Trump’s Done, and It’s Patently Obvious

The American electorate spoke loud and clear on Tuesday – they want to move on and will reward those who effectively Chris Saxman

*Phone rings*

“What’s up?”, I answered recognizing the caller ID’d number.

“He’s done, right?” came the question.

“Yup, he’s done.”

The caller hung up.

But much to my astonishment (and to the rest of the country watching), Boston Red Sox manager Grady Little, who had gone to the mound in the 8th inning of Game 7 in the 2003 American League Championship Series (ALCS), left obviously “done” pitcher Pedro Martinez in the game. Against the Yankees. IN New York. In Game SEVEN. With THE LEAD.

The PREVIOUS inning, Martinez who had thrown 100 pitches by then was TOLD by Little that, “you’re done.” He was pulling him. BUT minutes later, Little asked Martinez if he could get the next batter in the next inning out because the pitcher/batter match up Little was thinking about was not good after all. Martinez agreed, went back in the game, got that batter — Nick Johnson — out on just two pitches.

So, Little kept Martinez in. Derek Jeter doubled, Bernie Williams singled, and then came Little’s famous — or infamous- – mound visit and that phone call.

Obvious. Patently obvious. Martinez was gassed. Done. Little knew it the last inning!

If you don’t know how that game ended by now, well, the Red Sox lost. The Curse of the Bambino remained.

The next morning I was listening to a national sports radio show and one of the commentators asked another commentator if Grady Little should be fired for his decision.

The answer came, “He should have been fired on his way to the bus!”

To help make the point, let’s turn to A League of Their Own. Coach Jimmy Dugan (Tom Hanks) visits the mound to talk to pitcher Kit Keller (Lori Petty) and is joined by the catcher, Kit’s older and better-at-baseball sister, Dottie Hinson (Geena Davis).

Kit pleads with Dugan to leave her in. Dugan asks Dottie what she thought. “Well, you know…she’s battling…”

Dugan asks again, this time louder, “What do you THINK?”

“She’s done. She’s throwing grapefruits.”

I cite those two stories – one fiction and one non-fiction – to illustrate this statement:

Donald Trump is done.

But patently obvious?

Yup – a patently obvious fact.

Okay – let’s start with Donald Trump’s narrow 2016 Electoral College victory over Hillary! Clinton.

Trump won Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania because Clinton lost enough votes to Green Party nominee Jill Stein and Libertarian Party nominee Gary “Aleppo?” Johnson in those three states.

However, Clinton won the national popular vote by 2,868,519 votes. Some call that a fluke election. Doesn’t matter. In the end, it was just math.

The Virginia bellwether election of 2017 saw Democrat Ralph Northam beat Ed Gillespie by nine points 53.9 to 44.97. Just three years earlier, Gillespie had narrowly lost to Mark Warner in the US Senate race — 49.15 to 48.34. Less than a point.

The difference ? Well, let’s put it this way – Republican House members in 2017 told me that their own FAMILY members were voting against them to send Trump a message. Their. Own. Family.

2017 saw a Blue Wave of Democratic victories in the House of Delegates in which 15 House seats flipped and control of the House was determined by a film canister being pulled from a bowl that broke an actual tie in a House race. Granted the bowl was lovely and historic, but still…that’s how we break ties for control of the House of Delegates.

The 2018 Midterms saw a massive turnout increase from the 2014 Midterms and the House Democrats out-polled the GOP nationally by 9,710,275 votes winning 41 seats.

The national tide against Trump continued in the 2019 Virginia bellwether as the House and Senate both went Blue giving the Democrats the governing trifecta. #OverreachComing

Then came 2020 in which the Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, basically campaigned from his basement “Under the Lid” giving all the attention to the incumbent President Donald Trump. #Referendum

This time, Biden won Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Also Georgia and Arizona. One key difference from 2016 in the Electoral College? Lack of support for Green and Libertarian candidates.

Biden won that election by 7,059,526 votes.

