To Retard in Fairfax County

by James C. Sherlock

Asra Nomani, the ex-Wall Street Journal reporter now a mom in Fairfax County, has been a keen observer of the Fairfax County School Board, much to the dismay of its members.

She reported yesterday that

Not long after the Fairfax County school board passed a resolution for “inclusive” learning at its regular meeting yesterday, the board struggled with a parliamentary question and a member of the school board had a “hot mic” moment, caught on videotape saying, “We cannot be this retarded.”
Parents gasped, appalled as they watched the proceedings at home and in their seats at Luther Jackson Middle School.

Karen Keys-Gamarra admits she was the one who said: “We cannot be this retarded.” She said she apologizes and seeks the “forgiveness” of the community.

Ms. Nomani was calling attention to (OK, poking fun at) the Fairfax County School Board, which richly deserves it.

But this clearly requires follow-up reporting.

Ms. Keys-Gamarra should not have apologized.  She should have contacted me.  I would have reminded her of the context and syntax of her remark.

Parents “gasped, appalled” by Ms. Keys-Gamarra remark made after a holdup in the proceedings. They misunderstood what she was saying.

“Retarded” was used as a verb.

Even with the distraction of the split infinitive by the placing of the word “this.” the construction of the verb “to retard” was appropriate here.

From Websters:

re· tard | \ ri-ˈtärd \
retarded; retarding; retards
Definition of retard

transitive verb
: to delay or impede the development or progress of : to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or accomplishment
chemicals to retard the spread of fire

intransitive verb
: to become delayed : to undergo retardation

Ms. Keys-Gamarra was complaining accurately and appropriately about the delay in the proceedings.

The root of the word comes from the Latin tardus (m), tarda (f), and tardum (n). comparative: tardior, superlative: tardissimus. The English usage of the noun generally has meant late – tardy.

As in chronic absentees in Fairfax County schools are “tardissimus.”

So Ms. Keys-Gamarra “falso accusatus est.”

In an attempt to escape the guillotine, she confessed anyway. I suggest she did not recall the context of her remark. And failed to remember that Jacobins never forgive.

Too late.

Commonwealth’s Attorney Descano won’t nolle prosequi this one.

She should have called me.

Update Oct 22 at 14:30

I was trying to lighten up a Saturday morning, have a little fun and progressives took me seriously. I guess I should not be surprised, but I am.

I note the utter lack of a sense of humor in those who attack this tongue-in-cheek article as if it was a presidential policy paper. Personal attacks of course followed. Or rather led.

My advice: get a life. And get a sense of humor. Not everything is Armageddon.

They make the point about the blind dogmatism of progressives, their hyper-sensitivity and invented micro-aggressions, better than anyone else ever could.

They unconsciously, yet inevitably, expose themselves for what they are.

They are the joke here.

Even in Latin.

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30 responses to “To Retard in Fairfax County”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    So that’s what the “Ret.” after CAPT USN stands for.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      The good news is the selection board figured it out before letting him make flag. The bad news is that it took the Navy that long.

    2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      I like the word retarded. I had a booger of a time tuning my rebuilt VW bug motor. After hours of fiddling with the carb it dawned on me. Retard the time a little. I thought to myself, it can’t be that simple. I can’t be that retarded. And sure enough both were true.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        Timing is everything, especially with gas engines. In my vainer moments I prefer to think of myself as less advanced rather than retarded. I also try to avoid advances in a vacuum.

        One afternoon years ago the engine kept running worse the more I fiddled with it. After I finally figured it out I taped a note to myself on the firewall behind the distributor. It read “Attention stupid, the distributor rotates counter clockwise”. My attempts to retard the timing had just kept advancing it.

        Figuring out that the timing needs to be adjusted can sometimes solve only part of the problem. The other part can be figuring out which way to turn the distributor.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Be grateful that VW resisted the twin SU craze.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          Oh my, Sherlock’s update is very testy for an old (Ret) guy who doth protests too much that he has a sense of humor and we don’t. He he.

        2. Lefty665 Avatar

          Some of us preferred Carter AFBs, Holly 750cfm Center Pivots and Quadra Jets with huge secondaries. Those were carbs:)

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Yeah man. For today’s kids it’s pasta.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            Can you tune a pasta carb?

            You’re right, SUs were finicky b*st*rds. Sporty cars were improved when they got transplanted V8s. There was one guy in town with a bugeye sprite with the little 215cuin Buick/Olds V8 and another with a 327 powered Healey. That was a monster. Sunbeam Tigers and Cobras were more refined than home brews.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Sunbeam Tigers did everything but turn.

