Odessa and in some Ukrainian cities near the Russian border.

Meanwhile, Russians forces, some at involving brigade-strength units of tank, motor-rifle and airborne troops, plus Spetnaz special forces, are taking up positions on the border of eastern Ukraine.

It is chilling to think how quickly and mysteriously this situation all came up. As a former Moscow correspondent for a U.S. magazine, I find some of the city names oddly familiar since I have visited them. I was in the eastern Ukrainian industrial city of Sumy and also in Rostov on the Russian side where I reported stories on privatizating Russian farms. Kiev was a regular destination.

The horrific assaults of 9/11 notwithstanding, Iraq and Afghanistan do not pose the immediate threat to the U.S. and the West as an out-of-hand conflict in Ukraine would with Russia. The parallels are simply too fantastic. Bosnia in 1914? The Sudetenland in 1938? Poland the following year? All helped spark world wars with phony calls for a Great Power to help fellow language-speakers who were being abused.

That seems to be Vladimir Putin’s obvious ploy. Each ratcheting up of pro-Russian rebels in Eastern Ukraine beats Putin’s drum. News reports keep noting that some of the rebels have serious background from the Soviet days, such as service as Spetznaz in Afghanistan. To be sure, there are plenty of reports that the CIA and other American operatives, private and government, are active in Ukraine, an area hardly unfamiliar to them.

There’s plenty of criticism of Barack Obama for not “standing up” to Putin but there’s not a lot he can really do militarily. He was wise not to suggest putting American troops in Crimea. He needs to keep his dialogue strong with our NATO allies, although it is true they haven’t really paid much of the burden of security since the late 1940s. If things really pop, and they may well do so soon, cool heads must prevail.

A few random observations:

  • It seems rather obvious that Russia has really spiffed up its special operations forces but the jury’s still out on the regular army. Of course, that was true before. I remember in Moscow during an attempted coup against Boris Yeltsin in October 1993 that I covered, the Spetnaz guys were true pros. They were the ones who retook the rebel-held White House and put a stop to things. Of course, other special ops troops have really screwed up, leading to the deaths of hundreds during several hostage situations.
  • Is it 1960? That’s what I wonder when I see the air show Putin is putting on as he prepares to visit Crimea. Some of the Russian warplanes thundering low overhead seem late model, but some are ancient Tupolev 95s that flew first in 1952 and still have propellers. Others are Ilyushin-76 jet cargo planes so ubiquitous that even I have flown in them. BTW, the Tu-95s have been active recently off of Alaska, Guam and Scotland forcing scramblers of U.S. and U.K. interceptors.
  • One has to wonder where the nukes are. By some accounts, Russia has at least 1,800 strategic nuclear warheads available for launch on big mother ICBMs like SS-18s or more modern SS-27s. They still have some subs and aircraft that can launch them. How many are operational right now? Have they increased in number? Do we have more Trident subs at sea? Are our missile silos out in the Dakotas and Montana and other other places more active these days?
  • What about Russian sabotage? Apparently, there was a Russian intelligence officer who had defected not long ago. He had been with the GRU, military intelligence, as opposed to the KGB. The man, Stanislaw Lunev, talked about how the Russians were thinking about placing hidden, suitcase-sized nuclear bombs called RA-115s in the U.S. They could be set to go off by radio code. Lunev apparently said one of his intelligence missions was to recon possible hiding places in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley. This was before the Cold War ended. Why nuke Harrisonburg and its nearby turkey farms? That’s near where our leaders would take shelter during a nuclear war. Is Lunev some kind of nut? Or is this serious? Are the suitcase bombs out there?
  • It looks like sanctions is all Obama and the West have. It doesn’t sound like much, especially since much of Europe is in Russia’s economic pocket already and are sharing the wealth legally or illegally. As Washington Post commentator Anne Applebaum notes, it is a little late to be discovering that rich Russians have inundated the global financial system. It’s also too late to discover that Putin may have his own huge but hidden personal slush fund.
  • If the West really wants to punish Putin (and it isn’t really certain they do) the way to do so is to force a drop in world oil prices from $100 a barrel to something a bit lower. This could be accomplished by putting more oil or gas on the market perhaps by tapping strategic reserves. Talk about LNG exports  is meaningless in the short term because building infrastructure would take several years. But oil prices do affect Russian behavior.

In the end, the battle now is one of wills. The problem is that Americans are truly tired of war, having just spent nearly 15 years in Iraq and Afghanistan. We have lost thousands of men and women. We haven’t even started paying for the efforts and one war, Iraq, wasn’t necessary. Meanwhile, we are stuck with security and diplomatic policies that are focused on Islamic terrorism and are woefully inadequate to deal with the current crisis in Ukraine.

