Trump Denial Simplex

Red ripple

by Jim McCarthy

Wokeness appears to have infiltrated or infected Republicans and conservatives following disappointment when the ballyhooed Red Wave failed to materialize in the midterms. Denial is the first stage of the grieving process toward acceptance of the passing of a loved one.

Trump Denial Simplex (TDS) is not a replacement for Trump Derangement Syndrome suffered, according to Trump apologists, by Democrats and progressives possessed by a virulent hatred or dislike for the President in Exile (PIE) and employed to stoke similar responses among their voters. Nor is the new TDS multi-faceted, as it consists at present of a single part, giving rise to the “simplex” designation. Anger is the second stage in the grieving process but evidence of that has not yet been identified.

During the term of the 45th POTUS and the interregnum of PIE, an unwritten first commandment operated: I am the Lord of the GOP and thou shall not have strange challengers or graven images before me. Now in the course of human emotions, grief encompasses a passing from this mortal coil but, unlike Caesar, the good is not always interred with the bones and those who once praised (or were silent) about the Lord of the GOP, seeking to bury him, may have leaned over their skis.

Bacon’s Rebellion published an article, “Trump’s Done, and It’s Patently Obvious” (11/10/2022), proclaiming PIE’s passing as a vital political being. Commenters chimed in with posts expressing a variety of opinions attesting to the doneness of PIE. A few paraphrased examples of the comments are redolent of the first stage of the TDS:

  • While in office, his policies were very productive but his politics were destructive;
  • He was bad but saved us from worse, Hillary Clinton;
  • Democrats cannot thrive without him.

A second BR piece (also 11/10/2022) was less forthright in its farewell to PIE and his effect – or lack thereof – on the midterms, prominently featuring a conservative Republican delegate urging voters and the party to “move on” to pivot from Trump. And yet a third article published on the same date extolled the performance of GOP candidates in school board elections as “faring well” in the midterm-no-Red-Wave phenomenon. Trump Denial Simplex was in full bloom.

At the same time, none of these apostate expressions violating the first commandment of PIE referenced the legacies of his era. Oddly, none cited or enumerated the productive policies of the Trump presidency. That absence may relate to the present void of substance in the 2024 campaign preliminaries offered by the Speaker wannabe, Kevin McCarthy and a fear of resurrecting painful accomplishments like tax reductions for the wealthy. None praised the retention of four VA GOP Congressmen who voted to reject electoral votes on January 6th. No mention of the vaunted election integrity efforts in Virginia or elsewhere was noted — yet. As ballot counts continue, there may be life in the Big Steal myth from the TDS crowd.

In a pile-on, Virginians have been treated to yet another appeal to pivot away from PIE by LG Winsome Sears urging Trump to be a “leader” by acknowledging he is a liability. The multiple appeals from Virginians are as likely to be heard as those directed to the new governor to stay at home to work on indigenous issues. Youngkin has not listened, and PIE has no reason to do so.

If Trump decides to run for President, it will be impossible for Republicans to progress to the second stage of grief – anger. The BR articles are premature in burying PIE as some critics were disinclined to praise him. A decision by PIE to run in 2024 will surely encourage these newly woke Republicans and conservatives to reprise epithets about Trump Derangement Syndrome, permanently barring progress to the fifth stage of the grieving process – acceptance. Sadly, though, that will require reaffirmation of the first commandment of loyalty and a cure of the denial simplex.

But the loyalty of Virginia Republicans even to their own heroes like Youngkin is fire-tested. On Truth Social, PIE wrote (11/11/2022):

Young Kin (now that’s an interesting take. Sounds Chinese doesn’t it?) in Virginia could not have won without me. …or he couldn’t have come close to winning. But he knows that, and admits it.

It will be interesting to gauge any responses to the PIE.

Democrats, because they are woke, wish no ill to the opposition, offering only the sympathy customary in cases of physical and political disease while they continue to formulate remedial strategies and cures for the American public’s exposure to Trump. Repudiating Democrats will require surmounting the 7 million popular vote margin enjoyed by the current White House incumbent. Unable to succeed himself, Youngkin and allies will be looking hard at replicating his 66,000 popular vote margin following the 2024 Presidential.

