Harrisonburg City Public Schools

by James C. Sherlock

Harrisonburg City Public Schools (HCPS) have a tough row to hoe.

April Howard, HCPS chief officer for student support, noted in a presentation to the school board on October 19 of 2021:

Fall 2021 Student Trends
➔ Observations of increased anxiety
➔ Increased school refusal
➔ Increased reports of suicidal ideation—utilization of SPG protocol
➔ Increased needs for emotional regulation support
➔ Increased behavioral issues in pre K-12
➔ Concerns related to loss of social skills due to pandemic-related isolation

That is a common list of the monumental issues brought about by the COVID closures.

So, HCPS somehow thought it a good time to pick a fight over protecting “transgender and gender questioning” kids from their teachers and parents.

They got one.

Virginia’s Model Policies for the
Treatment of Transgender Students in Virginia’s Public Schools were published by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) pursuant to a 2020 law that directed they be created. HCPS published new policies in the fall of 2021.

Conflicting rights, interests and requirements. Many parents and teachers are having trouble in supporting or, if they support them, at least in bridging the gaping chasms among many things that are supposed to happen simultaneously under such policies:

  1. introduction of LBTGQ+ lessons in kindergarten FLE syllabi.  Participation may at least be waived;
  2. the way identifications are to be made of transgender and “gender curious” six-year-olds in those same kindergartens;
  3. maintaining the confidentiality of such kids;
  4. mandatory use of preferred transgender pronouns; and
  5. denying any such information to parents.

Some teachers very understandably object to their roles in this. They make constitutional claims of freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

The lawsuit. HCPS is now shocked — shocked — that they are getting sued by both teachers and parents. I recommend you read the article.

School Boards and the Virginia Constitution. The Constitution of Virginia has caused a lot of issues because Article VIII gives constitutional authority and responsibility to the General Assembly, the Board of Education and the school boards.

Some Virginia school boards, understanding their rights and responsibilities under Article VIII that grants them authority to exercise “supervision the schools,” have ignored some Virginia laws and regulations that are put in place without enforcement mechanisms.

Some school boards do pretty much what they want unless state or federal funding is imperiled. It is not here.

The Superintendent of Public Instruction noted that when he sent a memo on July 30, 2021 that warned that non-compliance exposed the school divisions to lawsuits from parents.

“Local school boards that elect not to adopt policies assume all legal responsibility for noncompliance.”

He did not mention that compliance offered similar exposure.  But they already knew that.

Such independence is certainly a virtue in many cases in which school boards must consider the desires of their citizens. But HCPS embraced the opportunity to go even further.

HCPS administration presentation to the school board. Ms. Howard’s presentation noted that “Voices of Virginia Students” had said that “Some families are unsafe and toxic if kids come out.” Unsafe and toxic.

Children learn that in public schools.

From Ms. Howard:

Celebrating the Spirit of Bullying Prevention

HCPS Student Support team continues to embrace an inclusive environment where all students are valued, protected, and given the opportunity to learn in a safe environment.

  • ➔  Restorative Justice Efforts
  • ➔  Trauma-informed Care
  • ➔  SEL Committee
  • ➔  Suicide Prevention
  • ➔  Growth for Student Support Department

Woke boxes checked? Absolutely.

Then, perhaps getting carried away in the moment, she took the opportunity to present the notion that the “model policies” were “a result of consultation and collaboration with multiple stakeholders with a variety of backgrounds and expertise.”

Howard did not say those “stakeholders” who composed the special panel convened by VDOE had a variety of perspectives, because they demonstrably did not. That panel was a philosophical one-trick pony.

This is how she characterized one of the issues that got the board sued by teachers.

Practices Regarding Chosen Names

If a student shares a chosen name or pronoun different from your documentation on day # 1:

➔ Always utilize a student’s chosen name and pronouns

➔ Respect the student’s choice and privacy

➔ Share this information confidentially with the student’s assigned school counselor — trust your team


A student’s gender transition should be considered confidential. It’s highly detrimental to out a student to another school staff, peers, or a student’s family. All communication should be in collaboration with the student. (Author’s caution: It will require great care to use a student’s transgender pronouns (rule above), affirm a student’s chosen name and gender at school (below) and avoid outing a student to another school staff or peers (this rule).)