On this point, a couple of weeks ago, I was in New York attending an awards dinner at the Overseas Press Club of America, an organization of which I have been a member for nearly 20 years. The keynote address was delivered by Ambassador Samantha Power, now the U.S. Rep. at the United Nations and a key member of Obama’s national security staff.

She is a highly intelligent and articulate government official and former journalist. But I kept on poring over her biography. She made her chops writing about genocide in places like the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. She has no military experience. What makes her qualified to deal with this bizarre new form of the Cold War that has extreme security implications?

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24 responses to “Ukraine and Russia: Even Scarier”

  1. larryg Avatar

    Oh I wonder what Condi would do?

  2. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Actually, Rice has a serious Russian background unlike Power.

    1. larryg Avatar

      I know.. that’s why I asked what she would do… but she also seemed to hang out and agree with NeoCons.

  3. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Rice is hardly my ideal, but she predated neocons although swam with them. Michael McFaul, Obama’s former ambassador to Moscow, was very much in line with the 1990s ideal of what the West wanted from Russia and also what the intelligentsia there wanted. It has all gone to hell in a handbasket. McFaul resigned as ambassador just before the Ukraine shit hit the fan. This is truly huge and meanwhile the right wing is still bent out of shape about Benghazi.

    1. larryg Avatar

      re: Benghazi

      the right are total idiots on Benghazi… they basically still do not accept the fact the Obama won the election…

      we have had – on a continuing basis over decades beginning with Reagan – attacks on our embassies and people killed… more than half a dozen under Bush…

      and the thing is that Benghazi was a CIA operation in a lawless area with various armed militia running around and the Brits and Red Cross had already left because it was not secure.

      The CIA were warned but they persisted -AND it WAS the CIAs responsibilities to provide backup help – to have it ready as they knew there was a good chance it was needed.

      but this is the GOPs Watergate or worse their Vince Foster conspiracy…

      and it shows this – the GOP gets literally “infected” with these right wing conspiracy theories – once it starts – it runs rampant through most of them.

      There is no question – bad stuff happened in Benghazi and someone underestimated the threat – just the way more than 1/2 dozen times under Bush they underestimated and had the same thing happen.

      but the way the GOP is dealing with many, if not most issues these days since they have moved so far right is pathetic.

      I voted GOP when they were genuine fiscal conservatives and had reasonable, level-headed folks … not the whacko birds in there now.

      1. Yeah, and Watergate was a bungled, second-rate burglary. In Benghazi, the cover-up is as important as the original offense. Nothing but lies and evasion from the Obama administration. As long as the obstruction persists, Republicans will continue trying to hold the administration’s feet to the fire.

        1. larryg Avatar

          “Yeah, and Watergate was a bungled, second-rate burglary. In Benghazi, the cover-up is as important as the original offense. Nothing but lies and evasion from the Obama administration. As long as the obstruction persists, Republicans will continue trying to hold the administration’s feet to the fire”

          you mean like Iran-Contra, shooting down a civilian airliner ( USS Vincennes), losing all on board or 241 marines losing their lives in a
          Beirut attack where Reagan was warned not to put them there and of course Bush running a hidden kidnapping and torture operation?

          there was no “conspiracy”. It was clearly a bungled operation the same was we’ve seen in prior administrations … and please tell me what consequences were suffered for Iran-Contra or running a secret torture program?

          this is Obama’s Vince Foster problem… As I said before, between the overt racism, the “birther” stuff – that virtual no GOP was honest enough to say it was bogus… this is just a continuation of the GOPs total refusal to admit that Obama got a second term. They will have spent 8 years in denial…

          it was a CIA-bungled operation and they happen in every administration.

          this is not about anything other than just lame politics… from the right – as usual.

  4. It is refreshing to see that liberals and conservatives, while disagreeing about everything else, are not far apart in their view of Putin (a nationalistic, oligarchic thug) and their recognition that our policy options are pretty slim (economic and diplomatic sanctions mainly). Peter, my question to you is this: Given the sad state of the Ukrainian army, should the U.S. supply it weapons and supplies? Or, as a back-up, should we at least line up a financial aid package that would strengthen the Kiev government?

    1. larryg Avatar

      re: ” a thug” – and not the only one! the world is FULL of them but what do we do about them? I think we’ve figured out that there is a serious price – i.e.” you bought it, you broke it” recognition when we seek to topple one of the “thugs”.