Before Tuesday, this was the national vote in the previous three cycles:

3 million, 10 million, and 7 million against the Trump-led Republicans.

Reminder – people vote AGAINST more than FOR. #Psychology

Virginia 2021. Republicans won, in part, by keeping Donald Trump OUT of Virginia. About two weeks out of election day, I asked a person very familiar with the internal operations of the Republican campaigns how things were going. “It looks good. Really good.”

“Can anything mess this up for the Republicans?”

“Yeah, Trump could show up.”

<laughter from both>

“No, seriously….Anything else?”

“That’s pretty much it. If Trumps stays out, I think we win.”

Now throw in the 2022 Midterm underperformance in which Republicans still might win control of the U.S. House and U.S. Senate. It was closely divided going in and it’s closely divided coming out. (Line of the day goes to Brian Kirwin, “Waiting three hours is taking three days.”) Again.

Make ZERO mistake, the Trump-endorsed candidates who swore allegiance to the premeditated stolen 2020 election fable in order to get their Republican nominations were either beaten on Tuesday or underperformed the top of their tickets.

And, like Pedro Martinez in Game 7 of the 2003 ALCS…


Many of those at the top of the tickets — Republican governors in particular — were roundly attacked by Trump for not being loyal enough to him. Those attacks probably helped win swingable voters.

Check out this list of underperforming Trump-endorsed candidates:

NH – Gov. Sununu – 57 v 45 for Bolduc – Twelve

Ohio – Gov. DeWine 63 v 53 for Vance – Ten

Georgia – Gov. Kemp 53 v 49 for Walker – Four

WI Sen. Ron Johnson 50.5 v 48 for Michels (candidate for Governor). Two and a half.

Pennsylvania Dr. Oz 47 v Mastriano (who took busses to January 6th) 42. Both lost, Mastriano more so by FIVE.

The BIGGEST winner of the night was Florida Governor Ron DeSantis who won 59% of the vote while Senator Marco Rubio won with 58%.

Turns out the new nickname for DeSantis shouldn’t be the DeSanctimonious that Trump trial ballooned but rather Ron DeSixtyPercentofUs.

Now, Donald Trump will run for president again. Of that, I have no doubt.

However, given the last FOUR national election cycles, there is no path to the White House for Donald Trump. None. The math is just not there.

I’ll even throw in a bumper sticker for you — No math, no path.

Trump’s done.

Policy achievement notwithstanding, it’s time for the GOP to move on to its new generation of leaders.

Trump also shouldn’t be president again.

My January 7th column stands.

We could probably use a Godfather reference or two right about now.

You know what to do.

This one is obvious.

Leave the gun, take the policies.

Chris Saxman is executive director of Virginia FREE. This column has been republished with permission from The Intersection.

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77 responses to “Trump’s Done, and It’s Patently Obvious”

  1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    You have to ask yourself. Who will be sadder at Mr. Trump’s funeral. Easy answer. Democrats.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      The problem is, and I had this conversation with somebody in a major GOP leadership position, who goes out to the mound to tell him that he will listen to? Trump listens to no one. He thinks he owns the ballpark.

      1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
        Kathleen Smith

        Good response. Keep in mind, the republicans with the money in the house and senate are Trumpsters. They may not want to cave in. I hope they see their way to support other republicans.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        He owns enough of the ballpark to either control or destroy it. If he rampages against the GOP leadership, he cuts your party in half. Can you say, “Ralph Nader on steroids”?

        1. I’m having trouble putting Ralph Nader and steroids in the same vision, but it’s an interesting hypothesis:) If it was Ralph and meth, it would be unsafe with any speed…

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            How about Nader on Big Macs? Lots and lots of Big Macs.

          2. Seems that more fits Nadler (what’s a consonant between friends?), but ok I’m getting visions (scary) of Trumpian or Clintonian magnitude.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Hey! Bill cleaned up and dropped some 70 or 80 lbs.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      The problem is, and I had this conversation with somebody in a major GOP leadership position, who goes out to the mound to tell him that he will listen to? Trump listens to no one. He thinks he owns the ballpark.

