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Torches Held High and Pitchforks Stabbing the Sky

It’s summer, the air is sweltering and tempers are flaring. A most propitious moment for the latest edition of Bacon’s Rebellion… the July 21, 2008, edition. (Never miss an issue, have the e-zine mailed directly to your in-box. Sign up for a free subscription.)

Here are this week’s manifestos:

No Salvaging the Mill Towns
Ten years and $400 million has failed to transform the economies of Southside and Southwest Virginia. Until leaders confront dispersed human settlement patterns, they will never address root causes.
by James A. Bacon

Thank You, Joe
Former state Senator Joe Gartlan left his fingerprints all over the Code of Virginia and boosted the future of the Commonwealth.
by Doug Koelemay

Rocky Mountain Low
A WaPo story highlights the threat of converting Montana wilderness into masses of McLodges. But there’s more to the story: Developers are destroying the land they exploit and, with rising energy prices, are creating the ghost (non) towns of tomorrow.
by EM Risse

Democrats for (School) Choice
Putting the interest of the nation’s children ahead of those of the teachers unions, an increasing number of Dems are supporting school choice.
by Chris Braunlich

Summer Sweats
Tim Kaine looks like a long shot to get the VP nod from Barack Obama. But it’s fun thinking about the what-ifs back in the Old Dominion if the governor were drafted into national politics.
by Norman Leahy

My Lunch with Big Oil
Mr. Big Oil spilled the beans: Offshore oil drilling means bupkis for Virginia. He ginned up the flap here in the Old Dominion to win support for opening up California, Alaska and the Gulf where the big barrels are.
by Peter Galuszka

How Tim Kaine Lost his Mojo
Tim Kaine campaigned as a liberal who would oppose tax increases. He has governed as a moderate who has advocated tax increases. Many Virginians feel betrayed.
by Frank Kilgore

Nice & Curious Questions
The Developer’s Daughter: Road Names in Virginia
by Edwin S. Clay III and Patricia Bangs

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