  • ➔  The ultimate goal is to help a student safely come out to their parents with support from trusted adults
  • ➔  If you are unaware of whether the student’s parent/guardian is in support of the name or pronoun change, connect with the student’s school counselor. It is not appropriate for school staff to take the lead on sharing this information or to contact the parent/guardian to ask permission to utilize the chosen name
  • ➔  Schools are a safe place for students. A student’s chosen name and gender should be affirmed at school➔ Student support staff will continually work with the student to empower them to share with their families.(Emphasis added)

This policy was adopted even though the same presentation offered the information that:

“Voices from HCPS students” focus groups “reflected that collaboration between school and family supported improved wellbeing.”

Citations in Support of the Policy. References cited for the presentation and thus the policy included the Trevor Project, GLSEN , the LGBT Movement Advancement Project. Those are all transgender activist organizations. Similar references were relied upon by the panel that advised VDOE.

Then Howard cites the AMA, which has taken to providing amicus briefs in support of school districts who are sued for policies such as this. The AMA seems to consider all laws and policies that are less effusive than Virginia’s model policies to be “anti-transgender,” surely too broad a brush.

They deem children whose chosen pronouns are not used in schools to be threatened with psychological damage. Medical point taken.

That same organization had a medical point to make when it supported extended school closings to deal with COVID. It was proven wrong net of the costs and benefits, and I think the AMA would admit it, but it had the right to make it.

But they do not address the conflicting rights, interests and requirements faced by school boards, teachers and parents on this particular issue. It is not the AMA’s job to do so.

Bullying. Ms. Howard also cited a study that did not single out transgender kids, rather the outcomes of bullying across the globe. From an editorial,

The results of this study find that across 47 of 48 countries, children and adolescents have an average 3-fold greater risk of suicide attempt when faced with bullying. In addition, there was a dose-dependent impact of the number of days bullied to odds of suicide attempt. In recent years, rates of suicide have been steadily increasing around the globe, with suicide being the second leading cause of death among 15- to-29-year-olds in 2016.

Every adult supports stopping bullying in schools.

The agenda in play. Parents, teachers and the HCPS administration may wish to note that the school system has been significantly underperforming in student learning for years.

But this is about something much more important to the woke:

  • advancing the cause of “identifying” gender-questioning and transgender six-year-olds; and
  • “protecting” them from their parents and teachers who may object to this particular in loco parentis excursion.

They have won in Harrisonburg pending the outcome of the lawsuit.

Corrected at 7:43 on Jun 6 to reflect that it was VDOE, meaning the Superintendent of Public Instruction, not the Board of Education, who approved the unsigned model policies discussed here.

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55 responses to ““Toxic” Parents in Harrisonburg”

  1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    And why are teachers leaving? He/she/they/him/her/them ….really? Let’s not mention making sure all doors are locked to keep out nuts with assault rifles while I make sure the school’s (not the students’) SOL pass rates are high. Oh, then there is that pesky little hotline, cell phones that post images of me, and kids who are disrespectful. All for $15 an hour while I am paying my student loan back. I can’t go to a church of my choice as I might not be seen as woke.

  2. WayneS Avatar

    It will require great care to use a student’s transgender pronouns… affirm a student’s chosen name and gender at school… and avoid outing a student to another school staff or peers.

    In fact, it will be practically impossible.

    Won’t other school staff and the child’s peers suspect something is up when the boy they have always known as “Timmy” is suddenly being called “Tammy” and is being referred to as “she” instead of “he”?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Simple errors. W&M has my “student ID” aka SSN wrong in serveral places in records. Some places the last digit shows up with a 2 instead of a 7. My advisor’s advice? “Leave it alone. They’ll only make it worse if you try to fix it.”

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Simple errors. W&M has my “student ID” aka SSN wrong in serveral places in records. Some places the last digit shows up with a 2 instead of a 7. My advisor’s advice? “Leave it alone. They’ll only make it worse if you try to fix it.”

    3. Rosie Avatar

      If it’s all confidential, then the child will be called one thing in public and another with the counselor. If the child is out at school but not at home, then they are called one thing at school and another at home. In the case of the school’s wider knowledge of the student’s transgender status, the counselor would likely inform the student the risk of being outed prematurely since kids won’t be under the same obligations as staff to respect the student’s privacy.

      It all depends on the willingness of the student to be out. Will their parents potentially react violently? Then keep it strictly confidential to the counselor, and they can work through it 1-on-1 until the child’s situation changes.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Rosie, read your note and try to create from it an action matrix for every teacher and counselor in Virginia. Then estimate what could go wrong.