    3. LarrytheG Avatar

      Gonna see something when McCarthy tries to run for speaker… and won’t have anything to do with Dems!

    4. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Passively. When your opponent is beating himself, don’t stop him.

  2. Patiently obvious in politics is an oxymoron. Time will tell is more like it. Oh and I am curious how the libertarian took votes from Clinton?

    The wonderful thing about Trump is he is above all this nonsense.

    1. That would be one very confused libertarian.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    starting to think even Conservatives have come down with TDS! 😉

    1. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith


    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      January 6 was their opportunity to lose that penny, but by January 11 they joined at the hip.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        and Saxman and Sherlock are wearing the same brand blinders…

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    No, no. He’s not doone. Your spine is 7 years too late in growing. The GOP cannot afford to lose his voters.

    Trump will not let go his stranglehold on the GOP until he’s in prison or the ground.

    I know this is not PC but read “Song of the South” and see if’n you can figure out which “character” most closely resembles Trump.

    1. There are others who can attract Trump’s voters. They are the old Dem New Deal working class/middle class populist base. Aka deplorables or MAGAs that the Dems kicked to the curb in the ’70s.

      The Dems won’t touch them with a 10 foot pole so a Repub can attract them with “The old king is dead, long live the new king”. Rubio and Cruz have been plowing support for unions fields while DeSantis is out there rounding up Hispanics and those who just want government to work.

      Identity politics is a sketchy tactic producing narrow margins, think Duhbya in ’00 and Clinton in ’16. Class politics can produce a much broader and bigger base. It gave the Dems durable majorities for 40 year when used by FDR.

      Dems will be on very shaky grounds if they rely on a coalition of minorities to put them over the top in 2024 running against a Repub who does not have Trump’s huge personal baggage.

      My wager at this stage is that neither Trump or Biden will be candidates in ’24. The Dems better start recruiting. The Repubs already know who the prospects are on their side.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Texas has been under Republican control for 27 years and this year they won again running ads that say “only Republicans can fix the problems in Texas”. Really?

        1. The answer sure ain’t Beto. If the Dems want to win in Texas they have to start by actually nominating a candidate, no more Bozos.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        You have to pry ’em loose first. Perot lasted 6 years and he wasn’t president. Even if Trump holds only 5% of the GOP, he makes money…

        1. I sorta liked the little jug eared Martian. I voted for him in ’96, I was so p*ed at Clinton with his Dick Morris toe sucking triangulation. Perot actually made them all talk about money with his charts and graphs. Bill set the path to paying off the national debt by 2018 with his last two budgets being in surplus. Then Duhbya decided that tax cuts were the solution to every problem and you know the rest.

          I really don’t care if Trump makes money. The Repubs desperately need to get shed if him as the most profound GOTV machine in history for the Dems. They’re not going anywhere as long as Trump derangement syndrome inspires millions of Dems to actually get off their butts and vote.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            “I voted for him in ’96,…”
            We thank you. Although, maybe had Dole won, and with Britney Spears as SecState, everything would have turned out right…

          2. You’re welcome. I don’t regret my Perot vote, but I sometimes wonder how the world would be different if Dole had won in ’96 and been re-elected.

            Dole was bright and had a wicked sense of humor, he was profoundly funny.

            As a wounded and disabled WWII vet he would have been resistant to the neo con war mongering madness that has so deranged us this millennium. He also would also have listened to the warnings in 2001 about al-qaeda that Duhbya ignored. My bet is that Dole would have gotten Bin Laden and al-qaeda at Tora Bora, declared victory and come home.

            Dole was fiscally sensible so he would not have allowed the Clinton/Rubin/Summers deregulation idiocy that set up the 2008 collapse.

            The US and the world would be a very different and likely far better place.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Ah, but our feet fall on the path we choose, and I wish the Republicans would learn this, there’s no going back.

