Gov. Bob McDonnell joined six other governors earlier this week in asking President Obama to waive the ethanol quotes mandated by the federal Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS). His letter to the Environmental Protection Agency earlier in the month follows a similar plea from Virginia senators Mark Warner and Jim Webb earlier this month.

The RFS dictates that all U.S. transportation fuel must contain ethanol, effectively diverting more than 40 percent of U.S.-grown corn to fuel. Drought has devastated U.S corn production and, aggravated by the ethanol mandate, has driven up corn prices. As a basic feedstock for animals, higher corn prices will translate into higher prices for livestock and poultry. The Virginia Poultry Federation lost no time in praising the governor for his letter.

The Renewable Fuels Standard is one of the worst pieces of legislation ever enacted. Talk about a technology that could not survive without government life support! This boondoggle makes the Solyndra fiasco look penny-ante by comparison.

McDonnell, Webb and Warner should follow up their calls for a waiver by working to eliminate the mandate permanently.

Ethanol is a blight and a bane to our economy. First, the diversion of corn from food feedstock to gasoline drives up the cost of food. Second, now that Congress has eliminated a 45 cent-per-gallon production subsidy, the mandate has pushed up the cost of gasoline as well. Third, the putative environmental benefits (reduced greenhouse gases) disappear when the full life-cycle costs of ethanol production are taken into account. And fourth, ethanol displaces only five to six percent of imported petroleum at a time when, thanks to the fracking revolution, production of domestic oil and gas are booming.

There’s another, less commonly cited reason to hate ethanol. Ethanol damages small internal combustion engines and, if you don’t run an engine regularly, ethanol prevents it from starting. I found that out the hard way when I had to take my lawn mower into the repair shop last year. (See what small-engine mechanic Kenneth Francis of Spotsylvania says about it on YouTube. Yuck!) Anyone who owns a lawn mower, generator or a motor boat has ample reason to hate the wretched, stinking fuel that serves no good but to enrich corporate rent seekers.

In addition to seeking the waiver, McDonnell ought to yank Virginia out of Governor’s Ethanol Coalition and work to scrap any and all state programs that favor the fuel by means of subsidies or tax breaks, such as the Biofuels Production Grant.

A rational energy policy would let all energy sources compete on a level playing field. We should eliminate all federal and state subsidies, tax breaks, loan guarantees and mandates for everything from fossil fuels to biofuels, from nuclear to solar and wind. Impose a carbon tax on fossil fuels to offset the costs arising from pollution. Then let the best energy source win!


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  1. re: ” This boondoggle makes the Solyndra fiasco look penny-ante by comparison.”

    excellent ! and it’s the TRUTH! Probably is the folks who hammer Obama over Solyndra have been AWOL on the ethanol issue until now.

    Why? Who in the Va delegation voted for ethanol subsidies and who in the Va delegation has stepped up and supported legislation to kill it?

    re: ethanol-free fuel – is available for small engines if you look around.

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    Chilling out in Destin, FL this weekend. Romney bumper stickers outnumber Obama by about 10:1. Interesting place.

    Will Jim Bacon also endorse a serious pollution tax on his beloved poultry producers and livestock ranchers for the endless water pollution they create? Or, is their rent seeking at the expense of the Chesapeake Bay economy acceptable?

    Lots of subsidies flowing in the United States these days. I’ve heard Paul Ryan talk about closing corporate tax loopholes (which represent a huge subsidy). Does Team Obama have any similar ideas. Or, is “competitiveness czar” Jeffrey Immelt and his tax free GE billions in profit acceptable to Obama and his fellow crony capitalists?

  3. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Got to say the Big Bacon has a point with ethanol. Food should feed the hungry., And, when I had a boat, the damned stuff eats your plastic gas tank.

  4. re: ” Will Jim Bacon also endorse a serious pollution tax on his beloved poultry producers and livestock ranchers for the endless water pollution they create? Or, is their rent seeking at the expense of the Chesapeake Bay economy acceptable?”

    such a tax would be immediately attacked from the right as yet more “job killing” regulation. Forget Bacon, is DJ is favor of more “job killing regulation”?

    “Lots of subsidies flowing in the United States these days. I’ve heard Paul Ryan talk about closing corporate tax loopholes (which represent a huge subsidy). Does Team Obama have any similar ideas. Or, is “competitiveness czar” Jeffrey Immelt and his tax free GE billions in profit acceptable to Obama and his fellow crony capitalists?”

    Forget Obama. Pay attention to what Mr. Ryan is saying. Ask him for specifics and see what you get.

    How can you tell when Paul Ryan is lying? yup…you already know the answer. But listen, if you are bound and determined to vote for him, at least be honest with yourself bout what he is actually going to do .

    Do you REALLY THINK that Ryan is going to seriously pursue a tax increase on anyone? Do you think after all his anti-tax rhetoric that he could get away with proposing job killing tax increase on those precious job creators?

    think people. THINK. Vote your conscience by all means but don’t vote for something that simply is not true.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      “Forget Obama.”.

      I would dearly love to forget the Dear Leader. However, every day I wake up and have to conduct business in the floundering economy he is running. How is that 6% unemployment estimate looking now that we’ve done all those stimuli?

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      “Forget Bacon, is DJ is favor of more “job killing regulation”?”.

      As I’ve repeatedly tried to explain to you – I have no problem with new taxes if they are dedicated to future growth – roads, education, etc. I object to new taxes to affect wealth transfer – especially to the despicable Baby Boomer generation that has already looted the country for its own benefit.

      I have no problem with regulation that creates positive change for the environment or that protects future economic growth. Clean up the Chesapeake Bay – fine. Make the banks that were “too big to fail” smaller – great (although Obama has done nothing to accomplish this). Accelerated depreciation for oil companies – not fine. Tax deductions for orbiting funeral urns – not fine. Set asides for companies founded by wealthy Indians who immigrated to the United States – not fine.

      Really, LarryG – if you would put aside Obama’s class warfare for a minute you would have to be so binary on these things.

    3. DJRippert Avatar

      And, since people have to eat – I suspect that tax that compensates for the pollution of poultry producers would raise the price of poultry and push people to substitute foods. The people producing these substitute foods (soybeans?) would hire more workers. I am not sure it would be a “job killer”.

  5. Thank you Jim. I agree wholeheartedly. I’ll email this article to Sen. Chuck Grassley and Grover Norquist.

    Ethanol – it’s a sad joke in the name of energy self-sufficiency. It’s a sop to factory farming and a bribe to the midwest. It’s so the corn farmers can claim that they aren’t on government support, and so that politicians can soak the federal taxpayer for their supporters. It’s a direct result of our political system, that gives small rural states political power greatly in excess of their population or economic contribution. It’s illogical and harmful except through a political lens. The people who support and who keep it going should be ashamed.

  6. but subsidies are fine for Grover as long as you don’t increase taxes…so you de-fund something else to get the subsidies for ethanol.

    How can a squad of GOP sign anti-tax pledges to Grover then approve enough additional spending to create a trillion dollar deficit?

    Does Grover give demerits for deficit-spending ?

  7. DJ – you have no problem with taxes and regulation but you support a guy who is rabidly opposed to any form of both.

    How can that be?

    Of course now that he supported a trillion dollars a year more in debt than we take in in revenues, he’s become an anti-tax guy…

    very convenient…. but very hypocritical.

    the man runs marathons how fast?

    I’d say about as fast as he is shoveling out his lies…

    DJ – you might be a good guy but you are a terrible picker of leaders.


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