Jim McCarthy, a former New York attorney, lives in Northern Virginia.

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61 responses to “Trump Denial Simplex”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    1 out of every 3 Americans have the virus lying dormant within them.

  2. Wow, a whole column of Jim McCarthy’s silly walks for our amusement over the weekend. We are so lucky. In addition to making stuff up he has thrown in things that are flat wrong as a bonus.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are so talented at silly walks and so generous to share them with the rest of us. We are indeed fortunate you fell off the turnip wagon here in Virginia instead of riding it all the way from New York to Florida.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      If one is going to accuse a person of “making stuff up” and saying things that are “flat wrong”, then one should give some examples of such offenses.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Insults are preferred over discussion. Churlish and childish.

        1. That’s why I go out of my way to compliment you on your silly walks. Others may insult you, but I delight in your inventive foolishness and nonsense. Keep up the good work.

        2. Matt Adams Avatar

          “James McCarthy Dick Hall-Sizemore
          2 hours ago
          Insults are preferred over discussion. Churlish and childish.”

          Says the poster who hurls insults in 88% of his comments, you can’t make this up.

      2. Read his original text, it is mostly composed of examples of both. I’m satisfied with simply congratulating him on his ability to string so much nonsense together into Jim McCarthy’s silly walks.

        I am reminded of a quote attributed to Will Rogers. Roughly: “What he did not know used to worry me, but here lately what he knows for sure that just ain’t so scares the Hell out of me.” Silly walks are entertaining, not scary, but the sentiment is similar.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Hey, DH-S, you do the work! I only know what Rumsfeld whispered in my ear about what we know. Deflection is the art of avoidance dance. Hollow polemics full of sound.

  3. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    So many nattering nabobs of negativity frolicking in vacuity.

    1. Oh, oh, you’re stepping up in the world, plagiarizing disgraced felon and Repub vice president Spiro T. Agnew. Maybe next you will treat us by stealing quotes from Dan “potatoe” Quayle. Congrats on adding to Jim McCarthy’s silly walks in the comments. You are truly the gift that keeps on giving.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Quayle was silly. Nothing memorable.

        1. Ah, your role model. Sad to learn you are derivative and not original. But, silly is as silly does while remaining unmemorable. Fetching.

      2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        Agnew may have been the one to have said it, but it is still a great line.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          He and Goldwater had brilliant speech writers. I don’t think the Bagman possessed sharp literary skills. Let us not forget his “hopeless, hysterical hypochondriacs of history.”

  4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I was at Lil’ Dee’s Pancake House in Front Royal this morning. Seated at the bar on my left a nice Latino family. Dad’s wearing a Trump shirt. Seated on my right is big boy wearing cover alls with no undershirt on. No Maga gear on but if I had to guess he might have voted for Trump too. So my point is simple. If Virginia’s GOP leadership turn its back on Trump, Republicans will lose most of the votes west of the Blue Ridge and the Southwest too. They see right thru Youngkin who comes across as a conservative version of Gavin Newsome. The only path is to hold the wolf by the ears.

    I do appreciate Mr. McCarthy’s piece. I try, but I don’t understand. It’s good to talk to a real person who has the guts to put his name next to his beliefs.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Thank you. Some just think I’m silly. If more PIE were on the market especially at breakfast diners, more folks would appreciate the flavors.

      1. Some just think I’m silly.

        And many of us know for sure. Keep up the silly good work.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      ” If Virginia’s GOP leadership turn its back on Trump, Republicans will lose most of the votes west of the Blue Ridge and the Southwest too. ”

      JAB and Haner ought to respond to this. True? Are you both still “done” with Trump?

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        They are smart. They know. I just said the quiet part out loud. Doesn’t ring well up and down the urban crescent of Virginia.

