Uh, Oh, Fairfax Schools Are Updating Grading Standards

by James A. Bacon

Fairfax County Public Schools, the largest school system in Virginia, has updated its grading standards in an effort to make them fairer and more consistent, reports The Washington Post. Among the more prominent features of the new system, students will be allowed to retake tests for full credit.

In theory, the new system will base grades on what a student has learned rather than “behavioral metrics,” a term the Post leaves un-defined but apparently refers to how students behave in class.

Let us postulate up front that there is no “perfect” grading system. Creating uniform criteria makes it difficult for teachers to exercise judgment based upon their personal knowledge of the student. On the other hand, a system that allows teachers to inject personal judgments in their grades opens itself to charges of bias, in particular racial/ethnic bias.

As educators have wrestled with grading practices over the years, the overall trajectory in Virginia public schools has been to lower expectations, relax standards, and promote students to the next grade on the pretext that they have mastered the material. Grade inflation is the result. If grade inflation were a country, U.S. schools would be Venezuela.

The primary goal, never explicitly stated, is not to ensure that students are learning but to reduce racial/ethnic disparities. WaPo reporter Karina Elwood back-handedly acknowledges this reality. “The move away from traditional grading picked up steam during the pandemic,” she writes, “as educators looked critically at student performance and sought ways to close performance gaps along racial and socioeconomic lines.”

Ironically, lowering expectations and making it easier to get passing grades, coincided with a widening of the learning gap between racial groups, as measured by Standards of Learning (SOL) test results, in recent years. We’ll find out if the trend continues when the Virginia Department of Education releases SOL results for the 2023-24 school year sometime this fall.

The new grading policies allegedly focus on what a student learns rather than his or her diligence in meeting teacher-imposed deadlines. “The grade is supposed to reflect what I learned, where I ended up, even if it took me an extra step to get there,” Susan Brookhart, an education professor emerita at Duquesne University, tells the Post.

One obvious flaw in this reasoning is that students master more in school than their A-B-Cs. Deadlines associated with test and homework assignments instill future orientation and self-discipline, virtues that are critical for academic achievement in later years, including college. Allowing students to redo homework assignments and retake tests whenever it suits them teaches them the wrong lessons.

Eric Wolf Welch, a social studies teacher at Justice High School quoted in the article, states what every teacher in a classroom knows: Some students will “game the system” if you let them. He worries that the new grading system — particularly letting students redo assignments for up to 100 percent credit — won’t prepare them for later life.

Another issue not directly addressed in the article is this: When students are retaking a test, are they retaking the same test that they flunked previously or a different version of the test? If they are retaking the identical test — if they already know the questions and can look up the answers — the re-do is a travesty and the supposition that they have mastered the material is a joke. The details here are important.

The first step in reversing the learning decline in public schools is restoring order in classrooms and hallways, which should start by banning cell phone use in schools. The next step is raising expectations and holding students to a higher standard as reflected in the grading system.

If enforcing order and standards temporarily worsens outcome disparities between Whites, Asians, Blacks, and Hispanics, that’s a price that must be paid. Telling students (of whatever race) that they are learning what they need to when in fact they are not, is not compassion but cruelty. Failure to instill the habits needed to succeed in life does not empower students, it cripples them. The outcomes that matter most — skills learned and knowledge gained — are the disparities we need to address. Grades are symptoms of a deeper failure.

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8 responses to “Uh, Oh, Fairfax Schools Are Updating Grading Standards”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    everything below is my OPINION:

    In general, it's harder to make the grading tougher because many parents don't want to hear that their kids are behind and they think it stresses their kids. I have some relatives that felt this way. They were afraid of getting a teacher who was strict on the grades – even in k-6!

    Matt Hurt, if I remember correctly, also referred to "low expectations".

    So I'd be curious to hear him and some other educators weigh in on this.

    So the idea of letting kids take the tests again is an opportunity to a second chance.

    In terms of "order" absenteeism, disruption , etc… what happens to a kid who fails and knows he/she is and he/she can't improve? I would posit that these are the kids that are absentees , disrupters, etc.. they have nothing to lose, they know they're pretty much doomed when they "graduate".

    Not every kid is going to make it – that's a given but for every one that makes it, it's one less who doesn't pay taxes, gets entitlements and perhaps runs into trouble with the law and worse.

    The entire concept of public education in the US and around the world is to produce a citizen who becomes a part of the economy, not a drag on it. Other than that, what should we expect from it?

  2. Clarity77 Avatar

    Sad to see this especially for those of us who appreciate the quality of education we received in the '70s in the Fairfax County School system. A system that was nationally acclaimed but now having gone full woke has chosen the road to perdition. Woke is always a joke. Glad none of my family attend there.

  3. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    1972 Olympic Basketball Final…
    Keep re-playing until the Russkies win!
    Keep taking those tests until the results validate our unreality!

  4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    We did this in Loudoun 5 years ago. One of many contributing causes to retirement on the first possible day eligible. The school teacher is right. The kids will game the system. This is an ice pick right to the heart of merit. Notice how the Fairfax school board pulled this rabbit out of the hat in July when nobody is paying attention?

    Meanwhile at Fork Union Military Academy the One Subject Plan roles on. 7 weeks of one class for the entire day. Supervised homework for 90 minutes every evening. No retakes or curving of grades. They RAISED the grading scale from a 60% passing to a 75% passing. Nearly everyone masters the course one subject at a time. A Virginia tradition that has been going on since the 1950s.

  5. WayneS Avatar

    Let me guess:

    75 – 100 = A
    Less than 75 = B

    There are no Cs or below because all the children in Fairfax are above average.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Too bad. When I was in HS, my goal was to make 34 Cs.

      pass-fail. The way it should be, like driver’s licenses. That’s why most people can honestly believe they’re better than average drivers.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        You know….. the folks headed to college sorta know and plan accordingly on the grades… and the others that are not, are there any "graduations" to "high school graduate"? C, D, D- ??? 😉

  6. Lefty665 Avatar

    “as educators looked critically at student performance and sought ways to close performance gaps along racial and socioeconomic lines.”

    Looks like another way of saying "If all else fails, lower your standards". But how about the alternative, teaching all kids how to read and write?

    "If they are retaking the identical test — if they already know the questions and can look up the answers — the re-do is a travesty and the supposition that they have mastered the material is a joke."

    There may be another way to look at that. If the original test covered the material that students need to know, then focused them on it through a test, they can look up the information they missed and demonstrate on a retest that they have learned it.

    It's sorta like the Army's 3 step process on teaching:
    1 Here's what we're going to tell you.
    2 We're now telling you what we want to tell you.
    3 Here's what we told you.

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