      Perhaps, the harder question is what should we do when “thugs” seek to take over other countries… we seem to be fairly selective as to which ones we will “help”.

      I find it also totally interesting that price in terms of dollars and young people sliced and diced is no problem even when the country is “broke” and 17 trillion in debt. No problem if we need to spend more on getting rid of thugs.

      You can expect all the blather about our deficit and debt to cease now as they start talking about “funding” the Ukraine effort.

      so much for the concern about the deficit and debt, eh?

  5. Breckinridge Avatar

    On Ukraine. The eastern portion, the portion most strongly tied to Russia, is gone. The Kiev government needs to create a fall back line and prepare to defend that, where the population is less divided and more pro-Kiev, and write off the rest. Otherwise there will be oceans of blood and the Europeans will stand and watch (and without the Europeans, what can we do?)

    On Benghazi. What a shock. The White House lied about an embarrassing intelligence and security failure that underlined the deeper policy failure that is the Arab Spring. I would have been even more surprised if the UN Ambassador had gone on TV and said: “Clearly Al Queda is exploiting the chaos that we’ve helped to encourage, and clearly we failed to take seriously all the warnings that our diplomats were going to be targeted for murder, and clearly we had some military options that we failed to exercise.” No White House is capable of such honesty, run by either party.

    1. larryg Avatar

      “On Ukraine. The eastern portion, the portion most strongly tied to Russia, is gone. ” probably agree

      “On Benghazi. What a shock. The White House lied about an embarrassing intelligence and security failure that underlined the deeper policy failure that is the Arab Spring.”

      they may have lied – or they may have done what many administrations have done before them which is color what happened but they did not break the law like Nixon, Reagan and Bush did.

      ” I would have been even more surprised if the UN Ambassador had gone on TV and said: “Clearly Al Queda is exploiting the chaos that we’ve helped to encourage, and clearly we failed take seriously all the warnings that our diplomats were going to be targeted for murder, and clearly we had some military options that we failed to exercise.” No White House is capable of such honesty, run by either party.”

      it did not have anything to do with Al Queda, it was local unaffiliated militia as is the case in many of the uprisings that are the Arab Spring. The right wing is bound and determined to show that this is about Al Queda to “prove” that invading Iraq was about Sadaam was in bed with Bin Laden.

      the world is full of terrorists. Terrorists blue up the Marine Barracks in Beruit and they blew up the Destroyer Cole and Blackhawk down. What in the flaming name of anything does this go to Obama personally?

      Every one of our POTUS from Reagan to Clinton to both Bushes had issues with terrorism… screwups… lives lost so why is this only about Obama?

  6. DJRippert Avatar

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

    What is Putin’s next move after Crimea?

    What should we be doing now to thwart Putin’s continued aggression?

    If there is one thing we should have learned over the centuries it is that the territorial aims of tyrants are never satisfied by success.

  7. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    On rearming Ukraine– need to be very careful. Not a NATO members unlike Baltics, Poland, etc. Too many covert arms might blow things out faster than intended. But if it really goes up, it is a distinct possibility. Just giving meals ready to eat seems lame. As for aid package, absolutely.
    The NY Times has a fascinating story about using the natural gas pipeline hub in Western Ukraine to somehow re-direct gas other European nations have bought from Gazprom back into Ukraine. Ownership issues are kinda of sticky, but this is exactly the economic counterforce idea that might be effective. The Russians have to understand that when they behave a certain way, there will be a counterpoint and who cares if they built the pipeline way back when when the ownership has been divided up.
    I had friends in a Latin American embassy years ago inMoscow. They generally got along with the Soviets but they would play the game. Moscow screwed with visas for their people — suddenly the Bolshoi can’t complete their tour through their country. Gee too bad. But if you clear up your problem, so will we, comrade.
    As for Benghazi, my point is that although events there we tragic it is a national security sideshow. American diplomats are in danger a lot. Ask the ones bombed in Beirut in the 1980s and elsewhere. Screaming about a coverup is rather ridiculous given the enormity of the security issues we face now.
    Imagine a cartoon with Washington toasted to radioactive cinders and a GOP leader crawls out of the rumble and says, “I found new Bengazhi emails!”

    1. Breckinridge Avatar

      To complete the cartoon he would need to be speaking to a Fox News anchor with bare legs up to her elbows….

      Has anybody asked the Germans if they are reconsidering shutting down all those perfectly viable nuclear plants? Putin’s weapon is energy and the proper response is to end Europe’s dependence on that energy. It won’t happen overnight but it could happen over five-ten years.

  8. DJRippert Avatar

    The Obama Administration willfully lied about the impact of Obamacare in order to get the legislation passed.