        All of that is designed to avoid having the discussion with the child’s parent, parents or guardian.

        Here is alternative decision matrix:

        – If the school knows the parents are abusive, the counselor is required by law to notify social services or the police. Do it.

        – If not, notify the parent or parents of the child’s issues so they can care for their children.

        Please let us know what you find wrong there.

        One last question. What is “until the child’s situation changes” supposed to mean?

        1. Rosie Avatar

          The Model states that if a child discloses their transgender/gender-questioning status to staff, the staff is to keep it private internally except “those with a legitimate educational interest or need to know” which I imagine includes counselors and higher level staff such as the principal. If a child is disclosing their status to everyone, then everyone will know. The school just keeps it as discrete as necessary. So child tells teacher, teacher tells counselor(s), counselor meets with child to discuss further steps. If the child is insistent only the teacher or staff they confided in stay silent, then the student is going to keep going by their original name and pronouns.

          Parents may not become abusive until after their child comes out. You cannot discern how the parents will react based solely on current circumstances. This is why the child’s wishes are critical to their safety. Better to play it safe and the child is overreacting than risk putting them in danger.

          As for the child’s situation changing, it’s exactly as it sounds. Maybe the child saw their parents react positively or at least less negatively to a transgender person and feels safe to come out. Maybe the student was outed by other students. Or maybe after talking things through with the counselor they realize they aren’t transgender.

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Two responses:
            1. Your response is clearly targeted at teenage students to whom you assign such perceptiveness. A child six years old is covered by the model policy. Which is one of the major objections I have to it. Does that warrant a different response?
            2. The “parents may not become abusive until child comes out” category is certainly broad enough to capture every parent in Virginia. Which is how the authors of that report meant it. Do you?

          2. Rosie Avatar

            1. If the child is not old enough to understand the importance of discretion, then the parents likely know if the child is openly asking teachers and other students to go by a different name. If the child shows fear or anxiety of the parents knowing, then you’d have do what’s best to keep a lid on things while the school works through with the child. Again, the default isn’t “don’t tell the parents” but to ask the child what they want to do. If a child is self-aware enough to behave one way at school and another at home, then the child at least has the mental maturity to understand why they don’t want mommy and/or daddy to know. Otherwise…the counselor will likely have no problem getting consent from the child to notify the parents.
            2. The student decides on whether the parents should know, not the school. The policy errs on the safety of the child. Bacon literally had a story last week crying crocodile tears over a child who experienced terrible violence after running away from school due to bullying and parental abuse. The policies are in place to protect kids, not their parents’ feelings. If parents want to know, then they need to cultivate a relationship with their child that makes the kid willing to share such sensitive personal details.

          3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Darn parents.

          4. WayneS Avatar

            Actually, teachers are instructed to: “Always utilize a student’s chosen name and pronouns”.

            It’s kind of hard to do that and keep the student’s “status” private.

          5. Rosie Avatar

            You should try reading the actual policy.
            School staff should discuss with the student about how they prefer information about their gender identity to be shared. Some students may wish the information to remain private while others may prefer that the gender identity is shared or even discussed in class. If the student is in a setting where they have been known by their assigned sex at birth, options for privacy may be limited. In some situations, the student’s move to a new school setting (e.g., starting middle school, transferring to a different school) affords the opportunity to confirm their gender identity with more privacy. Regardless of the circumstances, the school should support the student’s need for privacy and safety and not disclose a student’s gender identity to other students or other parents.

            Staff are not forced to refer to that student as their desired name/pronouns if the student desires privacy.

          6. WayneS Avatar

            I was quoting from April Howard’s presentation. If she misrepresented the policy that’s on her.

  3. WayneS Avatar

    It will require great care to use a student’s transgender pronouns… affirm a student’s chosen name and gender at school… and avoid outing a student to another school staff or peers.

    In fact, it will be practically impossible.

    Won’t other school staff and the child’s peers suspect something is up when the boy they have always known as “Timmy” is suddenly being called “Tammy” and is being referred to as “she” instead of “he”?

  4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    The HCPS document claims:

    “The ultimate goal is to help a student safely come out to their
    parents with support from trusted adults”

    Really? I thought Youngkin banned divisive concepts.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I noted the implied contrast between parents and trusted adults.

      1. John Harvie Avatar
        John Harvie


      2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        No way to stop this until 2023/24. The courts take too long.