          4. Yeah, coulda, woulda, shoulda. We did what we did and here we are. Although I’m not sure I’d call it the best of all possible worlds.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      I always thought some GOP lived in LA LA Land. This is PROOF!

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        There’s a new Disney park: VA VA Land.

  5. Turbocohen Avatar

    Dump Trump or Dump DeSantis = 4 more years of Biden Harris.

    1. Ha ha ha. Dream on, Dems don’t want any more of Biden or Harris than the Repubs do.

      Dems better start recruiting if they want to beat the Repubs in ’24. Hint, it ain’t Kamala, Beto, Stacy, Gavin, or Pete. Bernie’s too old and none of the other midgets who were in the ’20 primaries are viable. The Dems need new blood if they’re going to succeed, the Repubs have already identified theirs.

  6. Republicans are dreaming if they think they’re done with Trump. He will announce next week and will be the immediate front runner who will bite, kick, and eye gouge to obtain the nomination. And no matter who wins, they’ll be bloodied beyond belief. You reap what you sow.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Not gone until he’s paid to leave — the Trump exorcism.

      1. He just released a statement today attacking DeSantis as a mediocre governor. MAGA types are attacking Winsome Sears for saying the party needs to move on. He’s not done, and he’ll take everyone down with him.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Until he’s paid to leave. That’s a joke. He’s in love with his own voice. He wil never leave. NEVAH!

    2. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith

      Cough cough Winsome Sears cough cough. You folks are stuck with Biden and Greta. Own it.

      1. Proudly. He beat you in 2020, and he ate your lunch on Tue.

        1. The Repubs certainly did not get the wave they were expecting, but if losing the House, and maybe the Senate is eating Repubs lunch I’d hate to see what you think eating someone’s dinner would be.

          When the hearings start in the House with Repub Chairs you may not find the midterms were quite the victory they now seem.

          1. Having the smallest congressional midterm losses by an incumbent party in modern times, with Rs looking at the smallest house majority since FDR, while also likely losing a Senate seat (NV will flip today), all while the president is unpopular, inflation is the highest since the 70s, the economy is sputtering, and 7 in 10 believe the country is headed in the wrong direction…that, my friend, is the definition of a vicious counter punch landing directly on one’s chin. With the political environment the way it is, I also wouldn’t bet on extensive hearing to air D’s dirty laundry. Hunter Biden is a pig, but no one cares. The American electorate is finally seeing what MAGA looks like under their red hats, and, surprise surprise, it’s white hoods.

          2. Dream on. There is no doubt the Repubs were profoundly disappointed with the midterm results. It remains that they are taking control of the House. You can discount Humter all you want, but the bigger issue is long term Biden corruption. That is a real and substantive issue.

            Portraying the Repubs, aka MAGA, as KKK is idiocy. Surely you know better. Middle/working class America was the Dems base under FDR that ruled for 40 years. The Dems kicked their base to the curb in the ’70s. If the Repubs figure out how to appeal to them sans Trump the Dems are in trouble. Identity politics and fat cat elites are a shaky coalition.

          3. Nick Fuentes blamed the midterm losses on the Jewish media, and Trump called Youngkin “Chinese” as an insult today. But yeah, go on with the calling of MAGA as KKK absurd.

          4. “go on with the calling of MAGA as KKK absurd.”

            Ok, it is absurd, and if you’re not brighter than the idiocy you’re spouting you need assistance.

    3. dave schutz Avatar
      dave schutz

      Trump has clearly done himself a lot of harm with the Republican operative group. NY Post has good coverage: and it also suggests a lot of in the trenches voters are unhappy with him.
      I see Trump as a grifter and a glory hound who always does what he thinks will benefit himself. If public sentiment among Reeps turns sufficiently against him, he won’t see another run as a path to money and glory. So I think we don’t know yet. I do think he his a huge asset for the Dems at this point.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        The GOP was fine with Trump eviscerating the tenets of Democracy as long as he delivered votes.

