Transgender Man Sues LGBT Life Center

Bing image creator: “Call me by my pronouns”

by James A. Bacon

A transgender man has filed a lawsuit against the LGBT Life Center in Virginia Beach, which provides health, housing, and other social services to the LBGQT community, on the grounds that it maintained a toxic work environment.

Alexia Kaelber, reports The Virginian-Pilot, had “dreams of helping the marginalized community and uplifting LGBTQ+ Hampton Roads residents.” Among other issues, he told the newspaper, the financially ailing nonprofit was unable to pay rent and electric bills for his clients. But here’s the kicker:

Kaelber, who is a transgender man, said his managers misgendered him and would not stop after being corrected.

Jeez, if you can’t get properly gendered at an LGBTQ+ center, where can you get properly gendered?

Schisms are occurring in the LGQBT community that the mainstream media is not reporting. It seems that many gays — how’s that for a sign of where we are as a society when traditional gays are now the reactionaries? — have reservations about the whole transgender thing.

Gays have long maintained that their sexual affinity for members of the same sex is not something they chose but was something they were born with. By contrast, transgender advocates insist that sexual identity (as opposed to sexual orientation) is socially constructed. The scientific fact that XX and XY chromosomes determine biological sex has no bearing about a person’s self perception as a male or female. Indeed, they say, gender identity is not a binary but a spectrum, meaning that a person might identify as neither male nor female, or as part male and part female, or as fluid (they change identities), or as questioning (they don’t know where they are on the spectrum).

Here’s the sticky point: Gays and lesbians have no question about their gender. Gay men know they are men. Lesbians know they are women. But there is an enormous confusion among transgenders. Many transgenders flail about when choosing between the multitude of alternatives. One source lists 81 genders. It is now possible for a person born a female to transition into being a male (changing sexual identity) and then declare sexual preferences for either males or females. Or both. Or neither.

Don’t be surprised if gays have as much trouble keeping up with continually mutating trans identities as we “normies” do.

Thus, it surprises me not that we are now reading about a lawsuit in Virginia Beach in which the managers of an LTBQT center (who may or may not have been gay themselves, the story doesn’t say) allegedly misgendered an employee.

In a related controversy… For several years I have been receiving newsletters from GayRVA about the LGBQT community in the Richmond area. The publication recently restyled itself QueerRVA, which I interpret as a sign that the publisher and editors want to adopt a more militant tone. Being “gay” is about as controversial these days as declaring oneself to be left-handed, and my gay friends have settled into lives of bourgeois normality. What, then, are the perennially dissatisfied to do? Rebrand themselves as queer.

I have been blogging recently about the controversy over inviting journalist Abigail Shrier to speak at the University of Virginia. A similar controversy erupted recently in Richmond. The queer community criticized the Richmond International Film Festival for showing the documentary, “Affirmation Generation,” which, like Shrier’s journalism, explored the phenomenon of treating transgender youth with “affirmative” care including hormone therapy.

Penny Page, a male-to-female transgender, characterized the film as transphobic. Among other criticisms, she claimed the film takes quotes out of context and makes false claims regarding puberty blockers and the phenomenon of “rapid onset gender dysphoria.” The decision of the RIFF organizers to show the film, she said, amounted to “incorporating hate speech into their brand identity.”

I did find Shrier’s book persuasive, and I have seen how trans advocates have wildly mischaracterized it, but I’m open to hearing all points of view. Are puberty blockers medically harmless? I have no way of knowing, other than to listen to all sides of the controversy. Attacking a claim by labeling it hate speech does not persuade me. Let’s air all the evidence and hear the experts debate.

That’s pretty much RIFF’s philosophy. As the group said in response to Page’s letter: “RIFF believes in the power of dialogue, and we welcome everyone to participate in the festival. At RIFF, we do not program based on personal opinions, and instead seek an unbiased and beautifully diverse approach in our programming.”

I couldn’t say it any better.

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16 responses to “Transgender Man Sues LGBT Life Center”

  1. vicnicholls Avatar

    Yes they’re hormones are medically harmful. Its called sterilization, so no going back. This also just came out: Transwomen are 93% more likely to suffer heart disease than other men. Transmen taking testosterone are 63% more likely to suffer heart disease than other women.

    Lead author Dr. Dorte Glintborg of Denmark’s Odense University Hospital noted in a 2021 study that epidemiological studies in transgender women reported increased risk of acute myocardial infarction and stroke during feminizing treatment, whereas long-term, controlled studies regarding feminizing treatment and risk of arterial CVD are lacking.

    In an apparent follow-up last month, Glintborg determined that male transvestites taking cross-sex hormones were nearly twice as likely to suffer from any cardiovascular disease as men not taking hormones, reported the Telegraph.