    The Obama Administration appears to have attempted to lie about Benghazi in order to deflect their responsibility for a huge foreign relations misstep.

    The Obama Administration has used the IRS to persecute their political enemies.

    The Obama Administration has failed to take legal action against any of the bankers whose actions caused the Great Recession. Contrast this to the Bush Administration which aggressively prosecuted and imprisoned technology and telecommunications executives at the core of Bill Clinton’s dot com meltdown recession.

    The Obama Administration has failed to get any effective financial regulation enacted in the wake of the Great Recession. This is true despite the fact that Obama was able to get Obamacare enacted through an orchestrated fraud on the American people. The banks which were once “too big to fail” are now “too big to save”.

    The Obama administration has no cogent foreign policy. It has failed in Libya and Syria and done nothing effective in Ukraine. Each new crisis seems to leave the Obama Administration flummoxed and demanding that “there was no way to know it would happen and nothing to be done about it”.

    Domestically, the Obama Administration has presided over a 64 month period of economic stagnation. The income and wealth gaps have widened and the employment to population ratio of people aged 15 to 64 has stagnated over the duration of the Obama Administration’s reign of terror at levels not seen since the 1970s. Average hourly wages for American workers held steady at $24.31 last month. They have increased just 1.9 percent over the previous 12 months. But after adjusting for inflation, real wages have increased by something like 0.5 percent. Janet Yellen suggested she would like to see wages rising at a “normal” pace of about 3 or 4 percent a year. Yes, Mrs. Yellen – that is the least that would be expected during a normal recovery. However, any kind of recovery seems beyond the policies of the Obama Administration.

    1. larryg Avatar

      re: ” The Obama Administration willfully lied about the impact of Obamacare in order to get the legislation passed.”

      total BS

      “The Obama Administration appears to have attempted to lie about Benghazi in order to deflect their responsibility for a huge foreign relations misstep.”

      any more than Reagan lied about Iran Contra and Bush lied about Iraq?

      why do we have a doubled standard on this? Nixon, Reagan, Bush broke the law and got away with it…

      “The Obama Administration has used the IRS to persecute their political enemies.”

      more total BS. Ask yourself what the right-wing groups would do if they did not qualify for non-profit status? that’s what they were claiming – that they were non-profit, non-political groups.. and they did it…

      “The Obama Administration has failed to take legal action against any of the bankers whose actions caused the Great Recession. Contrast this to the Bush Administration which aggressively prosecuted and imprisoned technology and telecommunications executives at the core of Bill Clinton’s dot com meltdown recession.”

      you are delusional guy. have you read the news lately? Obama wants to implement stricter rules and guess who is opposed?

      “The Obama Administration has failed to get any effective financial regulation enacted in the wake of the Great Recession. This is true despite the fact that Obama was able to get Obamacare enacted through an orchestrated fraud on the American people. The banks which were once “too big to fail” are now “too big to save”.”

      No , Obama did not fail – Congress refused.

      “The Obama administration has no cogent foreign policy. It has failed in Libya and Syria and done nothing effective in Ukraine. Each new crisis seems to leave the Obama Administration flummoxed and demanding that “there was no way to know it would happen and nothing to be done about it”.”

      you mean like arms for hostages or millions in bribes for Iraq and Afghanistan politicos or secret prisons where we tortured people… that kind of foreign policy?

      “Domestically, the Obama Administration has presided over a 64 month period of economic stagnation. .. blah blah blah

      and one exactly has Congress done to help?

      “Janet Yellen suggested she would like to see wages rising at a “normal” pace of about 3 or 4 percent a year. Yes, Mrs. Yellen – that is the least that would be expected during a normal recovery. However, any kind of recovery seems beyond the policies of the Obama Administration.”

      so now we demonize Ms. Yellen since Greenspan and Bush-appointed Bernanke is gone?
      how tedious…..

      here’s the truth. The GOP is in denial about the election. they refuse to believe it and they refuse to compromise to move forward. They’re basically refusing to do anything in hopes that they’ll win the next election.

      Obama has had his share of problems, some of them self-induced, I agree but the current narrative is just feckless compared to the prior POTUS – both Bushes, Clinton and Reagan. It’s a double standard. Reagan gets out of jail free because he was “out of the loop” on Iran Contra and Bush sets up a torture program and tells SCOTUS it’s none of their business… not to mention lying to get us into the Iraq war.