        They pretty much got what they deserved except all the rest of the country also got it – no thanks to the GOP and it’s appetite for power even if it is autocratic 3rd world flavor.

        This is not on Trump. This is on the GOP.

      2. Warmac9999 Avatar

        Substitute Biden for Trump. You get the same story.

        1. dave schutz Avatar
          dave schutz

          Neither party has done well at getting broadly acceptable nominees. I think the Alaska strategy of a clown car primary followed by a ranked choice run off has a lot to recommend it. Virginia’s Reeps were deathly afraid that a wild-eyed nutball would get the nomination for governor, so they used ranked choice instead of plurality and it worked very well for them as they got the much more emollient Youngkin, who is governor today.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            The GOP does NOT have a stable primary process in Va that would discourage nutballs from being
            involved in selecting candidates to run,

            It was a bit of a miracle that they got Youngkin IMO but even he really did not go from the middle. He won by demonizing the pandemic and schools to peel swing voters to join the base to win.

            He has an awful relationship with the Dems in the GA.

            Will be interesting to see how he approaches the next session.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Mr. Saxman. A serious question. Have you paid him to leave? Then he ain’t done.

    1. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith

      Nancy, a serious question. Will you ever offer an actual article to BR? Or, will you snipe forever from the insignificance of the comments section?

      And, if you choose insignificance and ankle-biting, then why should any adults take you seriously?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        There are adults here?! Where?

        Do you remember the Beatles song “Revolution”? Find your line.

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Is this a serious inquiry? Abstract of a BR article?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          And that from a guy whose account image is a slaver who fought to keep men enslaved but sought to better the lives of the enslaved by teaching them to read and write… not free them, mind you.

          Besides, what could I write of interest to the whiny white boys? I’m not an anachronism. Well, a 1980 one. Not an 1880 one.

          1. 40 years here a century there, pretty soon you’re into real time.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            While breathing, there’s hope.

  8. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Saxman longs for a Warren Harding “Return to Normalcy” moment. It’s been a hundred years. And not happening anytime soon either.

    1. john harvie Avatar
      john harvie

      Sure it is: DeSantis/Youngkin. Or vice versa.

    2. Chris Saxman Avatar
      Chris Saxman

      news to me.

  9. Turbocohen Avatar

    Trump candidates won 219 races.

  10. LarrytheG Avatar

    The GOP was just fine with Trump doing Jan 6 and elections conspiracy theories, Martial Law, gutting Pence, the whole ball of wax… not a whimper… all-in… until now. They did not seem to care that Trump was going to set up 3rd world autocracy – as long as he got them votes.

    So NOW, look at these SAME folks …. “Trump is done”!

    talk about lemmings!

    1. Warmac9999 Avatar

      You now have a third world autocracy. And it ain’t Trump’s fault.

  11. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Some Repugs (as noted on these pages) wish Trump would pass, freeing them from any decision to rid the party of the meddlesome President in exile. None have the fortitude to take him out. Despite a bit of come-to-Jesus resurrection, Trump’s grip on the elephant party is stronger than perceived. If he declares, few will stand up. Dems will be grateful to the cult and not to those currently woke to the threat. Some GOPers silently desire the “politically partisan” DOJ will take the decision out of their hands while they mewl about electoral influence. The currently woke anti-Trumpers will have forgotten their resistance in hope of a win in 2024.

    1. Way to go Jim, it’s another Jim McCarthy silly walk. This one is straight out of fantasy land. Keep up the good work.

  12. Charlie Potatoe Avatar
    Charlie Potatoe

    Before Tuesday:
    “Before Tuesday, this was the national vote in the previous three cycles: 3 million, 10 million, and 7 million against the Trump-led Republicans.”

