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This Rebellion Raps, uh huh, uh huh… This Rebellion raps…

The Feb.5, 2007, edition of Bacon’s Rebellion is now online. Don’t miss a single issue — sign up here to get the e-zine delivered to your in-box for free.

Features include:

Power Politics

Dominion touts electric re-regulation as a way to ensure energy independence for Virginia. But its vision requires building more power plants, not conservation, energy efficiency or renewable fuels.

by James A. Bacon

Listening to Generation Next

Students’ online dialogue in Northern Virginia mirrors official discussions on state priorities.

by Doug Koelemay

Solving the Commuter Problem

There are no magic technological fixes for rush-hour traffic congestion. The only real solution is building balanced communities that support fewer, shorter automobile trips.

by EM Risse

Down the Wrong Road

The GOP transportation plan would employ “subject-to-appropriation” bonds similar to the “pledge” bonds that voters rejected in 1990. Very bad idea.

by Patrick McSweeney

How the GOP Lost its Majority

Republicans became the majority party in Virginia by hewing to their small-government principles. They will revert to the minority by abandoning those same principles.

by James Atticus Bowden

His Way or No Highway

By killing the GOP compromise plan, tyrannical “King John” Chichester has shut down Virginia’s best chance to address the transportation crisis — all for what? Not increasing taxes enough?

by Geoff Segal

Plenty of Work Left to Do

Only three weeks left in the 2007 General Assembly session and there’s so much left to be done.

by Mike Thompson

The Politics of Self Destruction

The transportation impasse in the General Assembly is not about what’s best for Virginia. It’s a raw struggle for power.

by Phil Rodokanakis

Free the Roads!

Want to solve the transportation “crisis”? Get VDOT and state government out of the equation: Devolve, privatize and outsource.

by Mike Smith

Virginia Royalty

Kings and Queens in Virginia

by Edwin S. Clay III and Patricia Bangs

Q&A: Building 14
The crucible of innovation in corporate real estate is a non-descript office building in San Jose, Calif. Inside, Mark Golan is redefining the relationship between worker and work space.

by James A. Bacon

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