      Obama is a piker compared to those guys.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        I am only going to pick one of your inane comments to skewer:

        “The Obama Administration has failed to take legal action against any of the bankers whose actions caused the Great Recession. Contrast this to the Bush Administration which aggressively prosecuted and imprisoned technology and telecommunications executives at the core of Bill Clinton’s dot com meltdown recession.”

        you are delusional guy. have you read the news lately? Obama wants to implement stricter rules and guess who is opposed?

        Enforcement of the law has nothing to do with “new rules”. It is a matter for the President and the Justice Department. Bush needed no “new rules” to prosecute CEOs like Bernie Ebbers and Joe Naccio. I believe both of those former CEOs are still in prison.

        Obama and Holder have done nothing to go after the banking executives who used fraud and deception to make ill conceived mortgages.

        A Republican president put numerous architects of the dot com meltdown in prison. However, a supposed man of the people hasn’t even tried to prosecute any executives who melted down the world financial system.

        The only thing delusional here is your inability to understand that Obama is deeper into the pockets of big business and Wall Street than Bush ever was.

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        “Janet Yellen suggested she would like to see wages rising at a “normal” pace of about 3 or 4 percent a year. Yes, Mrs. Yellen – that is the least that would be expected during a normal recovery. However, any kind of recovery seems beyond the policies of the Obama Administration.”

        so now we demonize Ms. Yellen since Greenspan and Bush-appointed Bernanke is gone?
        how tedious…..

        Demonize her?

        I think she’s right. 3% would be normal. But it isn’t happening. There is no recovery in the real sense of the word. There is only the same Carter-esque stagnation that always follows in the footsteps of an empty suited liberal elected to the presidency.

        How long do you think “recoveries” last, LarryG?

        There will be no recovery. Only economic malaise until the next recession.

        Even Bush managed to create a recovery.

        1. larryg Avatar

          re: ” I think she’s right. 3% would be normal. But it isn’t happening. There is no recovery in the real sense of the word. There is only the same Carter-esque stagnation that always follows in the footsteps of an empty suited liberal elected to the presidency.

          How long do you think “recoveries” last, LarryG?

          There will be no recovery. Only economic malaise until the next recession.

          Even Bush managed to create a recovery.”

          what would you have Obama do?

          you think Bush had a recovery? what planet are you living on guy?

          did you see Bush get up and say this:

          what did you say back then?

          did you blame Bush?

    2. larryg Avatar

      You have millions of people who now have health insurance and millions more will have it in the next few years and millions more beyond that if MedicAid is expanded.

      Obama did lie. It was a dumb lie as opposed to a dishonest and scurrilous lie that cost thousands of our young people their lives.

      And to tell you the truth – how dumb are the rest of the people in the country to be gullible enough to have believed Obama? No one challenged his statement when he initially made it. Millions of people including the opposition just accepted it as stated without verifying it?

      these are the same folks who did not believe he was born in the US?

      how stupid can you be to question his birthplace and not other things he said?

      the biggest failure of this POTUS is tragic. He cannot get past the racism.

      It sticks in his craw and he will not play the game of getting along with the GOP – because this is the same GOP that stands besides racists like Ted Nugent and says not one word of disowning the the hate talk and the people engaging in it. If the GOP leaders had stood up as leaders and roundly condemned the hate talk – there would have been a chance. Instead they appear to condone it.

      so there are no deals between Obama and the Congress. They’re never going to happen and that’s the real tragedy of the 8 years of his Presidency.

  9. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    The George W. Bush administration willfully lied about Saddam Hussein having weapons of mass destruction leading to a 14-year-long war that sapped America’s defense capabilities.

    Your point?

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      My point is that you can’t trust Obama. Bush is gone. Get over it. Our problem right now is that we can’t trust the sitting president of the United States. So, when I hear that there was no Benghazi cover-up because that’s what Obama says – I remember that Obama is more than willing to lie to get what he wants.

    2. larryg Avatar

      not only did Bush lie – but thousands of our young people paid for it and our deficit ballooned to 1.5 trillion and a 17 trillion debt – but not a word from those saying Obama lied and in fact, the same folks scurrilously claim that Obama has created the debt… and not the Iraq war.

      further – we are not counting the dollar costs of all the wounded warriors who have returned home to receive lifetime pensions for their disabilities (that they do deserve) and lifetime VA care – that they also deserve but will cost billions of dollars into the future.

      Bush lies, people die, costs the country trillions of dollars in costs and Obama lies – to get health care for people and which of the two get whacked for their lies?

  10. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Could be Putin gets a slice of Eastern Ukraine in exchange for a favorable gas deal with Kiev.
    Let’s just hope he’s not serious about a “novoryssia” land that includes most of Ukraine and Belorussia.

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