    After Tuesday:
    Cook Report: 2022 National House Vote Tracker
    Democratic votes Republican votes Total votes
    44,890,901 50,703,534 97,060,702
    46.3% 52.2%

    Cook Report: 2022 National House Vote Tracker
    As of November 9th, Republicans hold a lead in the race for the House, but control remains uncalled. We’ll update this page often as more votes are counted, using results compiled from official Sources.

    As determined, so far, on Tuesday, the “done” Trump-led Republicans out voted the Democrats by 5,812,633 votes(6%).

    Thus, after a disastrous two years of rule by Biden and the Congressional, State, and local Democrats, the thesis of the tendentious Saxman, if it
    ever was valid, has been discredited by the facts.

    Inquiring minds, ask
    Is Saxman done?


    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Sack ‘im.

      1. Charlie Potatoe Avatar
        Charlie Potatoe

        A vote to sack Saxman, I presume.

  13. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Above we are holding Trump responsible for lousy mid-term performance of the Repubs, but the *other* 800-lb gorilla in the room is the Repub insistence on reversing Roe v. Wade (which Trump apparently realized was going to be “bad for Republicans”). Two too many gorillas.

  14. LarrytheG Avatar

    Trump is not the issue with Dems despite what some Conservatives myopically believe. It’s Trumps autocratic and imperious attitude towards governance – and the ignorant folks who vote who support such 3rd world style governance. DeSantis seems to have similar tendencies as does Youngkin to a lesser degree so far.

    Seems to be what some GOP prefer over collaboration and compromise. Look at abortion or immigration for examples. That’s essentially what “deep state” means an obstacle to autocracy and the cure is to replace with “loyalists” who will do what the leader wants rather than what the Constitution and legislation say.

    The GOP will undoubtedly end up a majority in Congress, but can it really govern if the so-called Freedom Caucus extracts such extreme demands any compromise with the Dems (or even moderate GOP) is impossible?

    What then? We’ve seen this movie before. We’re gonna have rearview “investigations” and such , forget about looking ahead much less solving issues like immigration, abortion and other priorities.

    If I were GOP, I’d worry much more about the GOP tendency towards autocracy, rather than the Dem’s supposed want of a funeral. DeSantis has the same autocratic tendencies and will end up with the same conflicts with the Dems as well as the more moderate GOP. Youngkin is headed the same way if he does not change course with the Va GA.

    The REALITY is that half the country is NOT “conservative” and you cannot govern as if it is.

    1. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      Dang, I gotta learn how to play that on my clarinet. My grandson just took up sax, I have to coach him that is how I would play if I played sax.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I assume you can already do the opening to Rhapsody in Blue?

  15. Wait wait…trump just made a racist attack against Glen Youngkin. You can’t make this crap up…anyway, you want to see heads explode, watch how the Virginia GOP reacts to having their patron saint attack their prophet.

    1. If Dems waste much time relishing the schadenfreude of Repubs getting shed of Trump and figuring out how to embrace populism they will have missed the opportunity to be competitive in ’24.

      Remember, the Repubs are disappointed they didn’t win more Tuesday and are doing post mortems to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it. The fingers are increasingly pointing at Trump as the issue and getting shed of him as the answer.

      With a little luck the DoJ will help with that right soon now, and return the favor the Repubs, with Trump as the ultimate GOTV stimulus, have given the Dems.

      1. In some sense you’re right. I don’t think it’s healthy to hyperfocus on Trump. Rather, I think it’s better to say that Trump is a symptom of a much larger problem, which the R party’s tendency toward autocracy. I think it’s incredibly important for Dems to reject that approach to govt. outright, while courting the white working class Reagan Republican vote. In that, we totally agree.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Totally agree. It’s the voters who seem to WANT autocracy that are truly dangerous IMO and Trump is a symptom and when/if he is gone, those folks are STILL going to want an autocrat.

  16. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “Sears has embraced President Donald Trump, serving as co-chair of a group called Black Americans to Re-elect President Trump, and defending him against charges of racism.”

    WOKE? It’s a different kind of woke.

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