    While men are especially at risk, all individuals undergoing cross-sex conversion therapy face “significantly increased risk” of heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels.

    Glintborg and her team reportedly tracked the health of 2,671 transvestites from Denmark 1,270 of whom were women and 1,402 of whom were men over a five-year period. The average age for the men was 26 and the average age for the women in the study was 22. Over 1,000 appear to have undergone a legal sex change.

    Relative to the incidence of heart disease in a control group of 26,700 people, transwomen taking estrogen were 93% more likely to suffer the ailment than men not on feminizing hormones and 73% more likely to suffer the ailment than women.

    On the flip side, transmen taking testosterone were found to be 63% more likely than women not taking the hormone and twice as likely as men to develop some form of heart disease.

    Cardiovascular and metabolic outcomes were more prevalent in transgender persons compared to controls. Gender-affirming hormone therapy exposure could contribute to the elevated cardiovascular risk in transmen the researchers concluded.

  2. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    It would be interesting to understand why these people need to stir up so much controversy.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Which people?

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Hey, just to make things fun, throw the A’s into the mix, i.e., LBGTQA… “Wear a hat and nobody will know”.

    BTW, it’ll wind up being a little more than just XX and XY. There will be a “CTCAGACATGAC” someplace in there too.

    Don’t worry, the particular sequences will be found in next 20 years and discoverable in amniocentesis, giving Republicans a chance to rethink their stance on abortion.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      it’s hard enough for Conservative types. They don’t understand and some do not want to understand. “Why do we have to have all these different “kinds” besides basic male and female”?

      “there’s got to be some sort of basic “evil” behind all of it.

      “why can’t life be simple”?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Because complicated is just so, uh, complicated. There will always be those who will want to legislate Pi to be 3.

        So long as this happens,
        there will be a legitimate need for all this confusion for the rest of us

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Next 10 years are gonna be fun. The sexual revolution will pale in comparison to the Conservative demand that they create AR** for AI. “We must have morality from our computers!”

        Can you imagine, for example, a pedophile using an AI based graphics tool to gratify his imagery needs?

        Children will be able to create their own LBGTQ literature. Ban that book!

        ** Artificial Religion.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Yes. And misinformation and disinformation will be even more on steroids. These
          things occur and those with different views will not only interpret them differently
          but then portray them differently, like we see here in BR on these culture war things.

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “It is now possible for a person born a female to transition into being a male (changing sexual identity) and then declare sexual preferences for either males or females. Or both. Or neither.”

    The real question is why you care so much? What do you care what another person identifies as or prefers sexually? This appears to be an unhealthy obsession on BR these days.

    1. William O'Keefe Avatar
      William O’Keefe

      Amen to that. There would be fewer problems in life if people learned to mind their own business and let others lead the lives they want as long as that is within our social boundaries.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      I agree. It’s weird! It’s like they did not understand homosexuality either and initially thought it was misguided “choices” that could be “fixed” with “appropriate” counseling and “conversion”.

      It’s almost like if they can’t conceive it or understand it, it can’t be really true and, oh by the way, let’s get govt involved (from the small govt folks)!

    3. Lefty665 Avatar

      Most do not care how people identify. Live and let live.

      Where some draw the line is when people go beyond living to demand that the rest of us agree to things that are biologically impossible, like men having babies.

      Those demands are the “unhealthy obsession”. Terming anything less than complete acquiescence “hate speech” is equally offensive.

      The couple of people per thousand who are genuinely “trans” deserve appropriate care, treatment that can include therapy, meds or surgery as individually appropriate, and compassion for having suffered a difficult variance of nature. For the much larger group of phony screaming meemies, kiss off.

      The real “real question” is why anyone would take the bait of a troll wannabe’s trolling?

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll


  5. Lefty665 Avatar

    Funny how language evolves and why. Morticians morphed into Undertakers then to Funeral Directors. Gay morphs to Queer, wonder what the next change will be and why?

  6. Teddy007 Avatar

    One needs to be careful in not applying to lesbian what is normally applied to gay men. Born that way is a gay male thing to claim whereas women being “Hasbians” or lesbian while in college is acceptable. There are many examples.

    The issue with transwomen more than any other group is the apparent large number of grifters. From men claiming to be transwomen to get into women’s prisons or be athletes or irritate people by wearing a dress, it seems that the transwomen community have a large number of grifters who irritate everyone else.

    It would be wise for conservative to focus on the grifting instead of attacking all trans individuals.

    1. Not Today Avatar
      Not Today

      It points up the need for those socialized from birth as men or boys to center themselves and their preferences everywhere and all the time. That doesn’t stop when they become or adopt a transwoman identity. See Jenner, Caitlin.

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