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Tremble, Mortals, the Rebellion Is Unleashed

The June 2, 2008, edition of the Bacon’s Rebellion e-zine is now available for viewing. You can read it in all of its original splendiferous glory here, and you can sign up for a free subscription here. Or, you can simply read the current sampling of column here:

Personalities and Prosperity
Ever wonder why New York is full of neurotics and L.A. full of surfer dudes? In his latest book, Richard Florida suggests that regions, like people, have personalities — with big implications for prosperity.
by James A. Bacon

Riding the Tiger
Many citizens, abetted by the MainStream Media, are clinging to oil and autonomobile dependency to the bitter end. A dismal reality of ever-climbing energy awaits them.
by EM Risse

Time for Systemic Reform
Crafted for the industrial, post-World War II era, Virginia’s government institutions are failing. More money won’t work. Tinkering won’t work. We need systemic reform.
by Chris Braunlich

Give Charters a Chance
The Richmond school board has just approved the state’s fourth charter school — a rare victory over political forces that sacrifice children’s welfare at the altar of left-wing ideology.
by Norman Leahy

VCU and the Evil Weed
VCU President Eugene Trani blew Richmond ’s reputation by going along with a noxious Philip Morris research contract.
by Peter Galuszka

Nice & Curious Question
Big Government in Virginia: Does Size Really Matter?
by Edwin S. Clay III and Patricia Bangs

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