      3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        LGBT youth have a 120% increased risk of experiencing homelessness compared to youth who identified as heterosexual and cisgender – many cite family rejection. If the parent doesn’t already know there is probably a good reason for that. Why would you force a teacher to put a child at an even higher risk of harm?

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          My answer, Eric, is that I would not “force a teacher” to do anything. For the rest, see my response to Rosie above.

  5. Nothing to see here, move along now.

    Jim, haven’t you learned from the blog’s informed commenters that all this crazy “trans” culture-war business is just scare mongering fanned by Fox News trolling for conservative eyeballs?

    1. Turbocohen Avatar

      It’s like watching a Monty Python skit. Communism, like liberalism, inevitably implodes under the weight of its own unnatural and unsustainable contradictions. I can’t help but cheer on transgenders, who are giving liberals a heaping dose of their own poison.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Actually, it’s more Freudian than that.

  6. Carter Melton Avatar
    Carter Melton

    When we arrived in Harrisonburg in 1974. the school system was the crown jewel of the community. It would be a facinating case study to analyze the reason(s) it has fallen so tragically.

  7. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Would y’all be good enough to quote some words that substantiate that the COVID closure caused or contributed to the monumental issues cited? TY

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Don’t hold yer breath.

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      That’s not the way BR “journalism” works… sorry to say….

    3. WayneS Avatar

      from National Alliance on Mental Illness – with links to several reports:


    4. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Try to focus, James.

      It was the Harrisonburg school system that noted the post-COVID shutdown challenges. Read them again in the article under Fall 2021 Student Trends..

      Unless you think the tooth fairy brought them.

  8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    So a potentially trans-student (for some reason) does not feel ready to come out to their parents. They would like to have somebody to safely discuss the issue with. Your opinion is that it can not be anyone in the school system. You would put the onus on the teacher to out this student against their will regardless of the impact to or safety of the student – public school don’t ask don’t tell… eh…? What could go wrong… sounds terrific…

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      These BR writers, especially the Capt’n, can twist themselves so much like a pretzel you could lose ’em in a glass of beer.

      In addition, as worried as they are with this, I suspect their issue is more Freudian than they’re willing to examine in themselves.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Lacking a persuasive argument on the subject, you turn to personal insults.

        Thank you for your service in trying to change the subject. It is reinforces for others the poverty of your arguments.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          It’s called homophobia for a reason. Here is a persuasive argument, if you find yourself preoccupied with the sexuality of others, perhaps you should ask yourself why.

          Fear of flying?

          1. Who’s the homophone here, NN? There is no one — literally no one — more preoccupied with sexuality than ideologues on the Left. Perhaps you should ask yourself why.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            There, their, they’re…

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      These guys are putting waaaay too much thought into this. They remind me of a good friend, retired AF colonel, who saw the movie “Brokeback Mountain” — freaked him out. Poor bastard came away with far too many questions. Finally had to tell him to talk to his doctor as a good place to start.

    3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      “Your opinion is that it should not be anyone in the school system.”

      You assign me a position I do not hold. You combine it with a reductio ad absurdum, then challenge me to defend it. But that is clearly your way of argument. Where did you go to school to learn that?

      Here is a position I do hold. Teachers should refer the child to the counselor. Which is what they did before this incredibly noxious “model policies”.

      Counselors are trained to help any child with a problem in school and reach out to professionals if the child has a problem at home. A counselor can and must by law call the police or social services if she reasonably suspects an abusive home.

      Whether she does or does not suspect that the home is abusive, she will discuss any issues such as gender confusion with the child and try to help before calling anyone. And she will notify the principal of her actions if she makes an outside referral.

      School psychologists, the newest “must have” of the left, are not trained or licensed for clinical work. Upsetting perhaps, but true. Virginia’s Board of Psychology should enforce that license restriction if a psychologist herself fails to do so.

      The counselor will contact the parents at her discretion to care for their child in this and any other matter.

      “Model policies” kicks all of that to the curb and puts teachers at risk of termination by requiring teachers to make assessments and offer solutions such as addressing children by their “preferred pronouns” without dealing with the parents.

      The teacher should protect that child from bullying and send her to see the guidance counselor. She has the training and tools at her disposal to take the next steps.

      That works for me, but not for Northam’s Virginia Department of Education.

      FYI, my wife, now retired, was a 26-year guidance counselor in Virginia Beach Schools.

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    One entrance and exit with an armed guard who hands every child a loaded AR-15. “Nothing stops a bad kid with a gun like 29 good kids with a gun.”