          4. Lefty665 Avatar

            Yeah, but they plowed well and were cute if under powered with 260s instead of 289 hi pros.

  2. Cassie Gentry Avatar
    Cassie Gentry

    “I said what I meant and I meant what I said” should have been her rejoinder. Do people not understand that apologizing simply acknowledges the validity of the other side’s accusation and opens the door for enhanced punishment? “Never explain, never apologize” was good advice in the 19th. century and better still now.

    1. “Don’t ever apologize” said Roy Cohn, to the client who plainly took his advice to heart.

  3. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Former Federal judge Frank Easterbrook admonished Antonin Scalia in the forward to one of Scalia’s books about reliance upon dictionaries which Easterbrook described as museums. Meanings, he noted, tend to get lost as time passes from that of the interpretive community at the time the definition was written. Retarded has a contemporary pejorative meaning not evident in the parsing in this article.

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      The use of retarded to refer to people with intellectual disabilities is a longstanding slur. It replaced moron in the vernacular but is less used these days. However, it would be appropriate commentary on Sherlock’s brain dead post.

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Yes, she should have turned to Conservatives for gaslighting techniques for never acknowledging their human imperfections – they have perfected that tactic at least.

  5. Lefty665 Avatar

    What silly BS. It was clear what she meant, and that had nothing to do with the nonsense Sherlock is peddling. It was an expression of the old slang he has been associated with SNAFU and FUBAR.

    While a moderately offensive slur to people with intellectual disabilities it appears it was an accurate evaluation of the performance of the school board and encouragement for them to do better.

  6. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    I was trying to lighten up a Saturday morning, and progressives took me seriously. I guess I should not be surprised, but I am.

    I note the utter lack of a sense of humor in those who attack this tongue-in-cheek article as if it was a presidential policy paper. Personal attacks of course followed. Or rather led.

    My advice: Get a life. And get a sense of humor. Not everything is Armageddon.

    See Nancy. Read Counselor McCarthy’s riveting comment about judicial philosophy and contemporary pejoratives. Then see Lefty665’s derivative outrage to both. Then Eric. He is always Eric.

    They make the point about the blind dogmatism of progressives, their hyper-sensitivity and invented micro-aggressions, better than anyone else ever could.

    They unconsciously, yet inevitably, expose themselves for what they are.

    They are the joke here. Even in Latin.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Read “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      trolling again? 😉

    3. Lefty665 Avatar

      “Then see Lefty665’s derivative outrage”

      Derisive of your foolishness I’ll cop to. But outrage, nah, you aggrandize yourself to fantasize that you rate outrage. What you have earned are guffaws at your feeble attempt, not at humor, but to redefine what happened.

      To defensively and retroactively try to recast your foolishness as humor transcends funny to simply sad. Dogs are dogs, and that one won’t hunt.

      Have a nice day Admiral (Ret).

    4. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      The true humor is the characterization of Nomani as an ex-WSJ reporter. That career as I recall May have lasted a few days. You ought to consider why many find your perorations lacking humor. Woke conservatives like you are not funny. Even some non-progressives concur in that judgment. Fidum clam scit = he knows the faith secretly. Casually vocalized as “feed ‘em clam s**t.”

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        voted for Trump and now works for the Federalist now – that promotes conspiracy theories about voter fraud.

  7. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Retard. Retard. Retard.
    Everybody OK?
    Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.
    Still breathing?
    Dimwit. Dimwit. Dimwit.
    Now take a deep breath.
    We’ll have another de-sensitizing class tomorrow so your world won’t end.
    Seriously, you people who so over-react are retarded in your adult development. Now get a life that is not built on faux outrage. And virtue signaling (without the virtue part)

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      You missed moron.

      It’s just a matter of time until the currently correct “intellectual disability” that replaced mental retardation (which replaced moronic and idiotic before that) takes on a pejorative taint and we have to move on to a new “correct” description.

      It happens all the time, language is a living thing, it morphs constantly. Think how our language has evolved from mortician to undertaker to funeral director or terms for people of color or of no color.

  8. That a term can be used as a pejorative should not exclude its use when appropriate, as in this case.

  9. Philip Shucet Avatar
    Philip Shucet

    You should not presume that all conservatives find this particular post enlightening.

  10. August Spier Avatar
    August Spier

    It has been very many long years since I worked with Latin, so I comment under correction. But referring to the line, ‘So Ms. Keys-Gamarra “falso accusatus est.”’ I would have offered “falso accusata est”.
    Of course I am entirely unacquainted with Ms. Keys-Gamarra. It may be presumptive of me to choose the feminine gender for the adjective.

  11. As soon as I saw “Retarded” was used as a verb I knew you were joking.

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