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The United States Supreme Court by a vote of 6 to 3 has overturned the decision of the Norwegian Nobel Committee and awarded the 2007 Peace Prize to George W. Bush and the US of A Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Courts decision turned on the fact that Bush’s calling and performing at the September climate change “Summit” together with EPA granting exceptions and waivers for coal fired Big Grid power plants has done more to energize citizens concerning Global Climate Change than any slideshow, book or world-wide research report could accomplish.

On a related note: the Nobel Committees’ attempt to further raise the profile of Al Gore after he had already won an Academy Award and an Emmy demonstrates how the massive hurdle to overcome Business-As-Usual’s media campaign to obfuscate the real causes for concern about the trajectory of contemporary civilization. The success of the MainStream Media efforts sponsored by supporters of Mass OverConsumption is documented by the September 2007 WaPo-ABC News poll that found less than one percent of US of A voters thought Global Climate Change was an important issue for the 2008 presidential election.

In our column tomorrow at Bacon’s Rebellion (“Tulips and the Maritime Highway”), we list 18 (there are more) reasons why Fundamental Change in human settlement pattern, Fundamental Change in governance structure and the overarching need for Intelligent Management of Civilization are imperative. Global Climate Change is only one of the 18 key issues. As Jim Bacon likes to point out, there are far better reasons to be concerned about the reported causes and effects of Global Climate Change than the oft oversold direct impacts.


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