    Kinda hafta wonder if Mitch hearing that his name was on the kill list of a successful terrorist might’ve changed his tune.

  10. Turbocohen Avatar

    So, a teen age boy with a mustache crushes female competitors in track and field to the great dismay of the girls who have spent many intense days training so hard. If your daughter runs track, she better be able to run faster than the boy with a mustache who identifies as a girl?

    Seems fair in the Democrats brave new world of “fundamental transformation” and all’s fair in the bizarre universe of modern-day liberalism. Too bad, ladies, you’ve come a long way, baby, but liberalism’s new world is erecting some brand spanking new obstacles to your progress.

    So, liberals, if your daughters lose their track meets, or whatever other sporting events to inherently stronger biological boys declaring themselves girls, and perhaps lose scholarships in the process, then suck it up buttercup and take one for the liberal team, you’ve created this monster and now you can live by your own rules.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      I guess in the case of, oh say, 4th grade kickball where facial hair is less prevalent, you’re in favor of genitalia exams at recess? Don’t be shy, Ohio just passed a bill requiring such for children suspected of cross dressing. See HB 151. If a child is “accused” (their word, not mine) of being a transgender participating in girls sports an exam will be ordered. What could go wrong?

    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      The NCAA requires transgender student to undergo testosterone treatments for a year before participating in a championship event. They also have to undergo periodic testing to ensure their testosterone level does not exceed the maximum set for each sport. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/06/opinion/guns-2024-nba-finals.html

      The organizations that govern high school sports will need to consider adopting similar rules.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        Unless they blocked puberty an individual born a male that transitions into a female will always have a greater athletic potential than a female born a female.

        It’s the nature of biology and how puberty shapes the musculoskeletal system.

      2. killerhertz Avatar

        1. testosterone level testing is a joke because generally the levels used are way too high
        2. it takes years of treatment to diminish all of the muscle mass
        3. post pubescence boys, now trans women already have all of skeletal growth and bone density

  11. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    Time to pull your kids out of public schools if you don’t want them turning into socialist automation’s.

  12. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Sorry, went to Top Gun yesterday and have been awash with male hormones and lost dreams for the last few hours (grew up wanting to be a fighter jock). What am I missing here? No gay love scene. No Navy pilot with pink hair. Can’t imagine why it’s climbing to $1B gross…Elections are coming. Elections have consequences.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      And apparently violated copyright… oooh, this is gonna be fun.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        I don’t see how the second movie could if the first movie didn’t….are they claiming it on the first movie? Nah, this is just a greedy lawyer and client.

        The arrogant, hot shot fighter jock is a meme, a myth, an icon, not a fictional character that can be copywritten. I’ve seen them on the flight line and in the O club at Edwards, where they were neighbors, and on the flight deck of the Ike. You can’t copywrite that swagger. 🙂

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          There’s an old joke about fighter jocks. A woman calls the cops saying, “There’s a naked Navy pilot in my backyard.”

          The cop askes, “If he’s naked, how do you know he’s a Navy pilot?”

          “He’s got a oversized watch, undersized *****, and he wants to borrow money.”

          FLY NAVY
          SupSalv Needs Work

    2. Rosie Avatar

      You all act like the theaters are drowning in rainbows when Disney’s two mega franchises that have dominated box offices for the past decade have yet to have any gay characters as leads.

      I know it’s because of a pining for those days when you didn’t have to acknowledge those icky gays, but try not to flip out when Marvel eventually has a film with a single gay lead out of their scores of straight superheroes.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I have my doubts about Buzz.

        1. Rosie Avatar

          Does that mean Bo Peep is Woody’s beard?

  13. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Sorry, went to Top Gun yesterday and have been awash with male hormones and lost dreams for the last few hours (grew up wanting to be a fighter jock). What am I missing here? No gay love scene. No Navy pilot with pink hair. Can’t imagine why it’s climbing to $1B gross…Elections are coming. Elections have consequences.

  14. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Sorry, went to Top Gun yesterday and have been awash with male hormones and lost dreams for the last few hours (grew up wanting to be a fighter jock). What am I missing here? No gay love scene. No Navy pilot with pink hair. Can’t imagine why it’s climbing to $1B gross…Elections are coming. Elections have consequences.

  15. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    Unfortunately a bunch of children’s educations will be sacrificed while we wait for this to reach critical mass with the general public.

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