    3. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      To quote Bill Maher, the Dems and liberals have no common sense. My words, they would destroy our entire US industry because they feel 99.9% pollution control is still genocide. Meanwhile US Liberals are A-OK with 0% pollution control in China, and importing everything we need from China. Then the liberals want to pick a war with China, they hate China second only to US fossil fuels and Americans involved with that. So Repubs don’t really need Trump, we just need common sense, which unfort is in short supply.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        KoolAid tends to suppress common sense.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Yes. “U.S. Liberals” are really pretty much like every other developed country on the planet.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        How does US “liberal” policy match up with most other developed countries?

        no common sense in Europe either?

    4. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      To quote Bill Maher, the Dems and liberals have no common sense. My words, they would destroy our entire US industry because they feel 99.9% pollution control is still genocide. Meanwhile US Liberals are A-OK with 0% pollution control in China, and importing everything we need from China. Then the liberals want to pick a war with China, they hate China second only to US fossil fuels and Americans involved with that. So Repubs don’t really need Trump, we just need common sense, which unfort is in short supply.

  5. Thank goodness Thanksgiving is around the corner, as I really want some pie.

  6. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    I appreciate that this author uses his name unlike the other Merchants of Leftist Snark, but it is still leftist snark. Look to your own house. You guys go figure out how to remove your senile serving president from contention and we’ll worry about blocking another run by our former narcissist in chief. Everybody benefits with some new choices (which also rules out another run by Hilarious Hilary, and you can see her standing in the wings.)

    Still looks to me like the R’s take the House and the Senate remains possible. Yes, GA is possible still. With Florida, Texas and Ohio trending so red I’m thinking 2024 is very much in play. Which is why Democrats are so interested in interfering with internal GOP matters.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Thanks. I did not anticipate denial of denial but I suppose that’s to be expected.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        There is no need to reply to snark, just to tag it.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Color me crazy but how is one to receive your comment but as a reply to snark? Youse guys are a puzzle.

          1. and you are so easily puzzled.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          Actually I think Haner grungily admits to liking”quality” snark!

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Grief and denial will do that.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            He has the gene.

        3. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Was that snark?

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            It’s a new conservative secret weapon called Anti Snark Syndrome. Acronym deleted.

    2. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      Senate looking bleak for Repubs because the Nevada looks very much Dem victory to me, because lots of uncounted votes in Las Vegas region. I would think almost done deal.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        This is probably going to gin up the “stolen election” claims again, no?

        1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          It already has. Lindsay Graham has said that if the Democrat wins, it is a fraud.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            GOP losers in Az are also saying it.

            WSJ – editorial page says that the vote takes too long to count and that’s the problem because the votes “change”.

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Coupla bright notes: Manchin and Sinema remain; if projections hold, Rs will enjoy a 2 seat House majority to execute the as yet unknown legislative agenda. That’s if the Freedom Caucus agrees.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          The larger non-Freedom Caucus GOP can succeed on some legislation if they are willing to collaborate with moderate Dems, build coalitions.

          This is what the founding fathers intended with divided govt which they were no stranger to either!

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Sleep with dogs, rise with fleas. Itch much?

      2024? Wow, that’s a pretty good impersonation of Scarlet you do.

    4. LarrytheG Avatar

      sorta sounds like: ” It’s the Dems fault for running Hillary and Biden that Trump got elected and is still a threat to the country”…

      I mean what’s the worst that Hillary would have done as POTUS or Biden as POTUS?

      Neither would do anything like what Trump did and will do…

      So this is the “defense”? Get rid of your senile POTUS or we’ll stand aside and let Trump come back?

    5. Dr. Haner, Biden has signed 7 pieces of major legislation, of which 5 were bi-partisan and the American voters just took note of things being accomplished. Perhaps the country needs more “senile” politicians.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        It seems to me that conservatives are willing to support the likes of Trump over what most Democrats have always done when in office. Biden is not “far left” at all… he’s mainstream progressive advocating for things that progressives have always supported.

        But some/many of the Repugs are so reactive to it that they’re willing to support someone who would damage the tenets of our Democracy as a “cure”.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      The “stats” confirm the thesis of the article. Denial is not only a river in Egypt.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      This is uber Trump/Mega stuff.. right?

      I see t he GOP spitting into two factions – not unlike what we see in some other countries with moderate conservatives and hard-right conservatives.


  7. Deckplates Avatar

    It is easy to retire an “Old Horse” with narrative. Nevertheless, lest we forget.
    – Daily, Trump was attacked, and attacked, and his family attacked
    – All charges against him were not founded, but contrived
    – USMC vs. NAFTA, a win for ALL three N. America Countries
    – Reducing taxes for businesses and personal income tax, what an economy
    – Reducing the out-of-control Gov’t requirements for businesses, the supreme court did the same
    – Not permitting other countries to disparage the USA, talk bad to us and he would reply in kind
    – Standing up to China, and stopping the Tech thievery & massive invasion, a war he slowed
    – Closing the boarders, but could not get Immigration reform completed
    – Standing up to EU, and making them pay their fair share to NATO, and they paid
    – Standing up to the would-be attackers, such as N. Korea and building the world’s best Defense Force, no one wanted to mess with the U.S.
    – NOT starting another war, and ending all Mideast involvement with signed treaties
    – Attempting to fix the schools, with Betsy DeVos getting the same daily attacks
    – Proving to minority voters that the Republican Party will do better for them
    – Focus on the USA, ALL the people of the USA & its sovereignty

    Is Trump too old to run for president in 2024? YES. Is he rough around the edges, the same as General George Patton was? YES. Did he take a toll in getting the job done? YES. Did he get the job done? YES.

    He is NOT DUMB and knows It is time for him to retire and let new blood take over. He sees the future of the U.S. Could he be positioning for a “successor.” Read this again, in late 2023.

    IF anyone, believes they understand Trump as a strategist, they are only seeing it with paradigms.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Go back to the original GOP primary where Trump proceeded to name-call and impugn the others. Is that when it got started?

      Too old? More to the point – too willing to turn the US into a 3rd world autocracy… his heroes Putin and other dictators.

    2. Where’s the beef!

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Smart as a deckplate. Hmmm, quite the compliment.

    3. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Super!! Someone finally asserting Trump policies. Sole reservation is that the jury of public opinion and in some courts have yet to weigh in.

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    If Trump decides to run in 2024, my suggestion to the GOP is to nominate him, unopposed. If anyone — ANYONE — runs against him in a primary and should happen to defeat him, he will just trash them all the way to election day. Biden will get an easy-8.

    Leopards and spots, guys. Use your frickin’ heads.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      I take that back. The leopard analogy to Trump, that is.

      Almost universally, we use animal analogies to describe human behaviour. We call certain female serial killers black widows, for example. We say the guy is “as strong as a bull”, or “as dumb as an ox”, or “cunning like a fox”, etc.

      Trump is a hyena, not a leopard.

      Without rival, the hyena is the top predator on the African continent. Even a couple of lions, although larger and outnumbering one, won’t mess with a hyena. In a pack, all animals fear them.

      But more than ferocity, the Trumps share another hyena trait that is unique to the animal.

      If a hyena makes a kill, say a springbok, the pack will defend the carcass from any other predator or scavenger, rarely abandoning it, until they have had their fill. Then, once satiated, the entire pack will defecate and urinate on the carcass rendering useless to any but insects.

      Just to be clear, the GOP isn’t the other predators; lions, leopards, or even jackals. The GOP is the springbok.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        “The GOP is the springbok”


        the defecation begins…… earnest….

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        If PIE decides to run, the springbok herd is likely to join the list of extinct animals. Trump Denial Simplex, as noted in this commentary thread, will morph into a full blown pandemic not amenable to quarantine. Whether pols like Youngkin and Sears leave the comfort of their closets will be something to behold.

  9. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Repub party so broke, Reagan would have swung back to Democrat.

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